to stop this business of it changing every couple of years. let's nail it down, let's let people know what is going to happen, let's give them some certainty, and let's do the president's -- join him in putting the focus on jobs, jobs, jobs and getting the economy growing again. we would all love to see a 3% growth rate -- elizabeth: yeah, we would. >> -- for our economy. elizabeth: congressman, thank you so much for joining us. >> good to be with you, thank you. leland: as we just heard from the congresswoman, there is a wide divide on tax reform and on the president's policies. coming up, senator hoeven of north dakota who recently traveled with president trump on his latest trip to sell his tax reform policies. we're trying to get senator hoeven's technical situation worked out from north dakota. sometimes it takes a few minutes. we're going to have him a little bit later in the show. and we're going to keep the debate going on tax reform