emmanuel macron spoke today and he said that with britain, france would submit a proposal to the u.n. emergency meeting tomorrow. a proposal to have a safe zone in kabul for those people desperate to get out. but what that will look like, no one really knows. robyn. >> thanks for that. appreciate it. so my next guest knows what it's like to have family stranded in afghanistan. he left the country with his parents when he was just a baby after the soviet invasion in 1980. he is also a former-u.s. marine, who was among the first boots on the ground in afghanistan back in the winter of 2001. well, he joins me now from los angeles. no doubt, real concerns for you about family there. tell us -- tell us who they are and what they've been saying to you. >> um, thank you, robyn. my -- i have family. my -- my aunt, my uncle, my cousins. they're scared. they're nervous. they have no idea what's -- what's gonna happen, especially