fabric of this country. it's going to take a lot more and a lot longer than one election to become post racial. >> i was taken by the fact that the first lady, too. she wasn't elected but she's first lady and comes from an african-american background, unlike him. &háhp &hc% thing. your thoughts about that question. why is the black and white verdict different? >> i think for black folks, not have race relations gotten better, it's has race representation gotten better? for them, it is that image of an african-american in the oval office. >> rather than a protestor? >> this isn't about us feeling better about each other. i don't think black people are confused that now white folks like them more because obomb ma is in the white house. >> wasn't it a key matter among african-american voters who were for hillary clinton in the primaries. historically, there was a big shift after white folks in iowa voted for barack obama.