We will hear from the choir that is helping the Community Heal through music. Hello and welcome. Im katty kay In Washington, Christian Fraser is in london where the pound has fallen to a seven month low against the euro and a new survey suggests Business Leaders are fast losing confidence in the state of the uk economy. Theresa may britains Prime Minister, at least for the moment has been meeting conservative Party Leaders and she had a lot of explaining to do. May apologised repeatedly for last weeks Election Result. According to one mp who was in the meeting, she said, im the person who got us into this mess. Im going to get us out of it. I will serve she told them as long as you want me. We can speak to rob watson In Westminster. I will serve you as long as you want me . That doesnt suggest she will be around for long. Probably not long enough to fight idolater election. For those who do not know that Conservative Party well, it is ruthless. If you win elections, you can do what you like but if you lose them you were a gonen but if you lose them you were a goner. The reason that is different this time is because the party is not ina this time is because the party is not in a mood to fight another election which it might lose. As a colleague put it, the conservatives have decided they would rather have a bad Prime Minister than no Prime Minister, and you have to remember, many conservative mps, the most important thing, more precious than gold, is getting brexit done so they will not want anything like a new Leadership Contest to threaten that. That seems to be the big issue, what impact does the election have in practical terms on those perks of negotiations and on britains future relationship with europe . The answer to that one is easy, who knows . I was hoping you did its been widely discussed In Westminster and the a nswer discussed In Westminster and the answer is who knows. The answer from the government is to say we will carry on as before, that was the line from david davis, the brexit secretary, and that is the view of lots of Hardline Eurosceptics but one of the things that was the result of the general election, theresa may had held it to try to put the divisions of the Eu Referendum behind anyone and get the country united, the opposite has happened, it has reopened the debate about what brexit should mean, not just within the Conservative Party, we re just within the Conservative Party, were a lot of people who are pro european are saying they need to rethink this, but outside the Conservative Party and outside politics. You talked about businesses saying we all need a rethink on this so the short answer is who knows, that is the longer one and it shows you there is a vast amounts of uncertainty. Rob, thank you. Well, lets speak to someone who was in the room. Nadhim zahawi is a conservative mp and supported brexit. Hes In Westminster. She apologised, it sounds like the people in the room with accepted that apology, she a standing ovation, they were happy with accepting full responsibility but she has got her party into a mess, hasnt she . Remember she won the election with the greatest number of seats in parliament, 318, and with the dup can form a Working Majority and has moved swiftly to focus on thejob in and has moved swiftly to focus on the job in hand and has moved swiftly to focus on thejob in hand of reshuffling her cabinet and having a strong cabinet in place, promoting michael gove, making sure damian green is her second in command, her Chief Of Staff, it alan barwell, has a wealth of respect in the parliamentary party. The 1922 Committee Meetings are confidential. You are not going to try and say this is a good result for the Conservative Party . wouldnt result for the Conservative Party . |j wouldnt insult your intelligence by saying that although the Prime Minister quite rightly said that we polled almost 42 , a staggering achievement but it didnt have the desired outcome because under any other circumstances that would have been a large majority but labour did better as well. Although it was a confidential meeting, she had three standing ovations. She judged confidential meeting, she had three standing ovations. Shejudged the room rightly, she had thought long and hard about how she will move forward , and hard about how she will move forward, she spoke about the way number 10 is forward, she spoke about the way number10 is changing, how forward, she spoke about the way number 10 is changing, how it will interact with the parliamentary party, how it will work with collea g u es party, how it will work with colleagues across the different views on brexit within our own party and literally each and every person who stood up to ask a question from either side, those who campaign for remain for those who wanted brown said, gave the Prime Minister that com plete said, gave the Prime Minister that complete call some support for her position. She also said there will be more consultation on brexit. The shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry said they will hold the governments feed to the fire and where they dont agree they will put forward amendments and i assume remainer is in the Conservative Party will vote for some of those amendments. I suspect you will see the labour party being held to account. In the election campaign, if you look at their manifesto it was close to our position saying they wanted access to the Single Market, so out of the Single Market, out of the Customs Union and controlling our borders but keir starmer and Jeremy Corbyn will have to make up their mind what they will do. I would to make up their mind what they will do. Iwould highly to make up their mind what they will do. I would highly advise them, not that they want my advice, to put the National Interest ahead and deliver a good brexit, which theresa may is 110w a good brexit, which theresa may is now determined to do, she said she called the election and took full responsibility and now has to deliver a good brexit. Can i underline a point you made there because i think its being lost and politicians and the media are to blame, can we be clear that both parties will have to leave the Single Market . It does seem, as you said, if labourare Single Market . It does seem, as you said, if labour are suggesting we can stay in it somehow, we are talking about access to the Single Market, not staying in it. Thats right and its worth many of your collea g u es right and its worth many of your colleagues asking that question of the labour party because if that the position they have taken in the ma nifesto, position they have taken in the manifesto, it is close to our position and so over 80 of people who voted last thursday voted for a good brexit, to come out of the eu, accessed the Single Market and control our borders, so i hope many of your colleagues in the broadcast and print media will begin now asking labour if they are serious about that and will deliver their ma nifesto about that and will deliver their manifesto pledge. Thank you for joining us. Christian, this is interesting, what the Practical Implications will be. Rob watson said he doesnt know if this will lead to brexit because the Prime Minister is under pressure form some in their own party to deliver us after brexit. He was sending good about the future of the party but i cannot believe he is happy about the business surveyed saying 20 of islamist leaders are losing confidence in the british economy and the euro is down to a seven month low. It looks chaotic, and bear in mind that the European Commission president was encouraging theresa may to hold this election because they wanted clarity, he said you cannot come to the table with a majority of 17, you need a mandate, so majority of 17, you need a mandate, so what reaction they will give to her when she goes over next week, the europeans want certainty, they dont want to get to a Sticking Point and then she will go back and see if she can get it passed parliament. The europeans want to crack on with it. 0ne european who doesnt seem to be having problems this morning is president micron. He is waking up a happy man. Emmanuel macron shows you can be populist in the centre because the parliamentary elections are a landslide, he will have the majority of mps anti war want to crack on with brexit to because he wants to re energise the Franco German partnership. It was always the brits who were standing in the wake of this so having them out of the way clears that up and it brexit isnt a success , clears that up and it brexit isnt a success, it is Marine Le Pen who would pay the price for that because she has put brexit up in shining lights and said that is what we want. And he has taken people from left and right into his government. If he manages to reform the French Economy with this model, i bet it will Sense Chivers down the spine of traditional figures like the conservatives and labour party in britain. There are the results. There is strategic voting in the second round so it might change, Thatis Second round so it might change, that is the first round. He has brought new blood into politics but a lot of them are upwardly mobile middle class elite, not the people you see at the bottom, the hard right and hard left, they dont represent them, the nationalfront and france unbowed but if he doesnt carry the country with it, they will come back onto the streets. Just a short time ago, another Federal Court has ruled against President Trumps revised executive order, which limits travel from six predominately muslim countries. The ninth Circuit Court of appeals ruling came after a similar decision in the Fourth Circuit of virginia which is currently being appealed to the Supreme Court. This all comes as the us Attorney GeneralJeff Sessions gets ready to appear before Congress Tomorrow to offer testimony about the firing of james comey and mr sessions interactions with russian officials during the election campaign. Well, the white house Secretary Sean Spicer has been speaking in the last few minutes. Lets have a listen. I think the president has been clear, last week in the rose garden, that he believes the sooner we can get this address and dealt with that there has been no collusion, he wa nts there has been no collusion, he wants this to get investigated as soon as possible so he can continue the business of the american people. And im happy to say that ron christie, our political analyst, is safely back here on set with me after visiting christian in london last week. Ron, there sean spicer saying they wa nt to ron, there sean spicer saying they want to get to the bottom of the investigation so it will all blow over. This cloud continues to hang over. This cloud continues to hang over the white house. The white house is looking at the Attorney General having a chance to speak to say lets put Away Misconceptions about Russian Collusion and speak in about Russian Collusion and speak in a unified manner, the only way they can get out of this is if they are forthright with the people. To what extent a re forthright with the people. To what extent are removing away from the issue of collusion, with several republicans and some democrats say will be hard to prove against the president , into the morton are key areas of not just president , into the morton are key areas of Notjust Obstruction Of Justice but of the president perjuring himself . This is why i dont understand why the president said he welcomed the chance to testify. You will get yourself in a perjury trap if you go before the Special Counsel and do not remember everything you said, they can replay that and ask for you telling the truth now or then, so we are moving away from collusion but the perjury trap is a real trap for this president if he says he will do it. Bill clinton got himself into a perjury trap against monica lewinsky, it is often the cover up. And it was a point that Lindsey Graham was saying, the president is talking too much. You may be the first president in history to go down because you cant stop talking about an investigation which if you we re about an investigation which if you were quiet would clear you. And that is the point, he needs to stop tweeting about it. He does. As a lawyer you know the more you talk the more you put yourself in legal peril and this president , it has worked well for him as a businessman to believe people that now you are getting into the world of political and legal jeopardy and getting into the world of political and legaljeopardy and it amazes me that neither his Chief Of Staff or his Attorney General and say, mr president , you are digging yourself a whole and it will be hard for you to get out unless you stop tweeting. So tomorrow we have another grab your popcorn day in congress, Jeff Sessions will testify, he will be asked questions about evidence that james komi gave last week and this idea that James Comey James komi gave last week and this idea Thatjames Comey came to sessions and said dont believe me on my own with the president again. Ifind on my own with the president again. I find that on my own with the president again. Ifind that staggering. On my own with the president again. I find that staggering. From having being a staffer, you need to protect the principle, have someone in the room with the president and the Attorney General or the fbi director, so if there is one person who may have put himself in a bad spot, it is james komi recognising that he should not be in that position, you need to have someone there to chronicle the conversation between those two gentlemen. Ron christie, you could be advising the president. He needs a lawyer to tell him to stop talking. Im staying right here for more on how this is changing established orders, heroes nick bryant. You have written a great piece on the bbc website, we have a bit of it we can joke about the us uk relationship and how all the us uk relationship and how all the chaos here is affecting that. You write a piece which we can show our viewers. What do you mean . There has always been a shared conceit at the heart of the special relationship and it is that Global Leadership is best expressed in english. It is american exceptionalism meets english exceptionalism, and now that doesnt look so good because you have instability and chaos, something near chaos In Washington, on both sides of the atlantic and it seems a vacuum has created, remember going back 70 years, so much of the post war architecture was Anglo American in origin, so much of it stemmed from an Atlantic Charter signed by fdr and churchill in 1941, imf, the world bank, nato, but now it seems that Anglo American leadership is under threat and a void is being created which others are filling. How much does the uk election and the issue of brexit and no negotiations meant to start next week late into britains position cutting itself from europe at a time when getting, for theresa may, close to donald front appears to have negative consequences . Getting close to donald trump speaks of the diplomacy of desperation that britain is practising. It cannot rely on support from its former 27 eu partners, so it has to look more closely across the atlantic and to get a strong relationship with donald trump but that is very unpopular in britain, used so that after the london attacks when he launched up Twitter Parade against sadiq khan, the mayor of london, and it undercuts british leadership because they are increasingly cast adrift. 0ne because they are increasingly cast adrift. One of the great uses for America Or Britain over the past 40 yea rs has America Or Britain over the past 40 years has been as this close ally at the heart of europe and that will not be the case anymore so while many might say this looks like a short term problem, a temporary difficulty ford governments in britain and america, actually it looks like Outlasting The Trump administration. Nick, thank you. Fascinating piece, go and have a look for it on the bbc website. Thanks, christian. Im still here im sticking around. From this side we are constantly looking at you In Washington, how is america looking at whats happening in the uk . I cannot tell me the number of people who have said to me, what are they doing in britain . We thought we had the monopoly on political chaos and now britain want to get in on the act. Thats pretty much how it looks now. Ronjust now said he cannot believe britons have done this to themselves. Did they think that brexit would sail through . Is that the way they portrayed it In Washington . They had watched all this in parliament, they knew it would go through but they cannot understand why the Prime Minister would put herself in a position, at a time when electorates are unpredictable, why did she have at vote that she didnt need to call and that has confused people and it is what makes people here nervous about the stability of a relationship that is as nick was saying essential to the us. Talking about the essential relationships. Its easy to forget amid all the russia investigations and trumps tweets that at the heart of this story is the attempt by moscow to meddle in western democracy. Its a Growing Facet of Vladimir Putins autocratic rule a point not lost today on thousands of demonstrators in russia. Anti putin activists took to The Streets Of Moscow and several other russian cities. Scores of people were detained and the russian Opposition Leader, alexei navalny, has been arrested. He was placed under house arrest as he came out of his apartment block. 0ur moscow correspondent Steve Rosenberg has the latest. One mile from the kremlin, a Public Holiday turned into a public battle. Russia day is supposed to be a national celebration. But riot police were sent in to clear Anti Government protesters from moscows main street. Thousands had come to accuse the russian leadership of corruption. Putin is a thief, they shouted, and one, two, three, putin, its time to leave. Families accidentally caught up in the violence fled. Police detained hundreds of protesters. The police have been telling the crowd that people dont have the right to protest here, that they dont have permission. But the protesters have been saying they dont need permission, because russia day is their day too. There were anti corru ption demonstrations in more than 100 russian towns. As for the man whod organised this nationwide protest, Opposition Leader alexei navalny, he was detained as he left home. Not everyone today was in the mood to criticise the government. In moscow, this patriotic festival on the street as the protest was celebrating Russian Military might. Protests dont make life better, he says. Not one revolution has ever brought anything good. Up the road this was no russian revolution, but it was a display of defiance from those people, many of them young russians, who believe their country needs change. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. Striking images there from russia, and the news just coming striking images there from russia, and the newsjust coming in striking images there from russia, and the news just coming in from the white house which says the United States condemns the russian crackdown on peaceful protesters, this from sean spicer, and the us is calling for their immediate release. It has been five months since President Trump moved into the white house and now he is getting some company. Yes, this weekend his wife melania announced on social media that she and their son barron had officially moved down from new york now calling 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue home. She tweeted out a photograph, christian, i imagine this is your view as well, of the view from the white house. And a big question is whether her presence in the white house. Him tweeting the kids she was on the foreign trip a couple of weeks ago and the tweeting slowed down, and if you believe this side the that he is kicking around a white eyes watching Fox And Friends and tweeting because she is not there, that theory hold some water. Does your wife stop you tweeting at weekends . Know but i will mention barron trumps t shirt, the expert, i will get my daughter one of those. Youre watching 100 days from bbc news. Still to come for viewers on Bbc World News and the bbc news channel. The president ial Party Crasher why donald trump is turning up to some weddings uninvited. Not that this bride seems to mind. And 50 years ago this couple was forced to fight for their marriage in the Us Supreme Court well be explaining why this is an anniversary worth marking. Thats still to come on 100 days , from bbc news. Its been a bright and breezy affair for many of us today. We had quite a lot of cloud and the strongest winds to the central belt that as the afternoon progressed, the cloud broke up, we saw some sunshine and a pleasa nt broke up, we saw some sunshine and a pleasant end to the day. The northwest kept the cloud and it was rather gloomy with showers and that will continue through the day, showers into Northern Ireland and North West Scotland along with north west england and wales, further south clear skies and temperatures in rural spots bawling to single figures, but the rain in the north west will be heavy first thing through much of scotland, a bright start into Eastern Scotland and showery through Northern Ireland and showery through Northern Ireland and much of Northern England and north wales but there will be some cloud. Further south we will see the mist and fog lifting, Temperature Climbing and some decent spells of sunshine and with light winds it will feel pleasant through the day, as we go into the afternoon the persistent rain in the far north West Of Scotland becomes lighter and showery, allowing for some brighter skies into North West Scotland. We will see a little fair cloud further south but warm, 17 or 19 degrees further north. 0n south but warm, 17 or 19 degrees further north. On wednesday an area of low pressure threatens but this High Pressure will hang on in and we will drag in warm water humid air from the near continent, so wednesday could be quite hot, especially in the south east. There will be decent spells of sunshine across england and west, Clouding Over Western showers in the north west but temperatures will respond, they beat 26 in the south east and still quite warm in the far north. We could see some thundery downpours, some of them have a in the south east corner, at the same timea the south east corner, at the same time a Weather Front pushing through and as it does the wings swing around to the westerly and introduce fresh air, so from thursday into friday we have a scattering of showers but a fresher feel for many, still pleasantly warm with some decent spells of sunshine in the south east. Welcome back to 100 days plus im katty kay In Washington, Christian Fraser is in london. Our top story the british Prime Minister apologises to her partys mps for the mess she got them into, as she fights to form a government with her Northern Irish partners. And coming up a year ago this week 49 people were shot dead in the Pulse Nightclub, 0rlando. We will hear from the choir that is helping the Community Heal through music. With so much going on in the white house, theres not been much focus on possible conflicts of interest with mr trump and his businesses. That could be about to change. The Attorney Generals of maryland and Washington Dc are suing the president for foreign payments to his hotels and clubs. The lawsuit from two democrats claims the payments violate the Us Constitutions anti corru ption clause. Mr trump handed the running of his business to his sons after the election but there is a question of how much involvement he still has and whether there is a conflict of interest. Never in the history of this country have we had a president with these kinds of extensive business entanglements. Or a president who refused to adequately distance himself from their holdings. President trumps businesses and his dealings violate the constitutions anti corru ption provisions known as the emolument clauses. Well for more, lets speak to our Business Correspondent Samira Hussain in new york. We are told by eric trump himself that donald trump gets regular updates on the Financial Performance of his companies. The Attorney General theyre saying he has broken many promises to keep separate his public duties and his private Business Interests . All along, many experts have been saying, the best way for the president to really separate himself from his businesses is to establish a blind trust, that means its all put into a blind trust, and he has no involvement in the business whatsoever. But they have not done that. Thats why you are seeing these kinds of lawsuits being filed by the attorneys generals, of the district of columbia and merriment, saying because he is still entangled with his businesses, that means he is still automatically in violation of the Us Constitution and wally meant clause. Which really is an 18th century term for bribes. Emolument clause. These are two democrats who have filed the suit. Critics of the Democratic Party and supporters of mr trump would argue this is another political axe to grind, that democrats have against this president and it will stop at nothing to do everything to make his presidency a failure . Thats exactly what the white house has said. It has said that one, the president is absolutely not in violation of the Us Constitution, and that these lawsuits are politically motivated. But this is just one of the lawsuits. There is another similar kind of lawsuit that was filed actually here in new york by A Ethics Watchdog Organisation that is based In Washington, dc. They along with the restaurants that are impacted by some of the competition they are seeing from mr trumps restau ra nts, they are seeing from mr trumps restaurants, they have made a similar case restaurants, they have made a similarcase ina restaurants, they have made a similar case in a lawsuit and the Department Ofjustice who is representing mr trump has actually filed to say this case should be absolutely dismissed for the same reasons, that the president does not is reasons, that the president does not is not in violation of any bribes whatsoever. If this does go all the way to court, presumably the Supreme Court, he will have to produce his financial records and his tax returns to defend himself, and that could be key for the russia investigation . Thats exactly right, and you could expect there will be some dog eared saying that they do not want that to happen. Mr trump has a lot of interest in trying to keep that under wraps, to keep that private, and you will expect the lawyers will try to make that happen. Thank you. Trump criticised 0bama for playing a lot of golf during his presidency and claimed he wouldnt have to time to golf if he was in the white house. Well according to nbc thats not quite accurate. Theyve calculated how many days the president has spent at his businesses and golf courses during his term so far. Hes been in office 142 days. Hes spent 42 days at his properties over half of these were at mar a lago in florida. And he has spent 29 days at his golf properties. I think that means our programme has been running for about 140 something days, how many times have you played golf in that time . Not once. They keep me busy on this programme what i have seen on twitter is that He Co Nsta Ntly i have seen on twitter is that he constantly gate crashes these weddings. When he goes to the golf club, hejust weddings. When he goes to the golf club, he just photo weddings. When he goes to the golf club, hejust photo bombs weddings. When he goes to the golf club, he just photo bombs the weddings. When he goes to the golf club, hejust photo bombs the bride. She looks very happy. This is kristin and her husband tucker. They got a surprise visit this weekend at his golf resort in bedminster. The wedding was going on so bedminster. The wedding was going on so he decided to drop by and signed lots of make America Great again hats. They pay a lot for that, because the fees at these golf clubs have doubled since he became president. Anyway, if he is playing a lot of golf, do you know what his handicap is . No. I have been doing some digging around, and not on the us gulf website, Captain Donaldj Trump and there it is at winged foot golf club. His handicap is 2. 8, which borrowed a 70 year old guy is quite a handicap. Can you see at the top, the 2016, thats the last time he returned a school. He is obviously keeping under wraps how many times he is playing rounds of golf to keep handicap like that. Thats my investigation. Not quite sure what youre investigating that, kristian. Whats your handicap . Two children and a wife its going up. I dont get a chance to play any more. And a wife its going up. I dont get a chance to play any morelj didnt ask you for excuses if youre keeping single figures, you need to play a lot, thats all ive got to say. People in the us territory of puerto rico have voted in favour of becoming americas 51st state, but on a turnout of less than a quarter. The result is non binding, and any change in status would require approvalfrom the us congress In Washington. The move is supported by the territorys governor who hopes it might help solve the islands economic crisis. Another arrest has been made by Police Investigating the London Bridge attack nearly two weeks ago. The duchess of cambridge has been meeting victims of the attack who are recovering at Kings College hospital. Shes also been talking to staff who treated those injured in the attack, which saw three islamist militants crash a van into crowds on London Bridge before attacking people with knives. All of those that made it to hospital survived. In the early hours of this morning the names of the 49 People Killed at Pulse Nightclub in orlando were read out to mark the one Year Anniversary of their death. It was the first in a series of memorials and among those performing today is the orlando gay chorus. The singers were credited with helping the Community Move forward following the tragic event. Their work was so powerful that the citys mayor has singled out their contributions. 0ur north america correspondent rajini Vaidya Nathan reports. Singing. They were named ambassadors of hope, love, and healing in orlando. This is what we are here for, we sing songs of love and hope to the world. At that moment, it was the call. These are all the victims. Josh lost his friend shane in the attack at pulse. As he was dealing with his own loss, he was called upon to sing with the choir at a memorial for victims. I did not know it was going to turn out to be the biggest event that the chorus had ever sung at, at that time. At that moment, that was was when for me i started to heal. Joel strack, one of the founding members of the chorus, was also singing that night. In my head, i was thinking i would give up my own life to bring back any one of those kids. Im 57 years old, ive lived a rich, vibrant life, ive done things in this world that these kids are never going to have the opportunity to do. It was after that concert that the group took on an unlikely role as a Rapid Response team, sent to gatherings to sing for people mourning. I think the chorus recognised we had an Important Role to play in the community. Both representing the Gay Community as well as using our music to heal, and bring hope. Singing. The timing kind of has us reeling, because it was right around the one Year Anniversary of gay marriage being realised nationwide. It was a slap in the face, and it was a huge wake up call that we have a lot of work to do. Shea callinan left her home after her family refused to accept her sexual identity. 0ne place where she did feel welcome was pulse. A gay club is notjust a gay club, you know . Its notjust a club. It was a haven. But im really glad that ijoined the chorus when i did, and im really glad that when pulse happened, i had this group of people who felt exactly how i did. They are my brothers and sisters in song. They fill my heart with love, so that i can go out and fill the world with love. 50 years ago today the Supreme Court agreed richard and Mildred Loving remember that the kintbury clearly when that happened. So started to come out about how the attacker had questions about his own sexuality. They had been issues about affairs, the fact he had gone to the nightclub for before, issues with his wife. There were questions about the motivation for that awful attack on the nightclub. Now, an anniversary that is much farther away. 50 years ago today the Supreme Court agreed richard and Mildred Loving could be legally married. The mixed race couple from caroline county, virginia had been arrested a month after their wedding in 1958 and were charged with violating state laws against Interracial Marriage. The lovings were given one year suspended jail terms and were told not to return to virginia for 25 years. The ban was eventually overturned on the 12thjuly 1967 and it changed the rules not only in virginia but in 15 other states as well. They made it into a film, didnt they . It came out last year. I love that photograph of richard and mildred. They got pregnant, they decided to get married in virginia. They got that sentence because what they did was illegal so they came to live here In Washington, dc where Interracial Marriage was not illegal and they could avoid that prison sentence, but then they could not visit theirfamilies. Sentence, but then they could not visit their families. You sentence, but then they could not visit theirfamilies. You know sentence, but then they could not visit their families. You know what she did, mildred . She wrote to the Attorney General, one bobby kennedy. She wrote to him and said, we need to have this overturned, we want the conviction overturned, we want to stay married with each other. Every yearin stay married with each other. Every year in America Onjune 12, stay married with each other. Every year in America Onjune12, youll love this, they celebrate loving day. 50 years on, how many Interracial Marriages . 20 of marriages in america are now interracial the fabric of marriages in this country changed. That is 100 days plus changed. For now well be back the same time tomorrow. For now though, from katty kay In Washington and me Christian Fraser in london, goodbye. Hello. This is bbc news. Theresa may has apologised to tory mps for the partys election performance, telling them i got us into this mess ill get us out of it. The first secretary of state, damian green, confirms there could be a delay to the queens speech which is due to take place next monday. The Prime Minister is still seeking a deal to support her government, the democratic unionists say theyre still talking. Lets get more on fallout from the general election. There has been a dramatic drop in Business Confidence since the Election Result, according to the institute of directors. Theres been a dramatic drop in Business Confidence since the Election Result according to the institute of directors. A survey of 700 members suggested there was deep concern over the Political Uncertainty and its impact on the economy. Heres our Business Editor simonjack. Coming up fast, Brexit Negotiations are due to start next monday, but after the Election Result the Direction Of Travel is more uncertain than ever, and businesses like aston martin are worried. Its almost the worst of all worlds, because you now have a hung parliament, where nothing can be taken as a given. Lets understand the Direction Of Travel, lets work between government and industry, let us understand where were going to and we can adapt to the situation. That will allow us then to continue the investments that were already planning. On friday, in the immediate aftermath of the election, Business Groups gathered here at the department for business, with a regular meeting with the secretary of state. The problem is, many of them feel that up to now their voice goes no further than this building, and are hoping that a weakened theresa may will have to listen more to her cabinet colleagues and to the voice of business particularly when it comes to brexit. Up to now i dont Think Business has managed to get it views across effectively enough, or it simply hasnt been listened to, and thats particularly true of smaller businesses. Now i think weve got a bit of a window and that might change, and that might enable there to be a bit of a rethink about some of these questions about the Single Market, the Customs Union, how the Regulatory Frameworks are going to work. While many, in fact most, businesses would like to retain preferential access to our largest export market, john elliott, who runs this electrical goods manufacturer in County Durham says we must not lose sight of why people like him voted to leave. I hope common sense prevails. My view of the brexit is that weve got to leave them become the same as the other people who arent in the european union, countries like usa, canada, australia, japan, and we trade like them and give up ourfree access to the Single Market,

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