people emerged from the 1970s, which were tough economic times, and went "wow, we can now spend." i want you to think about this florentine plum also. honey, that's what's gonna set your eyes off. brands: the economy started growing, and it was largely a consumer-driven growth. but the consumer economy was funded by debt. kiker: the national bankruptcy rate is soaring. greg and diana ferry -- annual income $32,000. they had over $12,000 in unsecured debts when they bought a new home. then they bought a new washer, a dryer, a microwave oven, and a betamax tv recorder. then they went bankrupt. i knew i didn't have the money, but if you've got plastic money, there's nothing holding you back. all of a sudden, it became very acceptable to have debt. it became very acceptable to have a credit card. more than acceptable if you wanted to pull it out of your wallet and use it. live from tampa bay, florida, it's the home shopping club. [ horn squeaks ] safer: every doodad and and tchotchke that man's hand hath wrought.