the lead sponsor on the post office bill over in the house, he called the senate bill wholly unacceptable and it's going to be dead on arrival in the house pip mean, this is going to launch right into a huge election year issue, because the house isn't going to do anything about it, if they follow his line of thinking. your thoughts at this point? >> i'm not sure that issa is quite right. what we did in this bill, we came from a position where the postmaster general wanted to shut down 3,700 rural post offices, shut down half of the mail processing plants in this country. what we said is, sorry, you can't do that. we protected rural post offices. we protected many, not all, of the mail processing plants. i think what mr. issa is going to find is that he has a lot of rural republicans who are legitimately concerned about preserving their post offices and their rural communities and i'm not so sure that they agree with him. >> this is a winning issue for the democrats. again, i go back to the theme of this show. you stand with workers, you