Off. This first flight taking off from grand rapids, michigan, on the way to memphis, on the way to hospitals and clinics around the country, on the way to save lives. This plane just the first of many that we will see. As you are watching this plane take off in grand rapids, there are other planes getting ready, getting fueled up to hit the skies. There are other trucks that are actually getting vaccines loaded in as we speak elsewhere in michigan. This is an ongoing and remarkable moment in the United States coming just days, of course, after the United Kingdom began to provide vaccinations to the most vulnerable populations there. Its so important to show the images, to see this happen live because its an essential part of Public Health communication, for people to see how this works, to see the vaccines being loaded into the boxes. All of this transparency, all of this information is critical at this point in time so that people can trust the process, to see that it is happening, and to see that help is on the way. This, again, moments ago. The first flight, the first of many with a u. S. Shipment of covid19 vaccines taking off from grand Rapids International Airport in grand rapids, michigan. Later this hour we will have more on the covid19 crisis. We will also get to the hours other big breaking news. That is President Trump and his first oncamera interview since losing the election. He is speaking out to foxs bryan kehl immediate making a lot of bogus claims. We will fact check those claims with one of the countrys top election law attorneys. He is standing by in just a moment. We have a lot of news to get to. But let me start, as we, you know, take a moment there, appreciate this vaccine news, appreciate the progress and help is on the way. I also want to pause and think about whats happening today, the denienlism from the president and his supporter. What makes this chapter of American History unique from others . Throughout u. S. History the loser of elections have cried foul. Conspiracy theories have been around forever. There were charges of fraud in 2004, for example, when john kerry lost. The difference now, though, is in your hands. Its on your phone. This entire media ecosystem available at your fingertips, this hyperpartisan, hyper connected media ecosystem enabled this years conspiracy claims to take root and reach tens of millions of believers. Back in 2004, it was just some random bloggers and kerry did not go along with it. 2020 is so different. Election denialism has platforms on fox and on facebook. Newsmax, one American News and gate which pundit. And trump has embraced all of it. His promoter like general even peer ewrap themselves in the American Flag while uttering words that are profoundly undemocratic. Supporters in d. C. Chant stop the steal when in fact they are trying to steal the election. And the rallies we have seen in washington and elsewhere, some of these, you know, kind of supporters, these proud brooys d others, these crowds are modest in size, but they get livestreamed across the rightwing web. It is a radicalism engine in action, and thats whats enabling trump worlds unreality. Thats the different now. Thats the difference with this chal chapman ter in history. If you go back 20 years ago today, al gore conceded. He respected democracy. Thats the word that really matters here. Democracy or not. Thats what all off this boils down to. Democracy or not. Do you want a democratic form of government or do you wantannah talksy . Well, the polling shows us whats going on. The news stories shows us. Look at reuters lead from this morning capturing the state of play. Conservative groups claiming without evidence that the election was stolen from President Trump. Staged protests on saturday as police broke up sporadic clashes after dark. That sounds autocratic, not democracy. And what weve seen in recent weeks with all these republicans signing on to trumps lies is that they are accepting these undemocratic values. To those of you watching right now live on Cnn International outside the United States, you should know most americans are for democracy. Look at the data here if you dont believe me. 61 of americans, a majority of americans, do trust the outcome was accurate. They accept the outcome. Most americans believe in democracy. But the latest fox news poll also shows us what else is happening in america. 68 of republicans saying they think the election was stolen from trump. Thats what they say they believe. Its a vocal minority. Its a minority, but they are vocal. They are used to be the majority in many ways. They are feeling persecuted and acting undemocratically. There is a religious zeal to this trump devotion. I dont think it can be understood without understanding religion. Watch how mike lindell reacted when trump flew over in his helicopter during that stop the steal rally yesterday. There is our president. And this, by the way, if you look up here, the president flying by on marine one at this stre moment. And, obviously, there is our president our president for four more years. There he is rate there. God bless america we are one nation under god. There we go. Thats the whole story. Lindell got up on stage and spewed conspiracy theories to the crowd. Others promoted my pillow for him. He wants to keep selling them pillows. I get it. Thats what he is trying to do. He is in it for profits. The grift is real. But what is he going to be saying after Inauguration Day . What are all of those folks at the rally going to be saying . Because the election is over. Its been over for over a month. The Supreme Court reconfirmed friday night its over. There is the cnn. Com headline. Its over again. But on the right it is not over. On the right it will never be over. And there are basically entire Television Networks supporting this notion that its not going to be over. Now, the president , outgoing president enabling these theories and lies. We have just heard from the president in an interview with fox, there are some new sound bites i want to play for you in a moment. First, let me bring in mark elias, one of the top election law attorneys in the country. He has represented democrats for many years. Right now he is a part of bidens legal team. Mark, thanks for coming on the program. Thanks for having me. Lets listen to what President Trump just said on fox. This is one of his comments claiming the election was rigged and i want you to give us a reality check. Is it over . No, its not over. We keep going and we are going to continue to go forward. Okay. He says we are going to keep going. He has local lawsuits that are going on. Is that true . No, its not true. And its important for the American Public to understand its not true. As you point out, its time, its well past time for Republican Leaders to tell the president and tell the public its not true. The president and his allies have lost virtually every lawsuit. They have lost by, by my count, lost 58 lawsuits so far in the postelection. That has ranged from local county courts all the way up to the u. S. Supreme court. It has involved judges who have been elected. It has been involving judges who have been appointed, including judges appointed by President Trump. There is no dispute. The electors are going to meet tomorrow in states around the country, and then the Electoral College will meet. And we will be off. But what happens when tens of millions of people believe it was stolen . How do you see this playing out in the months to come . Look, i think its very dangerous. And i always knew that donald trump would act irresponsibly. You know, acted irresponsibly for four years as president. So why would it change in the postelection . What is really, really distressing is to see the other senior republican officials going along with this. The fact that 18 attorneys general signed on to the nonsense that was filed by the state of texas, the fact that 126, more than half of the republican members of the house caucus signed ton this, is shameful in a way we have not seen in our history in recent years. And its does Media Coverage have to change if what we thought we knew about the Republican Party is not true anymore . It does, because, as you said, the problem is that the republicans doing that have let certain news outlets create an equal side, two sides to this, when in fact there is only one factual side. I think the press needs to the media needs to start reporting this for what it is, which is the new birtherism. Birtherism was a lie and it was a lie through and through. And thats what we are seeing now. We are seeing the next iteration of birtherism. Lets look at this brandnew interview of the president. The first time he has spoken in more than a month. The interviewer is a pal of his. There are no sharp questions here from Brian Kilmeade. Watch what he asks in one of these sound bites. [ inaudible ]. So interesting when kill immediate says the inauguration, trump says i dont want to talk about that. Perhaps he knows what is really true, whats really coming. But he doesnt want to talk about it. These words, these interviews, they are airing every hour of every day on rightwing media. Is this a point of no return . Do you see a country impossible to unify at this point . I think its going to be very difficult. Thats a problem because democracy counts on a common set of understandings and values and norms. And we have seeing this president destroying norms throughout his presidency and d destroying the norm of democratic elections and how we handle peaceful transfer of power is going to be a very difficult norm to restore. It really is. You have become a boogeyman of the rightwing media. I want to hear what its been like for you in the past couple of weeks. Typically, you are a little bit under the radar, rarely on television, you are fighting these lexus casss in court. Here is what that been said lately about you on fox news. If you want to slow out election integrity, marc elias, the democrats best electionstealing lawyer. Marc elias, what are you guys put together a halfbillion dollar and go hire him. Whats this been like for you personally . Its been wild. First of all, the halfbillion dollar offer never really came through. But, you know, its been wild because the truth is these Election Results havent been close. There are times where you think, okay, the incremental lawyering value makes the difference. That is not the difference maker here. The fact is joe biden and Kamala Harris won in a landslide. So, you know, these cases are getting bounced because they are frivolous, not because of the lawyering. Its been a bit unnerving, frankly, to have, you know, to have drawn that attention. I bet it has been. Thank you so much for coming on the program and reality checking the president. Thank you, brian. Coming up here, foxs problem with portion control and how one side dish is being sold as the main course. The new Ergo Smart Base from tempurpedic responds to snoringautomatically. So no hiding under your pillow. Or opting for the couch. Your best sleep. All night. Every night. Experience the mattress ranked 1 in Customer Satisfaction by jd power two years in a row. 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We are back here on reliable sources. Im brian stelter. While president elect joe biden stays out of the media limelight this weekend, the outgoing president is lying to fox and to millions of viewers. Once again, he won, et cetera, et cetera. He did say one thing to Brian Kilmeade that stood out. One thing, very true, he said, quote, this wasnt like a close election. It was not a close election. Of course, trump means that because he is claiming he won by many, many millions of votes. In fact, this was not a close election. Its weird we are still talking about the results of this election. But its a chance to show democracy in action. Tomorrow the Electoral College meeting. You are going to witness them live on cnn, a special day of coverage of democracy in action. Lets talk about the difference between how major responsible networks are covering this versus the alternative reality of fan fiction, as one of my guests says. You said this week its not journalism on rightwing media right now. Its fan fiction. What is an example of the fan fiction you are seeing . Well. When you look at those polls that you put up in your first segment that show a majority of republicans believe what is untrue is true, which is that the president won this election or that joe biden won it i wi illegitimately, you have to wonder where ter getting thfrom and they are getting it from fox, oan, newsmax, where that lie is being perpetuated over and over and over again. They are either saying it is true, that the president won, or they are saying that its possible. Both are problematic. Both are bad. And neither are journalism. And when you purport to be a journalism outfit, your obligation is to tell facts as they exist. Even if they are not what your viewers want to hear. And whether it comes to covid or it comes to this election, fox news and oan and newsmax are not telling their viewers what they need to hear. They are telling them what they want to hear. Thats fan fiction. They are doing a disservice in that way. Matt, play this out for me. Four years. You are a conservative writer. You know this very well. Two, three, four years, will we still be talking about biden deniers . I think we will. Look, one point i want to make, which i think people may not understand, folks watching may not understand. These conservatives really do believe the election was stolen. Like, this isnt that theyve decided that this is a their shtick. Thats what the leaders i mean, i think some of the donald trump obviously is playing a game. This is a con from donald trump. You know, and fox news and oan and newsmax. They know its a con. But the average republican voter, the average conservative out there, millions of people really believe this election was stolen, and to them they are the patriots. And what is happening is their democracy is being stolen from them. Its obviously false, but i want to underscore, they believe that. So the ramifications of that in terms of preserving democracy and certainly in terms of what is the future of the Republican Party in 2024 or in the future, you just cant get past that belief. And its sincere. Its a sincere but false belief. No factchecking can get through to it. Can anything, besides trump conceding, admitting defeat . I dont think so. I mean, look, we have this weird thing that is happening. You touched on it already in this show, where two changes have happened in america. Number one is donald trump. We have never had recent times at least had a leader who was willing to exploit the divisions and the technological changes. And thats the other thing, is the technological changes. I mean, it used to be in the latter part of the 20th century certainly we had mainstream opinion. And we might argue over perspective and policies and opinions, but we had a shared set of facts. We dont anymore. It is an alternate reality. And, look, i do have to admit, i think to a certain degree i have long been a critic of liberal media bias. You think it exists and it existed and its part of the story here. But really the perpetrators here are the main problem, this new i am not going to call it conservative, rightwing media, which isnt just bias. It is inventing, fabricating and making up, well call it fake news for lack of a better word. That is actually the right word in this specific case. Do you think some of whats happened with the biden denying, all this hype about voter fraud, is some of it also about providing an alternate narrative so they dont have to talk about the pandemic . When i am looking at right wing left sites, there is a lot less coverage than, say, from the New York Times or washington post. Later today, if the numbers continue at the current pace, this country will pass 300,000 dead from the coronavirus. The true toll is higher. We will never know for sure because some people have died and werent tested. The president in the spring talked about trying to slow down the spread of the disease, he talked about what would be a good job in a way that clearly is not now an accomplishment. Lets watch what trump said six plus months ago and reflect on it now. If we could hold that down as were saying to 100,000, its a horrible number, maybe even less, to 100,000. So we have between 100 and 200,000, we all together have done a very good job. I think thats a really sad sound bite now months later. By his own words, according to his own standards, he has not done a good job as we are at another milestone, 300,000. Do you think all his obsession with election denialism, is it almost a distraction from the bad job . It is. I mean, that paints a very unflattering picture of the president and a very unconvenient narrative for the folks who have, you know, propped him up. I am kind of electoral vote to make this analogy, but it is so fitting. I am watching on hbo the documentary about heavens gate, a cult, and there was an event that happened in the cult history that kind of conflicted with the narrative that the cult wanted people to believe. It was very jarring because it sort of upset the whole premise of this doomsday cult. And they had to really kind of reset. And i think if you were one of the president s propagandists and you hear him really upsetting the narrative that you are have been saying for three plus, four years, which is everything is great and this president was right, you really have to it undermines everything you have been doing. And so rather than admit that, you kind of you dont you want to put it away. You want to ignore it. Its a distraction. It really will upset the whole underlying premise of what you have been doing. And so i think when it comes to covid, thats exactly whats happening. They dont even want to talk about it because then they have to admit theyve gotten to wrong, too. Right. I am out of words. I am grateful you are both here to fill them in. Thank you both. Hey, brian, can i say congrats on your sevenyear anniversary today . Oh, thank you. Yeah. I feel like i am starting to get the hang of this show. Thank you both. Its quite an accomplishment. Thats awesome. Congrats. Thank you. Want to give you a plug for our reliable sources podcast as well. My guest this week on the podcast, we talked about the pandemic split screen and what to expect from the biden administration. Up next on the program, a hero of this pandemic. What one local news anchor is doing intervening to help thousands of her viewers. Two medical societies have strongly recommended to doctors to treat acute, nonlow back muscle and joint pain with topical nsaids first. A formulation they recommend can be found in salonpas. A formulation they recommend can be found in salonpas. Salonpas. 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All of this channels shows gave you reasons to fear and hate and resent automobiles. I probably never would have driven a jeep at all. That is fox news. But instead of jeeps, the shows are all about the news media. Media bias, media blind spots, media screwups. If one car crashes, no car can be crashes. No, none at all. Like most drivers dont crash, most journalists dont commit the crimes that fox claims. On fox it is crash after crash. Nothing but crashes all day long. Almost every story somehow relates back to the media. The word media is uttered on fox more than twice an hour an rhythm. I am someone who covers the media full time, so you would think id be into this. I know the media is one of many institutional forces. The media is really just a bunch of people. Flawed, stressed out, but mostly good people. And constructive criticism makes those people better. But obsessing over the crashes 24 7 is not constructive at all. Its destructive, which is what brings me to foxs biggest story it had week. We watched every hour on thursday and friday, and more than 50 of the hour, more han half the hours began or started with this. Hunter. Hunter. Hunter. Hunter. Hunter. Hunter. Hunter. Hunter. All right. Thats enough. You get it. The lead story was hunter biden. Joe bidens son. The lead, of course, means they think the most important story was hunter biden. They led every hour with it more times than not. Now, some fox shows are probably going it to use this segment to chas size me. The news of the federal probe into Hunter Bidens tax affairs is obviously important. Its important, which is why cnns evan perez and pamela brown were chasing the news for weeks. When they were almost ready to report it and went to the biden team for comment, the Biden Transition Team tried to front run cnn by issuing a statement confirming the probe, which is not cool on the part of the biden team. So, yes, the investigation is important. We have been chasing it. But so is proportionality. Journalists call oldfashioned news judgment. What is the single most important story . What should be the lead . Well, those decisions are being made every hour, every day. But the internet has blown up proportional aty. On your facebook feed, everything is the same size. A New York Times expose that cost millions of dollars to produce really hard work, it looks exactly the same size as a picture of my kids at the park. And they are cute, i am going to frame that picture. I love that picture. But its not nearly as newsworthy, right . Another one of my instagrams, there is a reason you wouldnt trust elmo to decide whats news. But the internet has blown this up. Editors and producers think hard about newsworthiness. They figure out the right proportions and sometimes they are wrong and sometimes they get it screwed up and criticism helps them straighten it out. But we need more constructive criticism and less destructive criticism. Proportionality is the whole ball game. Proportionality is what its all about. Bill kovac and tom wrote this in the elements of journalism 20 years ago. They likened journalism to cartography, and said any reliable map has to be proportional. Journalists who devote more space to a celebrity scandal than they know it deserves because they think it will sell are like cartographers who drew england and spain the same size as greenland because they knew it was popular. It misleads the traveler and eventually destroys the credibility of the map maker. Which brings me back to fox. These shows destroy their credibility when they lead with hunter biden for days on end. Yes, its an important story. But so is the pandemic. So is the vaccine. So is trumpies denialism. I know why they do it. I know they do it. Fox producers believe their viewers dont want to hear about the pandemic all the time, do not want to hear about trump leaving office, do not want to face those facts. The producers scour the web for sour news about democrats instead. Everyone knows fox is antidemocrat. The lack of proportionality gets me. Warning viewers not to watch Everything Else because its bias, corrupt. All week long they said the rest of the media was ignoring the hunter biden story. Now, in part they meant Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannons october surprise. Remember in october the story laundered through the New York Post alleged crooked business dealings by hunter . That story had doubters even inside the New York Posts newsroom. But cnn and the times and other outlets tried to check it out. Tried hard. Rudy and others only wanted to talk to rightwing media. Now, this new information about a federal investigation is totally different. Evidently, its been going on for years. But dishonest folks on fox are pretending the media is covering for biden. To be really honest, this is how its going to be for the next four years. I can guarantee it. Fox is the media bias channel, the channel that tells you the rest of the media is terrible. It is seventh inni24 7 car cras though most cars never crash, and that is why it has a problem of portion control. The cute pictures of my kids are not as newsworthy as a federal investigation. Not as newsworthy as a vaccine shipment. But on your facebook feed, on your twitter feed, and in certain corners of the networks in the media, they all look like they are the same size. Everything looks like its the same size now. That is something that is fundamentally broken about our media structure. You can see it most clearly on fox when they obsess over hunter biden. A big story that they blow out to be the biggest volcano that ever erupted. When they werent talking about hunter, they were talking about eric swalwell. You know, this is another example of a story they obsessed about because they lack proportionality and portion control. I suppose its as simple as what we all learned in school about portions, about proportionality. It is the key to good journalism. When those fail, when you dont see proportionality, you see a failure of journalism. So we are going to dig into this after the break. We have two great political standing by. Ill be home for christmas you can count on me ill be home for christmas if only in my dreams ive been involved in. Communications in the media if only in my dreams for 45 years. Ive been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. For me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. And i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. It has helped me an awful lot. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Shingles doesnt care. I logged 10,000 steps today. Shingles doesnt care. 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Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy. And save at trelegy. Com. Responds to snoringautomatically. So no hiding under your pillow. Or opting for the couch. Your best sleep. All night. Every night. Experience the mattress ranked 1 in Customer Satisfaction by jd power two years in a row. How does a more as of misinformation impact political reporting . Let me bring in two excellent reporters. Of the New York Times is with me and charlotte alter of time magazine. She has the person of the year, two people, biden and harris, we will get to that in a moment. Seth, you have been on the ground in georgia reporting on the senate races. What is it like when you are interviewing voters . Do you feel like you are on the fence between two parallel universes of news . What is it like . Absolutely. I mean, one of the key questions to ask folks right now is where are you getting your information . Where are you getting your kind of media news from . When you hear where folks are getting it, it kind of is its a causation, an understanding of why they feel the way they do. When i was in southern georgia recently at the trump rally, it was amazing to see how many people had said that they were over fox news, they were looking only at oan or looking at newsmax because they did not they thought that fox news called the election too early and the like, and thats where a lot of that information about the Election Fraud was coming from. And so when you have the president come at that rally and then play kind of segments from those channels, those were familiar to the audience and ones that had been informing this kind of sense of Election Fraud that we know is not based in fact, which is not based in evidence, and is, frankly, a huge challenge for democracy going forward. I spoke with newsmax ceo this week. He said we are not going anywhere. Look at our ratings. This was the first time on monday when newsmax beat fox just for one hour and just in the demo, but it was the first time newsmax notched a ratings win. Thats a sign of newsmaxs strength. Overall, by the way, fox has four times as many viewers as newsmax, still number one in the rightwing media universe. Charlotte, you have experienced this on the road. You wrote some great pieces before election day about disinformation on the campaign trail do. You have a sense after interviewing Kamala Harris this week, after covering the Biden Campaign that team biden knows what its up against . Do they know what this alternative universe is like . I do think that they know what they are up against. What biden said in our interview is that essentially he thinks, as he said, the words of a president matter. So i think they are really betting on the idea that once trump is out of office, once he no longer has the bully pulpit of the presidency where he can blast these peer spears with the authority of the president ial seal, thats going to take a lot of the air out of the balloon of some of these conspiracy theories and that they may go back to the fringes. Thats their hope. After talking to people in this country throughout covering the campaign, i am not so sure that thats true. But they are certainly hoping that once trump is out of office, his words wont have the same authority that they do when he is president. They wont be covered by the Mainstream Media in the way this they are now that he is actually the commander in chief, so that some of these ideas might be relegated back to the fringe. Every week i am worried i sound too pessimistic and i am focusing on misinformation and disinformation, but i think somethings changed in the country and we can see it in the past five weeks when 77 of trump voters say they believe the election was stolen. We are in a place we have never been before at least in our lifetimes, at least in modern American History. Never before has a president led this charge in this way. So do you think about covering politics differently in an environment that is so hyper charged like this . Absolutely. I think that the story, you know, it can be funny because i think there is such a tension in washington, such a tension on the incoming administration. Obviously, that makes sense. But there is a real kind of asymmetrical way that politics is being played out in the rest of the country. That story is not chiefly in capitol hill or the like that. Is throughout america. And then it actually informs the way that we understand elected officials are acting. When we think about the reasons that the house gop signed up to that texas lawsuit, to try to subvert the Election Results, the reason they are doing that is because their base, their voters are pressuring them to behave in this way. You know, thinking back to that trump rally on saturday, when david perdue and when Kelly Loeffler tried to speak to the audience and they are shouted down by folks saying, stand for trump, fight for trump, that is a warning sign that republican officials have taken in that says if we do not hem that closely to the president , then the voters will have you pay a penalty. That is not a penalty that they are willing to do. So when the people ask about profiles and courage or where kind of republicans are standing up on this front, they are responding to the pressure that thats put them in. Great point. Charlotte, you wrote the cover story this week for time person of the year. Was there any chance of the out going president getting this cover story . I mean, listen, we start this process with all options on the table. Its the whole staff brings every option in and we discuss it. Ultimately, this is about looking back at the year that just happened, but also looking ahead at whats coming next year. And this is the year that trump lost the presidency. Biden and harris won overwhelmingly by popular vote margin, not seen since fdr in 1932. And time has a long history of selecting the recently elected president as the person of the year, and in some ways the story is not just about how they beat trump this year, but also about looking ahead. And i think, you know, an important aspect of this is that trump was the most one of the most powerful forces in american politics this year until biden and harris came along and beat him. It is an incontrovertible fact that they won this election and that they will be president and Vice President next year and thats why they are person of the year. Charlotte, asted, thank you both for being here. A story you have to see about one local news anchor who did the governments job for them. She is going to join me live from badge any in just a moment. Were all putting things off, especially in these times. But some things are too serious to be ignored. If you still have symptoms of Crohns Disease or Ulcerative Colitis even after trying other medications, it may be a sign of damaging inflammation, which left untreated, could get much worse. Please make an appointment to see your gastroenterologist right away. Or connect with them online. Once you do, seeing the doctor is one less thing to worry about. Need help finding a doctor . Head to crohnsandcolitis. Com need help finding a doctor . Finding the right words can be tough. N it comes to autism, finding understanding doesnt have to be. We can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. Go to autismspeaks. Org. Fine, no one leaves the tablefine, well sleep here. 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In the beginning of the pandemic, they were flooded with phone calls when the Government Shutdown the economy and the system was overwhelmed. 8 million phone calls went into the dol and the Computer System crashed. They werent able to reach all of the new yorkers for months. We were into may when we started getting desperate phone calls to the news station and we had a gentleman show up in our parking lot crying with his unemployment papers asking us to help him. And what is it so far, 4,000 emails, letters and calls from people so far . Yes. We have almost 3,700 emails that weve received at the station from all walks of life, they didnt go to new york city, they didnt go to other markets. They came to us here at cbs 6 in albany and we were able to get them through to the dol. Its accountability journalist at its finest. What do you want other journalists around the country to know . Maybe they can also be helpful like this. Well, im actually getting phone calls from other states right now because they saw what we were able to do in albany at cbs 6. Our news station is a part of sinclair broadcast group. Im working with other sinclair reporters to help other people in other states, like in the state of illinois where im getting emails just like the ones that we received in new york saying i cant get through to the department of labor, i need my claim, i need my money. Our family is starving, and we dont have unemployment benefits. Incredible. What youre doing is heroic. Thank you for sharing it with us, ann. Thank you, brian. And speaking of heroic, this is a very special day here on cnn. It is cnn heroes night. Later this evening, Anderson Cooper and kelly ripa host cnn heroes. Well see you at this time next week for reliable sources. Three generations on the wall. With room to grow. The rhythm of home. The smells, the sounds, the flow. The feeling of owning a home is not black or white. 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