Transcripts For DW DocFilm - North Korea V The World What Does Kim Jong Un Want 20180217

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the. it said he always has his finger on the nuclear button locked in a high stakes poker game with the us we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. but does kim jong gordon really have nuclear warheads and the missiles to deliver them some experts don't think he does at least not yet. there are no real plugs this would vibrate it looks like it's from the local hardware store and . he's not negotiating until he has his full full nuclear deterrence and the world knows it. it's early in the morning and we're heading to a depot for decommissioned rockets. i'm accompanied by an arms and security expert marcos. he studied north korea's bomb and missile tests though he's never visited the country. i've been there several times as a reporter. all i ever saw its allegedly combat ready army were trucks powered by wood gas. this is footage shot in secret of a starving in far as the landing. gear in the fog schiller is sure we'll find rockets just like the ones north korea has we are in fact in ukraine and driving to an old soviet military base near odessa. sure does not believe north korea has the capability to develop missiles why itself or at high speed. any explanation in my view is that they have received tell us that it is easier if you buy stuff than if you build it all yourself. this rocket looks familiar to show that. there's an official focus is a solid propellant rocket with how surprising that north korea suddenly had some that what. he's going to compare what we found at this depot to photos from north korea this is a turbopump a key component in any rocket. fuel and typical boston chamber of the rocket engine for the tanks it's like a fuel injection. of. such advanced metals technology is not something any country could develop overnight. back at the airport in odessa schiller compares his for. it was with propaganda material from north korea. on the left a rocket in the air that was twenty twelve if you see how similar the calories the white band around the nose and another one of the rear on the motor column. of the part as in if he had to operate we see the shape quite clearly as it is identical with the same model. and that russian turbopump also reappears in p.r. pictures with came from twenty sixteen and twenty seventeen. this is the turbopump we just saw. a look at the exhaust outlet and then look at this one on the engine and hear often these and they look surprisingly similar they have the same shape and the ties. in front of. kim jong un may boast about the capabilities of his homemade rockets but are they really up to snuff or is he putting on a show to intimidate the united states range ballistic missiles capable of hitting the us mainland. german aerospace engineer professor. is convinced to kim is bluffing he's based in munich he was a u.n. weapons inspector in iraq and he used to design rockets himself with me right there . good chiller have worked together on analyzing north korea's missile program they conclude that kim jong own must have received considerable help from abroad. in particular from the former soviet union. these is the player is in didn't see this engine was built in the night in seventies then came disarmament and they were decommissioned. and that means lots of these engines are lying around somewhere in depots and if a dozen or two go missing who's going to notice that's. simply copying the design he says is not an option because if you think the engines are extremely complex that scene inside it's three thousand degrees kelvin that's almost as hard as the sun. and the pressure is a man's plus the engines have to be very light made of thin sheet metal to get all that right takes a long time and a lot of practice. to be. what about the submarine launched ballistic missiles north korea claims to have developed the evidence is not convincing on some photos they have rather flaps on others they don't hear entire sections are missing. that can really observe the first launch from such close quarters is unthinkable. ten tons of solid fuel were flying out of the water if it had exploded kinship would have been totally destroyed. huge missiles are regularly on display at military parades in pyongyang our experts say they're fakes amateurish fakes says they want to show off how much they've got but it's just cobbled together smoke and mirrors. that examples of the very same model of missile look different. if you compare the same spot on the one missile the gap between the fins is much greater than on the other . this one has a trap the other doesn't. lose so badly made you really have to feel sorry for them . i head to south korea and to discuss the matter with experts there they also think the north's nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles program is more blood than substance. with south korean capital seoul is just fifty kilometers from the border within reach of conventional artillery for. from the north twenty five million people live in the metropolitan area. the last time north korea reversed a large scale attack was in spring two thousand and seventeen human joan was there to watch. these great enemy the united states has close to thirty thousand servicemen and women stationed in south korea. in seoul and i go to see chad o'carroll he's a security analyst and journalist and runs the n.k. news website he says it would be wrong to underestimate north korea's military capabilities. not really we're in for the buff theory from a u.s. military perspective the department of defense has to take seriously any risk that i miss all and reach the east or west cards to the united states and we're now basically at that point so even if it's a one in five chance that twenty million people can die what is you know what does that really mean we have to take that seriously. ok earl agrees that north korea receives assistance from abroad he shows me satellite images of a recent military parade in pyongyang. to the left of the crowd or a row of missiles on trucks he says many of the transporters were imported from china and there are more of them than previously believed. ok we can see about two or one or two kilometers away from kim il sung's square where the viewing took place pipes and there is one spare unit of every missile type tank you name it. japan is evidently the source for other equipment such as special crane crane in these fight sides which come from north korean state media you can see the crane is actually being used to to lift the missile from the same gone on to the transporter erector launcher and it's just the idea that in full twenty seventeen where there's so much scrutiny on north korea special weapons programs is very difficult to sort of understand that. it looks like united nations sanctions on north korea including an extensive trade embargo are not being fully implemented we drive along the hundred virtue or disaster wary to look across at north korea. nearby as the joint security area had been one jump the only spot on the border where soldiers from the two koreas come face to face. in january delegations from the north and south met here. such a handshake a rare and stunning event. this is the north from making nice. but last december it showed its a cruel face at the same spot. a north korean soldier defected and came under fire from the north even after he had crossed into the south. that was a violation of the korean honest disagreement he was rescued by south korean soldiers and flown das battle is since recovered from his wounds. while the border between the two koreas is closed the one between the north and china is open. this is the chinese city of dun dun. and this is the view across the yalu river to north korea the friendship bridge links the two countries and is a major conduit for goods going in both directions. i mean we have a couple sources in done as well this is a convoy of trucks going through the chinese customs house just before they cross the friendship bridge for you can see the share amount of cob varies you would need an army people to be coming here with the current u.n. sanctions ostensibly recall it has to be very thorough he says to ensure it is night and materials that may breach sanctions but on a good day you might have two three hundred of these kind of trucks passing the bridge. and each one of them you know maybe forty tons past the it's a lot of stuff. but. these aren't north korean weapons but those of south korea and the united states. they regularly conduct joint maneuvers in the south which regularly rile kim jong on his enemies flexing their muscles all the more reason he feels he needs nuclear weapons to defend his country and himself who would want to end up like those other dictators saddam hussein and iraq and wal-mart gadhafi and libya first year burns aboard the korean war ended in one nine hundred fifty three but a peace treaty has yet to be signed u.s. bombing devastated the north people there have not forgotten while relations between the two koreas have been mainly tens there have also been episodes of engagement and determined. in two thousand south korean president kim dae joan visited pyongyang to meet north korean leader kim jong il the father of kim jong un . kim de jong received the nobel peace prize for his efforts to promote peace and reconciliation. an architect of his sunshine policy of reconciliation was join me and moon there was a time when north korea and the united states even talked to each other was that possible very simple ok when i would there was a trained you succumbs to insist unites to the united states listen to what north koreans was saying ok and they didn't deny north korea they treat north korea is a normal count and leadership commitment was one of the important that and it was a very effective and a communication channels. says things might not be so bad now if the current us administration were willing to negotiate instead the us president derides and threatens kim jong un has. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime those kinds of so-called hostile rhetorics could be very very counter productive and honestly he has been elevating convinced that has to he stands. tells us he remains committed to dialogue even though he too has been the target of verbal attacks from north korea. or vietnam and i've not. met the north koreans and i told the north korea's ok ok i came ok here the dog of american imperialist here how the hell do you you can criticize me in that way i haven't walked meet you with all my heart and i made a big shouting at the north koreans and the north korean delegation told me that. mr moon to provoke handle the situation and. organisation to put them with to be united for him to have a different view work what propaganda to propaganda don't be detracted don't be disturbed by the pope and. where you are outsiders it's even harder to distinguish between propaganda and policy reliable information about the kim dynasty which has ruled north korea for three generations now is also hard to come by. the current leader kim jong un has seen more of the outside world than one might imagine. we are heading to a suburb of burn in switzerland to meet a teacher. in the late ninety's there was a north korean boy in his seventh grade class. it was said he was the son of somebody who worked at the embassy. is to stand tall he was introduced as own pocket for me he was just a regular boy he spoke a german we were able to communicate like sporty clothes i basketball attire n.b.a. gear bosc both i and i think he was one of the first people i knew who had an m p three player false to a small i named peter i played. years later facial analysis concluded with ninety five percent certainty that the boy really was kim reason says he was confident but not brash despite the expensive gear. so i think of course told the truth and her shirt like that cost a hundred francs the night the trousers to the nike air trainers three hundred and he had lots of hair salon but it was a show off and i know he didn't flaunted them he did not try to be anything special . i found him to be a well adjusted young man with money. while the young kim jong un enjoyed his ninety's in switzerland starvation was killing countless children back home crop failure any patient agriculture economic mismanagement but the regime always blamed its arch enemy the united states. in two thousand and one came jones' oldest half brother kim jong nam was arrested at tokyo airport trying to enter japan on a fake dominican republic passport he said he wanted to visit disneyland. in the one nine hundred seventy s. and eighty's north korea abducted a number of children and young adults from japan so they could teach japanese to it spies decades later a few were allowed to return home. in two thousand and two north korea finally revealed what it had done people in japan were aghast. junichiro koizumi was prime minister of japan at the time in his diplomats had persuaded north korea to make that admission and to apologize as a precondition for moves to start normalizing bilateral relations. but laying the groundwork took a lot of preparation this process highlighted the tricky moral issues involved in dealing with despots itoshi to knock out a senior advisor to koizumi held many secret talks with the north. the five to thirteen times. negotiations. took place in the weekends there are a couple of gives me. well is the trip by the japanese prime minister to north korea because in the eyes of kim jong il. the getting prime minister to come to. itself is a kind of big story to tell to the people here we are the former. prime minister came to this country to apologize for north korea. the regime said that five of those abducted were still alive and they would be allowed to visit japan without issue seemingly resolved to signed a joint declaration relations looked like they might be on the man. prime is immediately that we would like to see by survivors so. that sort of meeting to take. to see them so we beat that is a key element for us. to question of trust trust me it's difficult to verify. anything north korea says because it's a secret nation and it's not democratic nation therefore there is no accountability those five survivors remained in japan north korea said they had to be sent back and accused the japanese government of breaking its promise chargeable that you broke a promise no i said. you're kidding because also our job is who up ducted value how could you sort of. decide the fate of the old people. another act of terror any given the estranged half brother was evidently considered a threat so kim jong un had him murdered which you doubt it was used during the attack took place in public at kuala lumpur airport. kim jong nam was about to fly to macau where he was living in exile he was caught on surveillance video just minutes before he died. in the malaysian authorities won't talk about the case all requests for interviews with investigators and other officials were rejected but we did find a journalist willing to discuss it. i get a phone call from my phone tech the police were saying we just figured this out there was this sort of an assessment as a suspicion of poisoning attempts. by jekyll and be a seal because i was soft put it that's what it is a lot and he's the son of. kim jong il. kingery as they've already yeah he's a half brother gift of us you know our so what happened so we don't look like us price it right every father a fair bit of money if i had a few thousand u.s.d. it was bag. investigators determined that two young women one from vietnam and the other from indonesia had each smeared something on kim jong un's face the components of a chemical weapon the v.x. nerve agent. this tool with a smile that it meant a very off. the state that faith which is all to add up all that sort of measure for he said he wasn't feeling well he was something that you could say clearly david took a basically five she did it leave it we gave figures in a hospital and he died they were called fifty cars so who would have to live it was . the first account was that this tool was actually his people one was he's made a decision was made the vietnamese lady was his good friend and it changed on a did not he did not know who he was. and what they would they were hired to do this police identified further suspects men with ties to the north korean embassy. north korea responded by detaining malaysian nationals in pyongyang as hostages so they could do a prisoner swap. he wanted to arrest them because they did not have diplomatic status. i do what happened was that a standoff between the malaysian government and the north was the impression from outside is that there's a country there was a case they were doing an excellent job investigating arresting and then they led the ones go that were to be charged actually they were going to be let go if i don't they are clearly the deal but they would elect bush in exchange when i missions from back because we have such a special relationship with direct flights we could good have people come here with a visa as it was such a special relationship effect after last year we have lost with what this looking you know who minds is it important that you're right that you know doesn't because we're good because we dropped the ball yeah but you know in the scheme of all the things people talk about leisure corruption. financial scandals political intrigue is here is this one. machinations coercion shady dealings north korea is skilled in getting its way not only in malaysia not only to murder fugitive rivals. at the united nations a panel of experts oversees the regime of sank. it was imposed on north korea. they're familiar with the long reach of the cameras. caught so he sure photo coward is one of those monitors he tells us how the trade embargo was undermined. i believe she loopholes my question was rather where i closed the holes. which was so few compared to the number of loopholes loopholes exist in only china but also our washer. taiwan south east asia they have also all proteins in europe one example of arms control busting launchers for north korean ballistic missiles are based on trucks manufactured in china key. portion was imported from china in two thousand and eleven and that's only for all six me calls have been confirmed by the you know the nations they have a clear. and even if had to pick sides if cajuns would show that he could do you feel if only for fourth if this. off road trucks for use in the logging industry are not covered by sanctions so was this a willfully misleading declaration they were used in china for military purposes now so take somebody. asked why more serious due diligence which they don't have and probably didn't care maybe even me want to be the theme of the solo as they can make excuse if they can make money out of north korea. as the power to stop this well that's a question that well i'm i'm sure does it's tough because you've been part of spotted this issue and the chinese government is significant the biased. the crucially when it comes to un sanction. resolutions who understand that you are the sheens in china should. foreign ministry only and therefore the three if not even. on this fusco of the union resolutions could be focal place in my discussion with chinese called the press i always get the impression that they don't get. deep understanding of the resolutions which they are agreed. perhaps they chose not to understand but it's not only china that aids and abets north korea and its missile program in two thousand and twelve the south korean navy recovered from the sea what was left of a missile north korea had launched it contained parts from many different countries cobbled together by hand. to the fourteen kinds of foreign soil started to fall from the mostly rockets and most items my fashion to overtake from united kingdom former soviet union sits china us south korea so all countries which region exposed can to reglue. what if you did but that could be a bit of a speech or whatever oh yes and that's a key component that's a key while robot smoker is pretty certain that north korea is not in fact making much headway in developing its own ballistic missiles for cohen is not so sure it's really a hundred craft. you see clues. that. he . was asked to sum it was the sockets. by by have using blue so. it's not beautiful it doesn't seem to be. serial productions but that's ok for the screen. they will use the same basis to manufacture. new souls and as a missile. at the united nations the current us administration has called for a total embargo of north korea total isolation to bring it to heel. we call on all nations to cut off all ties with north korea in addition to fully implementing all un sanctions all countries should sever diplomatic relations with north korea and limit military scientific technical or commercial cooperation. that ultra hardline approach is met with little support internationally or within the us evelyn farkas is a security expert and served in the defense department under barack obama. i disagree with that i mean anything to maintain the dialogue keep the conversation going i think would be useful now i will say in defense of the diplomats what i'm hearing from them in private conversations is that the north koreans do not want to talk to our diplomats they're not interested in negotiating and again i think this is because kim jong un has decided he's not negotiating until he has his full full nuclear deterrence and the world knows it. the federal republic of germany has had diplomatic relations with north korea since two thousand and one. has deputy foreign minister not go for my help establish that chancellor at the time was. the situation is dire. food security is not guaranteed there will be more famine. and i agree with our foreign minister on establishing ties. this is a minister still has to work out the technical details take the decision has been taken over. what happened next proved to be a disappointment for north korea did not open up to the world it wanted gifts. of. more not the. months later another delegation came. they told us what they wanted a steel plant. for us they said we should give them one but the two some company had recently closed. i had to explain at considerable length that the german government does not have the right to seize private property and give it to somebody else so for. the fun. i told them they would have to negotiate. and there would be money to pay. they didn't like the idea and said this isn't what a true friendship looks like not the way they see it they were rather dismayed and then they left again. the country once more than steel plants these two north koreans visiting a dingy cellar in ukraine in two thousand and eleven thought they were stealing plans for advanced missile technology. they were fake it was a sting operation by ukrainian counterintelligence but too would posed as members of a trade delegation they were found guilty of espionage by ukrainian court and are still in prison. north korea has leased part of its embassy in berlin to a hostile but u.n. sanctions ban commercial operations on its embassies to starve it of hard currency revenue. what's more the embassy has been used as a base for espionage and the procurement of much earlier. than most and often also we have to assume that north korea has acquired parts for its missile program on various markets and via shell companies and proxies in foreign countries. and that it is done so in germany as well. i still don't you rule out said north korea is currently engaged in such procurement activities that its embassy in berlin. when i was she's no we cannot rule that out if we become aware of such activities we hold them which we cannot guarantee that we hear about and prevent all such transactions in. the united nations monitors are also concerned they've asked the german authorities about north korea's activities here. we have asked feature. what technology seeking for but we never got any. information and they didn't get. it. quite often. so key. get. mr photo card to write all this down for us so we could bring the matter up with the head of germany's domestic intelligence service i ask mr germany's cooperation with the u.n. regarding north korea. i cannot answer your question because i know nothing about this. we do as a rule reply to all inquiries we received by the foreign ministry. but i can provide no information on this particular matter. and to prepare first. as has been said such inquiries oncet has approved it that's a huge allegation it is indeed an allegation bought from my perspective i would not say it is a serious one because i presume that if it was the president himself would have been approached or i would have been approached by the foreign ministry. and i haven't heard that that has happened. that does not amount to a clear denial the suspicion remains that germany has failed to support u.n. monitors the way it should have. it's not just small parts that have made their way into kim jong un's missiles things all kinds of goods under north korea by road being done don't. the scene we know that does get delivered the question is what does it say on the paperwork for the missile components were sent to libya that were declared as water purification equipment. to north korea the volume of deliveries is not great we're not talking about large numbers of items. you know fishel photos kim jong un poses besides impressive looking hardware other missiles are real and are they dangerous but i wouldn't stall things that way why not. just stand something like that on the floor piece of precision engineering on a concrete floor needs a special cradle treated like a roaring down. is this a real functional nuclear warhead ready to mount on a missile. of course shells this can pick a bull's look odd this would vibrate and scream during flight. these are proper sockets it's all very suspect it looks like it comes from the local hardware store was with us. slotted screws and hex screws the whole thing really is a bit weird with this kind of kick. and the chart carefully placed on the wall behind showing the warhead in the missiles nose cone. says it proves nothing. is tell me. you can't go from zero to a fully functioning missile you could actually fire in london i was in this business long enough to know you just can't do it that's the heat. if it is right then its weapons program is not currently as dangerous as north korea would have us believe but is he right what do other experts say how should the international community deal with kim. north korea state me bluffing that's for sure. they say that they have. mustered a high dalton bomb. attack and be loaded on to the i.c.b.m. which may not be correct we don't know what we know for sure they have successfully completed and you could test we've estimated field of one hundred sixty killed toss which we have never seen before they mean true lies or not we don't know so for. i look i'm being says they have a section to cable t.v. for me july vision but it's a matter of time i'm an optimist and therefore i believe that there would be and should be negotiated outcomes for diplomacy but no other options sanctions and pressures will have been here an imitation is military actions south korea will strongly opposite china rochelle will or simply or posing no military sanction ok and whatever else regime change. it won't be easy then the only way to resolve north korean nuclear problem the dialogue and negotiation of of course he to take much longer time but still lies in the if united states ok shows to some science know all the branch to north korea even despite decades of domestic challenges that can do and will bite american off of we don't want a war right we don't want north korea. nuclear don't. in order to do it in any other to be patiently negotiated to be the most korea where we exert pressure and to invite china to be more serious the best case scenario would be they don't have a full program they freeze it for they have a full capability that's probably not realistic though and so that's why i say realistically they have a nuclear weapons program capability they have a deterrence against the united states and our allies and so we just implement you know mutual assured destruction like we have with china russia cetera the north korean government is not going to use nuclear weapons against any country in the world unless it thinks that its existence is at stake meaning there is an impending invasion. unless it responds to a false alarm so much as they want to know why you january that would be enough to trigger disaster. at the former soviet base in ukraine staff tells us about such a terrifying incident intelligence had once reported the launch of an enemy nuclear missile. through our interpreter a lina tells us that there were always two soldiers on duty here thirty five meters underground at the ready to launch a nuclear counterstrike yet. they had twenty seconds to decide whether to do so or not always. the first by flipping two switches at the same time they would send off eight nuclear missiles each targeting a major western city. and the world is talking once again about the risk of nuclear war i mean can you imagine if you talk about a new nuclear war to start with tells me he doesn't think it will come to that it goes everybody knows that would be catastrophic but he is not so sanguine. because no one knows what they will do next. plane. except g.w. true diversity. where the world of science is at home in many languages. on top of that i've been going there to be fair he says he's going to cut our innovations magazine for in just a few hours from every week and always looking to the future on t.w. dot com science and research for any show. we have to do are we on the verge of a new world order. and who will defend europe. this year this munich security conference takes place at a time of great insecurity internationally top government officials important discussion. of foreign looking at stake undersea. we'll be there to cover it all. security conference on made up and. happy birthday in good shape returning ten this year and you can win this amazing fitness backpack and if you want to know what's inside it's visit on the web and books and also to turning the most favorite holmgren's into. coughing or maybe a little bit just to soak the foreclosure letter. good luck. this is developing news live from berlin tackling global security threats world leaders and military chiefs are here in germany for day two of the munich security conference with france and germany calling on the european union to respond quickly to global threats british prime minister to resume a is expected to appeal today for continued security cooperation bragg's it. also on the program journeys you child touches down in germany the german turkish journalist released yesterday off the spending a year.

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