in the second term. we saw the obamaville commercial that the santorum campaign put out and we'll see a lot of that in this campaign and i've got to tell you, the american people will have none of it and this president will be reelected in a walk, barring some major economy or foreign policy. >> jamie: doug, last answer, thank you. >> i don't think any american who thinks that 14 trillion dollars in debt is centrist, obama, run away spending, run away debt and why voters in 2008 said we want to put a stop on it and a speaker boehner and a majority lead are cantor, not a speaker pelosi. kelly. >> kelly: and community rallies for trayvon martin, the unarmed teenager killed by a watch volunteer. we're on the ground in florida. >> jamie: newly revealed documents have shed light on the disappearance after utah mother now. we're going to tell you what they say about the case.