how long will it last? the market rundown, cnbc's becky quick. somebody joked to me that usually when there's a third of anything in the movies it's never that grade. godfather 3 wasn't that grade. jaws 3 wasn't that great. >> jaws 3 stunk. >> i would argue rocky 3 was great. what about qe3? >> a whole lot of skeptics. how much can it do? i ran some numbers. the fed's balance sheet since that operation began increased by $2 trillion. it's hard to get your head around by $2 electrical. i divided it by the number of americans in the united states. it's about $7,000 for every man, woman, and child in the united states. there are people starting to wonder if it would have just have been effective to write a check to people, let them have $7,000 apiece and reinvest that in the economy by spending. having said that the markets