account and i'm out supporting the cdc on this trying to make it work for the most people. keeping the risk low, and also allowing us to open up our economy. >> yeah. i mean, you know, that -- that is -- that is obviously crucial. so, when i look at the numbers right now, dr. schaffner, more than 112,000 people are in american hospitals with covid right now. higher than the peak for delta in september. quickly approaching the record set last january. so, are these hospitalizations as bad as they were then in their -- in their substance? is something different? how concerned do we need to be? >> well, i'm still concerned about the people in the hospital. being in the hospital is no picnic. and the folks in the hospital are overwhelmingly unvaccinated persons. the vaccine and the boosters give you mild infections, and keep you out of the hospital. and vaccines are actually working. it's the unvaccinated folks that i am concerned about. adults and children, together.