in; termste jonst nn oonedafye e. ard mec they're in of big has been reported areemotional going to be a huge nigz the sete for thedemocrats.# council at this very moment. those e csely president. i feel greatha house which will leave john the one i've talked to for two boehner as speaker.ial race we races. i felt the king at d who always e-mailsmbre waiting ono call, ohio, numbers in florida north h aseats cycleh thighcandida. carona turnout in a place in vi got to florida, corcarolina and virgin. the map, lookie&ng at all the we are numbers, looking at the reporo" momentarily from elizabeth line, stay in line. probably having an interesting ifou're in line, you can vote. and tough co rightv+ ay rn ving a lead. ifk if your friends are in lin call them and tell them to stay warren. >>here's a a victory speech untr in li dinner and water and now. so that's whye's been to call:çg the stay in lin sures election. silence om them. opponentccepts defeat. >> let go asse we >> seen a number of senate projected wiver. it's important t when wewed c. >> telrage has>> we are anticipo races tonight go the democrat's keeping an can to chrise jansing. intolerant. theyd $ ear$all that are there was essentially a lockout anment beenade tonight from missootersf we are given the look at the josh m g as a of thehi campaigner. are you sexrap from shot r>> i think it's powerful e in reporter: well, we spoke just i think pple watch television, brown's for tune in ohio are