by the way, barbara streisand has also joined the boycott of spotify which makes her part, kennedy, of the streisand effect. >> oh, right. >> greg: barbara streisand is fulfilling the streisand affect by drawing attention to the very thing she's criticizing. that could make my brain explode. >> and now because of that everyone has access to the beach in malibu. thank you so much, barbara. but it's really interesting because joe rogen at least is being honest about what he's doing. he's like, yeah, i'm just a guy who has questions who's talking to eat person. and sometimes we do it for three hours. and people go, oh, i want to listen to that because i didn't even think have that question, that's great. so he's being very honest about what he's offering. cnn is full of hot wind because they're saying, we're a trusted news network we have a health department and a news room and we're newsy news people and you should trust us to get your