the eclipse already started. >> reporter: yes, it did. it's about to start in the western part of the country. give me five, you guys. you were amazing. thank you so much for being with us. and craig, so many families like them, they're going to experience this together in this stadium behind me. 15,000 people have poured into carbondale, illinois, and the local businesses here are ex attic. it is estimated the private sector in carbondale will gain almost $20 million just by the influx of tourists and people all around the world who have come here to witness this astronomical event together. >> all right. we'll come back to you in a moment, as well. my friend and colleague, jeff rossen, is standing by, not far from where we sit here. he's in new york city, on the upper west side. new york city, by the way, expected to get an eclipse of about 70%. but here's the thing, jeff. that doesn't mean that folks should take viewing any less seriously, right? >> reporter: yeah, you can never look at the sun. whether it's 1% or 70% eclipsed.