Transcripts For CNBC Mad Money 20171215

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adobe. and we're off to the races without any real worry about last minute status of darn tax bill which is looking more and more likely that it will become law next thing you know, the dow rockets 143 points nasdaq, .9%. nasdaq pole vaults up 1.17%. it is easy, isn't it look, we don't even know what is going to happen in washington. but as i told you last night, we're in the torpedos full speed ahead moment i am telling you, it's underrated by everybody. corporate earnings witness the pin action from costco and adobe so while the specter of washington haunts the market bad, they can't stop the averages from going higher will it continue since earnings are really in charge here despite you think it may be the tax cut, i went over the last day cut it, raise it it doesn't matter. what matters is earnings let's go right to next week's game plan. the big competition in stocks is bonds. let me put this scene setter here obviously on monday we want to see what happens to that tax bill we also get some inflation numbers from the euro-zone i wish these weren't so important. they're linked to us let me explain they may hold the key to what happens with our longer term interest rates and those in turn are the competition to stocks but also something that need to go higher as i said before, if the bank stocks are going to keep climbing, the market leaders, we need to see longer term interest rates go up. my thesis is that they may not go higher unless the federal reserve dumps its bonds. more important, europe raises interest rates here the issue rates are so ridiculously low in europe that foreign money is flooding into our bonds and has been for long time that pushes our rates down they're buying the bonds interest rates go down alas, the european central bank reiterated this week that they're going to keep rates low. now it may be the right decision for them it is holding back our bonds and therefore less ideal for american banks if inflation picks up, euro-zone cpi on monday, then i think europeans will stop the easing and think about tightening just like we are thus sending our longer term rates up and with them our bank stocks you can bet if we get a higher inflation number from europe on monday, bank of america, j.p. morgan and citi, goldman sachs, morgan stanley, they will continue to roar and the banks are such a powerful leadership group in this market, this he could end up pulling a whole tape with them they're more important than tech they are bigger and more important. i know it's crazy what they do over there matters here. the banks are not making enough money from lending y does that matter that could cause a slowdown in 2018 if we are not careful it is my biggest worry going into 2018, i worry about the banks not lending. that is the last thing we need when the fed is tightening that's how you get a investigation. so in this position of wanting more inflation in europe if, we want to eliminate a major risk to the markets and continue to move higher. tuesday's earnings, first we hear from carnival and we hear from darden. the restaurant chain that is known as olive garden. i'm expecting terrific reports from both. all the cruise lines have transcended where they go to a lot of them go to the caribbean. they haven't recovered from the storm damage people keep signing up for cruises in record numbers. why is that? they've become the ultimate experience vacations we know the prebookings are very strong we heard it from, yeah, we talked to all different cruise lines. now darden did not have that good a quarter last time i think the economy is doing a little better from last time people are starting to merge and go out to a sit down dinner again. that means they're going to darden costco says things are doing well, restaurants will eventually do better this is the quarter that they're going to start after the close tuesday we had three hugely important quarters. fedex, micron, and red hat and if all three are strong, we're going to have a rip snorting rally again the next morning. first there is fedex i think it will be very good i say that because last time adobe, the arbitor of online sales, closed at e-commerce and that is great. i think fedex will have no problem hand willing all that e-commerce holiday demand. it is too well run to let that happen i like fedex ultimately, i think kit go to $300 micron is tougher. the semiconductor company has d-rams, the basic commodity storage and flash memory which is ubiquitous in every mobile device the former had strong pricing. the latter has not been doing as well people think that flash pricing is going to peak in 2018 f micron cannot blow away the numbers or revises the forecast down, it is all because of weakness in flash, the semiconductor stock rally will rally. you'll see the tankers go down and applied materials go down. so we have to have a good number but not just a good number, a good from ast from mu. finally, there is red hat which does to more onboard companies under the cloud than everybody else if this one delivers and again like the other two that report tuesday evening, i think it will then we're going have another big move by the way, vm ware, they also do a lot of -- remember, they try to get so it that your on prem kiss go off cloud -- go to other cloud. so they're an log to red hat so they'll be up the most if red hat reports a good number. all these companies are doing stupendously the pin action off all of these will be incredible that's why the day is so important. general mills reports wednesday. i'm super worried about twhuvenlt the stock has run up seven straight points. i'm calling it vulnerable. we got a rumor that campbell soup is going to buy snyder. it's a deal that will be fabulous for the soup can. i bet they pull it off if it does occur monday, i bet the stock at general mills will jump because people will say a lot of consolidation in food that's why i want you to litghte up on the stock. i think good news here means sell some here everyone from costco today to walmart to foot locker, target, macy's if we get a good quarter from bed, bath & beyond which is a retailer blasted repeatedly by the death star that is amazon, then you're going to see another leg up to the retail rally that's a big if though as bed and bath hasn't had the most consistent execution. you hear the theme right from me rally, rally, rally. like last night when everyone went home and they were throwing away stocks. rally. the hits keep coming on thursday, accenture reports it's run so much that now you have to wait until it delivers a so-called disappointment i say so-called because accenture stock has a pattern. every report from this expert induces selling. it always appears to be nothing than a recharge for the stock to resume the long march higher i think it does the same thing again. we also hear from carmark, car retailer i think people have been car shopping i like the stock ahead of earnings while i'm concerned about general mills, i'm down right excited about seeing the report from conagra i think that will give you a very good number their store -- their stuff has a lot in the aisle i think conagra is going to give you a nice upside surprise a suggestion, if general mills doesn't give you a crowd pleaser and the whole group trade down on mills, remember, they all trade together buy stock for conagra. i think it could be a long term situation though let me give you another idea i'm full of them tonight finish line reports in the am. okay finish line reports in the am. and you'll go through it together but i got to tell you, i'm talking about on squawk on the street but nike reports after so we can see how nike is doing from talking to finish line. now we got an upgrade at finish line today fit turns out to be right, you might want to buy nike as they report thursday after the close. the stock had a nonstop run since they hit bottom in the low 50s. a good number and nike even as much as it is gets a second wing it is still behind a lot of the dow stocks along comes a frafrt favorite that could go away the numbers, krichlt. ntas one look at that strong employment number, cintas is going to shoot the light outs. the stock has been a horse if you have sense, you'll buy cintas friday is an official day off. after earning this is week, you no what he we're going to need a break. so here's the bottom line. earnings have been the secret sauce to this market i think that the stretch continues is better than expected sales and profits keep driving us higher. next week, it should be no exception. let's go hank in new york. hank >> hey, jim. love your show >> thank you >> hey, i'm calling about dexcom my daughter is a type one diabetic she wears the dexcom censor. eli lilly announces they were getting into dexcom space and their stock tumbled. now eli lilly is saying they want to work with dexcom so can you give me your thoughts on dexcom's future >> okay. well we -- we were most concerned about is that abbott has gotten involved. and abbott was going after dexcom dexcom has a great niche of the highest end, safest, least -- not the most definite reading on the situation. and that's why we think that dexcm was overly punished when abbott went against them i think you're fine with dexcom. this market is hard to keep down earnings have been crushing it i expect more of it next week. a company that keeps the technology running at dominos. and even for the fed, i'll reveal the name ahead. then wer then the weather outside is frightful. find out which stock can warm up your portfolio and the deadline for affordable care act i'm talking with a sooeg to find out what means for your money. don't miss my exclusive with cramer fav stick with cramer. >> don't miss a second of "mad money. follow him on twitter. have a question? tweet cramer #madtweets send jim an e-mail or give us a call at fidelity, trades are now just $4.95. we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. as much attention that we give to ipos, i think fitabout i itfitbit take the team for you home gamers, they help in enterprises with collaboration tracking communication service management and development products they make software for other software developers but they also make life easy. last time it was a dud when they came public. i tell you to look for these it declined 20% out of the gate. but over time this thing has justifiably caught fire. stock is now up a monster 95% year to date this say rare tech ipo that is cash flow positive and profitable it's trying to lose money as possible those that we always say be careful on it means you can actually slap a real valuation on it even better than companies putting up some stellar results and including a nice top and bottom line. phenomenal 42% revenue growth. 42%. can the momentum stay? let's d let's dig deep we are the ceo of lasion corporation mr. cannon brooks, welcome to "mad money." how are you? >> thank you >> you rang the opening bell over at nasdaq you have a lot of good products. i'm going close to home. this is a philadelphia eagles touchdown train. you have the philadelph"philade enquirer" and which i check many times a day as a customer what do you do for them. >> we held team at those businesses to collaborate race better so running projects, communicating with each other, working on documents together. so anything that teams do, we help them work better together >> tell me the difference between you and slack. what do you do >> sure. slack is a mess efrpging product that helps with piece of the communication puzzle we have a much broader family of products that help with everything from project management through communications to service manage as we said. >> now there's a service desk and it's on fire i was trying to figure out who your customers are and why it's doing so well. >> sure. our mission is to, as i said, unleash the potential of every team and one thing that service december is being really catching on to is teams themselves, we do a lot of things within the team what service desk helps is two teams that have to work together especially teams you don't traditionally think of as service teams. so if you have to go to legal to get an nba approved or contract, they're providing with you a service, sales team dealing with the legal team they help them dmekt a really efficient way so turns business teams into service teams delivering to other teams. >> instead of one-on-one e-mail or people trying to figure out where someone sean trying to figure out what that other guy or woman is doing, you can all see it in one site. >> sure. and they can define channels if it's a legal team, an nba may have a 24-hour turnout can you divide channels and see what is holding up whether you need more lawyers or less lawyers in the business >> i saw chatter which i used. and i was thinking geez, you must be kpeltive and then i checked in with mark. you're partners on things. >> yeah. we're big partner with sales force on a lot of different things >> we came back from dream force. i didn't see, you know, you are behind the scenes people i saw a lot of the front people. tell us how you cooperate with them that's been a big winner for people watching the show >> sure. i mean service december is being a good example with oufr software development products so the software and bit bucket, we do a lot of work alongside the solutions. so if you're using service desk to manage the customer relationships, that meets your back end creation teams. designers and software developers and product managers. that's one area where we collaborate rachlt i'm glad you mentioned bit bucket i'm old enough to say. this i don't quite understand what they do and so i have to ask you. >> sure. bit bucket turns software into a collaboration problem. so all of our tooldz are about teams collaborating. within different domains when you write code, you don't write it by yourself you generally write it with a team of people and they have feedback on the codes. >> okay. >> it allows you to do that on software code to have a better end product, better he code, lets security flaws. >> so someone who maybe has questions about what their writing can share with others and teach them to do better? >> that's right. >> team. >> a way of doing something or people looking for problems, you might be a junior engineer and senior engineer and reviews what you're doing before it gets into the complication now and into the world where it is much harder to fix. >> so your company is a competitive company. i say that because you had a $50 million bet -- your company with elan musk about tesla's giant battery. >> technically >> personally, give us a little flavor that's kind of a high rolling bet. >> sure. i mean at $50 million is an interesting number but yeah, he said he could fix one of the states in australia was having some real power problems it became a political football and i -- he said he could fix it and i challenged him that he said he could was really serious about there? and he said he was and i helped behind the scenes to kind of make sure that they got connected with the politics and money and we, yeah, we now have the biggest battery of the world sitting in australia three times any battery that any man produced. >> did he get 509 or some cooperation? >> he got the deal done in under 100 days he won the bet. >> and you actually wrote him a check? >> he got the business. >> okay. more than $50 million. >> i feel bad that i didn't know this story until i looked into your company i mean that's a great positive story. >> sure. yeah we're trying to change the politics into a positive directi direction. >> you're only the second australian, the other was a power company, that's ever come on i bet you have a thriving code writing and tech community there. >> we do we have a very great technology industry in australia. it had a really been up five or six years. so i'm pretty proud. >> i'm thrilled you came on the show i really am. this is very exciting. that is mike cannon-brooks you should look at this company. because the symbol team is for real stay with cramer your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. winter is not coming winter is here last weekend it snowed in louisiana of all places. and if you live in the new york metro area, you're freezing your appendages off we may be able to get the first truly cold winter in years so tonight i want to highlight two of the most prominent winter weather apparel plays. i bet you know these colombia sportswear. and the new challenger, although i think there is room for everybody, canada goose. you know, patch company. it came public earlier this year both of the stocks are on fire after spending a couple years lost in the wilderness, colombia's rallied from the mid 50s in august to nearly $70 as of today meanwhile, i say this with great humility, of course that's all about me, canada goose has given you amonster 64% gain since i recommended it in march at $16 a share. and nobody liked the darn thing. holy cow maybe the cramer guy actually knows what he's talking about. no, that's a scary thought but here's the problem after the runs, we have to ask ourselves if either of the winter wear stocks still has more room to run has colombia's come back, you know, run the course or could this be the beginning of another multiyear move like the one we snau 2013 or 2014 when we first got involved with the stock? is canada goose in the easterly zwrajs of a fabulous long term growth story that need to be embraced right now? or is the stock become prohibitively expensive after this huge move let dig deeper for starters, let me give you background in case you keep track of the stuff colombia sportswear makes apparel, foot ware, accessories and outdoor equipment and tactical stuff but focused on boots and coats, high-tech coats that can keep your body warm without making you all sweaty. and winter boots that keep your feet cozy when it is cold out, like it will be whether i watch the eagles tonight you may recommend them from colombia and sorrel. canada goose has a different niche. they're a small company that is nevertheless the world's leading makers of pearl formance luxury apparel. the popular fur lined coats and parkas can sell for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. so how about the trajectory? okay, for years colombia sportswear was red hot until the stock fell out of knave 2015 and then the numbers kept on declining. two yearsing athe revenue increased by 25% last year it was up 2.2% and the weakness continued in the early part of 2017 colombia had too many problems the annihilation of bricks and mortar retailers that sell mom of the products. and the fact that we had two really warm interers inwinters w this is not good for a company that gelts the money from selling coats and boots. however, after spending a couple years in the penalty box, they seem to be getting the groove back what turned things around? investors got a lot more sanguine about retail. in part because so many old school retailers keep delivery with excellent numbers talking about how they'll have a great holiday season second, colombia has a self help initiative they're trying to boost brand awareness and expand the online direct to consumer channels and optimize the whole organization. it's still early but when the company reported last month, they delivered a strong top and bottom line and they even cut the full year forecast and shaded it down, the stock still rallied. and that is a real sign of incredible confident in the marketplace with colombia. all right. how about canada goose again this is a really bird of a different feather. canada goose is a high quality, luxury brand that's become very, very chic. colombia sportswear makes great stuff but it's not high fashion. sorrel boots will be that. when i recommended this stock earlier this year, i was very enthusiastic about canada goose's numbers. not only were they generating 30 plus revenue growth which is terrific, you don't see that kind of percentage very often, but the numbers were accelerating which is something wall street can't get enough of. i also like the company's expansion plans. building out the wholesale relationship, stepping on the gas when it comes to e-commerce, opening a handful of their own stores more important, when the goose came public early this year, they had taken can did by storm. with around 76% brand awareness in the u.s., their brand was awareness was only at 16% versus canada this could have a much more upside as they try to conquer the u.s. they also have plans to start selling more than outer wear including apparel for the spring and fall which should give the brands much needed diverse fiction. everybody said oh, my. if it's so warm, we'll bolt from this stock that proved to be one of the reasons why the stock is so low. and look, if you bought the stock where i recommended it right after it came public, you're now up 64%. canada goose did sell off a bit over the summer because of profit taking and they held a secondary offering in late june. so that it's private equity sponsor bing capital could ring the register that kind of move is not a great sign typically the stock is bounced back with a vefr vefrpg ens and made a new high this year. so it turns out to be a great buying opportunity the beauty is there is not much noise here what you see with canada goose is what you get. and what you see are truly fantastic earnings reports in june the company delivered some blowout numbers very strong outlook for the 2018 fiscal year august they delivered some stunning numbers sales up 80% and remember, summer is the weakest part for these guys. one of the reasons why people didn't like it when we first recommended it and kind of scoffed at it is because they said it's going to sell off. good he is what? it whats another opportunity fast forward a month ago, canada goose posted another excellent quarter. the company sales grou to 34%. but still better than 2016 the gross margin expanded dramatically this is important for apparel makers 46.4% up to 50.5%. a lot of apparel makers were getting crushed. talk about a big increase in profitability. they earned 29 cents a share. management raised the full year earnings forecast up to 35%. that is a quantum leap that is stunning the new stores are in great shape. the recently most opened ones in chicago and tokyo. put it all together,en that company is growing like a weed it shows no sign of stopping any time soon. so where do we go from here? all right. let's talk valuation that is what really got one of the stocks in the dog house. colombia sportswear trade at 23 times next year's earnings estimates. canada goose, much more expensive. sells for 62 times their 2018 numbers. and even though the 2020 numbers out a couple years it sells for 38 times earnings. then again, canada goose has a much faster growth rate. beyond the stocks though it's looking like we'll have a real winner this year and generally speaking, outer wear and inventories are lean. they won't have to do much in the way of mark downs. bing of an apparel makers existence. that said, goldman sachs just downgraded colombia from buy to neutral or this week look, it played out already. and i thought mightily about this ahead of this piece thinking maybe goldman sachs will be right. here's the bottom line if we're going to have a cold winter, then can you do a lot worse than owning eitherst stocks but which would you pick it dpenld on you, not me, frankly. colombia sportswear is for steady eddie solid risk/reward. i like it more on pull back. canada goose is a classic momentum stock the potential reward are much greater but so is the risk if they somehow mess things up and they sure haven't so far if you bought goose, i think you ring the register on some of the position no one ever got hurt taking a profit and use it to buy your civil a sweater or canada goose jacket and keep some on. the story is down right fabulous ron in california, ron >> yeah. jim. i have a question about sketchers. >> yes >> what's your opinion >> i think skechers is going to have a good holiday season and legality's see oh, boy. here it is it's at a 52-week high it's still well down from where it traded. if itpulls back a little bit, think it's probably a buy. the last quarter was really excellent. okay this one is from don in florida. don, go ahead. >> caller: hey jim thanks for taking the call you're the best. >> thank you >> caller: hey, i really believe these brick-and-mortar stores are going to come back i'm hanging in there with my tj max. i'm in at $78. what do you >> when i ran, we rang the register for -- we told club members that, you know what? it doesn't have a good line offering, online offering. the inventories are so lean at the major clothe ago peril department stores we fear they may not have the choice of inventory. so we're not -- we're no longer fans of tjx. we think the day has come and gone unless they do something really exciting like ross has or burlington those are better winter is here can you do a lot worse than the two prominent winter weather plays. colombia sportswear and canada goose. you now have the skinny on both. choose wisely. it's up to you, not me a few hours left to enroll in obama care, i'm talking with the ceo to see how signups can impact the profit potential. then i'm getting the yule log ready. i'm taking all your questions. and we'll do your calls rapid fire and the lightning round and, of course, a look back at the week that was. so stay with cramer. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ what we do every night is like something out of a strange dream. except that the next morning... it all makes sense. fedex powers global commerce with vast, far-reaching networks... deep knowledge of industries... and, yes... maybe a little magic. ♪ what just happenedto the stock sentin a health plan provider that specifically set up to profit from government sponsored programs like medicaid, medicare and affordable care act and give you terrific care. and frankly, not to toot my own horn, it's up 65% since the end of last year when we started liking it so much. however, there is new found concerns we have to figure out for one, obamakaren rolement ends today and it will be down versus last year doesn't mean they'll be down the whole plan for the nation. the new tax bill ends the individual mandate to buy health insurance which is what hurts their property if we can understand what they're doing in washington just last night the company announced 2018 outlook to me the numbers seem to be terrific maybe it wasn't blowout enough for the analysts and the stock got dinged over 4% today and the state of washington didn't help matters. they were a little after they halted them. so are these worries legitimate or are we getting worked up over tempest in a teapot? let's check in with the chairman and ceo of centene welcome back to "mad money". >> good to be here, sir. >> those of us suffering trying to figure out open enrollment know you're there whether it comes to the exchanges yet, washington banned you, state of washington, and then said you're okay now this is clearly not the kind of confusion that we want for people trying to figure out their health care. >> there was a dispute with a provider on fees and some other things they got some of the patients to complain the state jumped into it as they should >> right >> and they met with our people over a period of time. it's been resolved the press release is out we're reenrolling. it lasted about eight hours. and washington can enroll longer in the state plan so it was a tempest in a teapot. it took -- we took a hit on the stock because of it. >> i went through the investor day. i have to tell you, i've known you now. you're a straight shooter. i kept thinking all right, what is wrong what's wrong the analysts don't love it and then i hit up the news i couldn't believe it. this is crunch time for a lot of people in the country. >> that's right. and we're going to be up >> we talked about 100,000 now some things they did would -- was guaranteed to reduce the enrollment sunday from noon to midnight, they service the system. that's what the most enrollment takes place. things of that nature. so i expect us down. we had our direct enrollment programs they worked. our lines were backlogged like can you not believe. people trying to get n we'll have a very successful it's at the high end of the margins. so this is a good program. people are basically happy reenrollments are good the plan, the numbers, we're ahead of consensus >> okay. but let's talk about what they are doing right now in washington i mean, there's a concerted effort to aeviscerate the aca. you always told us, look, we can figure out what you to do with or without but you got to know what you have to deal with. i mean, can you make any sense of what's going on >> no. we move from policy to politics. and we can continue to maintain that we're going deal with the facts as we have them today. because there is no clear direction where it's going and it moves from second to second, one vote to one vote and it is just impossible to figure it out. but it's worked for us do what you think is right at the time i had a panel today on the aca, credible they all -- we all agreed, keep moving down the line >> right >> we'll fix it. >> all right how about the acquisition? that's a gigantic acquisition. is any of this push back or anything by what's going on with the now politics and not poll >> no. the integration program is in place going. we're moving through the regulatory approvals i'm told that the state has very little issues. they understand centene. and we bring ut party and medical management and good systems. they're working with the insurance on how to get admission once they get all the money. and we're calling it an april 1 close. >> okay. so if we have to look at what people are most confused about, we've got the washington thing we have policy but you just literally painted a fabulous picture your stock search cheaper than the other companies in this business do you think it's because of a misunderstanding that you're relying on government programs when none of the -- i don't get it >> the stock -- if we had not had this issue today, you would be looking at stock probably 7% up >> i said the same thing this morning. i'm glad you said it this centene is going to rock it at the analyst meeting and then i couldn't figure out what happened. >> if you look at the analyst notes, they're all uniformly positive >> positive. i felt good about it they said it is one of the best two days >> and i felt so too i think you got a great company. this is the only -- one of the rare buying opportunities in this whole group let alone your stock. that's our president and ceo of centene. i think you're getting a gift. i know this group. this stock should not be down as much as it is. [vo] when it comes to investing, looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. it can provide what we call an unlock: a realization that often reveals a better path forward. at wells fargo, it's our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and wealth management firms in the country. discover how we can help find your unlock. ♪ (news anchor) downtown traffic is still bad. expect massive delays. (radio channel changing) (news anchor 2) all lanes on highway 50 remain closed at this hour. (news anchor 3) the stats are in and this city leads with some of the worst traffic, with the average driver sitting in gridlock the equivalent of three days a year. for every hour that you're idling in your car, you're sending about half a gallon of gasoline up in the air. that amounts, over the course of the week, to about 10 pounds of carbon dioxide. growth is good, but when it starts impacting our quality of air and quality of life, that's a problem. so forward-thinking cities like sacramento are investing in streets that are smarter and greener. the solution was right under our feet. asphalt. or to be more precise, intelligent asphalt. by embedding sensors into the pavement, as well as installing cameras on traffic lights, we will be able to study and analyze the flow of traffic. then, we will take all of that data and we use it to optimize the timing of lights, so that traffic flows easier and travel times are shorter. and sacramento is just the beginning. with advances in cameras, sensors, and network speeds, we have the ability to make cities smarter, and happier. what excites me about this technology is that we're using some of the most cutting-edge machine-learning, and ai, to help solve the most fundamental challenges that cities face around the world. who knew asphalt could help save the environment? (lani) and the possibilities are endless. it is time time for the lightning round and then the lightning round is over are you ready? got it start with boomer in maine boomer >> boo-yah, jim. happy friday, man. how you doing? >> man, it's friday. i'm great. how about you? >> caller: i'm doing well. i want to know if paypal right now is an attractive buy because of the recent dip. thank you. love you, jimmy. >> buy, buy, buy how about lee in arizona lee? >> caller: boo-yah, jim from sunny arizona. >> how can i help? >> caller: my stock is egrx. >> no. especially pharma that i don't care for don't buy. don't buy. let's go to harold in maryland >> caller: how you doing harold how you doing? >> good. >> caller: thanks for everything fpr. what is your recommendation to hold, sell or buy more >> sell, sell, sell, sell. >> i'm not sure. what do you think? >> sell, sell, sell, sell. let's go to ed in nevada ed >> caller: hello, jim, vegas strong i lost my shirt with century link not in the casinos but century link what do you think -- >> i think you'll lose your pants next whoa you'll be naked. how about steve in massachusetts? stephen? >> caller: hey, jim. how you doing? >> i'm good. >> caller: i wonder about sky works. >> it's on the down side pick it up in the low 90s. joanne in ohio >> caller: boo-yah >> what's up >> caller: i want to know something about cisco systems? >> cisco, any time below $38, pull the trigger i think it's cheap now and that is the conclusion of the lightning round! >> the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade >> tony in new york. tony >> boo-yah >> nice. >> hey, big boo-yah. how are you? >> let me get my breath. wow. >> remember, there's a lot of tax law selling here got to change that they were so pro scale that by the end of the meetings i thought they wanted me to develop a rash but is the stock ready to rebound? the stock needs some real life >> what? >> i'd rather have sanldals. >> which asset is the most to lose it's not it's still too long. i'm getting mindful. >> i feel better already ll stre. what's the hesitation? eh, it just feels too complicated, you know? well sure, at first, but jj can help you with that. jj, will you break it down for this gentleman? hey, ian. you know, at td ameritrade, we can walk you through your options trades step by step until you're comfortable. i could be up for that. that's taking options trading from wall st. to main st. hey guys, wanna play some pool? eh, i'm not really a pool guy. what's the hesitation? it's just complicated. step-by-step options trading support from td ameritrade and now a fireside chat with jim cramer >> the weather outside is frightful, the fire is so delightful, since we have no place to go, let the fonz go we're doing it again much as one year ends and another begins, we're taking the time to give thanks to the holiday season and reflect on our plans for 2018 the year is quickly coming to an end. i want to be ready to invest in the new year grab some hot chocolate or something a little stronger like this brown tequila not really and the floor is yours let's take questions i'd like to start with curtis in north carolina curtis >> hello jim, good evening >> the team is so great. they make me look good particularly the makeup person much what's up >> i just want to take a moment here to wish you guys a merry christmas and happy hanukkah >> thank you i have to tell you, if you knew how much we love each other, you'd say it can't be. it can't be tv but it is. what's up? >> you have a fine operation there. anyway, i'm wondering this holiday season how you feel about being in a mid cap fund for long term and with that, do you think that if the tax reform goes through, jim, will it have a more beneficial infect on mid caps than the s&p 500 big cap stocks >> i think absolutely. i think it will. mid caps are domestic. so you're not dealing with companies that have far flung operations that won't benefit from lower corporate tax rate. i that i is absolutely the right thing to do. i think you got real horse sense, curtis. thank you for the nice comments. let's go to al in florida. al >> hey, jim. thanks for taking my call. >> of course go ahead the floor is yours >> caller: sorry sorry, jim, i couldn't hear you. thanks for taking my call. i just will some questions for you. sure >> regarding three stocks i stocked away in my wildfire. >> sound good. >> okay. first one, well, i got right now, it's applied materials, ali baba and blackstone group for the dividend i'm torn between i guess i feel like i'm buying furniture in a dark room. i had them since the 52-week high i'm down 6% on ali baba and applied materials. i'm down about 8% on blackstone. so what i was wondering is if you suggest maybe -- because i have enough for maybe one more equity in diversifying into align technologies, get into the medical sector i think there is a lot of growth there or should i add to my position in one of the other three? or should i also own the blackstone group i'm looking at apo with the same dividend >> okay. >> and maybe going into one of those instead of blackstone. it's been dead wood. >> no. no blackstone is real good. don't -- please do not sell it ali baba is a buy here i think that's good. applied materials is an excellent company. snechlt tuesday, mu reports. they're a big kuflt of the semiconductor capital equipment companies. so if they reported disappointing quarter at all, you'll be able to get applied materials at a better price. but i think amat is a great company for the next ten years not necessarily the next ten days but next ten years i don't really want you to do anything i like your thinking i think you got some good ones don't mess around. let's go to mark in nevada mark >> hi, jim how you doing today? >> i wish i were out in nevada how about you? what's going on? >> you're right. it's in the 60s and no snow. >> man, my buddy matt is out there right now. it would be so much fun. go ahead >> well, we -- okay, here's the question on the bond market side, there's not a lot of movement. i wonder why -- as a matter of fact, the yield curve is actually flat. i wonder why would the prospect of rising deficits and potentially rising growth and there was some high wholesale inflation in november, why aren't we seeing the yields bump up just a little bit >> we know we want that, mark. we want the federal reserve to dump the bonds i'm not kidding. we need a little inflection so the banks will get money from your deposit and lend them out and make more money. secondly, we have european inflation numbers that if they're not hot, europe p keep the rates low. i have to till, its rates are so low that people keep putting their money here which keeps our rates down and finally, i got to tell you, this market is immune to what they're doing in washington. the economy is, you know, i think it's going to run hot. but there is still enough slack that there's not enough demand for money. it's a real hard thing to understand stick with cramer. ♪ ♪i'm living that yacht life, life, life top speed fifty knots life on the caribbean seas it's a champagne and models potpourri on my yacht made of cuban mahogany, gany, gany, gany♪ ♪watch this don't get mad (bell mnemonic) get e*trade and get invested ♪ let out your inner child at the lexus december to remember sales event. lease the 2018 nx 300 for $319 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. their leadership is instinctive. they're experts in things you haven't heard of - researchers of technologies that one day, you will. some call them the best of the best. some call them veterans. we call them our team. monster tech rally today it could continue if micron reports a good number next week. nelson peltz after the close, yes, from triant on the board at procter & gamble i cannot wait to talk to him next week about his plan for what he would like to do at p & g. i got to tell you, that one might be one you want to buy that group lagged. i think it will be worth a lot more with nelson on the board. like i say, there is always something to bichlt i promise to find it for you on "mad money. i'm jim cramer see you monday >> welcome to the shark tank, where entrepreneurs seeking an investment will face these sharks. if they hear a great idea, they'll invest their own money or fight each other for a deal. this is "shark tank." ♪ jared joyce, a serial inventor who's hoping to sell the sharks on one of his many ideas. this is going to be fun. my name is jared joyce. i'm an inventor/entrepreneur, and today, in exchange for $250,000, i'm offering you 25% equity

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