no clue how to do that. their only contact with al qaeda is with the government informant pretending to be associated with the group. they claim entrapment. it's a defense that has never worked in a terror-related case since 9/11. later that same year, federal officers again pose as members of a terrorist sleeper cell. they provide this 19-year-old hosam smadi of dallas, texas, with what he thinks are chemicals to build a bomb. smadi attempts to detonate the fake bomb in the basement of a dallas skyscraper. in 2010, smadi pleads guilty to attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction. he is sentenced to 24 years in prison. as hyper-funded counterterrorism law enforcement reaches as far as possible and then some to find and disrupt and in some cases conjure terrorist plots, the newly created department of homeland security, a department consolidating 22 previous agencies representing the largest increase in the size of the federal government since world war ii, is a product of the 9/11 commission's findings. and as the federal government