Traveled our country, meeting with our young leaders, by the way i love gen z. I just love gen z. Laura: turns out gen z may not love her back. We will dig into the latest pollings. Plus, her phony appeal to populism and not fooling anyone. She is trying to say elect me president and i will somehow do all the things that i haven't done for the last three and a half years. And we'll take you inside camp kamala the debate prep. Madam vice president. How is debate prep going? laura: compelling. But, first, her anti freedom agenda. That's the focus of tonight's angle. laura: all right. My friends, tonight trump has got the momentum, more hispanic voters, more black men, more asian americans and independents are now willing to hear republicans out on the big issues. Where, before they weren't. Now, remember, most are poorer after going on four years of biden and harris and now, many are left wondering why am i a democrat again? the democratic party has been hijacked by radical extremists under the guise of being, quote progressive. The party has really given in to these extremists who no longer care about the safety, wellbeing of children and women. Literally pushing for sex changes for underaged children. Laura: at a time like this, the democrats needed a candidate who could actually defend what her own party is doing. And defend her own record and ideas. But with kamala harris, all they can do is play this tedious game of hide the ball. And today the harris campaign wouldn't answer a simple question about her supposed ev mandate walk back, dodging the matter, according to axios. Again, she is not discussing policy because she is a nightmare off the cuff. It's not some game of 3d chess here. And also because her policies aren't popular, her campaign decided to have her simply pretend that she has had a change of heart. Well, harris' campaign has said she know no longer supports many of her past progressive positions and has embraced more centrist distances on healthcare, immigration, gun control, and fracking axios reports. Well centrist, well, knowing what we know about her, that's not at all credentialed. Because, if you are in favor of using the power of the state to surveil and prosecute your political opponents, and if you can justify censoring those political opponents whether through government pressure on social media companies, or through straight on intimidation, then, i hate to tell it to you. I hate to break it to you. You are a wildeyed extremist. Committed even inarticulate radical leftist. And that's what kamala is. She hasn't even tried by the way to walk back her support back in 2019 for banning trump from twitter. And, remember, he was a sitting u. S. President. Here we have donald trump who has 65 million twitter followers. He and his account should be taken down. This is a matter of corporate responsibility. Twitter should be held accountable and shut down that site. It is a matter of safety and corporate accountability. Laura: while running in the democrat primary, she was fine with bullying social media companies that she saw as a threat to the democrats' chances of winning in 2020. So what was the clear message? don't even try to hide behind the right to free speech. Because if you do social media companies, the government hammer is going to come down. There has to be a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power they are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation. And that has to stop. Laura: now, if she could, she would obviously be comfortable with something closer to the new brazil model of dealing with free speech, which is basically just shut it down. A corrupt brazilian supreme court agreed to block elon musk x there nationwide. So the president left wing thug, desperate to protect his own power by any means necessary which would, yes, can include arresting mr. Musk himself or one of his in country representatives. If x continued to try to operate without requested censorship by the government that it demanded. Now, the president vowed that brazil was not obliged to put up with musk's extreme right wing ideology, the president of brazil. Sometimes it's hard to tell. But, naturally, american liberals who hate musk and hate what he stands for, which is free speech, they're defending brazil's actions. If you want to operate in brazil, you operate by their rules. These are their rules. It's their country and they are very worried about misinformation there and a lot of tech companies are finally being held accountable for certain behaviors and practices. Laura: funny how behaviors and practices that are most offensive to them always seem to come from the other side of the political aisle. Hmm. Isn't it reasonable to assume that if governments continue to fail their own people and they are failing their own people worldwide, they fail to adhere to their wishes. And to grow the standard of living of their own citizens and when those people grow restless, that those same governments, rather than responding to the will of the voters, that they will simply respond with censorship? if brazil can succeed in banning twitter, from the entire country, it will be replicated. This is the ultimate destination for this movement where they can't convince people to give up their own freedoms to embrace censorship, they are going to starlight to take sites offline. To prevent people from hearing opposing views. Laura: keep an eye on europe as newsweek noted today, its own regulatory landscape for social media platforms is becoming more stringent. Translation? it's becoming more hostile to free speech. Their digital services act. The dsa could be used to impose massive fines and even shut down musk's x. Of course, authorities would cite concerns about online safety and content moderation for justifying their censorship. The truth is america increasingly stands alone in support of free speech. Yet democrats see free speech as an impediment rather than a godgiven right. An iment pedestrianment to their agenda. To their grip on power. Now, remember, the angle washed you that when the federal bureaucracy cracked down against independentminded doctors, like our own row mean during covid they were seen as a threat to industrial complex and ruled and ruled over by his lowness, tony fauci. It can be dangerous to the health of the nation when disinformation dissuades people from making use of what could be lifesaving interventions like vaccinations, wearing a mask. And abiding by good public health practices. Laura: should be in jail. Now, this was a harbinger of the antifree speech forces at work in american politics. Of course, clever democrat strategist that know that attacks on our free speech, they are not very popular. They always deflect by dubbing kamala harris' plans as, well, that's the real freedom agenda. But, now we see that their view of freedom only extends to a limited number of activities like you have the freedom to abort your own off spring. You have the freedom to consume as much porn and do as many drugs as you want. And maybe gamble your life savings away. They do not believe in the freedom of voters that they have questions that they want answered. Voters who want to know what policies candidates are actually standing for. Kamala's idea of freedom doesn't include the assessment either, we know that so, if they can win this election with an empty pants suit candidate who can't and won't discuss the issues, well, why won't they use the same playbook in 4 or 8 or 12 years? and at that point, would we even qualify as being a free country with free speech? and that's the angle. Joining us now is vivek ramaswamy, former g. O. P. Presidential candidate. Vivek, a lot of folks watching tonight will say to themselves, perhaps, oh, this is just in places like brazil and the loopy liberals over there in europe, but what's your warning tonight for america if kamala harris with her supposed freedom agenda gets elected? look, i think that that's coming to a social media platform near you right here in the united states of america. One of the most mysterious parts of this, laura, some of the most vocal proponents of the u. S. Preventing authoritarianism abroad. Have nothing say about censorship in banning of platform like x in brazil founder of telegram arrested in france allegedly for violating some of their dictas relating to the suppression of free speech. He wasn't arrested in russia. He was arrested in france. An ally of the united states. So, i do think there is irony for the very people who preach the importance of freedom and democracy and spreading that abroad. Happened to be the ones most silent when it comes to actually defending democratic norms, even amongst allied nations from france to brazil to canada to the u. K. So i do believe the same u. S. Government in many ways that threatened those social media companies to silence information here at home are at least complicit in saying not a peep or worse. We don't know the facts yet, or worse, as it relates to permitting and even condoning our allies, suppressing their own speech in their supposed democracies. It's a complicated issue and a lot more to say. But i think that's an interesting laura: vivek, we know they speak out on issues that matter to them. Even if they happen overseas. Issues that really are important to them. A lot of social issues. But, when we have british authorities threatening americans with extradition, if they violate their social media company rules with what they post or what they say, and we don't have i didn't see a single democrat politician say don't even think about it. To me, what does that say to america about our own free speech and how protected it really is? i think it goes to the heart of american identity, laura. Because what separates the united states of america from most other countries is that we are bound by a common set of ideal enshrined in our constitution and our bill of rights. The first amendment came first for a reason. Free expression of speech and free expression and practice of your ledge. That's what makes america itself. So when other allied nations are betraying those values, it is ironic that the people interscreen in protecting democracy in places like ukraine have nothing to say to actually defend the values that define america amongst our own allied nations. This goes a little bit off of the traditional republican or conservative view here, laura. I will also say that it's a moment for us to look ourselves in the mirror and we properly. United states. Get in the business of banning. Changes with respect: different issues. Laura: communist chinese, influence u. S. Elections and that's what is going on. That's very different from having this platform. Laura: i get what you are saying and i understand vivek venk the truth of the matter is i don't like any government deciding what people can or cannot see. And i think america is at our strongest when we stand on that core principle. And i think this rises above just the republican vs. Democrat issue. But if we are committed to free speech, that means we are committed to free speech, that's who we are as americans. And i proudly call myself an absolutist. Laura: vivek. I want to move to another topic, which is that doj seems to be back to russia, russia, russia because they announced indictments against russians for alleged election interference so the media's favorite talking point, they think, is back. Watch this. They are not saying explicitly that russia is trying to help republicans. If you just read the context of it it's extremely easy to figure out. What the u. S. Government justice department is alleging that rickenbacker is doing really to booster donald trump's efforts in 2024 after that doing that eight years ago in 2016. Laura: are they laying the groundwork for more censorship? well, the reality is they already did this in 2016. They have historical practice when they are afraid of donald trump come back to office. They invent every figment of imagination of russia or somebody else putting him there. Without actually paying attention to the threats coming from our own administrative state to free and fair elections in the united states. So, when you see the suppression of information like the hunter biden laptop story on the eve of the last election, that was election interference but it happened right here at home in the united states of america. It wasn't some foreign country doing it. And even as it relates to this whole discussion, laura, it's an interesting moment for us in the west, and in the united stated when greatest threats to the u. S. Aren't coming from russia or anywhere else. They are coming from right here at home for our own government actors that are violating our own enshrined principles to achieve their own i would say narrowminded ends. Especially on the left. That's where we are today. I think it's a unique moment in american history where our greatest threats are actually resident right here within. Laura: the enemy within. Also what they have done with the border. Completely changing the landscape, political, demographic, cultural, economic of the country without anyone voting for this. Vivek, brilliant analysis. Thank you so much. Great to see you. As students across the country are headed back to school, a parent's worst nightmare unfolded in georgia. A 14yearold is arrested after allegedly shooting and killing four people, two students, and two teachers. Fox news senior correspondent steve harrigan is live from winder, georgia with all the details. Steve? steve: laura, the numbers right now stand at four dead and 30 people injured. Those numbers could change as nine of those injured are in the hospital. Some with serious gun wounds. The shooter 14 years old. He gave himself up immediately to school resource officers. It's not clear what his motivation was in this shooting. But authorities have already said he will be charged with murder and tried as an adult. The sheriff here said what happened today was an act of pure evil. I never managed that i would be speaking to the media in my career over something that happened today the pure evil that happened today my heart hurts for our community, but i want to make it very clear that hate will not prevail in this county. I want that to be very clear and known. Love will prevail over what happened today. I assure you of that. The shooter got off roughly 10 shots before surrendering laying down on the ground floor. Students were initially moved to the football field and then over the course of several hours, reunited with their parents. Laura, back to you. Laura: all right, steve. Thank you so much. And just ahead. Kamala and biden make a major policy change after something the angle pointed out last night, find out what it is, next. 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Don't worry about what we said public will you i then they got caught in the political thicket in pennsylvania. Donald trump and j. D. Vance from the beginning properly recognized that such a critical and valuable asset could not go into foreign hands vance called the bluff last night when pressed on the angle. You believe her when she says she wants to protect u. S. Steel from foreign acquisition and, if not, why haven't they done anything on it? well, laura, if kamala harris wants to protect u. S. Steel and keep it u. S. Steel, i wonder if she knows anyone in a position of authority like maybe the vice president of the united states. Now, donald trump and i have been fighting this transaction since it was announced. You cannot do anything really except for try to force people like the vice president to act. Again, it how absurd her entire argument is, laura. She is trying to say elect me president and i will somehow do all the things i haven't done for the last three and a half years. I don't think americans buy it. Then today, all of a sudden, after not doing anything for months, sources told the washington post, that biden will formally block the deal. Now, this is the power of economic populism, trump and the angle, joining us now kevin hassett. Former senior adviser to trump. Kevin, interesting how this is happening. So close to the election is it not, and i know you know a lot about this issue. You know, mobile we are witnessing a bewildering cyclone of policies and retractions and then reassertions and it's just astonishing. It's really almost the death of policy analysis. But the nippon steel issue was something i was in the oval talking with the president about this and it's absolutely crucial if we have a military confrontation with a major power that we have a lot of steel. And one of the things that we learned when we were studying the matter in the white house is that china has will about three times as much capacity to make steel as they need. Basically because they are preparing for war. And so if we all of a sudden had a war and we don't have steel, it's a big problem. And so what we needed to do, what president trump decideside we need to protect for national security reasons, he issued the order. We need protect american steel. And sadly this administration, has been asleep at the wheel and they almost let a key asset go. Laura: now, the wall street journal, not surprisingly, is warning that the plants are going to be closing if the deal didn't go through. Saying that it might move headquarters out of pittsburgh. And to that you say, kevin? well, think about it this way, if nippon steel thinks they can take those plants and make them profitable. Why is it it that they can do it and no american investor can? it doesn't make any sense at all. If those assets are things that we can save and we know we can then they are there is definitely going to be a u. S. Buyer. My guess is what is going on nippon steel, which has got a lot of trade actions against it for dumping behavior in the u. S. wants to solve its legal trouble of the u. S. By buying u. S. Steel and having u. S. Steel withdraw a whole bunch of complaints. You can see why they might be the high bidder but they are not necessarily the only ones that can make, you know, these great american steelworks successful again. Laura: well, critics are saying that will be you know, playing right into the hands of the chinese though. Right? if it doesn't go through? i don't understand that argument very well because china has already begun to come to nate the global market on steel and that's courtesy of globalization and cheap cold rolled steel that made its way into the united states. Didn't we learn this in world war ii we had to ramp up our manufacturing in order to win the war. That was one of the early lessons of the war. Right. Everyone says that the u. S. Defeated hitler because of our production, we just out produced what germany has campaign of go back and look what production was it. It was actually steel. This was the thing that we studied. As you know i'm not mr. Tariff, i think mr. President trump is more than i am. The steel arguments i found very persuasive because of the national security issue. Kevin, meanwhile, kamala has another new economic plan and she announced it today. Watch. We're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground. We will expand the tax deduction for start ups to $50,000. If the essentially a tax cut, for starting a small business. Kevin, is this going to be the juggernaut that we need to get our economy going, higher taxes and more spending? didn't we try that already? well, first of all, the one thing i got to say is that vice president harris supports the end of a small business deduction that we passed and the tax cuts and jobs act. That's a tax hike. I looked at the numbers today on 25. 9 business owners, million business owners in the u. S. So she is having this business tax hike on the 25. 9 business owners that exist. She wants to give a credit to people who start a business but, get what? it's another plagiarized policy. In 2018, president trump supported in and it passed the house without any democratic support, tim walz, by the way. Didn't show up for the vote. He supported a $20,000 credit for small businesses to start. Kevin, we will, i'm sure have kamalaomics 3. 0 released very soon and have you back. Thanks so much. All right, is the left's kamala fever though beginning to cool? new polling suggests that she should stop taking certain groups for granted which ones are they? that's next. among the queen of cool this most damaging. Age is more than a chronological fact. Ha what else do we know about this population 18 to 24. They are stupid. That is why we put them in dormitories and they have a resident assistant. They make really bad decisions. Laura: well, maybe they were listening, compared to what joe biden was with voters under 30 back in 2020. Kamala is trailing by 12 points. This is only slightly less bad with black voters down 10 points from biden and with latino voters she fell off by 6. Joining us now ari fleischer. Fox news contributor. Chris beltway newsletter. Ari, what happened to the cool stepmom's coalition? well, donald trump happened. That's what's going on. It's changed the american electorate. Donald trump is indeed doing better with africanamerican voters, hispanic voters, i predict laura, he will do slightly better with jewish voters than he did in 2020 or in 2016 when he won. The group on the other hand though that you have to watch out for, are college educated women. Particularly in the suburbs. Trump has got to do better with them than he did in 2020. That's the one group give an advantage to the democrats on compared to how trump previously did. But donald trump's inroads with groups that typically don't look like republicans are real and they are lasting. And that is one of his biggest factors going into this election. Laura: yeah, i think they are trying to maybe, chris, get such a big banked percentage with male voters that will swamp the gender gap. But i think when you see trump in these smaller events, when he is just like mixing it up with people. I think he should do more of that. And focus on the issues that women care about. Their family, their safety, their pocketbook. And, you know, on the abortion issue, you know, the states will decide that but in the primary issues that people care about most, i think trump should just do a lot of, you know, outreach among female voters and i think he actually will do better than a lot of people believe. Is he a very actually mobile candidate or changeable candidate for a 78yearold billionaire. Usually you don't get folks being wig to change that much. But donald trump, one of the things that his campaign has pushed. I think has had a lot of success in this is portraying him as a family man, as a grandfather. Some of those advertisements have been put out. Some of the more heartwarming ones, his relationship with his grandchildren. Closest business had family. Softened the edges around a person who has made a clear for 40 years of being a pretty brash new york businessman. Now he is tacking away differently to that. Toning down some of the attacks. At the same time. Kamala harris' campaign is not speaking to the men shah that she has lost very much. Even though there is a lot more manufacturing than there was under joe biden. She it's basically reaching tout college educated white women. And that's the coalition that she kind of have to grow if she wants to win. It's going to be interesting. If you end up with the first female black president. In the united states but she was put there by a white college educated coalition. Because she couldn't even get the black and hispanic votes that her predecessor got. Laura: the media by the way are begging meanwhile for kamala not to talk policies, guys. Look at this from the new republic. Kamala harris doesn't need policy to win. In fact, a detailed platform will hurt her campaign more than it will help. Ari. I have seen a lot from a media without any credibility. But this one kind of takes the cake. Yeah, they are in the tank, they are that deep. I have come to the conclusion that there is only two things that the press is interested in this election. One is they want abortion to be legal, and, two, they wanting to defeat donald trump. That's all they need if kamala harris can deliver those two. That's good enough for them and they don't have to interview her and ask her tough guess about policy. Don't have do see what he should do for america and the world if she were elected president the way the press has always tried to do its job. This is how deep the press is in the tank. It's just over those two issues. Defeat donald trump, keep abortion legal, and everything else is fine. That's america's press corps today. And that's the democrat vote for harris, too. Laura: well, chris, talk about a cynical, sad dark vision of the country. That it's about your derangement, about donald trump. Which is really transferred to the people who support him. I mean, trump eventually will not be around in politics anymore. Then where will all their vitriol and hatred go? it will go to the people or whoever the next person who is a populist conservative is. But they were nasty to romney. They were horrible to mccain and now it's this plus abortion all 50 states and then they can throw a big party, i guess. Yeah, exactly. If you say mitt romney and paul ryan were basically the antichrist, then it's hard to take you seriously when you attack donald trump. Those vibes for years and years sold. And vibes actually are really important in elections. How these candidates make you feel. Policy is often it taken as a second seat. And if you see kamala harris' policy, some of the few things that she has put out there. They are basically just repetitions of what donald trump has put out there. Whether it's child tax credit. No tax on tips, finish the wall. Bring industry back because they don't have anything to offer. I think that feel good campaign is really starting to peter out. The broader electorate is paying attention now. Labor day is over. People are back to work. And you start to see more difficult results for the harris campaign and the staples. She is not making the gains she needs. To say gained a lot since joe biden was there but not enough to actually win. Democrats are starting to panic. Laura: enthusiasm gap that used to be there like a couple weeks ago. That's gone. Trump is at 60. She is at 59. So basically tied there that is not good news for kamala harris after the labor day holiday. Ari and chris, thank you both. All right. Democrats don't want to tell you what they really think about illegals and voting, but, guess what? their hand is about to be forced. We will tell you about it, next. to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. And there's no catch. It's fre. We make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Laura: democrats in a real bind right now. It's not just because they have an awful presidential candidate and they do. But they may they may have to offend one of their most important constituents and go on the record and say they oppose illegals voting in our elections. And if they don't? well, guess what? the government shuts down. Sources telling fox digital that speaker mike johnson is unveiling his plan to lawmakers. Did he that during a call today. Is he tying the continuing resolution that keeps the government funded to say it to the save act. Which requires proof of citizenship to vote. Solution looking for a problem. There is no evidence that undocument the migrants vote. Hard enough to get citizens to vote. The problem doesn't exist. Laura: i love how they keep rushing. It doesn't exist? okay. What is he talking about. States have been cleaning up voter roles and taking noncitizens off now for years. Just last week in texas. More than 6500 were registered to vote. In alabama, there were more than 3,000 registered. Georgia and ohio just removed voters as well. And earlier today, the texas a. G. Filed a lawsuit over one county's plan to mail out voter registration forms to people who didn't even ask for them that means people who are ineligible may try to vote. Get those forms in the mail. Joining me now is congressman chip roy who introduced the save act. Congressman, so do you think the democrats are going to risk shutting down the government over this or go along with this to say, yeah, see, we are on the side of the rule of law? well, you notice that president trump was correct to get out in front of this. Living roomily the day before, maybe two days before he was shot in pennsylvania, he came out in favor of attaching the save act to a funding mechanism. Why? because he gets it. We need to call the bluff of democrats. Indeed five democrats joined with all republicans to pass the save act in july. But chuck schumer, joe biden and kamala harris, they want to have anything to do with it. Do you know why? they used to talk about it. Do you remember this, laura they used to talk about a pathway to citizenship. Now they don't even care. They are just blowing right past citizenship and they are saying just go to the polls and vote. Mark kelly is lying. You put up the data and information about texas you showed other states, virginia had 6300 cleaned off their rolls. What viewers probably don't understand federal law currently prohibits states from being able to check citizenship when they register voters. The save act would fix it. President trump is correct. He wants to attach it to a funding bill in september. Mike johnson is correct. We just now need all republicans to get behind it, and jam it down the throats of democrats who are more interested in per pet situating pulling in voters for democrats than standing up for citizen only voting. Laura: elon musk is 100 percent right. Anyone who does not favor showing i. D. To vote, slightly different issue, but showing i. D. To vote, is somebody who believes ineligible voters should vote. I mean, it's as simple as that you have to use an i. D. To get on a plane and do other things in this country. Why shouldn't you actually show that you are a citizen of the country in some way, shape, or form to be able to vote? it makes zero sense. But the media, congressman, always want to find a way to down play this and also tie it back to trump. Check this out. Speaker mike johnson pandering to former president donald trump as we get close to election day. Trying to attach what democrats are calling poison pill. The save act. To any sort of continuing resolution. This is sort of a fear tactic as democrats are calling it. To try scare monger ahead of the november election. Laura: congressman, your reaction to that? yeah. Scare monger. Right? this is all the talking points right out of the playbook. The fact is american people by 85%, laura. 85% of the american people support, requiring that only citizens vote in american election. Democrats are on the wrong side of the issue. They are scared to death that president trump gets it. He is about to call their bluff. Mike johnson and house republicans want to rally behind president trump to stand up for that simple concept. And here's my question for mark kelly and all these democrats and the woman who was just on the screen. If there is no problem. If you say that there are no noncitizens voting. Then what are you worried about? you know what they are worried about. They are worried we will actually stop it. Laura: republicans have had ample time to get this entire situation cleaned up. I'm glad they are doing something now. But, man, we had the last three and a half years to do something. Congressman, we appreciate your leadership on this. Thank you. All right, coming up. Biden gets down sized and we dive into the walz family feud and kamala prepares for her big night. Raymond arroyo has it all seen and unseen is next. laura: it's time for seen and unseen where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. For that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. The white house just launched a new initiative. Did not get much coverage. Brace yourself. Biden is launching, i kid you not, what they are calling a new media series. Only the lead actor cannot really hold a conversation or follow a trail of thought so they are parading biden at the fisherprice presidential desk with an mc. Biden is then introduced to partisans who offer testimonials about the wonder of biden's spending bills. The president is sort of like a mall santa, he smiles and waves. They've even given him a cheat sheet with pictures. But that did not quite help. Watch. I'm excited. Excited about sharing your investment stories with all of america. Seeing more of them in the weeks and months ahead, to make sure we look what your administration has allowed us to accomplish let me ask you a question, chairwoman. How are your investments helping your community see a brighter future for themselves and their families? is there anything beyond the water, is that the mere fact that the water is there, that's why everyone is excited? more that you are able to begin to fashion your own destiny a little bit? laura: is someone trying to humiliate this man? they conduct a coup and knocked him out of office and now they are putting him out a miniature desk, like it's something my kids had when they were small ones. My daughter might have had that desk. But laura, it's a reoccurring series apparently. He holds pictures up like this and then he wanders in the syntax. Now you see where kamala harris gets it from. What's the difference? what did you get when the switcheroo was done? very little. Laura: raymond, did you see this photo on social media of distant walz family members supporting trump? i guess they are not close relatives, but still, kind of funny. But they are related via the grandfather. It's authentic. Look, tim walz brother jeff, he is really a person to focus on here. He's come out against his brother's candidacy. I'm not a big fan of erring family grievances in public but that legacy media tripped over themselves to bring out mary trump and the kennedy clan, taking pot shots at rfk junior. Do you think they will be featuring the walz family anytime soon? the defection watch. Laura: i see what you are saying, no, i don't think we will be seeing any of the distant tree branches on the family tree bearing much antiwalz fruit on cnn. Neither near no far, you won't hear a thing. But harris was on the stump today, speaking of not quite hearing what people are saying. It appears she was the keynote speaker at a bromide convention. Let us understand, which we do, our purpose of this very moment. Let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish. Laura: what if the shoulders aren't broad? what if they are narrow shoulders, does that count? it always has to be broad shoulders. A fight is a tradition? none of it made sense. I even rewound it a few times and can't make sense of it. Laura: she's going to have to do better than that when she faces donald trump next week in the debate. Listen to this. . . [ inaudible ] don't let that answer full you, she is spending a lot of time on debate prep. In fact a guest on the show early on is playing trump in the mock sessions with kamala harris according to nbc news, harris is now wrestling with how to throw biden under the bus on things like afghanistan, the immigration crisis. So it looks like they are trying to find inartful way to say will that was the old man's fault, i was just an innocent bystander. I thought she was the last person in the room, laura. Laura: i think philip is a good choice for that, getting under the skin of kamala harris. I think that probably is a pretty good choice. But i go back to that little desk, okay? pudding port biden in the little desk, may just bothers me. He is the president of the united states. [ simultaneous talking ] it's embarrassingly small. Laura: wait a second. I saw that desk before. Now i know, that was robert's desk at the labor department. I knew you would go for the cheap height gag. I'm not going to add to that. Laura: they go low, we go lower. All right, raymond, i'm not going to get that out of my head, thank you, thank you, thank you. That's it for us tonight, measure to full me on social media, thank you for watching. We have some oyster man from martha's in your to our jumpers. Go online. Trace: welcome to jesse