Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170922

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british prime minister heads to florence and head of a key speech about leaving the european union. —— ahead of. hello and welcome. north korea's leader has vowed to make president trump pay dearly for threatening to destroy his country. president trump made the remarks at the united nations on tuesday. kimjong—un has now hit back in this war of words, calling donald trump mentally deranged. on friday, president trump imposed new sanctions against individuals, companies and foreign banks that trade with pyongyang. 0ur diplomatic correspondent, james landale, reports. in recent weeks, north korea has simply ignored new sanctions imposed by the united nations and pressed ahead with its nuclear and missile tests. so now the united states has responded by promising to increase its own restrictions. at a meeting in new york with the leaders of japan and south korea, donald trump said he had signed a new executive order extending us sanctions against companies and banks that finance and facilitate trade with north korea. today i'm announcing a new executive order... the us president said this would specifically target north korean‘s textiles, information technology and manufacturing industries. our new executive order will cut of sources of revenue that funded north korea's efforts to develop the deadliest weapons known to humankind. what's unclear is what impact the sanctions would have on chinese banks doing business with north korea, but after weeks of pressure on china to do more common. . . and againi and again i want tojust and again i want to just say and thank president xi of china for the very bold move he made today, and that was a somewhat unexpected move and we appreciate it. on the floor of the united nations, president moon of south korea told delegates that sanctions were needed to bring the north to the negotiating table, but he said that seoul was not seeking north korea's collapsed and warned against accidental military clashes that could lead to war. translation: we will not seek reunification by absorption or artificial means. if north korea makes a decision even now to stand on the right side of history, we are ready to assist north korea together with the international community. the question of course is whether any of these sanctions will change north korea's behaviour. earlier this week mr trump threaten to totally destroy north korea if the us was forced to defend its allies. the country's foreign minister dismissed the president's speech as the sound of a dog barking. james landale, bbc news, new york. let's speak to our correspondent danny savage in seoul. give us a rundown of what these new sanctions mean. well, they are another step forward, another step to try and almost declare financial war on north korea as opposed to a military one. what you have now is china and america it seems co—ordinating because there's been this criticism in the past that perhaps china isn't doing enough, that's what america has been hinting at. now we have the chinese banking system closing down on north korea. what effect will that have? we simply don't know until time goes on really. what we can say is all the sanctions over the years of us far haven't stopped north korea developing its nuclear weapons programme and the whole reason for these sanctions is to stop that or at least bring it to a halt so negotiations can begin, and that hasn't happened. wilber latest sanctions do so? that's unclear, north korea may be able to work out banking with other nations or through other ways —— will the. there's talk about sanctions being delivered over what's allowed in because they've got clever people, they can get round the sanctions, they can get round the sanctions, they know how to play the game if you like. for them the sanctions on paper seem excruciating. what effect it will have we don't know. it's the response from the north korean leader in the last few hours making a direct statement in response to what donald trump said at the united nations earlier this week, which has been raising a few eyebrows as well, yet again we have this trading insults between the two leaders. kim jong—un says it was unprecedented rude nonsense never heard from any of his predecessors, of what donald trump said. referring to what is believed to be his nuclear weapons programme, he adds instead of being frightened or tempted to stop, he will follow that path to the last and that's a consistent line from north korea, doesn't matter about the sanctions, we will still keep going. is their concern about the increased rhetoric going back and fourth between kim jong—un and donald trump? -- is there. there has to be. to any observer looking into this, it's to be. to any observer looking into this, its extraordinary that the leader of the united states, the most powerful position on the planet arguably, is having this war of words and the kind of rising to each other any time something happens. 0ne says something and the other comes back and i'm sure we will hear something more. kim jong—un comes back and i'm sure we will hear something more. kimjong—un calls donald trump a barking dog after what he has done this week, a deranged old man is what we've had in translation this morning as well. it goes on and on and on. you've got to remember that although this is going on on the surface, behind—the—scenes there are still those diplomatic efforts trying to get some solution to this, trying to stop this escalation and people are working hard to do so and i think there is still a quiet confidence behind—the—scenes believe it or not that diplomacy will at least keep things going and keep slowing things down for now as this goes on. surely it doesn't help all these insults being traded between the two main men in this argument. dani samuels in seoul, thanks very much. —— danny savage. two days on from the devastating earthquake in mexico, the country's president says there could still be people alive in the rubble of ten collapsed buildings. 273 people are now known to have died and thousands more have been injured in the quake. 0ur correspondent rajini vaidya nathan is in the capital city. the rescue effort is in full force here in mexico city. close to a0 buildings collapsed in the earthquake on tuesday. this building is in the fashionable black on their serb district, which is nicknamed hipster town, it is normally home to fashion designers, millennials and artists. this operation at the moment is a rescue operation. the marines and the armed forces here believe there are people inside and they're trying to make contact with them. as you can see there are a lot of people and a lot of machinery as well working at the rubble. a lot of it is manual work, people passing bits of the rubble and to remove it very carefully because it's a precarious operation. international assistance has also arrived here. the israeli government has sent help and they actually involved in this particular rescue operation. while people wait, there are doctors on standby as well ready to treat anyone who is rescued and who comes out. periodically this place falls silent. people put their hands up and they are told to be silent while rescu e rs and they are told to be silent while rescuers tried to call out to people who they believe are trapped in the rubble. it's not just who they believe are trapped in the rubble. it's notjust officials who are helping with the rescue efforts here, many of these people are volu nteers here, many of these people are volunteers giving up their own time and pitching in to rescue as many people as they can. the atmosphere here is very intense, it's one of anticipation. people are still hopeful that many more people will be found in the rubble alive. manuel mavroleon is a university student and has also been helping in the recovery effort as part of the army reserve. he joins me live from mexico city. it's more than a8 hours now since the earthquake struck, how has the rescue effort been going? well, listen, i've been on site since tuesday. the moment i felt the earthquake i hurried back home, put on my reserve uniform and went to the affected areas as soon as per the. i've been out there honestly as much as i can, in fact i'm in uniform now because i plan to go out in aboutan uniform now because i plan to go out in about an hour —— as soon as possible. it's chaos out there. it's obviously shocking. i and many other mexicans are helping. i've been working, as i said, since tuesday, pulling people out of the rubble, passing rubble and consoling loved ones of people who passed away, co—ordinating with the army and civilians. really we've just seen as many mexicans doing as much as they can to help. manuel, we've been hearing how there's this huge volunteer hearing how there's this huge volu nteer effort hearing how there's this huge volunteer effort as part of the rescue, it must be taking an emotional toll on a lot of people? i'll say this, i personally never thought i would see the things that i've seen. 0n thought i would see the things that i've seen. on tuesday i was part of a small team that managed to pull seven people out of the rubble. two of them were alive, five u nfortu nately of them were alive, five unfortunately didn't make it. i've had to consult the widow of someone who was identified as passing away. but that said, i have never seen mexicans more hopeful. i am so proud to be mexican. all of my friends right now are out helping. if they're not trained medically or as engineers then they're out collecting medicine, clothing and food and transporting it to areas where it's most needed. mexico city isa where it's most needed. mexico city is a city normally full of traffic but in the last couple of days the only traffic i've seen is approaching the earthquake disaster zone because of the sheer amount of people willing to help. briefly, what kind of help to the rescuers need from the outside world if any? well, listen, right now supplies arriving low. yesterday i was breaking up large pieces of rubble with pickaxes. pickaxes are knowing low. i know two charities in mexico, one is the red cross, the other one is called los topos, and any donations are more than welcome and would really help the mexican people. manuel, thank you very much for your time. a local resident there and someone volunteering as pa rt there and someone volunteering as part of the rescue effort in mexico. puerto rico is beginning to assess the damage after hurricane maria ripped across the island. many buildings have been destroyed and the power is still out for more than 3 million. the governor has declared it nothing short of a major disaster. the bbc‘s will grant is there. this small town just outside the capital was hit hard by the vast storm. this resident lost everything. his modest home now reduced to a pile of wooden planks, rubble and twisted metal. all i have now is what i'm standing in, he said. his neighbour, evelyn, may still have a home but it is uninhabitable. the winds ripped off her roof and the place flooded. everything from mattresses to electrical appliances will need to be replaced but it's not the material things that upset her, it's the fact her ioi—year—old mother sheltering from the storm at a neighbour's won't be able to return home for months, if at all. translation: ijust had to tell her that we lost our home. she wanted to come back but i had to tell her she couldn't because it's gone. it hurts, especially at her age. with thousands of trees felled by the hurricane, debris litters the streets and blocks the highways. the electricity is still out and authorities are warning it may take many weeks before it comes back. with daylight, the extent of the damage in puerto rico is becoming clear and it's obvious that many here have lost almost everything. federalfunding is here have lost almost everything. federal funding is going here have lost almost everything. federalfunding is going to be crucial to the rebuild here as this bankrupt island tries to pick itself back up after maria. president trump has authorised federal money to help puerto rico and declared a major disaster across the country. we are going to start the process now with puerto rico, we will have further updates on what is one of the most serious storms anyone has ever seen. president trump is now expected to visit the territory soon, but people here will be looking for more than just platitudes from him. this coastal community was one of the poorest input taricco long before hurricane maria struck. jobs ask airs here and people who are finding it tough on the heavily indebted island just or it become much tougher. will grant, bbc news, puerto rico. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: bringing tv audiences closer to the wild and the wonderful for more than 50 years, sir david attenborough looks back at his broadcasting career. ben johnson, the fastest man on earth, is flying home to canada in disgrace. all the athletes should be clean going into the games. i'm just happy that justice is served. it is a simple fact that this morning, these people were in their homes. tonight, those homes have been burnt down by serbian soldiers and police. all the taliban positions along here have been strengthened, presumably in case the americans invade. it's no use having a secret service which cannot preserve its own secrets against the world. and so the british government has no option but to continue this action, and even after any adverse judgement in australia. concorde had crossed the atlantic faster than any plane ever before, breaking the record by six minutes. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: donald trump steps up the pressure on north korea, with more sanctions against companies who trade with pyongyang. the mexican president, has promised to continue the search for survivors of tuesday's earthquake. he said rescuers were still looking for anyone alive in the ruins of ten buildings. the death toll has passed 270. the head of facebook, mark zuckerberg, says the company will give the us congress information about thousands of political adverts that were paid for by russians during last year's presidential election. he said he would work — with others — towards new standards of transparency for political advertising. in future all such adverts will make it clear who paid for them. 0ur north america editorjon sopel has more from washington. it is significant. after the eu referendum, the phrase that gained power was posted to it. often it not like we were going through no truth. social media was awash with advertisements masquerading as serious news stories. they were invariably faith and invariably in favour of donald trump and against hillary clinton. for example, hillary clinton. for example, hillary clinton. for example, hillary clinton had murdered her if the eye officer involved in unmasking the e—mail enquiry and things like in a surprise move, donald trump get the backing of pope francis. all these had an impact because at the end of the election, more people were leading the fake news stories than the real news. under enormous pressure, facebook is going to show the transparency it offered talks about and just where the source of those soldiers came fro how much the russians paid for will be revealed. it will answer one question, the extent of russian involvement in the presidential election, the question it will not a nswer election, the question it will not answer is what impact of those fake news stories had on the electorate and that will hotly be contested between different supporters. a global survey commissioned by the bbc has found increasing opposition to any form of governmental regulation of the internet. it found that the proportion opposed to regulation has risen from from 51% to 58% since 2010. only two of the countries surveyed — britain and china — were in favour. the survey also found that eighty percent of those questioned were anxious about fake content on the internet. and for more on all our stories and analysis from our correspondents the british prime minister theresa may will propose a transitional deal for the uk of up two years in order to secure a smooth exit from the european union. it is thought the plan could cost britain £18 billion pounds. it is thought the plan could cost britain £18 billion. but the final brexit bill is likely to be higher. the prime minister is expected to make the offer in a key speech on brexit in italy. from florence, our political editor laura kuenssberg reports. this city might be an escape from westminster, yet the trickiness of our departure from the eu is no easier in a foreign language. and here on mainland europe, as at home, threats to theresa may lurk in many different corners. before packing her bags, she had to try to get her cabinet onside. after two and a half hours, an oh so natural display. look, we all smile and agree. reporter: is philip your new best friend? cabinet united? very united, very good, all behind the speech. mr cairns, will eu leaders like what they hear in florence? you'll have to wait and see. we don't have to wait for all the detail, though, the prime minister is expected to say, for the first time explicitly, the uk will seek a transition deal that could be up to two years long, after we leave the eu. she's likely to signal, too, she might be ready to offer 20 billion euros so that no other country loses out from brexit. but after we leave, the prime minister will make clear, again, she wants a bespoke trade arrangement, not a model based on any other. remember in the referendum, leavers promised that we would get money back. but after a visit to number 10, this prominent eurosceptic sounds completely on board with paying, if only for a couple of years. we're leaving a big hole in their finances if we just leave. and if the european union is going to deal constructively with us and reach a sensible agreement, well, then there are reasonable political and diplomatic reasons why we should help them. but in a transition, the eu's top negotiator has been firm we would have to pay and play by their rules. saying there are still big uncertainties around our approach. in government circles, though, there is hope this speech can unlock the eu impasse, that is why the plans have been carefully kept under wraps. and i have the british prime minister on the phone this afternoon — don't tell the public, because the public will not be told. laughter. but no more secrets on this speech, tomorrow, on how decades of membership, ties of money, of politics, will start to be phased out. there is much still for britain to decide, though, for the eu to discuss. this is still the overture before we finally depart. for more than half a century sir david attenborough has brought us a world of creatures and cultures that millions had never seen before. now to mark the re—publication of his zoo quest book — based on the original 1950s bbc television series — sir david has been talking to our arts editor, will gompertz about his work in the early days and how the world has changed since then. let me take you back to the mid—1950s... this is the story of a search for a dragon. ..when a young david attenborough took his first tentative steps as a natural history programme maker. as he circled us, flicking out his great yellow tongue, savouring the smell of the goat's flesh, he looked almost as though he had walked out of some prehistoric age. gosh, look at that. now here we are, 60 years later at london zoo. in the dragon house, named after the man who has become quite possibly the most respected broadcaster on planet earth. david, the world and television has changed a lot since you first encountered one of those. yes. hugely. yes, when i encountered that, there were two networks in britain only. the bottom of the ferry grated on the white coral sand... i went to bali in 1956. i only saw one other european all the time i was in bali, which was several weeks, a couple of weeks. and we filmed dancing, and it was just marvellous. whoops, look at that! i mean that, that was great fun. it was the first time that that had ever been seen on television. yes. and it took us weeks to get there and get that filmed. and of course the world was new. that's an example of it. i mean people... it wasn't the greatest film ever made, but nobody had ever seen that thing before. you're 91, so you're not as young as you once were. on a good day, how old do you feel in yourself? about a5, really. yes, i think so, really. and i mean, look, this is luck, isn't it? this is just luck. jack and i set off wildly in pursuit. his luck is our good fortune. there are more programmes to come from this much—loved big beast of the broadcasting jungle. will gompertz, bbc news. the world's richest woman, the l'0real cosmetics heiress liliane bettencourt, has died at the age of 9a. forbes magazine estimated her wealth at nearly $a0 billion. she was born in 1922, the daughter of an industrial chemist whose hair dye business evolved into l'0real. her father never gave her a management role. that's all for now — you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter — i'm @bbcreged ahmad. much more on the website as well. hello. no sooner do we get rid of one weather front from the uk, there is another coming in from the atlantic in the day ahead. a day that starts chilly, especially in rural spots. freezing as the day begins. fog patches, especially in eastern and south—east england. here is the next weather system. rain in northern ireland. it is slowly taking that rain further east during the day. breezy and wet in northern ireland, some outbreaks of rain edging into the west of scotland. the bulk of the uk is dry. chilly to begin the day, but for many of us, plenty of sunshine. remember, some mist and fog around. east anglia, south—eastern england are most prone to that before it clears away. it should not take long. along with the rain in the west, the wind picks up. especially in the coast and hills. moving away from northern ireland, the rain goes into scotland and wales. more light and patchy as it does so. leaving parts of eastern england and the south—east dry. perhaps some sunny spells. temperatures, 19. with the wind and rain, it will feel quite cool. as we go on through friday night, this weather system stalls. there is cloud and drizzle affecting parts of england and wales. that is the start of saturday. much more mild on saturday morning. the big picture for the weekend. an area of low pressure to the west of us. there will be a weather front approaching from the west. the wind is picking up on saturday. increasingly windy in the west. a gale developing later on saturday. this area of cloud and patchy rain covering england and wales going north during the day. all of scotland apart from the north keeping sunshine. southern england breaking into sunshine during the day. perhaps some sunny spells in northern ireland. a bit of warmth. this weather system coming in from the atlantic, some uncertainty about how far east it will go during sunday. some sunny spells either side of it. easing winds. we will keep you updated on that. we are following hurricane maria, which on sunday should just miss the turks and caicos islands. it looks like it will eventually push north further away from the bahamas. this is bbc news, the headlines: the united states has imposed new sanctions on north korea over its nuclear weapons programme. donald trump has signed an executive order aimed at preventing companies and banks from dealing with pyongyang. the president's decision comes ten days after the united nations announced its own measures. the mexican president has promised to continue the search for survivors of tuesday's earthquake. he said rescuers are still looking for anyone alive in the ruins of ten buildings. over 270 people across central mexico are now known to have died in the quake. the prime minister of dominica says at least 15 people have been killed and 20 others are missing after hurricane maria struck the caribbean island on monday. the storm then hit puerto rico and is now heading northwards towards the turks & caicos islands and the bahamas. now on bbc news, hardtalk.

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New York , United States , , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Australia , United Kingdom , Aspa , Permskiy Kray , Russia , Dominica , Washington , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Mexico , China , Canada , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , London , City Of , Puerto Rico , Seoul , Soul T Ukpyolsi , South Korea , Israel , Italy , Bali , Bolu , Turkey , Bahamas , The , Americans , America , Mexicans , Chinese , Mexican , Scotland , Turks , Britain , British , Serbian , Israeli , Russians , Theresa May , James Landale , David Attenborough , Ben Johnson , Hillary Clinton , Kim Jong ,

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