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Actions. Peter, my friend, thank you so much. I always appreciate talking with you. That is tonights reidout and inside with Jen Psaki starts now. Okay, so we are just 29 days out from the residential election. People are voting across the country and all of those key, Swing States you hear about already, and Vice President Kamala Harris and governor Tim Walz are on a Media Blitz right now. Tim walz was unleashed on Fox News yesterday, it seemed to go pretty well. Harris was unleashed on the popular podcast, call her daddy. And both of them will sit down with a slew of daytime Host And Podcast holds hosts in the slew of the coming days. I would love to talk to you about my take on these media strategies, and we definitely will during the show me but we kind of have to start somewhere else tonight. Because right now, on a parallel track to all of the interviews and campaign events, early voting, pretty normal Electionyear Kind of stuff, we have a republican nominee, who will lie about anything if he thinks he can benefit from that lie. We have a Maga Machine that then amplifies those on his path and i we are watching real people suffer as a result. For the past few days, Donald Trump has been breezily lying about the federal Governments Response to hurricane helene. Overnight, he once again completed repeated the complete life the biden administration used Disaster Funds for migrants, instead of helping people impacted by the hurricane. That is not true. It has been repeatedly fact checked and easily debunked. Right now, i cant debunk it for you. Those are two entirely different programs, funded by two completely different sources, trump knows that. Those ima funds are directed by congress, including by many of the members echoing this attack to be spent on Disaster Response specifically. Congress directed them specifically for that. Just listen to Vice President harris called trump out, fact take his life, and urge people to listen to actual authorities just a few hours ago. There is a lot of Misinformation And Disinformation being pushed out there by the former president about what is available , in particular, the survivors of helene. First of all, it is extraordinarily irresponsible. It is about him, not about you. The reality is that fema has so many resources that are available to folks who desperately need him. Listen to your local sheriff, who will tell you straight about what is available to you, and how through so many reasons and ways, no attacks. With this spreading of misinformation, it is not normal at all to me from anybody, of any political party. But none of that has stopped trump from continuing to repeat it. His goal is not insuring people have accurate information, even in a time of crisis, it is to anger people with misinformation. It has created an environment where pushing those falsehoods is encouraged. When the New York Times asked about trump spreading false claims, the spokeswoman simply reiterated the falsehood. Elon musk, the richest man in the world and top trump ally, has also pushed lies about the hurricane to his millions of followers on the social Media Platform he owns. The front pages of the new York Post have pushed lies to their readers, and we have watched these lies struggle from the top, start to spread other lies and cause realworld problems in communities that are really suffering. These are real effects on real people because of fake stories. Trump does not care. He wants people to be confused and enraged, and he is willing to do anything for his political gain. He is willing to say anything for his own survival. This is far from anything we have seen this the first time with trump. This is all a pattern. Remember, it was just a couple of weeks ago the lies from Donald Trump and his lies about springfield, ohio had people hiding in their homes and State Troopers posted at schools. Just a couple of years ago the lies from Donald Trump and his allies about the election had people charging at the u. S. Capitol, and chanting, hank mike pence. Whatever it might be, if it suits trump and his allies they will lie about it. Consequences the so watch those allies and lies be spread and not back away, should be a huge concern now, especially as another category five Storm Bears down on florida. It should also serve as a big wakeup call, for anyone out there as we head into this election. If his allies dont like the results, they will do the exact same thing. They will lie if it suits them and consequences again, the netanyahu four. Think about it this way, if they are still unwilling to say who won the last election, how do you think they will handle a Trump Loss this time around . I think you know the answer to that one. We hear it from trump at every single rally. We saw it on the Debate Stage from his running mate, j. D. Vance, and we thought it just yesterday with House Speaker Jake johnson. Can you say unequivocally that Joe Biden won the 2020 Election And Donald Trump Loss . This is the game always played by Mainstream Media with leading republicans, a Got You game. You want us to litigate things that happened four years ago, when we are talking about the future. It is not four years ago, they are planning it now. This is how it goes. He lies for his political gain. They refuse to denounce the lies and in fact, often fuel them. The rest of the country is left to pick up the pieces. We watched in 2020, we watched in springfield, ohio. We are watching right now in the aftermath of hurricane helene. And It Will happen again in 29 days if he does not like the election results. It does not matter if the people of Western North Carolina are being fed information to him. Does not matter if there is an encouragement of violence around him. None of that matters. He will simply wreak havoc if he thinks It Will help him. If you listen to him and those closest to him now, having is exactly what they want. Over the past eight years, those who want to stop us from achieving this future have slandered me, impeached me, indicted me, try to throw me off the pallet. And who knows, maybe even tried to kill me. And then guys, they tried to kill him. They tried to kill him. It is because of the democratic party, they cant do anything right. This is no longer a fight between republican versus democrat, left versus right it is good versus evil, and good is going to win this battle, ladies and gentlemen. Is there anybody here who is going to vote for lying kamala, please raise your hand. Please raise your hand. Actually, i should say, dont raise your hand, it would be very dangerous. We dont want to see anybody get hurt. I mean, with rhetoric like that, with so many lies swirling , is there any wonder that president biden said this about the upcoming election in the Briefing Room on friday . I am confident It Will be free and fair. I dont know whether It Will be peaceful, they havent even accepted the outcome of the last election. I am concerned about whether or not. Joining me now is homeland secondary secretary of security, alejandra mallorcas. It is good to see you. The department of Homeland Security oversees a lot. Before i get there, i just want to start with the story on the top of the New York Times now, as people are watching the Hurricane And Hurricane movement. The New York Times reporting that fema is running at a staff to respond to this hurricane that seems to be barreling toward florida. The story says that only 9 of agencys personnel is available. For people watching out there, does dhs, does fema have what it needs to restart respond to the storm . Jen, great to see you. It does. Everybody should rest confident that fema has the resources. We already have 900 personnel deployed, prepositioned in florida, people who were responding to hurricane helene, people who were responding previously to Hurricane Dahlia and debbie. We have Search And Rescue teams, the Army Corps of engineers are there. We are ready, we have the personnel. Fema likes to say, it is fema taxable. We can respond to multiple events at a single time. One of the things, and you certainly are doing that right now. I talked a little about misinformation, the spreading of it and the impact of it. I said, this is not normal. I have been around this town a long time, under democratic republican president s, not that everything has been perfect. You also spent a lot of time in government. The level of misinformation we are seeing now, that is spreading, giving people inaccurate understandings of what is happening with the hurricane, have you seen this before . I have not seen it ever before at this level. You and i both remember a time when an extreme weather event, a Natural Disaster actually brought people together. Now, unfortunately, tragically, quite frankly it is politicized. What happens is, the people who are victimized by the Natural Disaster are The Ones who will suffer. It sews distrust in their government, and therefore, they do not seek that they truly need. We have funds to put in their pockets to be able to help them address immediate needs. These individuals are not seeking debt relief, because of the disinformation, the intentional false information they are receiving. It also debilitate, transfer, our workforce. These are individuals who are putting their lives on the line to Search And Rescue for victims of hurricane helene, a hurricane of historic magnitude. It is very sad. It sounds like you are saying that people feel like Government Cant help them, so they are not seeking information they are entitled to, which is very alarming. One of the things we have also seen with how trump spreads this information is, it is the targeting of migrants often, and the migrant community. We saw that in springfield, we saw that a little around the hurricane. You are a child of immigrants yourself, also as secretary of department of Homeland Security, you oversee you watch this issue closely. I want to play something he said this morning and get your thoughts on that. He has no clue. How about allowing people to come to an open order, 13,000 of which were motorists murderers, many of them murdered more than one person and happily living in the united states. A murderer, i believe this, it is in the urgings. We got a lot of bad things in our country right now. That is obviously discussing what he just said. I want to put politics aside here and ask, kind of on a personal level, but also if i may, as secretary of Homeland Security, how concerned are you with repetition of that rhetoric, and how migrant communities are being targeted by his supporters . I think you put it powerfully just a few minutes ago, and quite pointedly, we have parents who are scared to send their children to school because of this demonization, because of the false information to the targeting of migrants in our darkest chapters of world history, we have seen this demonization victimized millions of people. You reference my personal story, 6 Million jews were killed in World War ii. My mother lost a tremendous amount of family precisely because of this type of rhetoric, and the violence that it breeds. I cant imagine how you digest this on a personal level , especially given your responsibilities. I did want to ask you, because you reference your mother and your family, and your mother is a holocaust survivor. Today is the anniversary of October 7th. You are somebody who has spoken out powerfully against anti semitism. You see the rise, but you are also jewish american. How are you digesting this moment a year later . Jen, my mother passed away in 1997. This is the first time in my life since her passing that i am almost relieved she is not alive to see what occurred on October 7th one year ago. Today, she would have been fearful of the survival of jews across the world, and yet, we are confident in our resilience and the resilience of all individuals, of all faiths. We have to fight hate and the tragedy of October 7th was absolutely horrific, and we have a duty to remember it, to never forget it, and be quite resolved it never occurs again. Before i let you go, i want to ask as we look ahead, 29 days out from the election. I watched president Biden Go to the Briefing Room for the first time since he was president , of course and he said something that struck me as honest, he said, this election will be fair, but hes not sure It Will be peaceful. With everything that is on 2020 we should not be surprised. I also think at this point, you, he, other members of the national Security Team are likely meeting to prepare for what will happen. Are those meetings happening . How confident are you that It Will be peaceful, and how are you approaching it at this point in time . I am hoping that It Will be peaceful. There is a reason to be concerned that it might not be, and it is our job in the department of Homeland Security to be prepared for whatever eventuality occurs to me and that is exactly what we are doing here is which means, internal discussions and meetings now for any scenario, especially given what happened in 2020. That is our obligation and we are executing on it. Thank you so much for being here with me. Coming up, republicans refused to say Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. I just talked about that. That also tells us what they are prepared to do for him in this election. I will talk with representative Dan Goldman about that, he is standing by. Standing by. Easy to apply for the whole family. Vicks vapostick. And try new Vaposhower Max for steamy vicks vapors. But st. Jude has gotten us through it. St. Jude is hope for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. tony Hawk Skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. I take Qunol Turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. Why qunol . It has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. Qunol. The brand i trust. Advil liquigels are faster and stronger than tylenol rapid release gels. Also from advil, advil targeted relief, the only topical with 4 powerful Pain Fighting Ingredients that start working on contact and lasts up to 8 hours. Im just going to keep reminding you, we are 29 days out until election day, so theres a lot to talk about. With that, just about four years since Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. And still, still, so many republicans cant bring themselves to enter a very straightforward question. He is still saying, he did not lose the election. Did he lose the 2020 election . Tim, i am focused on the future. Can you say definitively Here And Now that Donald Trump did lose the 2020 election . Joe biden was elected president in 2020. It was an unfair election in ways. Joe biden was elected, Kristin Pierce do you not want to say that trump lost . Can you say unequivocally Joe Biden lost the 2020 election . This is the game played by Mainstream Media with republicans, a Got You game. You want us to litigate things that happened four years ago, when we are talking about the future. It is not a Got You question, it is a pretty easy one. These questions about 2020 Ra Test of how willing these republicans will be in the efforts to mess with this election. It is not a question about the past, it is very much a question about the future and their answers kind of tell us everything we need to know. Joining me now is democratic congressman Dan Goldman of new york. Good to see you. The question of whether Donald Trump lost as a Got You game, that is what he said, obviously not a hard question. I raise this because, to me, it is a reminder of what they are capable of doing another time around. What do you say to that, and how did you hear it . I heard it exactly as you did, jen, which is that Micah Johnson, the architect of a brief filed in the supreme court by a number of Health Members republican house members, trying to overturn the election. It refuses to acknowledge that Donald Trump lost the election. Why is that important . It is important because first of all, it is a Litmus Test for Donald Trump, as to whether he will say, to someone for Vice President , which j. D. Vance clearly had to pass and must continue to pass, but also, Micah Johnson could be the speaker of the house if the republicans maintain the majority. He will control the gavel january 6th. So, it matters a lot what Micah Johnson thinks about the last election went 60 judges said, there was no fraud. Bill barr resigned, because there was no fraud, and he was getting pressured as Attorney General to say there was fraud. It is unequivocal, and unquestionable that Donald Trump lost. But they cannot say it. What that means is, they will be happy to say the same, Big Lie once again in 2024, if the opportunity presents itself, and we know that It Will, because Donald Trump is already saying that. History repeats, it is important to be clear about it. Speaker johnson, also, i was just talking to Secretary Mayorkas about the hurricanes, hurricane recovery, and of course another coming to the coast of florida, expected to come to the coast of florida. Speaker johnson said, despite the damage, congress can wait to reconvene and both one would think that a real disaster relief fund. He said, they will take time to assess the damage. That part may be fair, but lawmakers are not scheduled to return to session until november 12th. Are you concerned . You can congress wait . I am concerned about it. We passed an additional 20 Billion of funding for fema in the continuing resolution in september. There is some money for immediate needs, but what the republicans refused to acknowledge is that, because of climate change, fema has three times as many devastating, Natural Disasters as they had about 15 years ago. So, their funds need to be plused up accordingly, and they are not, because the republicans refused to do it. The reason why fema does not have enough in the disaster relief fund, entirely separate from the shelter service program, The One that reimburses localities for some of their immigration costs, predominantly in republican states, but that is a totally different bucket of money, and fema does not have enough because the republicans refused to give enough, and now, they are not allowing us to come back to make sure that the american suffering from holy, and potentially from milton coming, can actually get the help that they need. It is really hard to understand, i think i will say. I wanted to ask you, congressman it is not that hard to understand in an election. They will lie until they i agree. As i said earlier, you are less diplomatic in a good way. I wanted to ask you, congressman, you were in israel today, it is the anniversary of October 7th, you were in israel with your family during hamass attack. I still remember watching the interview you did with my Colleague Rachel Maddow around that. Or the 250 people were taken hostage. How are you reflecting on that day one year later . I will be honest, it has been a really hard day. Certainly, flashbacks to what was going on with me in tel aviv, as rockets were rating down on us, my family and my three little kids, but it pales in comparison to just seeing hostage families, as i have today, the family from long island, whose son remains a hostage one year later. And just imagining the pain and the anguish, and the fact that israel, because there are 101 hostages who were illegally abducted and remain illegally in captivity in the dungeon tunnels of gaza, by a brutal terrorist group, Israel Cannot move on until those hostages are home. And the frustrating part, of course, is not only that it has been a year since they were abducted, but that what we are seeing in new York City here and elsewhere, is a rise in violent protests, and calls for violence. People just outwardly waving hamas and hezbollah flags, supporting Terrorist Groups funded by iran, who not only want to erase israel and all jews, but chant death to america, and yet, that is is growing here in our own country. I think that every american needs to take stock of what is going on and what this fight is really about, because it truly is democracy versus Terrorism And Tyranny and it is much bigger than israel and hamas, although, hamas needs to be eradicated, just like all the other six iranian backed militias and Terrorist Groups, who were attacking israel, and surrounding them. It has been a very emotional day. I was in Central Park for a really moving ceremony, a commemoration with some excellent speakers, and videos. And it just breaks your heart to see the families of these victims, the families of these hostages, who were so brutally murdered in an unprovoked, Sneak Attack on October 7th last year. So much pain being felt by some of these families, and of course the tens of thousands of families, more than that, who have lost Loved Ones in gaza in the year since. Congressman, Dan Goldman, thank you. Appreciate you. Coming up, Kamala Harris, and Tim Walz on a big Media Blitz. Some of it is very bad. I will share my thoughts after a very quick break. Break. R b . Swim with elephants . Wait, can we afford a safari . Great question. Like everything, it takes a little planning. Or, put the money towards a downpayment. On a ranch. In montana. With horses lets take a look at those scenarios. J. P. Morgan Wealth Management has advisors in Chase Branches and tools, like Wealth Plan to keep you on track. When youre planning for it all. The answer is j. P. Morgan Wealth Management. 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So, for weeks, many republicans have been jamming and holly about how Vice President Kamala Harris is avoiding the press, well now, they will have to find something else to complain about, because harris is going on a pretty big Media Blitz. Tonight, 60 minutes aired an in Depth Interview with the Vice President. We will talk about the specifics of that moment. That comes after the day after she appeared on the call her Daddy Podcast, hosted by Alex Cooper. Tamara, she said by a world of appearances, including The View and The Late Show with stephen colbert. Perhaps more predictably, the media is mad. Political claims, harris is still largely avoiding the media, complaining that most of these are not the types of issues that she may not want to talk about. The New York Times focused on the quote, friendly nature of the interviews, unlikely to place her with many aggressive inquisitors. Let me give you a little insight as to why some of these Media Outlets are so upset about this. Not because they think they would reach more people, they dont. It is definitely not because they will ask different questions than say, 60 minutes, or more creative, Outside The Box questions that Alex Cooper, host of The Late Show with stephen colbert. It is because they will be the sole arbiters of asking the questions. The problem is that The Way people consume information in The Way the public looks for information, seeks it, has completely evolved. I dont say that likely. I stood at the front of the White House Briefing Room and answered questions from a room full of legacy, Washington Based Journalists every day in part because i respect what they do and the role of the press. Separately, i also suffered through years of criticism for what was considered a less traditional Media Strategy at times for 2 different president s, including when i was the Communications Director for president obama. We did things like that, the traditional media did not deem Hardhitting Or President ial enough, like an interview to talk about climate change, or inside a prison to talk about criminal Justice Reform, or of course, the biggest violation of all, sitting down with Zach Galifianakis on between two ferns to talk about healthcare. Honestly, i wish i could take credit on that. That one drove hundreds of thousands of people to the online portal where they could sign up to affordable healthcare. The point is this, the job of a president is not to satisfy the demands of the major networks or major daily newspapers, it is to connect with more of the people you represent, who may not be clicking refresh on whitehouse. Gov, or subscribing to any washington newsletters. Presidential candidates, especially when people are already voting, which they are, your job is to incite and engage more people to support your candidacy and get out and vote. People who are frankly, not watching me now. I am not saying at all that press conferences, or interviews around a range of issues with major networks or outlets are bad for me they are all important, all important parts of our democracy. This notion that the only people capable of asking a president ial question, a candidate a question, are credentialed members of the white House Press Corps is as insane as it sounds. If you are the Harris Campaign me and you know there are no more debates and no more conventions, 29 days left to reach your boaters me this plan makes a kind of sense to me. At this point, 29 days out, having a conversation with Alex Cooper, who by The Way, has about 10 Million listeners per episode, is far more valuable than any interview with a more traditional outlet. Maybe even, and im going to go on a limb here, 60 minutes. My allstar political panelists standing by and some of them i disagree. That is okay. Stick around and find out. We will be right back. Back. So youre not just dry. 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I happen to think that Kamala Harriss interview with Alex Cooper on the call her Daddy Podcast was. If you actually watch the interview, i think it is easy to see why. I saw the governor of arkansas say, my kids keep me humble, unfortunately, Kamala Harris does not have anything keeping her humble. How did that make you feel . I dont think she understands that there are a whole lot of women out here, who are not aspiring to be humbled. This is not the 1950s anymore. Those are very good, restrained answer, but effective. Remember, call her daddy is the most listened to podcast on spotify. My guess is, a lot of them liked what they saw. Press secretary for former president trump, andmartin, senior political columnist at politico. I want to talk about the 60 Minutes Interview and some of the other stuff we shared. You may not agree with me, what did i get wrong there . I think that you were largely right and i will say that it makes all the sense in the world for any candidate to take advantage of a long large audience to get their message out ahead of an election. Obviously, this sort of technology has changed, how americans get information. Do a podcast, between the two firms, whatever. If you were in a very different role advising them, you would not be like, Go Sit Down for a two Hour Interview with the New York Times right now . Any media with folks that have not decided who they will vote for or if they will vote at all. Where i dont agree with you is the snippet you said, what makes the Press Corps relevant is that they have the exclusive rights to ask questions of lawmakers. I think what makes the Press Corps relevant is the institution of america that can hold powerful interests, public and private, accountable to the public interest. A very different, much more broader responsibility. Not exactly what i said. What i said, basically, they want to give the interviews, because they think they are the relevant ones that asked the questions. I think it is a large responsibility that makes us relevant. That is fair and i am a believer certainly of that. Your first time on my show, thank you for being here. First of all, you can disagree with jonathan at any time, whenever you want. I am contractually obligated. And even targeted, 10 Million listeners for her podcast. Also, i want to get this right, call her daddy their listenership is 76 under age 35. A very hard group to reach through any form of media. Do you think watching it, she got what she wanted . Do you think It Will matter with that audience . I think it is pretty clear that the Harris Campaign is really targeting women by going to this. You see trump going to these traditionally male audiences, doing a traditional media. Her campaign is doing something pretty different there. I dont know. I have various agreements and disagreements on this. I think we take a Step Back and it is not a question of just what is good for Harriss Campaign to do. It is a question of, how has the Media Landscape changed, such that, it is easy now to engage with tons of voters without going through any gatekeepers at all. It is great she can go on call her daddy and talk about values , her upbringing, abortion, politics, and stay outside the policy details. What happens in a world where candidates dont have to ever engage one Policy Specifics . And i dont think the previous iteration of media, where there are five or six gatekeepers and you have to satisfy them was a great model, but i also think this new what might have some problems. I think it is very much for this moment in time, where you are 29 days out from the election, it is a different time. I think yes, there are spaces for policy interviews, it is whether of the only people that can do those are legacy outliers. A unique situation where she became a president ial candidate quickly, and a unique candidate too, in which she came on the national stage very recently to be Vice President , and then to be a president ial nominee, and does not have a long history of statements on economic policy, or things outside of criminal Justice Reform and public safety when she was in california. I think it is unique, relative to other candidates when you can say, okay, do you need to know exactly what Joe Biden has been in office for decades, is saying about the policy . You can look at his statements, with her, i think it is different. She did do an 81 Page Plan and an interview. I take your point, and policies are important. I am a Policy Nerd and i know you are about housing. You were just telling us, and you are giving us a briefing on Alex Cooper. You are an listener of Alex Cooper. He worked for trump, you have a conservative background, she has quite a diverse audience. If you were giving the biden Team Advice on how to reach people like you, who may not have said to me they are going to support harris, but might be open, what outlets would you have them do . That is a great question. I think call her daddy was a smart move and that graphic you showed shows the breakdown of even the political leanings of the audience you had i think it was 48 democratic, 24 republican, 20 independent. That is smart for them to meet the falters where they are at. In particular for her to be targeting young women is so important. I think that call her daddy was a great start. A bunch of my friends listen to that show who are not politically engaged. I would say they listen to the Morning Toast i think that would be a huge one. During the pandemic, actually, the biden White House did a good job of putting officials on shows like that. The trump white House Kind of tapped into doing some of those nontraditional Media Podcasts during the pandemic to get that message out there. I would say something like the Morning Toast would be a good one. They called themselves the millennial morning show. I think when you are reaching out to nontraditional outlets like that, you will break through, because these clips will live online as well youre not even just be viewership, It Will be the tiktok videos, the instagrammed reels, and that will get millions of views and The Viewers will get the tiny snippets of whatever the message is. Kamala Harris Thing on call her daddy women dont aspire to be humbled and this is not the 1950s anymore, that has gotten a ton of traction. It resonates with what this campaign has been about, which the Trump Campaign, they have kind of been attacking women, not making the case with them when you have j. D. Vance out there saying things like, childless cat lady, and the Trump Campaign has been targeting young men like when we are talking about going on podcasts like logan paul. These names might not mean anything to you all, but these are influencers a lot of young men listen to who arent politically engaged. To your point on the tiktok thing, i have many College Text chains, as i am sure many of you have. My friends are not necessarily her demographic. They saw the clip and was like, i dont know this podcast, i will listen, it is an interesting thing. We have to sneak in a quick break. Everyone is sticking around. We have clips we will show from 60 minutes that just aired. We will talk about those after a quick break. A quick break. Vraylar helped give it a lift. Adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. And in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. 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I believe that the people of america want a leader who is not trying to divide us, and demean. I believe that the american people recognize that the true measure of the strength of a leader is not based on who you beat down, it is based on who you lift up. That was a piece of Vice President harriss 60 Minutes Interview tonight. So, we have all seen parts of the interview, was there any part that stuck out to you . That is like the hard part of this. I dont know if she could have changed the answer, i am sure we can talk about that. You may have a different take on it. She is attacking trump for lying, being racist and misogynist, but she is also trying to lure some people her way. It is a Difficult Balancing Act the democrats have to play on immigration right now. On one level, there are a lots of voters who are concerned about The Way immigration has happened the last four years under Joe Biden, Kamala Harriss watch. And this conservatives often get characterized as being only about the amount of people that come in, but i think a lot has to do with The Way it was managed, and how people came in, whether sleeping on the floors in Police Stations in chicago, or overwhelming systems in new york, and Kamala Harris knows, that is a concern a lot of people have. At the same time, you dont want to accept this Training Framing from trump. The question is, how does she lure people who are trump people or trump leaning people, over to her way . You get asked this question a lot. I do. How do we convince people to see the light or come to the other side . For some voters, you will never get through to them. I think there are people who will be with Donald Trump, no matter what. I think there are trump vultures that are gettable. These are people that are Nikki Haley voters. They are on the fence, dont like trumps character, but they like the policies, like immigration, for example. The way to reach out to them is not shame them for their beliefs. That was the greatest mistake that Hillary Clinton made when she called trump supporters deplorables. This is saying, look i think there are people out there craving normalcy. They want someone who will find Common Ground solutions. When we tie all of these things together, she kind of went hard on here is our border plan, he killed it. She is being a little gentler. You are out there talking to tons of people, what actually works . I think the News Interview tonight, what i heard were the three cs, consensus, compromise, and Common Ground. It is no accident those are the words she used when she was asked about her campaign for president in 2019. It is a very different answer than The One she gave to a different network this summer when she said, my values have not changed. She was answering a question on fracking earlier this summer and was asked a similar question in this interview about changing her position. Correct. A litany of questions about her campaign four years ago. A different answer this time, this time moving more toward the center and not saying, i have been vp the last few years and i know what this country wants, consensus, compromise, and Common Ground. Those are magic words for the vultures you are talking about who dont want to vote for trump, deplore trump, but they can get there for a liberal democrat. She says those words, maybe not enough, but boy, much further than she has gone to date. I will say too on that note, i think this is a good thing. I have been pushed on this is how can i identify as a republican and say i am going to vote for Kamala Harris . I love that she has moderated her stance on a lot of issues and meeting vultures where they are at. We should, i feel like, relishing the bad policies in favor of The Ones i think are better, and where a lot of middle america is on these things. I think this is a good thing she is out there saying it to me and also, people are calling her a Flip Flop or for moderating her position i think we should give her some grace. If she can moderate her position, when j. D. Vance is out there calling trump Americas Hitler and not being his running mate. It is clear throughout the entire interview her main concern is not coming off as too liberal to vultures. In her comments about having a glock, her comments about immigration, her comments about whether or not she flipped on these issues. I think what is important here, i am a policy journalist, so this is sad for me, people dont really care if you flip your issues. That is not something vultures are concerned about, they care about your values. That is what she is saying. Going on these interviews where she is articulating who she is. Okay, we have got to wrap it up. She said, i am a capitalist too. Not one accident. We will continue this conversation. Thank you so much for being here. I have got one more very short and important thing to tell you about before we had things out to rachel. We are back after a quick break. Break. An fdaapproved, nondrug solution for our condition. It really works, and it lasts for years. Its been the best Thing Weve done for our families. Visit findrealrelief. Com to find an Expert Physician near you. Ask if bulkamid is right for you willll oralbs Dentist Inspd Round Brush Head hugs em, cleans em, and gets in between em, for 100 cleaner teeth. Your perfect clean starts with oralb. Saving on your education should be a right, not a competition. For 100 cleaner teeth. At university of phoenix, youll get the best scholarship or savings you qualify for. Simple as that. Explore scholarship options at university of phoenix. Hayden the fact st. Jude will take care of all this, this is whats keeping my Baby Girl alive. Chelsea its everything for us. We wouldnt know what to do. We couldnt afford for our Little Girl to survive. And st. 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