If you support Hillary Clinton, 202 7488000. Thirdparty candidates, 202 7488002. Undecided voters, 202 7488003. We welcome your tweets as well. We will get to hold momentarily. We will get to your calls momentarily. Donald trump toward the battlefield in gettysburg in ia yesterday. The speech is as the closing ument for his camp game campaign. Polls hein most offered himself as a onceinalifetime agent of to revive the economy and stamp out corruption. Between his plan and more of the same government Hillary Clinton would use to run herself. Nhe first 100 days playin starting with the economy. He would grow the economy 4 per year, create at least 25 million new jobs. 35 tax cut for middleclass families. Invest 1 trillion in on everything. And i can see right through hillary. Im very happy with him. Near morrisville anywhere gettysburg . The people that could afford it dont need it. Host linda in mississippi on the democrat line. Go ahead. I support hillary. The speech donald trump made yesterday was a speech someone told him to make. He knows absolutely nothing about the working of government. Any oft going to do those things. Hes a 70yearold man. He has never done anything for the middle class, poor. All of a sudden he is the great provider. I believe nothing he is saying. Why is he running . If it is rigged, why is he running . Thats just a method for a man baby to tell his supporters so when he is losing he can save face. Person that is qualified, able to do the job from day one and she just happens to be a woman. No matter what you say about hillary she has been working on her issues for 40 years. What has donald done . Absolutely nothing. A number of reports calling this a closing argument. The speech in gettysburg pennsylvania. Heres the reporting of the wall street journal. He promises to sue women who have accused him of making unwanted sexual advance is. Donald trump trying to jumpstart his struggling campaign heading into the election homestretch. He said a newly serious tone but return to his complaints about the rigged political system. He threatened to sue the women who have accused him of making unwanted sexual advances. He said he would not approve a proposed deal for at t to buy time warner. The front page of the New York Times this morning as the story about the at t merger. At t pledging to acquire time warner. The deal would create a media colossus and probably spur more consolidation. At t has but one of the remaining crown jewels of the entertainment industry. Donald trump said this yesterday in gettysburg about that merger. At t is buying time warner and thus cnn. A deal we will not approve in my castration because its too much concentration of power in the hands of to fear. Likewise at amazon which through its ownership controls the Washington Post should be paying massive taxes. Its not paying. Its a very unfair Playing Field. You see what thats doing to Department Stores all over the country. Unfair and you are talking about billions and billions of dollars. They should be paying those taxes. Of nbcs purchase concentrates far too much power in one entity. That is trying to tell the voters what to think and what to do. Deals like this destroy democracy. We will look at breaking the deal of. Trump laying out his plans for his first 100 days in office. We are asking for your thoughts. 202 7488000 if you support Hillary Clinton. 202 trump supporters, 7488001. Undecided voters, 202 7488003. Americans would be able to deduct child care and elder care from their tax is. He would a twoyear mandatory prison minimal sentence for returning to the u. S. After a previous deportation. Hes calling to rebuild the military by rebuilding the defense sequester and expanding military investment. He would allow veterans v. A. Health care for their own private insurance. Read in virginia on the donald trump line. Good morning. I wanted to say just a few things. First of all every morning since the selection started i have heard democrats make the accusation that donald trump is not qualified. Is 150 three trinh dollars of unfunded liability with 63 trillion of that our government work is pensions that includes state workers . 20 trillion in the immediate that we pay 32 percent interest on. The world we want to live in where we elect people that continue down that status quo road and spend your grandchildrens money. Put 57,000 debt on their head before they even enter the workforce. Think about how corrupt it is where i 1 sequester causes everybody in the federal government to stamp their feet and cry the world is coming to an end. There should have been a 30 sequester acrosstheboard. Donald trump is not subject to the whims of the finances of the shall interests. Hes for the people. He might have his issues about ego but his heart is in this race for the people. Biggest problem in our political system is our journalists. Its like a new branch of the government. They have so much power. Said 95 of that them vote democrat. We need a constitutional amendment that licenses them like lawyers. Think about lawyers in the courtroom. A country would never go back to a point where lawyers were not subject to a bar review. Host you would call for licensing journalists . Something simple that sets the rules that they have to tell the truth. If they are going to be a licensed journalist getting on , they areng on fox not telling a fair and balanced story. Something where journalists are licensed and subject to review. They get enough complaints and they go in front of the lord to their state in front of a board to their state. If its against the truth they get find the first time. The second time that can never be a journalist. Host we go to our Hillary Clinton in florida. Hello. Caller good morning. For 21 yearsalist and retired for five. No one ever talks about the fact Fox Propaganda Network that has been established after roger ailes left in the the, its never mentioned once in 20 years. They provide the talking points for the Republican Party to such an extent that its a joke. It took our Great Republic 204 datesorning campaign 2016 donald trump focuses on florida where he will hold several rallies over the next few days. Clinton is in North Carolina while donald trump its the trail in florida. Philip in waldorf, maryland two are you supporting . Hey thanks. Im going to support donald trump. That media guy that was just on that stuff about the debt and all of that from all of the news media. The ignore the stuff about fed bringing Interest Rates down to zero. Have they donee that for all those years for president. Bush suffered with higher Interest Rates. If they wanted to save the economy and all that they could have put it to zero for him. This president they have lied for him and its all the media. If people were to watch Something Like one American News and saw the truth really going on . Host where do you watch one america news . Its not online. Its a cable news network. You see the truth and they show all news are all areas. Its just a Pretty Amazing thing. Truthful. The only headline this morning in the New York Times following Donald Trumps speech yesterday in gettysburg. We are asking you for your thoughts on the first 100 days plan. Trump pledges to heal divisions and sue his accusers. Hoped to heal the divisions of the country as president lincoln tried to do here. Address hegettysburg did not offer much in the way of race changing oratory and did not seem to embrace lincolns unifying ambition. Third of hist speech to nurse personal grievances, grumbling about the rigging of the election and the dishonest Mainstream Media and threatening to do the women who accusing himward of sexual assault. Reaction on the democratic side in a speechne yesterday as well. Heres what he said. Hillary has laid out the first 100 days we want to do a big investment in jobs. We want to put on the table comprehensive immigration reform. Start to address issues with campaign finance. We will hit the ground running. Hrough donald trump talked about all the scores you needed to settle and the people that hes mad at. At the end of the campaign all along he has been running a selfinterest campaign. Now that im president i can really settle some scores. That contrast is really start. Tim kaine and Hillary Clinton on the campaign yesterday spending the first 35 minutes of washington journal asking you about donald trump speech yesterday in gettysburg. We welcome your tweets as well. Says, please stop using stop the trump dashing and address the criminality of clinton. I might begin to take him seriously if he didnt spend so much time talking about how the election is rigged. The first 100 days after the inauguration will be a private citizen setting up a conservative news channel. On the undecided line is sean. Go ahead. I really dont know who are going to vote for. Im really leaning towards jill stein. Askasnt had a chance to lame how shes going to pay for any of the things she wants to do. Thats kind of troubling me. As far as trump im kind of puzzled because as i look at the in the 70s hey became i dont know if youve seen the documentary. You all really need to do a story on his dad because it explains a whole lot. As i look at how he came in power he played the system that he now wants to disrupt. He made all his money off of this system that he claims Hillary Clinton made corrupt. System to gete there and now all of a sudden why is he running . If the resident trying to change it or play it some more . Host what about Hillary Clinton . Why wouldnt you vote for her . Caller where to start . The super predator comment. All of this stuff. Far as im concerned, benghazi and the emails those are the things that i have no problem with Hillary Clinton about. Every secretary of state has done that. When george bush was in office there were a lot of people that got killed and nobody said anything about it. All of a sudden when obama is in office and a couple people get now its on my goodness shes the worst person and she needs to be in jail. Come on man, really . You are 18 days away from the election. But are youcided any closer to a candidate at this point . Caller im an independent. Independents can vote in the democratic primary. I couldnt even pick who votes. Thise to pick between stuff that you all put up. Now i have Hillary Clinton, donald trump, this idiot johnson and jill stein who is probably the most sensible out of all of them but nobody even lets her talk to explain how shes going to do anything. Host paul is supported Hillary Clinton. Go ahead. Caller im for hillary. Trumpet is in it for trump and hillarys trying to help people. I dont care what anybody says. I think she is truly trying to help people. Im for hillary. Thank you. A supporter of donald trump in arkansas. Good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. Trump. Re donald i have been in arkansas since bill0s and i know about and Hillary Clinton. Time t most of her anywhere. I wanted to let you know that donald trump is the only thing thats going to save as. Terrorists many thats going to build cells here. Im 84 years old. It didnt the election process since Franklin Delano roosevelt. During wartime theres a lot of politics flying around. Hillary clinton got on andvision a few minutes ago she partially quoted donald trump when he said he was going to sue those women. I dont blame him because if iss not true and it isnt ruining his reputation. He talked about border security. Immigration was one of the issues Donald Trump Tested days we are yesterday and getting your thoughts on the things he laid out in that speech. 202 7488001 if you are a donald trump supporter. 202 7488000 Hillary Clinton supporters. 202 7488002 thirdparty candidate. 202 7488003 undecided. Washingtonng week on journal we will be focusing on the key battleground states that are being contested by the president ial candidates. We will start with North Carolina tomorrow. Iowa on tuesday. Pennsylvania on wednesday. Florida on thursday. All of that on washington journal starting at 7 00 a. M. Eastern. The Chicago Tribune headline, one for the ages. Lets go to chicago and hear from kevin who is a Hillary Clintons order. Good morning. Good morning. Just a couple of things. I think this election reveals something very important. A lack of civics education. In the media is complicit in this. Yesterday trump said he would band term limits. You need a constitutional amendment for that. Telling me we are going to have a constitutional amendment voted on by our politicians within 90 days . We know thats not going to happen. Theres nothing wrong with the media or moderators bringing up that that necessitates a constitutional amendment. Need to know that he cannot create 25 million jobs in three months. No one can do that. And the government doesnt create jobs. I have other small items. We desperately need civics education. The fact that his supporters are mostly white males without degrees. We know that they are fairly low information types who havent voted in past elections so they are not even familiar with americans to fix or the constitution. Race,is a underbelly of gender, and diminishment of the Current Power structure thats going on. Please do this. You had it correct this morning. Can you please change your caller system to not include independent. Because independent are primarily republicans who have fled the Republican Party and they are self identifying. That way they have more voice on programs like this. A lot of them are trump supporters. A lot of them are republicans in all but name. You can do conservative, liberal, moderate. Trying to set up our phones and balance out what will give people the most opportunity to weigh in with their views this morning. Giving everyone a chance to call in. Those of you who are undecided. Our focus is on the 100 days speech donald trump made yesterday in gettysburg. He talks about growing the economy at 4 per year. Creating 25 million jobs. Calling for a 35 tax cut for middleclass families. Discourageto companies from laying off workers in order to relocate and other countries. A one trillion dollar Infrastructure Spending program. He would end common core. Repeal and replace obamacare. About childcare deductions. A twoyear mandatory minimal federal prison sentence for reentering the u. S. After a previous deportation. He would call for rebuilding the military by eliminating the defense requester and expanding military investment. Veterans would be allowed to use v. A. Health care or their own private doctors. Summary action on twitter. This one says trump gave a christmas lists each not a policy speech. Several counties around d. C. Are the richest in the usa. Are ripping off the taxpayers to fill up their pockets. Our undecidedm line. Elizabeth. Good morning. Caller my problem with his speech yesterday is that i dont understand how people can actually take that as truth. He just runs off all these things. They cant be honest about what could he done. They have to use extravagant wishes. Our country dave something that is more specific instead of all these generalizations. He doesnt have the power to do that. I am trying to vote for one of them and probably trying to vote for hillary but both of them seem that they just want to get elected and they are not going to do what they say. Half of the reason is they cant. The other reason is they will both be specialinterest groups. He just has himself. I dont even know what i can vote for because it is so excel trust thing. Theyre both toxic. They cant even answer a question straight. I was going to vote for johnson until i heard him talk. Hes out of the question. His speech yesterday, i dont understand how they thought that was something that the government congress, how can they work with that . Most of what he says is garbage. Its just not real. Would you feel comfortable not voting for anyone for president . I would vote at least a right in. Im not going to know until i walked into the booth. Michigan southwest where republicans rarely ever even have an opponent. Straighting of doing democratic even though i cant really vote for clinton. Hopefully people will vote for her because he would be a disaster. I dont understand why people dont know that. Heres an article about the money in the campaign. Favors clinton at a two to one rate over her arrival. Six years after a Supreme Court decision opened bastion new channels for money to low International Elections democrats have built the best coordinated apparatus about my groups operating in the campaign. Defying expectations that corporate wealth would dominate the race. A dozen different organizations raised over 200 Million Dollars and since may have spent more than 100 million on Television Digital and radio ads in the part of Hillary Clinton. The handful of organizations backing donald trump have raised less than half that amount. Lets hear from joe on our third party line. We go to sonja who is a Hillary Clinton supporter in washington. Thanks for calling in. Trump saying hes going to make Companies Pay taxes with himself he doesnt pay taxes. He has ripped off how many employees . How come he wasnt healthy enough to go into the war and do all of that stuff yet he has a clean bill of health now . Whatever hes talking about, theres a lot of journalists starting out and sometimes they are not always getting their there are sout many ways to fact check right now. Of ordershe trumps are saying verbatim what trump has said. Theyre not going to any other sources. She kept saying, fact check. Nobody will do it. He was raised in an extremely racial family. Thats going to go through the rest of his life and whos to say he is still not inking that way because he is an trade women or minorities with any kind of respect. When he goes off on Hillary Clinton about her husband and everything nobody stops to think that she was hurt by that. She was Strong Enough to stand up. If people ever stop and really sons joindont trumps the military and fight in the war . Is military. Ly we understand the military. She doesnt. If you watch chelsea i saw her one time on tv in the wings by face wasnd her glowing. She has so much pride in her mother. Trumps plan is so flawed. Savings accounts taking away insurance from 20 million equals lawful good why is hillary not in prison . The Washington Post writing about some of donald trump supporters. A piece by mark fisher of the Washington Post. Has he transformed america or simply revealed it . Limp and his followers are in many ways a rebuke to the elite perceived as controlling popular culture. A donald trump supporter. Here is teresa in coldwater mississippi. Good morning. I have never voted for anyone in my life until right now and i happened to be 53. The reason i think about Donald Clinton because hillary when she started out was an attorney. She let a little girl get raped to the point where she went into andncussion for five days she was the guys attorney. She got him to months and talks about how she cares about kids . Talking about when she was a Court Appointed attorney for the man accused of that rape. It happened after the rape. The point is she was his attorney. How could you ever defend anyone to do this to a child . That has scarred her for the rest of her natural life. I know this because i was actually abused as a child myself. She has been there for 30 long years. She doesnt live in reality. She does not live in a Housing Department or any other place. She lives in a capitol hill where shes untouchable. She doesnt live in reality. What about the people like myself and my husband . We are in the 50,000 mark. We dont have any kids. We dont have any dead either. I dont believe we should let in until wefuges find out what their intentions are. Host donald trump supporter. Go ahead. Caller i think its time the American People woke up. We need to get rid of the clintons out of office for good. Between the bush and clinton both of them destroying america. We need donald trump to do whats right for the American People. Host Opinion Pieces on donald trump. Talking about the accusations against him. The evidence against a nasty man. Let trump of bluster all he wants about how all these liars will be due after the election is over. The last thing trump wants his base objected to discovery about his past behavior which is why the trump iscious depositionubmit to a and answer questions under oath about his conduct toward women. Another piece on Hillary Clinton in the New York Times this morning. The dangers of Hillary Clinton. The dangers of a Hillary Clinton presidency are more familiar because we live with them in our politics already. Eliteare the dangers of group think. They are the dangers of a recklessness and radicalism that doesnt recognize itself as either because its convinced among the great and good that it cannot possibly be falling. At washingtonore post. Com. Marie in georgia. Donald trump supporter. Caller im a hillary supporter. Im a strong hillary supporter. I dont take donald trump is really interested in policy. When hes talking off the cuff for saying what he wants to its all about him. When hes talking teleprompter then hes talking about policy. Trying to tap into people who have been hurt and are angry. The most reasonable, smartest and most experienced. She will do a good job as president. Trump will be a disaster. Up next we will hear from us towasserman joining talk about the state of the u. S. House races across the country and what are the chances of democrats taking over the chamber after election day. Later on we will discuss the integrity of the u. S. Voting system with Spencer Overton of George Washington university and john fund of the national review. Newsmakers interviewed the president of the club for growth. The senate and the money it is spending to support those candidates. We are having technical problems with washington journal. Works republicans have a good chance of hanging on to the majority by one or two votes. At oure are looking pennsylvania. Thats probably the number one target for the democrats. Help themaged in ads to balance that funding disparity. The polling we are seeing still has a lead of two or three points. Able to sustain that in spite of clinton opening a lead at the president ial level and the disparity of the funds being spent. The other one we are engaged in is wisconsin. People wrote that off as one that republicans would lose. I didnt really believe that i had a pollster go back at the end of the summer and test it and found that ron johnson was really just two points behind. We commissioned an ad and just this morning we got some pulling back that we will be releasing to the public. It showed that feingold is still in the lead but only by three points and clinton has a job a much larger lead. Johnson is holding on. It is still mid 40s or both of them. I think the undecided vote helps johnson in the end because they knew feingold better because he had been in the senate for a teen years. Its a very competitive rates and this stage. With davidakers mcintosh coming up today. Joining us is David Wasserman who is the cliff political reports house editor covering races across the country. Some of the headlines we are seeing are the democrats are seeing some bright spots in races. What are the numbers democrats have to get in order to take the house . Republicans have the largest majority they have held since the great depression. Our estimate is they will pick up between 10 and 20 c. There has been a lot of curiosity among democrats after trumps meltdown as to whether if house could be in play Hillary Clinton wins by a large margin. Ae democrats have gotten student in the polling metric. Of bumpsame amount that Hillary Clinton has received in the president ial race. Our best guest is that the momentum has swung in democrats favor. The majority is still a reach for democrats. Host what does that ask of respondents . Guest if the election were being held today which candidate would you vote for in your district . Lead of sixve had a points in recent weeks. Thats pretty good for them. Its also not up to where they were in 2006 when they ended up taking back the house. What we see across the country right now is republicans have such a structural advantage. It takes democrats winning the possible vote for the house by seven or eight points just to have a chance of winning control host how long have you been covering house race . Guest almost 10 years. Host have you ever seen it move like this . The movement we are seeing is not explosive movement for democrats. This is a very polarized political environment. You had a caller that said Hillary Clinton does not live in reality. There is a feeling among republican voters. Seeing a dip in enthusiasm among the hardcore Republican Base. What has been driving hillary has been white color welleducated suburban voters particularly women who may have wanted to support the change donald trump represents but really peeled back after the behavior towards women. Those voters are some of the highest propensity voters in the country. They are likely to turn out no matter what. They are the likeliest to know who their candidates are and be willing to split their tickets. We heard a lot of top of the packet voters voting one way and then voting another way for congress. Whats happening in 2016 is the opposite. We are having a lot of partisans who are comfortable with congress but have a lot of hesitance voting for donald trump. David wasserman is with us to talk about the state of the house races across the country. 202 7488001 republicans. 202 7488000 democrats. 202 7488002 all others. This week you talked about some of the ratings changes. The headline is about barbara comstock. Three weeks out the House Landscape is bifurcated in welleducated suburban districts. Barbara comstock goes into your tossup category. We would love to hear how the house races are going in your district. Heres the open seat. That is now leaning democrat. Congressman from california. This is now a tossup. Whats going on . Barbara comstocks district is one of the best educated seeds in the country. She has run a terrific cap pain. She has distanced herself from donald trump. To because this is a district thats changing. Loudoun county virginia has experienced rapid population growth in the past several decades. It now accounts for half the electorate in her district. She has long had an advantage in the district that was drawn to favor republicans. From the d. C. Line into the shenandoah valley. Newre seeing a lot of voters in the Loudoun County suburbs in high density said who may be recent voters to the 10th district. They are a diverse welleducated socially liberal set of voters that is going to come out against donald trump. He could record historic loss is interms of the vote margin loudoun and fairfax counties. A lot of them dont have a personal relationship with their member of congress. Shes running for her second term. Guest she was a delegate. Those Loudoun County voters a lot of them dont know her and maybe voting for the democrat a in californias 10th district you have a latino electorate that could exceed about a quarter of the vote. Thats up from what it was in the past. We are seeing a Voter Registration strike and latino communities. In North Carolina hispanic Voter Registration has gone up while almost 50 since the last election. Democrats are running a really dennoitting against standing next to donald trump helping trump broker a deal in the post office building. Obama carried this district twice narrowly. It looks like Hillary Clinton will carry it again. Barbara comstock gets the Washington Posts endorsement this morning. Shes the one republican they endorsed over lou and benefit luanne bennett. A lot of voters are looking at places other than daily newspapers for information on how to vote. It is significant that the Washington Post which is a pretty liberal Editorial Board has endorsed a republican. Its not unprecedented. They have picked in the past republicans who are less than full throated conservatives. Comstock has attempted to portray herself as a Constituents Services oriented republican. Mike on the independent line. Good morning. Caller ive got a couple questions. A couple opinions. As far as congress is concerned i personally think they are doing a very good job and they have been doing it for years. Their whole branch of the government was designed to be inefficient and very slowmoving to begin with. I would guess there is a very High Percentage of people that are in congress but also attorneys and or lawyers or Something Like that. Thats what you should have making the laws. Judges and lawyers would fit in good there. Even if they are crooked. They could do all right in congress. Becomesd trump president will only be the second time i know of a private citizen has become president. The first time was George Washington. Partythat it got into a thing. All about going up the ladder in congress will make you a good president or qualified to be one. I suggest from now on we dont elect anybody. We probably wont get that many takers because its a really big job and demanding job. We would do better if we could. Host what about the makeup of coming in and challenging incumbents in tough races . E talks about lawyers what do we know about individual candidates . Guest i have been wondering for years who these 15 of voters in the gallup polls are that second like when congress is doing. I think we have an example on the line. The parties were gearing towards finding candidates with nonpolitical backgrounds for these races. Legislatord a state what we are finding is that increasingly opponents can cherry pick from and a legislatives heading and use that against you in a congressional race. We have been noticing for the last 10 years and rinse like in the number of his dispute land people who can say they are coming from outside politics to run in races. In the south we have had an array of doctors who have come into office. Be a new member from louisiana you almost have to have been a doctor who has railed against obamacare. Theink that has helped make House Republican conference a bit more conservative. It was a precursor to what we saw in the president ial primaries this year where you had a field of 15 politicians and one nonpolitician or reality tv star who came in. Even if hes trampling democratic doors right now really blew up the race and was able to appeal to that republican primary electorate. Caller i attend a very diverse evangelical church. Donald trump on that access hollywood tape. The most disgusting part assigned to the grouping of the women was the about hes a married man. His wife was at home pregnant and he was bragging about how he tried to sleep with another married woman. We treasure our marriage. We treasure manning woman. For him to boast about that at his age and throw it off as locker room talk our people started to have a negative view of him. Disgustinge most part. Host we have seen a few of these in the local race. Here is what the advertisement looks like. Donald trump says he will defund planned parenthood. David young voted to do it already five times. In donald trump says about women who have abortions has to be some form of punishment. David young has already voted to make abortion a crime. Though donald trump brags about sexually assaulted assaulting young women, david young supports him for president. Now we understand why. In South Carolina, discussing his disgust and here, Donald Trumpsed to and his views. Guest democrats have shifted more toward tying republicans to trump as his poll numbers have fallen. We see more republicans focusing. Way from the top of the ticket emphasizing that the legislation and the problems they words on during the time it. The caller mentioned trump passes problem with religious voters. That is an increasing problem with republicans. In the final days of the republicans staying home would be a big concern. If a number of republicans are turned off by the nominee and do not show up, that would be a big problem for House Republicans. Utah, we see a close president ial race at the top the ticket. A searching independent in part because highly religious voters are turned off by Donald Trumps baggage. Tying Hillary Clinton in a republican ad, here is what the ad looks like. Coverups, for Hillary Clinton, a pattern. Kim myers school board had a pattern of increasing property taxes to cover the budget. The pattern included voting eight times to increase our property taxes. Hillary clinton and kim myers, a pattern of tax hikes and covers up coverups. Talkingvid wasserman about house races in 2016. From to florida to hear lucy. I am from middle east christian. I vote republican and always have. Hillary is very bad. The muslim brotherhood. They destroyed the infrastructure. You go to libya. Hillary clinton under obama killed gadhafi. Host a call from florida. Florida is one of the. Attleground states on washington journal, north iowa,na on monday, pennsylvania, florida, and friday, ohio. David wasserman, looking at the looking at the tossup, the 18th district and open race, who is running their and wise of a tossup . Guest we have 19 races in tossup. Only two of those are seats currently held by democrats. Nebraska is second. It is one of two districts. You have a competitive president ial election within the district. Maine and nebraska are two districts that allocate their vote by the district. Republicans, donald trump, he twice in hopesne of stealing that vote. , brad is a freshman who came to congress because there is a really unpopular republican there in 2014, an unusual circumstance. He has developed ties with the business community. Somes endorsements, unusual for a democrat. Race. S a very competitive the other democratic seat in jeopardy is floridas 18th district. Democrat Patrick Murphy is leaving the district to run for senate. Democrats have a disaster recovery, largely self funding his own campaign. Democrats love they dont have to throw their own money at the district. Republicans have a disabled war veteran who has conservative following around the country. Both candidates are wellfunded and it is a competitive race. Showed you democratic tossups and republican tossup numbers. 17 . Incumbentsepublican and three of those are longtime republicans who served in the house for over 10 years. One but themselves to blame for the political circumstance here. A lot of republicans know he was the House Oversight committee leading increase. He is a hardcore trump supporter and a district that is hostile to trump. To adapting and changing to political realities in his district. Had been struggling to find a challenger for years and years. Deadline, afore the diamond in the rough. A young candidate named stephanie murphy, a business professor who has an National Security background. Immigrant and a suburban mom. She looks like the favorite in a district that is changing demographically. A lot of puerto rican voters. Host she does not have a political background . Guest she has been active in politics before, but never sought elected office. She worked in the defense while. Ent for a her family immigrated from the annan, fled vietnam, when she was six months old. She has a compelling story to tell and there are a lot of immigrants in the orlando area and she is seeking to make that connection. Sinceas been in congress 1992. Has not had a competitive race in recent years. The big factor was the redistricting, Court Ordered in florida. What is interesting is this district was the sight of a lot of tragedy recently. The Trayvon Martin shooting, and right across the street from the pulse nightclubs shooting. One reason she got into the race was she cares about the gun issue. John accepted an nra contribution shortly after the pulse nightclub shooting, which she has criticized in the race. Democrats line. Sally. For cspannk you radio. I listen to it religiously almost. I wanted to promote our congress joe for against kathy rogers, who has not been very effective. Generally, it is pretty conservative. Forgs people are looking and also have compassion and wants to work for the people. Thank you. What can you tell us about that race . Washingtonss fifth contract congressional district. Rogers is the only woman in the republic leadership in the house. It is very important for republicans to keep considering 87 of House Republicans are currently white men. They have an image problem. Fortunately for them this is one of their safer districts. Like kathy will win another term. Caller thanks for taking my call. Give me a minute here and i heard so many things. Gerrymandering of congressional districts, we all know 400 and 35 of them in the house, a handful we are talking about this morning, very competitive. I went to last week, chamber of commerce in pennsylvania or a longterm republican in the house is facing the challenger that was a retired navy admiral im sorry, captain. I asked him at the Chamber Meeting what would be the priorities in the congress. , which surprised me, it would depend on who the president was. It seems to me there was really toleadership in the house as what the priorities are for the American People. It would depend on who wins the presidency, democrat or the republican. ,hat i would like to hear is congress, they are all the same, republicans and democrats, one giant party for 435 people working for their own specific who call themselves republicans and democrats but you do not see a difference in outcome or performance. Question, isnt that really what is going on . Where theylly matter are, north, south, east, west . Guest i can understand why the caller may say that. There is an unusual circumstance where you have the republican primary challenger who is now turning around and running a general election as a democrat trying to hit him from both sides. Of the more unique circumstances of 2016. It does matter who the president is for the purposes of what they want to achieve for 2017. If democrats cut paul brock paul ryan passes majority in half, 15 seats, only half of what they need to get the majority, paul ryan still has to the House Freedom caucus, the numbers between 35 and 40 members, he will have a ,ot less margin for error particularly if Donald Trump Blames paul ryan for his defeat after the election as he signaled he may do. Torepublicans were loyal trump and decided they were not back paul ryan for speaker, is it possible he could be forced out or to rely on democratic wins for the election . Back when paul ryan was drafted into the speakership, he was not anticipating that trump would be the nominee. He anticipated there might be a more mainstream cash candidate who would become ever a candidate he could work with and have a Good Relationship with. Host we saw house House Speaker ryan out this past week. Guest he has been very active in trying to secure his majority and prevent his members from being dragged down by the top of the ticket. Speaker ryan sees this as a dangerous time for House Republicans, particularly in a lot of swing districts. We have seen in the past several weeks, the congressional leadership fund, affiliated with paul ryans team, go into a lot of races that we were not necessarily expecting republicans to spend a lot of money on. Where they have a 10 point advantage and we wonder why republicans are very cautious. They want to make sure they have a firewall in place so if tim have a late surge before election day, they could stave off that momentum. Host two philadelphia, this is ronald on the democrats line. Caller it amazed me the Republican Party, donald trump is the candidate who sit around and told us we would lock up the woman doctor, we had a guy who raped a woman behind a dumpster, we let him go in todays. But you lock up the woman, the baby, and the doctor and you sit around and talk about veterans alking about, never been in war, never seen a war, never heard the click of a gun pointing at his head, never disarmed anybody, and you tell me, the Republican Party still wants this guy . Complaining about the media being biased. What about the rest of us . Host lets hear from frank in greensburg. In pennsylvania, the republicans have a 135 advantage even though more in 2012 voted for democrats to be president. Isnt it true that gerrymandering is the sole reason again this year with a generic ballot, democrats are holding a lead . Isnt it true that gerrymandering is the sole reason and an antidemocratic reason, why republicans will continue to hold the house . Host give us your definition of gerrymandering. A manipulation of political boundaries for partisan or other aims. Caller points to a commonly held misconception about the did conception about the districts. That the only reason for a republican advantage is gerrymandering. That is part of democrat problem, but i think it is a myth that it is the only problem. The biggest problem is their voters are clustered like never before. President obama won the election winning 62 of the electoral vote, getting massive majorities from the inner cities like philadelphia and to berg. Democrats are concentrated in the residential patterns and it hurts them when it comes to winning Congressional Elections. Their winning pittsburghs district with exorbitant margins. Those are wasted. If you winmatter with one vote or 100,000 votes. Where they are not winning anymore is rural areas and outer. Uburbs like pennsylvania is it asked if they are only if they always vote straight ticket . Guest we have seen straight ticket voting on the rise in the last several decades. Climb more to do with the decline in local news readership and viewership because voters have less and less information to differentiate the top of the from the people running at the congressional level. Inhave noticed an increase straight ticket voting. A rise because we have unusual president ial nominees particularly on the republican side. Host john on our republican line, mississippi. Caller good morning. I want marco to get back in there to back the republicans. I need to ask why the fbi has not investigated the things that it happened to donald trump. The Republican Party, they do not care or what. We are focusing on the house elections with the 2016 cycle. We saw this week in the wall street journal, it began in house seats. The former chairman of the House Democrats campaign are saying it is indisputable that we will pick up for more seats. Texas. About the race in why is it a tossup . A republican, former cia agent elected by a very narrow pete whoer democrat was a freshman democrat at the time. This is a pingpong ball seat. Few tend to vote for democrats and president ial election years and tend to vote for republicans midterm years. Called these timeshares. This is a huge timeshare because it runs all the way to san expensive district to campaign and advertise in. Democrats really want the seat back. Campaign, did everything that could been could have been expected in a rematch. Spikes as arnout result of donald trump on the ballot, a president ial election year, that could be the advantage. Host teresa on the independent line. Have listened to the news and a lot of programs, watching everything going on. Saidw donald trump accusers, saying he had touched them in properly, what bothers had beenn has known, proven that he has women,ed women, raped and yet she is running for the white house saying she cares about children and women. Is the same thing as a pedophile being taken to the white house. Nobody has run out his past. She is dragging him with her because he is an expresident. Why is not all of this going into the media . About theme ask you money going into the campaign. Large amount of money. The postfolk is this morning on the money coming into the Clinton Campaign. Clinton shifts to a new target, the house and the senate. Write that the Clinton Campaign is pouring 1 million in indiana and missouri, not because she thinks she can carry those reliably republican states but has she believes with and extra push, democrats could win this and it and governor races there. Is part of the money impacting house races . Money clearly, the extra going to indiana is going to the senate, trying to bolster democratic majorities there. Arizona, the state that was not competitive but where Hillary Clinton does have a chance at the top of the ticket this time, democrat efforts to pour money in places like arizona could have the effect of securing chances in the first congressional district. Is from North Carolina. Concernshose kinds of with the basees but not with a large number of independent voters. It may play well in union county, North Carolina, but overall, democrats look good in north airliner. John host john in silver spring, North Carolina. At the when you look polls, it is about the lowest number of the history of the united dates. United states. We complain every direction about it but we bring the same people who dont do nothing for the district nor the country. They sit there and do nothing. People we hire, two terms. If you do not cooperate with other parties, do not work with other party. You will not be elected again. The country comes first. Kind oft have this congress, badmouth each other, and do nothing. Im an immigrant to came here 30 years ago. Together, isy sit they go to watch together, but i cannot understand the callers who have a heyday guest Hillary Clinton or a hate against bush. We are americans and our country comes first for politicians. Before politicians. Have the other side of the coin, voters who are very unhappy with congress to their there is a common complaint that members are just do nothing politicians that come to washington and enrich themselves when they come out. Whereare certain cases members do not do anything to dispel the notion. In my conversations with i findtes and members, people who come to washington with the best intentions and care about a certain set of issues and want to get something done, otherwise they would not run. We have massive structural anythingpreventing from being done because of that intense part partisanship. Members of congress would love to work with people to address big problems. If they do so, theyre at risk of in two years. Losing the primaries. We have record low primary turnout. 14. 6 of eligible voters, a record low. Has given license to 7 of people on the far left in the far right to elect more than 90 of the members of congress. Currently over only 38 districts. You wonder why nothing gets done. It is because of that dynamic. It is up to more more americans to hold those accountable for cooperating with the other side. California in in california and the 18th district. Want to show you the reason yourtisements to give you flavor of the Advertising Campaign going on. Securing millions of taxpayer dollars for his own business, making a rich man even richer. Need the battle gate, a retired colonel tough enough to take on the mess in washington. Four applegate, it is country first. Your thoughts on the tone . We flagged this race as one with potential. The district takes in a part of orange county. Darrell did not back away from trump. He introduced trump at a rally in may and was recently named to trumps National Security advisory committee. He ran an advertisement featuring rudy giuliani, a higher profile trump supporter. This district is changing fast. You have a lot of socially liberal independents and ends who may not surprise subscribe to that ran of politics. Applicant is trying to take advantage of the dynamic and the race is one that has moved. He is the wealthiest member but it does not get the guarantee he will run a good campaign. Connecticut, linda is on the democrats line. Not my question but my funny bill is clinton has his wife is running but no one mentioned much about where heumps case made the insult toward the mexican judge. At us right after the election. That could be serious. My question to you is how many Percentage Points can the top of the ticket affect the down ballot . How do you calculate that . 36 a great question but the answer is there may not be a direct delineation between how well Hillary Clinton does and how well a democrat will do in a given district. A good rule of thumb is every point Hillary Clinton gains, democrats might gain down the ballot. It is partially a foot a function of turnout and partially of the republican brand. Host they listed 201 seats of being solidly in control of republicans, 46 competitive, the democrats are paying playing defense. They write from a Historical Perspective. Democrats have 256 heading into the election about what the gop has now. Reportber, the identified a whopping 105 democratic seats as being in play while republicans were vulnerable only in 15 p are back in 2006, the gop defending a 232 majority, 66 republican seats in play compared with 19 by this point by october. The general consensus is the house was going to foot sides and most agree the gop will probably continue maintain control of the chamber. Words, democrats are playing a much smaller field. Right. Democrats would need to win the lions share to take back the house. The narrow Playing Field is partially attributable to redistricting and the fact that we have had fewer and fewer competitive seats, part of it is this is an era of tremendous geographic polarization. Red areas are red and hard for democrats to break into. Blue areas have already gone to democrats in a lot of places. A landscape where democrats are making a play for a few suburban seats in the fifth district, and democrats in moreng a harder time culturally conservative districts where they would really need to break through to take back the majority. New york, franklin, North Carolina. John on our independent line. I am a retiree down here in florida. The Federal Reserve has cut my income in half. Most of my friends are getting burned by this and no one is even talking about it. Donald trump mentioned the Federal Reserve in passing one time but that is all ive ever heard about it. Host we are talking about house races this morning. Ralph on our democrats line, go ahead. Caller good morning. Good to see you. Bill, youre one of my favorite posts. , would like to ask your guest i am a member from upstate new york, and i want to ask if you kept track of the union , meaning onee member of the household is a union member and i thank you. Plenty of former Union Members in the house. Not a majority, but there are quite a few. Massachusetts, upstate new york, a lot of members oh their election to strong support from labor unions. Something you played earlier in the 22nd congressional district, this is one of the closer contests between kim myers and claudia. It is one of the areas where donald trump is doing well. Akron when Hillary Clinton first ran for senate in 2000, she promised that things would get better. A lot of upstate new york is struggling economically. Andis really unpopular republicans are taking advantage. They are doing well in house races. District, there is a wild factor in the race, which is the only independent who has a shot of winning in the country, a wealthy businessman who is pulling close to 30 of the vote in the district, that is a confounding factor in the party. Host and he is running as an independent. Guest he is advertising heavily in fairly cheap media markets. That is putting him in the game. Asks clyde suites and about the issue, gerrymandering is not having as much affect as clustering. What does that mean . Voters are migrating to places where the vast majority agree with their political values. Increasingly the party of urban areas and college towns. Republicans are increasingly the party of Rural America and small towns. That has given them a structural that democrats have a hard time competing with. Lets hear from bill on the republican line. Caller thank you for taking my call. I think we need a candidate who has not endangered the lives of our families or risk the securities of our nation and the security of our country is surely the most important issue, surely the most important issue in the country and one of our candidates has been extremely careless with our security. Thank you. Lets talk about the top issues we are seeing in house races across the country. What is the National Security rate . Of republicans run advertisements attacking democrats over support for the deal. That has been a question for republican candidates. Democrats answer by talk about how the nominee seems to discount the view of security agencies to say there is russian involvement this election. It cuts both ways. In the closing days of the campaign, it is fair to expect republicans to try and make that more of a centerpiece and turn the person away from trump and onto democrats positions. Host tony is on the independent line. Good morning. Caller how much of a ballotding variable, questions in the Congressional Senate races, especially in certain states . Host did you have a question . Guest did you hear the question . Are is aping there particular ballot question that draws them out and that is more favorable to their viewpoint and their opponent. That is less of an effect when turnout is already really high. States with right to work questions. Think the impact will be large. The last caller was from texas. One interesting potential switch in the election is Hillary Clinton could do well in texas. Some of her reach states are arizona, georgia, and those are the states where she has a chance of winning. We are noticing a race where states or audibly chiefly red states. Welleducated whites, could be closer than it has been in the past eight years. It stop for you in terms of, it will be november 7, your last preelection poll . Guest we are consumers of a wide variety of data. Most is privately done for the party and the campaign. You think that must be biased when that tends to be the parties are making strategic decisions. The final poll tense to be 10 or eight days in advance of the election so they could make the decision on where to allocate for the final week of the campaign. Of theers who are weary phone lines being burned up band ofarly in that races, it probably be in a week or so. This is an advertisement from the national and Campaign Committee in florida. Here is that. Lobbyistss not have and his parents are not risk. Shot. Ds need a fair not profiteering politicians like randy perkins. He worked for billions of dollars in government contracts. Accused then company of sheeting local schools, resulting in a sixfigure settlement. Imagine what he would do in congress. The Republican Committee targeting randy perkins. What do we know if his background and who is the republican candidate in that race . Perkins in the past message of it plenty of money to democrats and republicans running for various offices, especially the state office. Many have accused him of pay to play. His efforts to cozy up to statewide officials in order to company,acts for his he defends his Business Record as a by the bootstraps story. Mammoth himself into a he has a lot of personal wealth to put into the campaign. Even democrats wonder if he is the democratic trump. It is a weird race for sure. Host republican caller, go ahead. Areer these people that clothing, or Illegal Immigrants being allowed to vote, will their vote be counted during the election . Host we will talk about voter fraud in the next segment so hang on to the question. Democrats line. Caller lets use common sense fair one thing we have not talked about is for years now, weve had a democratic president and Republican House and senate. , what harrydeadlock truman called a donothing congress because republicans have blocked almost everything the president has tried to do. To vote for a republican congressman is just saying you want nothing to happen and you want total deadlock. For the next four years. Her, you picked her because of the issues she says she is for. The only way it could work is if she lets people that the back her up. I do not understand people who a deadlocknt to have situation. It makes no sense at all. The caller raises a legitimate point, which is divided government has generated gridlock that some voters appreciate because it means Neither Party is going too far in getting everything they want what it also left us with a point where it is difficult to a major problems in the country. An issue for Hillary Clinton, she could be the first democratic president ever, not to bring along a House Majority with her when she leaves office. That could leave her with far thanpolitical capital president obama when he came in in 2009. Whenially at a time republican face in mass media is at an alltime low, it has really driven a lot of the Republican Base into the arms of conservative media sites and the , hotbeds for Conspiracy Theory is, like oh raking donald trump has mentioned and like the caller has raised without merit. 2017, if of republicans have a majority in congress, we could be talking more about potentially investigating voter fraud and elections, then really addressing major problems in the country. Job like ons your november 9 . Where do you turn your attention . Guest a good question fair we can be a pretty late looking at Election Results. I am crunching the numbers on Election Night and i consider it ,he highest honor to do that higher than being in front of the camera because im a geek for the data. Of races,ve plenty 2018, a big consolation prize for the losing side in the president ial election could be a good midterm year in 2018 and that could set up whatever party that is for redistricting in 2020. Host thank you for being with us. Guest this preelection ritual has been fun. Thanks a lot. Going to. Re fraud and anomalies in the next section on washington journal. We will hear from professional spencerssor overton overton. When you grow up in an environment like i did, you need a lot of people to play a role in your life for you to have a chance. I had that weird i had my aunt and my sister. This is the story of how they impacted my life in positive ways. Author talksnd about growing up in a poor white family. There was not a clear connection between education and opportunities. Even the people who did well in school did not necessarily make a lot out of themselves. You saw so many people not having good opportunities. It was hard to believe that will really mattered much. Tonight on cspans q a. Cspan brings you more debates from key u. S. Senate races. Tonight, live coverage on cspan. Patty murray and republican chris vance debate for the Washington Senate seat then monday evening at 7 00 live on cspan, the Pennsylvania Senate debate between pat and democrat Katie Mckinney mint patrickmes murphy. Thursday night at 8 00 eastern, a debate for the New Hampshire senate seat. Day, followection he debates from house, senate, and governors races. History unfolds daily. Tonight, her life and experience in the u. S. As an undocumented immigrant in her book my underground american dream. She is interviewed by doris meisner, Migration Policy Institute u. S. Immigration policy Program Senior fellow and director. Not having your parents with you and only seeing them every few months, you feel like they. Re a little bit of a stranger i would see my parents and they would come bearing a lot of presence. It was a very different experience and having parents who are with you every single day. Go to booktv. Org for the weekend schedule. Washington journal continues. Segment, we next will look at the issue of the integrity of voting systems, charges of voting fraud across the country. We heard a lot about it in the campaign. Joining us this morning is Spencer Overton, a professor professor of law there, the andor of doing democracy, also the coauthor of who is counting, how bureaucrats put your vote at risk. I will start with you and we will ask you both the same question. How widespread do you think voting fraud is in the United States . The more important question is why do we have an archaic and rickety system . In 16 years since he got the book the big wakeup call where the entire president ial votes. N was 530 seven the pew research center, very respected, says there were 4 million dead or eligible voters, one out of eight contained invalid registration. I do not care if you are democrat or libertarian, that could consent should concern us. The problem with the bungling is the fact that we have not cleaned up these roles and other problems, it means there is the potential for fraud which increases the potential that it is undetected. Today, theretand is potential but do you think it has spread . Do you think it is a greater potential than it was when the wakeup call happened . No, there has been an effort of cleaning up ballot laws, northern id laws are preventive measures. And i think people are paying more attention and looking at the situation more. Better. Lem is slightly in a close election, people in any party get tempted. A close election, things can happen at the last minute. In 2008 with that senate race, we have proof that the senate 1200 voted illegally in the election and 200 were convicted of a crime. Election, where things like that happened, it could either be accident or intent and could swing the election. Not voterwidespread, impersonation. I agree with paul ryan, and with senators, that, republican senators, the system is not raped. The threat to democracy is not voter impersonation. Threat is issues like gerrymandering, like barriers that prevent eligible voters. Rom casting a ballot those are restrictions and issues where politicians are manipulating rules to choose voters as opposed to voters being able to choose politicians. How does the federal government and the federal straight in things out across 50 states and the District Of Columbia . We had a good piece of legislation in florida. A democrat and a republican from missouri offered the legislation and it turned out to be good. It expanded voting opportunities but also said the federal government will give states make surealso should that the Voter Registration rolls are accurate. A sad thing about the Obama Administration is starting in 2009, they suspended all enforcement measures to get the states to clean up Voter Registration rules. They did not challenge the pew research findings. 4 million are eligible, one out registrations, invalid data. That is a potential problem which at least equals the things you mentioned. Regardless of party, we want active orders. voter fraud, there are 31 documented cases since 2000 and you are more likely to be struck by lightning than to commit voter fraud. The Bush Justice Department did an investigation and were not able to bring a conviction of one person in terms of voter impersonation. It is a very narrow issue and there are much bigger problems. Host a couple of different views on voter fraud. We would love to hear your views. The headline this week said Voter Suppression is a much bigger problem than voter fraud. Trump rigged election live distract from democracy. What is Voter Suppression . , and heis a great story also has a good book on the topic which i recommend. Basically, many more voters are excluded, who are eligible voters, as a result of attempts preventing fraud. For example, in North Carolina, they found 2300 eligible voters from casting a ballot, though there were two cases since 2002. ,e are excluding for one case talking about 13,000 eligible voters excluded. Act you talked about the passed in 2002. What about all the state voting laws since then . Have a contributed to help more people vote . In all of the states where he says there has been Voter Suppression, minority turnout has gone upand it when barack obama is on or off the ballot. It has gone up. Cases of people who have been prevented from voting, few and far between, sometimes they cannot even find the plaintiff who actually is a real live human being who has had the votes suppressed. The real question is, if you do not look for something, you will not find it. The statistics are federal. Over 90 are state and local. City, the department of investigations sent out 63 inspectors to see if they could vote in the names of dead people, and eligible voters, because they moved out of state, or people who were felons. 61 out of 63 times, a success rate of 97 . There are only two cases in which they failed. Were directed to another present the other one was, a woman looks up and says, i cannot let you vote. My son is in prison. What was the reaction of the board of elections . They demand at the prosecutor prosecute the election investigators for impersonating were anven though they official government agency. If you do not look for the cases, you will not find them. I agree voter impersonation is a far less important problem and i would like to suggest i do not see professor overton or his allies on the issue going to the states and saying lets address absent a valid fraud. That is a real problem. John talked about a lack of cases and i was thinking about wisconsin where there are cases of people who do not have id who moved to wisconsin, did not have driverswho thought a license to the dmv and were not given a voter id. I have got several other cases like that. The state discriminate it was almost surgical precision. Were federalently courts have struck down these in fact exclude voters, many of the minorities. We are having this conversation mainly because of donald trump saying that the system is rigged. When you hear that, what do you think he means . Think he is talking about the same type of fraud john is talking about and i think it is overblown and the real front has to do with an election system in terms of gerrymandering and devices excluding voters from participating. Guest i think he means one thing on a friday and another on a saturday and another on a sunday. Sometimes he is talking about his enemies out there and sometimes he is talking about voter irregularities. Not think rhetoric that involves the word rate helps the situation. This could see should concern all parties. I think we can come to a reasonable compromise. Bill clinton, jimmy carter, Martin Luther king the third, all proposed something called the freedom card. It would take the Social Security and made that an official form of federal id that would be accepted by the 50 states. It was a great idea. Al sharpton did not like it, the Obama Administration rejected it. I just had a debate with the Brennan Center and they said we cannot do that, it is too expensive. I think there is a way to mary access to the polls with civil rights, civil rights to vote, we should preserve that and extended, but also to make sure people can cancel out by something worse someone who should not be voting. It provides protection for both. Guest every state requires some form of proof to vote. Is signing a that signature, providing an id card, a voter id card, so every state requires that right now. Ids,roblem is the strict like in wisconsin, with 300,000 people do not have that form of id to vote. Guest do you endorse the freedom card . Guest i would have to look guest you know about the freedom card. Host we have a lot of calls. Thats go to ohio with sheila on the republican line. Go ahead. Caller thank you. My two daughters, both democratic in my home , and they go to college in the , so that his there voting twice, once appeared, once down there. They have 62,000 kids at ohio maybe one i think fourth of them voted twice. Guest what state did you say the other state was . Caller i sent ohio. Ohio state. Host the issue of being registered in two places. How common is this . Guest i would say this issue is something that nid is not going to prevent in terms of double voting. A problem, an issue, a felony for people to vote and to fives in two places and years of incarceration. It is wrong and should not happen. Host go ahead, john. Guest we just had a tape issued. Two democratic operatives, including one that visited the white house 143 times, talked openly about open voter fraud. On this tape, one of the operatives says to someone talking about the scheme, do not worry, there is no chance to be prosecuted. There are no formal prosecutions of this at the federal level. Wendy rosen with the Democratic Congressional voted in florida and maryland. In more than one election and no prosecution. There are constant examples. People are not prosecuted. It undermines faith and integrity in the system because people know this is something you can get away with any probably will not pay a price. Host one caller waiting in michigan. Carl, go ahead. Caller good morning, cspan. Thank you for all you do. Used, fraud,ng rigged and impersonating. The all mean Different Things. In whate interested happens at electronic Election Results to electronic Voting Machines and where they coalesce and how they can be manipulated . About trump once a talk an election being rigged, that sounds to me like electronic issues. Im afraid you to a book called what happened in ohio, the 2004 election that laid out how bush was able to steal ohio. If donald trump says the election is rigged, that is the il use. E wa l host how safe are the Electronic Systems . Their 14 states with no paper trail. There are issues and the department of Homeland Security secretary basically said this is something that they have got to focus on. We have got the issues in terms of russia and hacking emails domestic candidates, so we are talking about threats, i think that is a more significant impersonation. Er that said, we have only said one real place in kentucky, the county in kentucky, where an election was determined by machine tampering. Guest we largely agreed because you can hack into Voter Registration systems but not into election machines because they are not connected to the internet. They are stand alone machines and you have to do it by machine by machine. I agree with the professor. What the russians are trying to do is undermine confidence in our election and probably cannot do it, but the real issue is we should have better machines. We spend1 10 less than on atms. You cannot always take the receipt from atms but you trust them. We need paper trails and vending machines. Guest we agree on the notion that we do need new machines. There were a lot of new machines back then. The computer is 10 years old and it would be slow and there would be problems. Host here is jacksonville, florida. Keith and independent line. [tone] host sorry, keith, there you are. Can you hear me . Host yes. Caller im concerned about the election because obama and the Homeland Security are taking awa over the hardware and there was an hbo documentary about where someone can get on the computer screen and within seconds, flip thousands of millions of votes. You know how many central tabulators there are and wise and that the main issue . Host what is a central tabulator . Guest our constitution basically sets up elections so they are administrated on state and local levels. The administration happens on a county level and on a state level. Federal not a calculator in terms of pulling together votes. Arguably, the decentralized element of our system helps prevent the types guest i want to Say Something because the professor and i have a lot of disagreements, but we should worry about Voter Suppression, bureaucratic incompetence, irregularities, conspiracies of either candidate, whether it is george soros or donald trump is going to try to manipulate the results, i think that is feeding paranoia which should not be there. I think there are legitimate issues, but lets focus on the main issues, not the side issues , which frankly, will not happen. Host the rhetoric of the campaign has drawn attention of president obama, who talked the idea of widespread voter fraud. Heres what he had to say. [video clip] president obama this notion of voter fraud, listen, one study shows that out of one billion 31 proven, they were cases of voter fraud. 31 out of one billion. You are luckier you are much likelier to get struck by lightning. Then to have somebody next to you commit voter fraud cr. You and when the powerball. You would win the powerball. [laughter] that is why i am glad to see republicans come out and say that talk is nonsense. After all, you have a republican governor. [booing]. O not boo it gets you nowhere. In have republican governors ohio, North Carolina, georgia, nevada, iowa, texas, arizona. Rigging . In on the theyre not going to rigged election for Hillary Clinton. Host obama pointing out the statistics that you pointed out about 31 and one billion in the recent count. Why is there still the bubbling suspicion of fraud . Guest how about that tape that james okeefe issued, to top democratic operatives, who have longed work for the Democratic Party and contract, one to the times,ouse 100 plus openly saying to people that there is no chance of the in prosecuted. The Obama Administration has stopped in your quest to the states to clean up Voter Registration since 2009. I think your product bundling has been encouraged. We have clothed the lists that need to be cleaned up. As long as they are cleaned up, you have the potential for messing up. Guest it does not swing elections. Rick looked at elections back through the 1980s and was unable to find one that was an outcome that was changed as voter impersonation. However, when we look at polls and other methods to arguably prevent it, we do see Election Outcomes change. If you look at florida in 2000, 12,000 people were wrongfully [indiscernible] 44 of them were africanamerican, improperly labeled as felons, and we know george w. Bush won by 537 votes. The outcome determines those you are right that 2000 people should not have been removed but they were 35,000 people who should have been removed, who were not, and many of them voted, especially in palm beach county, both skewed the results, which makes florida a muddled they have the recounts, where they went back the majority of scenarios. We need to make sure that there are people eligible look, theres a study by old dominion university. 14 of noncitizens in this country, surveyors, registered to vote, 6 of them told surveyors we actually did vote. All you have to do is incorrectly checked the box and you are a citizen and you can register to vote and no one will stop you. We need to clean that up, too. We have Border Patrol saying the Obama Administration is trying to accelerate the arrival of new citizens to get them out, and at the same time, they are not rap sheetst serious out of the country. We need to clean the system from top to bottom and that includes voter fraud and suppression. Host we also have a third line, 202 7488003. Samuel is on the line in pittsburgh. Good morning. Caller i am a thirdparty independent running candidate for president , running in 2016, and with states different laws existing in every state for the method, there is no uniformity. The system is certainly rigged for either the democrat or republican nominee to get elected. Guest i agree. Caller senator , you said you are on the ballot and seven states question mark seven states . The ballot,on running as a writein candidate. Host a different view and topic of the system. Guest california does not allow dragon votes. Votes. T writein i think it is appalling you cannot allow right, so we have similar views in the sense that incumbents can manipulate rules to benefit themselves, and that is a large part of my concern with restrictions in terms of incumbent officials manipulating rules, not to improve integrity but change outcomes. There is a libertarian theme that exists here. Host we talked about the electronic voting systems. This is an article in the Washington Post about the typical experience of people showing up at the polls and the right of rigging is no easy beads. Says the, ashby law american elections are held in open, public rooms, such as school gyms, Community Centers and there are no back rooms, secret doors are hidden hallways. Ballots, Voting Machines and election materials are locked and sealed when they arrived in the voting place and when they are removed after the election is over, they are locked and sealed again. In most states, they are poll observers in each county to watch her problems for efforts to disenfranchise voters during the voting process. The public and the Democratic Partys can watch her problems are efforts to disenfranchise voters during the process. 90 ofin 1996, over people voted at the polls on election day. I think some of that is a good rain. I dont not think it should be i dont the kitchen be one month in advance. I dont think we should not election day but election month. Absentee ballot, and i think people would agree and i think the professor would agree, there are cases where they have been thrown out with election fraud. You know the name of franks . , bruce franks a member of the black lives Matter Movement in st. Louis. He is trying to develop a rapport between the police and minority communities and ran for state representative on the primary in august and they stole the race using absentee ballots, a local machine, and he went to court and proved enough fraud in the throughout the election. He lost the original primary by the otherts and won by 72 of the vote. This is a fellow who was victimized, a member of the minority community, 30 years old, and authentic voice of the people, an example of how voter fraud shuts out new voices and entrenches the incumbents that the professor mentioned. That is a real case that happened and it hurts and i was prevented a member of the black lives Matter Movement. Guest i agree to the extent that fraud exists, absentee is a place where it is more common than voter impersonation. In arizona, they looked at 2000 cases of problematic votes and those 2000 whoof were absentee ballot problems and only 10 involved actually at the poll problems. I agree that the absentee issue the problem is there is a request also for not idea the polls but there is not a similar type of identification in terms of absentees. Host Spencer Overton and john [indiscernible] our guests. We are talking about preventing fraud and you might want to tell us the type of method you are using to vote. Here they are laying out some of the typical equipment used in states across the country, optical scan systems, the direct recording Electronic Systems, a ballot marking device, such as those systems designed to help disabled voters who may be unable to vote using other methods, and the famous punch card voting systems, as evidenced in the 2000 election. We hear from on sinai, new york, david on the democrat line. Go ahead. David, cohead, not david. Who is on the line question mark who is on the line . Caller john from florida. He makes a great point as far as absentee ballots. Before the absentee ballots became prevalent in florida, especially in palm beach county, i worked for the government and i personally witnessed 48 people receiving photo registration cards in the mail. To me, i mean, that was 20 years ago, 1996. All i have seen over the last few years of the ballots increasing and i can only imagine what the thought is. Host we touched on the issue of absentee ballots. Guest he is right, after he observed all of that, in miami, it was thrown out of court because of fraud. Back on this push that without sin to use, the number of absentee problems are not generally large enough to swing and certainly where there have been problems, it has been [indiscernible] as opposed to the Congressional Election or statewide election. Host now we hear from david in new york. Caller thank you for the programming. You do an excellent job. To both of your guests, and deming note this respect to mr. Overton, but and i mean no disrespect to mr. Overton, but there is a good point about the contested election, which was originally stated that mr. Won and mr. Overton said the Bush Justice Department had seen no corruption within our election systems. The norm coleman and al franken elections, the same Bush Justice Department had actually granted a pardon to the men who had been funding norm colemans campaign and only because of media scrutiny did they reverse that president ial pardon for the first time in history. I just think that these Voting Machines we have, the electronic voting, i do not think they have been proved in the system and it has become more corruptible. I think the old robots or a safer method, where you had to actually have paper trails and lockboxes. Host we will get a response. To be it is important clear about what we are talking about. Folks are talking about voter impersonation and i am is noting that that significant and it does not swing elections. There are other problems. I think the Bush Department of justice looked for cases of voter impersonation for five years to prosecute and they found prosecutions are done at the state and local level and the feds are only to conspiracy across state lines and they have to specialize cases and they did find several. Guest there is a federal statute guest yes, but the vast majority [indiscernible] that is normally the case. The focus on the vast majority of state local projects that local police run the election. Host lets get back to robert in maryland, independent line. Caller good morning, gentlemen. Overton, i am looking at the fellow across from you. He is blaming the people. [laughter] let me quit laughing. Guest i want everyone to vote. Caller i cannot believe how hilarious this is. The people that he represents know that they cannot win elections, so they go out and gerrymander and they stop student voting and they create roadblocks and ids for people and they go around telling people that the jews are responsible for the problem. Guest that is overstepping the line of it. Host thank you. Well move on to dan in ohio. Republican line. Go ahead. Caller this guy is saying that andvoter fraud is very rare theres not that much. First of all, we do not know that much because it has not been looked into, but secondly, why do we accept voter fraud at all . We know historically that people voted in chicago, many of them, thousands of them that were dead, so why did the democrats purging theresist bowls of people that cannot vote anyway that are dead . Guest it is time for a Historical Perspective on how voting fraud guest both parties have committed voter fraud over the years. Ailadelphia, for example, had machine until the 1950s and they still votes with abandon. They took the republican methods and perfected them, so this is not a partisan issue. To agree think we need is there should be much access as possible and the same time, to nothave the right have the book canceled out by someone who is a noncitizen, in prison, outofstate or dead. We are talking about Different Things again. Guest vote buying may be an voterand it is impersonation. If there is an inside job, it is different. Many of those situations do attract attention and scrutiny. Host john made a good point about the Voting Rights act, what sort of impact might the Supreme Court decision have that ended pieces of the Voting Rights act . Is an indication that it will impact turnout at the polls . Guest this is the first election without full protection and the Voting Rights act, and we have states like virginia, North Carolina and florida that were covered by plans that were no longer covered, and we could. Ee some problems andas always been updated in the future, it will be. Host some comments on twitter, this is from patrick who says that the reported ohio had purged over 144,000 voters and federal cases have been filed. One for you, john, to have evidence with uncut tapes . Does trumps Election Observer Program present a threat of illinformed vigilantes creating problems at polling places . And then finally, to away with absentee voting. If you cannot show up, do not vote. If you cannot prove for you are, do not vote. Topics out there. Guest there are two facts about the okeefe case that a not in dispute. The two people in the tapes if they had not done something wrong, they would not have left their jobs. This is the full unexpurgated tape, so you can see where it was edited. Him ofve people asked that and im sure the other tapes will provide it. I have to say that these democratic operatives were caught saying, sure, we will look at the voter fraud and help it. And you dont have to worry about being prosecuted and they left their jobs. Guest election observers can be important and they can also go watchers. Terms of there was a quote by it a term supported that says trump said to watch her precinct. For, well, racial profiling. Mexicans, people who cannot speak american. Al go right up behind them, i will do everything legally. I will not do anything illegal. I will make them aware, and quote. Guest that is why should not have people go to the polls unless they have had training. There is through the vote. Org and they train people to make sure they dont intimidate voters and get across the lines. I think donald trump has not been helpful in telling supporters about training and proper guidance to go to the polls. Guest it is the same thing we have to get trained no, citizens can monitor polls in some states allow people to enter but polls are different. Ae point is because this is very high tension issue and there are legitimate concerns, there are passed to be concerned about. People should do this with training and guidance. I do think it is necessary and helpful and both use poll watchers and observers. Host on the trump campaign, there is a link to a volunteer to be a trump election observer, asking for name, email, and not sure if it connects guest i know they did not provide training but through the vote. Org does provide training. Host lets hear from washington, third party line, timothy. Caller thank you for taking my call. I understand that federal law does ban nonamerican citizens from voting in elections, but isnt it true that nonamerican citizens can vote on individual, state, county and local issues is determined by the states that they want to allow that to happen . In San Francisco, about 10 years ago, there was a man of chinese dissent trying to get the laws changed. Guest i am from San Francisco and they had that on the ballot this year. They will vote on whether noncitizens can vote in local education races, but people have turned that down twice before, with the exception of silver spring. Wyoming,t places like right, that wanted people to move out to wyoming, so they opened up the franchise for nonus citizens to come out to vote. And they change the law later, but that is the general origin. Host are caller from spokane was one of the three states that votes by mail and there is a listing of how the different voting system, we did not talk about that girl there, but in the that that works better than other methods . Guest i have talked to liberal College Professors and experts in the state and some like the system, but remember, you and theyll open hundred firstclass letters and how confident are you that your ballot will get to the voting station on time . Firstclass mail is not as reliable as it used to be, beware. Guest are there ways to confirm that . Guest i know the post Office Internal numbers on how much firstclass mail is never delivered or delayed and it is higher than you want. Guest there is also the issue that frankly, more people make mistakes on absentees and on mailing ballots. And forher do not sign, a touch screen, for example, the machine will let you know, you did not vote for this or you double voted here. Guest and if you are handicapped or someone who speaks english poorly, the electronic voting machine provides better access to the voters. Host the republican caller, good morning. Sandy, go ahead. Thatr yes, i did see james okeefe video and the man said they have been doing that fraud and ioter believe it. Also, the electronic machines are the worst things they could have ever done. John used itr, and in ohio, mailed out an absentee ballot to everyone in the state, whether you ask for it or not. And john podesta had an email thing that the immigrants should be allowed to vote and all they needed was the photo id, illegals, so democrats do not want to purge [indiscernible] because they want to vote. There is no reason not to do that. Hest let me clarify what wrote in the email, he did not state the legal aliens should. Ote without an id when he did say is if they have an idea, he should take it on the word that they are a citizen. If you give people drivers licenses and most states do that whether you are a citizen or not, i think that creates a real problem because that means noncitizens, if they have a drivers license, can much more easily built. Four states that have asked people to provide some basis of proof that their citizens and building, so the Obama Administration has been fighting that and will be tied up in the courts. Now that we have this explosion of people entering the country legally and illegally, i think reasonable steps can be taken by states, should be taken by states that this old dominion study, 40,000 people study Congressional Research conducted it and 6 of citizens said they voted in the last president ial election. Guest one of the problems is it is much easier to lose your vote for to vote and properly or illegally. It is written a lot about. An example is a woman in wisconsin, 32yearold indianamerican woman, has been naturalized since eight years old, but since she could not get naturalization papers to the wisconsin dmv, she was not given an id card and that she needed to go ahead and vote. Host a comment on twitter, i think West Virginia, were talking about poll observers. Here, it is illegal for anyone other than a poll worker a voting to be in the polling place. What it doesnt say is whether the poll worker could be an actual observer, so i do not know it by their view of note West Virginias experience. Guest poll workers generally process. Theyre not there to blow the whistle on something that goes wrong. Host from overseas, third party line, scott on the British Parliament channel. Thanks for joining in. Caller good afternoon on our side of the atlantic. I just wanted to say to all of my fellow american citizens worried about voter fraud, here is a cautionary tale from the united kingdom. We had the referendum to leave on whether to leave the eu or not and it actually turned into, if you will, a president ial election because our prime thester, having backed campaign when it lost, he left, advocated the role abdicated the role of Prime Minister and now we are sitting with theresa may, who was elected by her party, a monster party, to become the Prime Minister, so the point being, not that we it, overaks it brex one Million People voted beyond the 50 mark to leave the eu, but now the people who want the politicians that wanted britain to remain, are saying the people who voted to leave did not understand what they were voting for. How about that . And that is being questioned as high as parliament. Our mps are being asked to vote on whether the terms and conditions of britain leaving the eu, when the boat was a simple question should the u. K. Remain . Not on what grounds or any qualification. That is my comments. Guest this is a good point in the sense that demographics are changing, right . Folks are feeling unsure of different backgrounds, and we want the policies to be based on the merits, as opposed to the rules. As opposed to trying to slice out particular constituencies, we want to ensure that politicians have debates on the issues so we can kind of deal with this fair and square, as opposed to trying to surgically remove parts of the electorate in order for certain politicians to maintain power. Guest i was in britain for brexit and it was a rich discussion. I learned that with the exception of britain, every industrialized democracy in the world requires voter id, including photo id, including canadians and guest the mexicans. Places,hese registration is not a barrier. People are automatically registered to vote, so that is in these places, so the rules are a bit different and for dissipation is much higher in these other countries. Host you both agreed that the election system needed an update and a finding of the pew study in 2012 after that election, it was inaccurate and efficient evidence that the Voter Registration needed an upgrade. Donald trump brought this up in ohio and here is how he praised it. [video clip] donald trump if al gore bush agreed before the election to had a legaltes and challenge for a recount, third be no Supreme Court case and no gore versus bush or bush versus gore, and there have been numerous other cases. I am being asked to waive centuries of Legal Precedents designed to protect the voters. Listen to this. According to pew, highly respected, there are 24 million Voter Registrations in the United States that are either invalid or significantly inaccurate. Ok, i think the people in this room understand it more than our leaders. Leaders, maybe our understand more than we think they understand. Using some ofrump the pew study to say, i will not admit to conceding the race, i will not recognize the results until the race happens. Guest donald trump should have said i will respect the results of the election, unless, as Al Gore Felton 2000, the elect al gore felt in 2000, he thought the election had ballot errors, or fraud, that i want a recount and to contest the results. That is what he should have said and he did not. I think his original comments were damaging. Guest we definitely need to update, modernize systems. Right now, how you are voting depends on where you live and in different jurisdictions and different amounts. Another important point is people need to get out and vote. We cannot let this chatter discourage us from getting out. Whoever you are and whatever your political background, it is important that people get out and vote. Guest host approximately 24 million, one in every eight, no longer 1. 8 million is ceased i listed millions and 2. 4 voting. Thet the way we fix problem is modernizing voting rolls, as much as they do in europe and other parts of the world. Host a couple more calls, washington, d. C. , sam is an independent. Caller thanks for taking my call. A couple issues. Inst, i agree on mail voting. People should be required to put a thumbprint on it. The thumbprint when not be for identification, per se, but basically say it two things come through at the same thumbprint, obviously, both votes are canceled out. That would help with that issue. The other issue is about the electronic Voting Machines. Im less concerned about them being broken into on purpose. I am sort of like anybody who works at Computer Programming is aware that there are times that with the best intentions, programming is complicated. Just an issue with that. If it arises, it creates difficulties. I guess maryland now has a paper ballot and it holds onto the key, and i think it is the and then we can always fall back on putting fingers said that the same person cannot vote twice. It sounds dumb, but there is something to say that might be helpful. Makes i think the caller interesting points. We do need to be concerned about privacy issues but there are good points. Int one more call from bill illinois on the republican line. Caller good morning. I sit here and chuckle a little bit. I am watching three fairly intelligent men discussed this problem. Toiticians do not want correct the situation. I can walk into any walmart in no annoying or timbuktu in illinois or timbuktu and within 10 seconds, they can identify me, they know who i am, where either, what my account balance is. If my credit card will clear or not, this could be corrected real simple, but politicians do not want to do it. Is it make the system too easy and two professional. And credit cards, there are millions out there, so it would be a simple transition for the to say, youer guy are either eligible or you are not. Guest i agree with the caller that there are some incentives. Sometimes, though, republicans and democrats can come together. Things like criminal justice reform, modernizing collections should be something politicians should come together on to increase integrity, access, and also to lower the cost. Guest peopleif there are any who do not have an id, i dont think there are many because you cannot get benefits of thought and 90, but if there are any people with no id, lets get them one. The former confidant of Martin Luther king said that if we helped everyone get an id, you could enter mainstream american life. Ids,ieve we need to get free ids in the hands of everybody. Have litigation and lawsuits against voter id laws, if we joined together and spent the money we spent on lawyers on getting people ids, we would make everybody better off and people would remain in american life. Guest a number of africanamericans did not have codified these ids, but it should not depend on their right to vote on having that id. It is great to get them in the mainstream, but lets not say that you do not get to vote and to get this id. Guest do you believe 25 of africanamericans guest that is what data suggest. Guest the brain and study has been discredited. You do not believe one in four African Americans cannot cash a check, get a job, travel do you really believe that . Guest 25 . Host john is a, said the national review, and you can follow him on twitter and Spencer Overton, professor at George Washington university. Both authors of books on voting and democracy. Thank you for being here. Guest thanks. Host more washington journal ahead. We open up phone lines for comments on political or news in the next 20 minutes. 202 7488001 for republicans. Democrats, 202 7488000. For independents and others, 202 7488002. Your calls, next. I went and research. I knew i could find information on that. I could also help me figure out what points i wanted to say about it. And how to format cap lines are my peace. Think i took a methodical approach to this process. We could if we wanted, but i think that is really a piece [indiscernible] it is the process of reworking and reworking. I am trying to come up with my actual theme. I was coming up with more ideas and ballotcould fill be a great shot, so i think about that and it gives me an idea of Something Else to focus on, so i do research about that and the whole process is about scratching that doesnt work and you keep going until you finally get what is the finished product. This years theme, your message the washington, d. C. Tell us the most urgent issue for the new president and congress to address in 2017. Our competition is open to middle school and high school students, 612, with cash prizes. Students can work alone or in a group of up to three to produce a five minute the seven minute documentary on the issues selected. It includes cspan programming and explores opinions. 100,000 in cash prizes will be students andn 150 53 teachers, and the grand prize of 5,000 will go to the student or team with the best overall entry. This years deadline is generate 20th, 2017, so market calendars and spread the word to student filmmakers. For more information, go to studentcam. Org. Washington journal continues. For callsinutes left and comments. , 202 7488001 for republicans. 202 7488000 for democrats. Independents and others, 202 7488002. Send us a tweet at cspan wj and we will hear from alvia in florida, republican line. Caller yes, so this has been going on for a long time. Getting five dollars per was andnd that afforded, so thank god we have somebody now looking into this and maybe we can get a hand on this. It should be stopped. Host in ohio, cam on the democrat line. Caller hello. Had i have heard questions about [indiscernible] to understand whether or what the truth is. Have they ever research that . Host no, we have not. I can tell you that the debate is the third and final debate that is coming up this morning on cspan at 10 30 eastern. This one in the Washington Post, in the column sunday take, the headline is trump visits battlefield, gop braces for civil war. Unless trump reports as his fortune in the next 16 days, the republicans face defeat, a sizable one, in the president ial race, along with possible loss of control of the senate and the prospect of a small majority in the house. He writes that saving the senate and protecting the house is the priority of gop leaders. The republican president ial nominee has not only fail to unify the gop, but his candidacy has intensified longstanding hostility toward the Party Establishment among the grassroots forces backing him. Ost open phones sandra is next in West Virginia on the democrat line. Go ahead. Caller im not feeling very well today, but i just do not quite understand why it makes it so difficult for people to understand that we need a voter because i legitimate, do not see the problem of where these people think that they cannot get a voter id and between elections for four years . That is a long time to be able to get your id. Anyhow, i had a voter card sent to my Mailing Address that that person registered to vote at the dmv under my address, and that was totally illegitimate. Host when did that happen . Caller i sent it back to the Voters Registration and called about it. I sent it back about three months ago. Host it happened in this election cycle . Caller yes, and i was shocked because i did not know the person. They have my address, my mailing but my physical address and Mailing Address is different. Another town,rom i was required to change my also when myt and grandson passed away, i told my daughter to always make sure that nobody picked up his Social Security number and be able to and register in any with my dead grandsons Social Security number. Host we will hear from North Carolina next, deborah, republican line. Caller my husbands Social Security number, somebody else has and the Social Security administration did not do nothing about it. I do believe in voter id, and the reason why i want voter id is because it has my face on it. My actual address, face, and the courts will not allow us to show it. We voted for trump and i wanted to show my id to say who i truly am because my face is on it and they were not allow it. Have aoes North Carolina new voting law . It does not require you to show your id . Caller no, and the judges ruled it out. We went in to vote and they asked for my two address, which it has and it actually shows my face with my address. Baltimore,is maryland, gabriel on the democrat line. Caller good morning. How are you . Host fine, thanks. Caller i wanted to make a few comments about Voter Registration and fraud. In this election, i do not think this is what we should be concerned about. I know that the republican nominee has often referred to this country as a third world country, and may start thinking about america as a third world country, you worry about voter fraud and things that do not exist. Months he past few has spent time letting the people know what it takes not to be president , and now he has run out of tactics to win voters and he is using scare tactics to read my prediction is anyone who is listening to this right now, take out your thinking notes and write it down for me. The republicans will lose landslide on november 8 rate on november 9, take this out and read it. I repeat, they will lose landslide on november 8. Host open phones until the end of the program on washington journal. Report out of New York Times on the Fundraising Efforts of the Clinton Campaign and clinton supporters with the headline on page guest expectations outside money favors Hillary Clinton at the 21 rates over donald trump. Outside expectations, host the New York Times writing the New York Times a quote writing that outside groups said that either allies and aids seemed to set the stage for greater spending in 2016. Host john is next on the independent line in rockford, illinois. Go ahead. Caller thank you for taking my call. The one gentleman on your show said about putting id pictures on Social Security cards. More Social Security card fraud in the United States and i know and account that works and the company that he got contacted by a lady in South Carolina that somebody there was using her Social Security number and there is more of that going on that you would not believe. Thank you. Host phoenix city, alabama, check, or public chuck republican collar. Caller it was reported this last election cycle that there was a voter turnout in florida and72 of the people voting we have never heard of any investigation, nobody going to jail on that and we had the same situation, one that admitted voting, i think it was five times up in ohio. A voter id should not be a problem. I am almost 79 years old, served in the military, all my life i had to have a voter id. If these people do not have proper ids, how did they get on food stamps, welfare, low income housing, and all these programs . They find time. It is an honor system where they are never verified . Host thank you. Another president ial election, the iranian president ial ction back to the u. S. They criticized the u. S. Candidate behavior during the debates. Speaking to a crowd during the central iranian city of arak, rouhani said on sunday or put did you see the debate in the way theyre speaking, accusing and mocking each other . We want a democracy and election in our country . Iran holds president ial elections in may 2017. The independent line next to rockport, massachusetts. Julia, hello. Caller good morning, cspan and thank you for the fantastic program. I was watching the tv three months ago and cannot provide the name of Melissa Terry berry, i believe she worked at georgetown university, but the books title is called five dollars and a pork chop sandwich. The woman who phoned in about four persons ago mentioned the five dollars that was a sickly given to people in the 4 the 1940s to vote and it is south Democrat Party in particular, intrinsically, keeps its power structure by literally paying people to vote and they would get a pork chops and much, but that is the overarching theme of at book, but it all occurs the local level by getting these people to vote who are normally not registered and perhaps do not vote or participate in politics for whatever reason. It may just not be having the knowledge of the issues, so they would found that these people and offer them five dollars and a pork chop sandwich. To the lady that called in about four times ago, she should look up the author on book tv and the title is five dollars and a pork chop sandwich. Host glad you are watching, julia, watching the to be on hours2 every weekend, 48 of nonfiction books and authors. Phoenix, arizona, next. Steve on the democrat line. Caller good morning and three cheers for cspan. Live in arizona, as you said, and we had this being a couple years ago called db 1070 and it asked all the legal aliens and their families to selfsupport. The housing prices dropped and the housing values dropped because they were less People Living in the houses. Needless to say, all the food they ate and the close they brought in the cars they bought and all that stuff, they were i amuying that here, so concerned that this is going to ifpen to the other 49 states candidate trump gets elected because like i said, if the market goes away, who are we employ and where will the jobs come from . Host steve, appreciate your comments. One more call from a net a annette. Good morning. Caller thank you so much. Two quick points. We have over 15 million illegals in america now, which if nothing else should prove, we need picture voting id, you have to have that to even pay your charter bill when you pay in person, and they will not let you pay without picture id, and you have to get your tags, so people need to stop whining. Every four years, you have plenty of time to get picture id and what one thing about trump, he points out our debt with no end in sight, failing schools, cities in crisis, heroin addiction mix, homelessness, veterans committing suicide, on and on, so much wrong with america. With hillary, it will be more of the same. She has given no solutions. We have been there, done that, us here. Is what got there is a war on trump and they just want to retain their power and rich lifestyle. We need to focus on the American People. Anyone who looks around in america and can say everything is great, you are not looking at the right, you need to look to load the rich lifestyle that politicians maintain. I will gladly vote for trump. We have got to change. To me, this is our last chance trillion. T of 20 no one is talking about, oh, my god, this is shocking. We must stop this. It is not going to end. In tomorrow morning, we begin the first of a fiveday look at battleground states. We will focus on North Carolina to morning. Tuesday is iowa. Wednesday. A on florida on thursday. Friday, it is ohio. These are the states expected to be close in terms of the president ial race. Tomorrow, john diamond joins us from wake forest university, talking about what north resenna

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