Been under attack. What democratic freedoms have been undermined. Power in the house, democracy is at work. People are voting in record numbers. His first ever championship joey lie lulu lugao wins cant stop the feeling dance, dance, dance steve cant stop the feeling its going to be a short week. Just saying. Thanksgiving is thursday. If you are lucky, you only have to work three days. Ainsley short week. So funny playing this song i went to do a fox nation shoot and some of the folks that helped build the houses think were talking about how wonderful it is to be grandparents and their granddaughter loves this movie. And i say every time we play this song brian and steve their kids are older they dont even know this is part of trolls. Do you know that movie trolls . Brian not yet. Im focused on creed 2. This does remind me of last night i was dancing to this song. Steve he was over at studio 54. It was crazy. Want to see the pictures go to page 6. Com. [laughter] steve thank you for joining us on this monday of a short holiday week. Weave start with a fox news alert. Big news. The ballot chaos now over as Broward County election supervisor reportedly resigns overnight. Ainsley comes hours after senator bill nelson conceded to republican rick scott in Florida Senate race. Brian griff, why would she resign . I thought it was going so well. Griff good morning, she lost 2040 ballots. She missed deadlines and failed to accurately report numbers on Election Night and now according to the sun sentinel newspaper headed to the door effective january 2nd. Yesterday i asked her pointedly i said are you worried the governor elect ron desantis will remove you . Here is what she had to say. No. I havent heard anything about that so, no, my Attorney Says i should not thank you very much. Thank you alleluia. Now Governor Desantis will have an opportunity to replace her officially. Meanwhile, the big news, guys, after 18 years in office, bill nelson in the senate is conceding after losing by 10033 votes to rick scott center elect scott writing an oped for fox news saying now the voters have florida have spoken and im honored to serve as our states next senator and share floridas success with the entire nation. In that other race, the Governor Ron Desantis winning not having to go to a hand recount over tallahassee mayor Andrew Gillum. Yesterday a tweet from governor elect desantis saying this was a hard fought election. Now it is time to bring florida together. So, finally, i guess i cant stop the feeling of relief, guys, that the madness in south florida has officially ended. Brian wait a second, Griff Jenkins can disembark . [laughter] brian you can go home. Griff finally headed home so we think. Nothing is ever official. Brian i have seen that shirt four straight days, griff. Ainsley you are the hardest worker in television hurricanes and elections. The caravan. Thanks, griff. Steve i was talking to peter doocy last night he is in tallahassee covering this, and he said that later today he may be able to go back to his apartment for the first time in seven weeks. He has not opened the door to his apartment. Brian wow. Ainsley this is peter . Steve peter doocy. Ainsley another one hardworking. Steve the writing was on the wall two days ago counting all the ballots. We are coming up with the wrong number. Oh, were running the ag commissioner. We are supposed to do the senator. The other thing was when she said were missing 2,000 ballots. They are here in the building somewhere. Where else would they be . Well find them. They never did. Brian they sent out sample ballots for the 2018 election. The problem is they didnt resemble the actual ballots from the 2018 election. She destroyed 6,000 ballots after they were counted but a judge ordered them to be preserved in 2016. Thats a big oops. She kept the job for 2018. Maybe there is hope in Broward County for 2020. There is no excuse now. We know the counties that are a problem. We know how vital the state is for outcome to elections. Get it together. A little bit later governor elect ron desantis will be joining us live. He got the concession. He didnt need the hand count. Rick scott in order to beat senator bill nelson needed the hand count. He accepted the concession yesterday. Rick scott, good friend to the president. They have been friends for a long time. He will be an ally in most cases. Ainsley they build so many houses in the state of florida because of rick scott. They say rick scott has secured so much money for that organization, millions of dollars helping our veterans. Steve indeed. All right. Meanwhile, go to the other side of the country out in tijuana south of san diego, california. Remember we told you that the president of the United States had referred to the oncoming caravan as an invasion . Do you know who agrees with the president . Some mexicans who are looking at this caravan as an invasion. Watch this Video Montage and you will see what im talking about. They are coming. They are gangs. They are bad people. [chanting] our government has not taken control of these what we call invasions. If you live in a house, you have walls, you have doors, you have gates. We do that because we dont want to just let anybody go into our house, and i consider this country my house on a larger scale. And we should control our borders. [speaking foreign language] ainsley what donald trump said is true that that man shouted. Arrived in tijuana the border town underneath san diego in mexico. The residents are shouting we dont want you here. The mayor says they will probably thereby six months while they file for asylum. Many people are sympathetic to these individuals. But the residents there, they dont want them in their town. They are worried that their taxes are going to be used to pay for the migrants. Shouting insults and throwing rocks and some threw punches. Brian how the caravan forced their way into mexico throwing rocks and bottles at the Mexican Border guards or troops. And they ended up just letting them in. They also know the Mexican Government at separate times provide buses for groups of them. That doesnt make them happy. And if you have a town in a city and you have acquired some of a influence in your life you dont know why there is maybe 5,000 sitting in a soccer stadium by you or laying in a lawn by you or laying all over the beaches by you. They know that more are coming behind. So, in mexico, they are calling it an invasion. How could you be on President Trump saying its the wrong word. Their destination is america. Steve local shelters in tijuana are equipped to house 700. They have 3,000. They are expecting 10,000. The president of the United States tweeted this out yesterday. The mayor of tee yuanna, mexico, just said that the city is ill prepared to handle this many migrants. The backlog could last six months. Likewise, the u. S. Is illprepared for this invasion and will not stand for it. They are causing crime and big problems in mexico. And the president says simply to the migrants go home. Ainsley you mentioned the shelters being full. A lot of the women and the kids are in the shelters and the men are sleeping outside. They had to open up a city Sports Complex. You had people sleeping on the fields like the baseball fields under neath the bleachers and churche churches e bringing in portable showers and bathrooms so that the folk could say have some water and be able to clean themselves. Brian if you dont like the term invasion dont worry about it the mayor of tijuana has other term avalanche or tsunami of people. For people to think its hyperbole people using it for the election. He was pointing out something for the election he tweeted about it last night. He didnt forget about it. Now all the sudden you have the mexican city mayors complaining about it. Steve remember when this caravan was coming up through honduras, mexican towns. We saw the images of the mexican people presenting them with food and water and clothe and everything they needed. Enough to they are where they were going to in mexico last stop before the United States they are not so welcome. Ainsley they knew they were going in and going out. Then when they reached tijuana, there is nowhere else to go. The mayor there says the federal government says they are expecting it to swell to 10,000 people and u. S. Border inspectors are only able to process about hundred asylum petition at that crossing. Brian huge delay, catch and detain, not catch and release. Steve thats the very latest from florida and california and now the rest of the news from around the world. Here is jillian. Brian she will skip the eagles game im sure. Jillian oh, my gosh, what happened . I woke this up morning angry because of that. Ainsley you didnt have to watch it. Jillian im glad i was asleep for that get you caught up on news starting with a fox news alert now. At least 80 people are dead and more than 1200 missing in californias devastating wildfires. A candlelight vigil held in Northern California to honor the 77 victims of the camp fire. And pope francis seconding a special prayer to everyone affected by the fires. Heavy rain in this weeks forecast could bring some relief, but there is a new risk of flooding and mud slideinalready devastated areas. It is sentencing day for the man who admits to killing pregnant wife and two little girls. Chris watts could expected the rest of his life behind bars after taking a plea deal to avoid the Death Penalty in colorado. He was arrested in august days after going on tv to beg for the safe return of his family claiming they were missing. Bodiethe bodies found days later oil field where he worked. Bob barker is in the hospital for the second time in less than a month. 94yearold price is right host rushed to the emergency room in los angeles with severe back pain. His manager tells entertainment tonight that he is quote, awake, alert and improving but is he up and down. Barker was hospitalized with back page at the end of october. President trump and first lady melania will receive the National Christmas tree at the white house today. The nearly 20foot tall 800pound frazier fir chosen from a firm in north carolina. It is scheduled to arrive at the white house around 1 00 eastern time, but it wont be lit up until next wednesday, so you have to wait to see that. Steve indeed. Thank you very much, jillian. Brian have the guys put the stand on in the woods because you dont want to do that at your house. Steve this is the peoples house. The way they look for a tree that will fit exactly so it just we have all been there for years, it will just touch the roof of the white house, it will stand 20 feet. Ainsley they put it in a bucket, right . Put it in a bucket and cover it. Steve the park service probably has some special white house special Christmas Tree stand its gigantic. Brian im so proud of myself when he i go to the Christmas Tree place and i bring my stand from the Previous Year i get a proto put it on and i know its going to be straight. Ainsley you are one of those who keeps the stand. I dont live because i live in a small apartment. No place to store it i would rather buy a new one every year. Brian i keep the stand. Ainsley have you an attic, a house. Steve slide it under the bed. We now have an electric, artificial tree that comes with a stand. So much easier. We keep it in peters bedroom in the closet. All right. Meanwhile, 6 13 in new york city. New york times asking the big question about who will lead House Democrats. If not pelosi, whom . Lisa booth is here with the answer and she is coming up next. Ainsley could peanut allergies soon be a thing of the past . Possible game changer peter doocy dont try to hang your clothes up, no room my way now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. Brian this morning the New York Times asking the Big Questions about the future of the democratic leadership quote if not pelosi who . Adding what if House Democrats tried to stage a coup and nobody showed up to take power. That is the predicament facing democrats as quiet rebellion simmers in their ranks to block Representative Nancy Pelosi to from being speaker. Hi, brian. Brian they ran not supporting nancy pelosi for speaker. But, is this going to go anywhere . You also had 17 people sign on to a letter saying that they are not going to support nancy pelosi even on the house floor. And thats where her biggest challenge lies because she is ultimately likely going to get the behind the scenes votes on november 28th. Its the january 3rd vote where she has to get to 218, which is potentially an issue for her. I think if its this hard for her to wrangle her conference, i think its a sign of whats to come for her. Going to have a difficult time. She apparently had meeting with centrist democrats and had names House Freedom caucus we dont want to have that kind of problem next congress. She is acutely aware this is going to be an issue for her. You have a growing progressive wing of the party. I think there is around 90 members in the progressive caucus. Thats going to be a challenge. Brian people ran as almost like republicans in republican districts and won as democrats. Thin yothen you have many left o the San Francisco congresswoman nancy pelosi. Right. Brian new york congresswoman dont expect anyone to emerge until its clear nancy pelosi doesnt have the votes. Is marcia fudge emerging . Lisa she has put her name out there at th tepidly saying what sort of support she could get. I think nancy pelosi is ultimately going to get the speakers gavel. Tim ryan ran against her the last leadership go around. Got about 63 votes. Thats the largest defection she has seen in her leadership fight that she has ever seen. I think nearly a third of the caucus voted against her. So you might see some defectors, potentially. I think ultimately, she is going to end up being the speaker. Brian whats behind the president saying if nancy pelosi needs the votes i will supply republicans . I dont know if is he controlling her. I have been thinking about this a lot. I dont know if is controlling her and kind of putting it out there and, you know, sort of being, you know a little bit miss chiefous or if he sees her as a more viable option as speaker of the house, potentially sees her as more willing to work with him than maybe someone had is even more progressive as nancy pelosi. One thing i would point out i was at the nrc in 2010. A lot of ads using Nancy Pelosis face against the democratic incumbents. Allen boyd a democrat outgoing who lost that elections cycle said she was a face that defeated us. I think with democrats in power again in the house, that is ultimately going to be an issue for them in 2020. Brian get elected im not going to support nancy pelosi and first thing you do is support nancy pelosi that could be a problem in two years. Sometimes that happens, too. Brian lisa booth, thank you very much. She by the way is very cold but didnt complain the entire segment. Brian ron desantis running for governor again. Now time to join the state governor. He joins us live. And from the head coach of the state department to coach of the browns . Condoleezza rice. Thats a rumor. She lacks thing called head coaching experience. Her dad was a good coach. I cant keep up with that camera. At upmc, livingdonor transplants put you first. So you dont die waiting. Upmc does more livingdonor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. Find out more and get out of line today. Unlike santas presents, ours dont just magically appear. Theyre designed, meticulously. Every bolt, stitch, line of code tested and tested again. Until, finally this. Elves got nothing on us. Ford. Built for the holidays. Time to get our best offers of the season. [narrator] meet sharks newest robot vacuum. It powerfully cleans from floors to carpets, even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. One dock, two sharks. The shark ion robot cleaning system. And if you get lost, just hit me on the old horn. Man toms my best friend, but ever since he bought a new house. Tom its a 10 cover . Oh, okay. Didnt see that on the website. Hes been acting more and more like his dad. Come on, guys jump in the waters fine tom pritchard. How we doin . Hi, there. Tom pritchard. Can we get a round of jalapeno poppers for me and the boys, please . Ive been saving a lot of money with progressive lately, so. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. But we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. Ainsley here are quick headlines for you. Today saudi Arabias King Salman will give his first address since the killing of jamal coosh. Coroner. Ikhashoggi. Its unclear whether he will talk about the journalist. Days after Saudi Crown Prince ordered khashoggis death. The kingdom is denying. Troopplansto put troops on the s falls apart. On stand by as operation temtemper to help keep order during emergencies. Thats only happened twice both times after terror attacks. Steve heated florida raves have been declared over and ron desantis has been elected governor again. Brian come back story joining us to discuss this victory is Governor Ron Desantis. Governor, anything but easy. Were there any doubts in the interim from election day to today that you would be at this moment governor elect of florida . No. I mean, look only thing being elected governor of florida something elected twice in two weeks. We had a margin on Election Night. It was a close race but definitive i had won. Even with some of the votes that turned up in broward, i mean, my margin was significant enough. Weave knew the machine recount was not going to change it and it didnt. I had confidence that Governor Scott would end up winning the recount. Both manual and machine recount there. So, i think thats great that it happened and we are moving on now. Obviously we have to address some of the problems with the Election Administration in places like broward and Palm Beach County. I think its good that brenda snipes has submitted her resignation. There was no way as governor that i was going to let her preside over another election down there after all the problems that they had. So we had 65 counties do a good job. We had two that dropped the ball. We want to make sure all 67 counties do these elections in a fair way. Ainsley what happens next . You will appoint someone to take over for dr. Snipes . It depends on when her resignation is effective. I heard it was going to be effective sometime in early january, about the time im being sworn in, so, yeah, that will fall to me to appoint her replacement if she has resigned immediately then Governor Scott would have a window to appoint it before he leaves office. Brian mr. Desantis, what do you make of the fact that these races not only senate but governor and ag commissioner were so close . What does that say about florida that the state is pretty much split right down the middle 50 50 or the state is bad at counting . No, look. Its always been a come at thcompetitive state. Thats the nature of the beach. Donald trump won florida by a couple points. Barack obama in 2012 i think it was a half a percent. Thats just how florida elections are the democrats turned out way more voters than they did in 2014. I think what we did on the republican side is made sure we turned out our voters. So there kind of was a blue wave we just were able to overcome it. Brian Andrew Gillum was called by the president of the United States a force to be reckoned with. No one doubts his charisma on the stump. What was he like to compete against. He was a very formidable opponent. I said that from the beginning. Nobody thought he could win the democratic primary. If you watched him he outdebated all those people. Only one who inspired anybody with enthusiasm. I think the fact that he was their nominee, he was really responsible for driving a lot of these democrats to vote who dont normally vote in Midterm Elections. So it was tough. It was a tough fight. Ainsley whats on the agenda for you . Do you plan on doing when you are sworn in. The first thing we have to do is baby proof the Governors Mansion because i have a 2yearold daughter and 8 month old son, so we want to make sure that, you know, there is all kind of florida history in there and i dont want my daughter bring that crashing down. We have a lot to Economic Development and education reform. I will appoint three Supreme Court justices, basically as soon as i take office. Were going to have to look and make sure our elections are run well. So there is a whole host of things we are going to be able to do. Its going to be an exciting time in florida. Steve i saw your ad that showed your child in it and you were reading them art of the deal. How much did the president help you get over the finish line . Well, he did two big rallies in florida down the stretch. One in southwest florida and one in northwest florida. And i think if you look at the type of turnout we were able to generate, i think a lot of his voters, he was able to activate and bring them out. And so i think that he played a very, very Important Role in this. And you look throughout the country, these races where he was campaigning, missouri, north dakota, these places. All those candidates won. And so, you know, i think donald trump has a very good base of support in the state of florida and in some of these other states where he was able to help engineer these victories. Brian no doubt about it in florida a huge impact in the senate and governors race. Governor elect ron decan sis. Ainsley congratulations. Brian what a story, thanks so much for joining us. Thanks, guys. Steve you heard the left claim President Trump is undermining democracy. Now congressman elect and Navy Seal Dan Crenshaw has just one question. Democratic freedoms have been undermined. We just had an election where we switched power in the house, democracy is at work. People are voting, in record numbers. Steve dan bongino says crenshaw did the country a favor. Is he going to react live to some of his sound bite coming up. Ainsley race car driver goes airborne at 170 miles per hour. Hours later the teenager behind the wheel goes public. Thats coming up. Ll take clothi, annawatch dad. Great outdoor memories start with great gifts from Bass Pro Shops and cabelas 5 day sale. With huge savings like redhead crews and henleys for only 10. Save 50 on camo utility rubber boots for the whole family. And save 60 on mens flannel lined shirt jackets. Open thanksgiving day we scored big whoa presenting the iwhats he doing . Come on, lets check it out nice. Hes pretty good at this. 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Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. Who doesni do. Ve a deal . Check out the united explorer card. Savin on this savin on this savin in here. Rewarded learn more at the explorer card dot com. If you live in a house you have walls, you have doors, you have gates. We do that because we dont want to just let anybody go into our house. I consider this country my house on a larger scale. And we should control our borders. Steve there have you got some residents of mexico talking about the caravan, which is just south of san diego, california at this hour. Brian over into tijuana. Dan bongino has been following this former secret Service Officer and author of spy gate. President trump is being accused of trumping you up this story for the Midterm Election and using terms like invasion and some people like jim acosta were offended by that word. Maybe he should take that question to the mayor of tijuana. He is causin calling the invasia tsunami that has hit his city. Yeah, brian. I dont think the liberal media and open border advocates around the globe understand now badly this story is boston globing up in theiboston blowing up in. A lot of people in the audience, illegal immigration, especially an incident like this en masse and going to be absolutely impossible to glol orderly fashion. Illegal immigration is almost always discussed in terms of how it effects the person coming here illegally or a migrant. Its almost never discussed how it effects the american citizen and residents of the city like tijuana. Now that you are starting to see people finally object and say hey, you can claim asylum there is a way to do it this isnt it. Finally seeing coverage and backlash on it this isnt going well for liberals and open borders. Ainsley catch and detain. Illegal migrants trying to come in the u. S. A. Often proudly flying the flag of their nation as they ask for u. S. Asylum will be detained or turned away. Dems must approve Border Security and wall now. Does this prove what we are seeing down there that we need to be tougher and tighter on our Border Security . Yeah, there is no question catch and release was a disaster. Ainsley, its a matter of very simple math. If you have 100 or 1,000 people enter the country illegally they are caught the first part of catch and release but then released into the population with a court date and massive numbers of them dont return, its not an effective deterrent. The border is not meant to be a suggestion, ainsley. Its meant to be an actual border. Like there is a process i dont even like the term imlegal immigration. There is immigration process and then lawbreaking. If you come in here the wrong way, you chose the latter. Steve there you go. Dan, lets talk a little bit about this, its been clear from the getgo that a lot of members from the Mainstream Media do not like donald trump. Listen to this montage of members of the media talking about how the president is attacking the press. Watch, and our freedom. What we are witnessing right now is just this erosion of our freedoms in terms of covering the president of the United States. Our democracy is in crisis. What we have seen in the last month in so many ways is degrading the rule of law, delegit eyeing our elections. House engage in critical oversight of an administration that is undermining a lot of critical freedoms for folks in our country. Steve that is what we have heard a lot in the last couple of months until yesterday down in texas they have elected congressman dan crenshaw. He is that navy seal who lost his eye. He was on face the nation yesterday. He was asked about how the president is undermining democracy with his attacks on the press. He had heard enough of it. And he said this, dan bongino. I always ask a question like, what . Like what is the undermining exactly . What democratic freedoms have been undermined . We just had an election where we switched power in the house. Democracy is at work. People are voting in record numbers. I always ask for examples and we can hit those examples one by one. If its worth criticizing its worth criticizing. Just this broad brush criticism that the president is somehow undermining our democracy, i always wonder like what exactly we are talking about. Steve he went on to say somebody said well the president is attacking the press. He goes wait a minute, i have actually been attacked, be careful about the words you use. I have got to say im really starting to love this dan crenshaw. This guy is great. He is asked the question i have been begging everyone to ask forever. How . How is the president undermining democracy . Do you understand how foolish that makes you look when you say it and you produce examples that are the opposite of what you are suggesting . Think about it. Steve, right, he is undermining, what, your economic democracy . How, by giving you back more of your money in a tax cut . How idiotic is that . He is undermining press democracy or freedom of the press . How . Guy, the guy gives press conferences when he is in the bathroom. This guy is answering more questions than you guys have asked in, what, 20 years in the media . He cant stop answering questions. And is he undermining the free press . Well, he threw out jim across attachment he threw out acosta who is now right back in the process because they went through the court and what did trump say about it, okay, final, well institute some rules. Wait, what more . Oh he is undermining democracy, how . By not forcing you to buy obamacare and dumping the individual mandate . This is the most democratic president we have seen in decades. This is so dumb. You are making yourself look silly by saying it and a big round of applause to dan crenshaw for finally calling people out on it. Brian all right. You got me going on that. [laughter] brian hollhole holy cow who needs coffee. I havent even had one yet. Brian it has put him in the spotlight and i think he is really shining. Oh, incredible. Is he really wonderful that was a great line. He ha asked a common sense question every american should ask how is donald trump ainsley he shares your name. Thank you dan bongino for being with us. Its a great name. Ainsley hand it over to jillian who has more headlines for us. Jillian whoever killed an American Teacher in mexico will pay. A mexican governor vowing revenge on the cartel drug trafficker accused of murdering Patrick Braxton andrew. The remains recovered after he disappeared on a hiking trip last month. Unclear how he was murdered or what evidence officials have against the cartel. A race car driver loses control, flies through the air and slams into a barrier at 170 miles per hour. Stop what youre doing and watch this. Jillian that is frightening. That is driver Sophia Florence crashing on the formula 3 course in china. The german between who fractured her spine tweet i just wanted to let everybody know that i am fine but five other people were hurt. Researchers in the u. S. And u. K. Gave kids made with a small amount of peanut proteins that increase the amount over a few months. By the end, two of three children could eat peanuts without any reaction. Researchers hope to get f. D. A. Approval next year. Condoleezza rice shutting down reports her beloved Cleveland Browns wanted her to coach. The former secretary of state writing on facebook, quote i love my browns and i know they will hire an experienced coach to take us to the next level end quote. I do hope that the nfl will start to bring women into the coaching profession. Rice also saying she would like to call a play or two next season. The browns say she is not in the running for the job. A look at your headlines a lot of people talking about that one this morning. Will. Brian adam shepler said that and he is almost never wrong. How can that possibly be. Jillian anyone can do better than hugh jackson won three games out of 40. Brian he for got to win last year. Ainsley could be wrong this time. Brian almost never wrong. But her dad was a coach. Steve thank you very much. Janice dean the weather machine is going to join us outside to tell us that rain and snow is coming here. Janice not too bad, actually. Today is really nice. Where are you from . San antonio texas. Janice what are your names. Reuben and rose guerrra. Janice what do you think of the weather here so far. Awesome. Janice what are you doing today . Were going over to the 9 11 memorial and also over to the brooklyn bridge. Japan january you are on fox friends right now. Awesome. Janice fantastic. Take a look at our weather for the san antonio folks. 45 across the great lakes interior northeast sections. Thats where we will get a little bit of the rain snow mix. Here along the coast we are okay. The good news is as we head into this busy travel week, we have a fairly quiet weather pattern. We are going to potentially see a little bit of moisture sneaking up across the ohio valley in towards the great lakes and northeast. We have a system moving in toward the west coast we are going to watch as well. Going to bring much needed moisture to folks in california. There is our thanksgiving day forecast. Not too bad. 27 in new york city. Want to say hi to steve, ainsley and brian in the studio. Hi, guys. Good to see you. Ainsley we love san antonio. Steve thank you very much. And the alamo. Brian and the alamo. Steve check out fox nation very soon. Brian 27th. President trump says the answers are finished for special counsel robert mueller. We gave very, very complete answers to a lot of questions that i shouldnt have even been asked. Brian but law professor Jonathan Turley says there is nothing easy about the russia probe. He is here to explain. Youve got a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Brian week 11 in the nfl is marked by a scary site. We will show you the actual hit. A brutal leg break carted off the field done for the year maybe his career. Redskins insult to injury they lose to houston 2321 won seven in a row. Chicago pick up a Huge Division win over the minnesota vikings. The champion eagles throttle 487 i think the best team in football the new orleans saints. Now to race car driving. Nascar joey lieu began know li e playoffs last season beating out the big 3 martin truex jr. , kyle busch and kevin harvick. Now to steve to talk to somebody very smart. Steve thank you very much. Indeed, brian. After saying he very easily answered the mueller questionnaire, President Trump explains what he meant with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday yesterday. We gave very, very complete answers to a lot of questions that i shouldnt have even been asked. And i think that should solve the problem. I hope it solves the problem. It wasnt a big deal. They make it like i had meetings for many, many hours. I got the questions. I responded. We wrote them out. I read them once. I read them a second time. We made some changes. Thats it. Very simple. Do you know why . I did nothing wrong. Steve but is it that simple . Here with reaction as you can see right there on your screen constitutional Law Professor School of law Jonathan Turley. Good morning to you. Thank you, steve. Steve you think its either a good thing or a bad thing the president said i answered them very easily. Well, nothing is easy in the Mueller Investigation those people that were indicted by mueller found it very easy to charge them on statements that they made that were found to be inaccurate or conflicting with other evidence. I mean, for the most part, when it comes to u. S. Defendants, these charges come closer to missteps than malfeasance. They are largely false statements made to investigators as opposed to core crimes. Steve right. So thats obviously the greatest concern for attorneys representing the president. Steve so, it seems to be all about the russia collusion thing. No obstruction of justice stuff. Right. Now that leaves us in an intriguing position. Once these answers are put in, mueller could go ahead and issue a report just on collusion. Steve right. Hold the rest of the stuff for a second report. And that would allow the house of representatives under democratic control to start to move forward. Now, obviously, a lot of democrats have a type of Agatha Christie sort of strategy here. They are hoping that the final scene, mueller is going to reveal all of the Critical Evidence that he kept from the readers up to this point. But, so far, the narrative that is in all these previous filings really have one conspicuous omission. That is a direct connection, not just trump, but Trump Officials in a true collusion conspiracy. Steve finally, exit question. This could all be leading up to, still, he could have in his pocket, ladies and gentlemen, a subpoena. Mr. President , cop on down. Yeah. That is the most intriguing possibility that because the white house said we really dont want obstructions answers we have objections to them that he could have waited until the last stage and then he could hit him with a subpoena. They this could go into a different place very quickly. Steve after the midterms. Robert muellers next move. We will see what happens. Jonathan turley thank you very much. Thanks, steve. Steve meanwhile the number is stunning. Household deck hitting a record 13. 5 trillion. How can you get out from under that . Its not all on one persons shoulders, its across all of the people. Chris hogan has tips coming up next. Scared to talk politics on thanksgiving. The New York Times has a solution. Meet the angry uncle bot, not kidding. As one of the nations largest investors in infrastructure, we dont just help power the american dream, were part of it. This is our era. This is Americas Energy era. Nextera energy. Over the last 24 hours, you finished preparing him for college. In 24 hours, youll send him off thinking youve done everything for his well being. But meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. While meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. Like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b. Meningitis b strikes quickly. Be quick to talk to your teens doctor about a meningitis b vaccine. Ainsley the booming economy apparently isnt helping some americans who are deep any debt. The Federal Reserve bank of new york reporting the total Household Debt increased 219 billion to record high 13. 5 trillion in a Third Quarter of 2018. Joining me now with how you can get out of that debt is personal finance expert with Ramsey Solutions and author of everyday millionaires chris hogan. Hey, chris. Thanks for joining us. Absolutely. Its a pleasure to be with you. Ainsley its always a pleasure to have you on. I was shocked by. This the economy is doing well but we are seeing record high debt. Why is that . When you look at debt and start dealing with it, ainsley, its less about income and more about lifestyle. Americans have appetite for debt. Its actually alarming. To say take it a step further, 5 of all debt is in some form of delinquency. That means we are not only taking on more debt we are also falling behind. Ainsley are people just not caring that they are in debt anymore . Well, people have become numb to debt. Its become a way of life. Its normal. You know, the average Credit Card Debt is hovering around 16,000 per household. So its scary. And when people have this appetite for debt, they just keep spending and spending. And lets be honest, this holiday season, this isnt when people catch up on their debt or pay it down. This is typically when peopled a to it because they are buying with money they dont have. And this is alarming. Ainsley chris, how do we get out of debt . We first have to make a decision. Understanding that debt is not your friend. Its a threat to now as well as your future. So lets get out of the debt. Lets attack it. So list your debt smallest to biggest. We call it the debt snow ball. Write it down smallest to biggest. Make minimum payments on all the other debts except for the little one. I want you to attack it, ainsley. I want people to sell some stuff, take on an extra job, attack that debt. And this is all debt except for your mart damage. If you do, this you will take back control and eventually when you pay off the debt you will give yourself a raise because you get to keep more of your money with you. Ainsley yeah. Good a advice. Especially four christmas time because we are all spending more money. We really do. And we need to spend with cash. Remember, not all gifts need to require you to go into debt. Set a budget, spend cash, and give a gift. Ainsley thank you so much, chris. Good to see you. Thank you. Al al recount is done but fallout is far from over. Brenda snipes reportedly on her way out. We are live in florida with that story coming up next. Florida senator elect rick scott. Trey gowdy, allen west and Willie Robertson all coming up. With a rotating soft brush. While deep cleaning carpets, two brush rolls pick up large particles with ease, make quick work of stuckon dust, giving hard floors a polished look, and fearlessly devour piles. Shark duoclean technology, designed to do more on carpets and floors, available in corded and cordfree vacuums, and only available from shark. On carpets and floors, available in corded if your moderate to severeor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio®, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio® works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract, and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio® may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio®. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio®. Entyvio®. Relief and remission within reach. Steve big news, the ballot chaos in florida now over. The only thing better than being elected governor of florida something elected twice in two weeks. I think its good that brenda snipes has submitted her resignation. There was no way as governor i was going to let her preside over another election. At least 80 people are dead. More than 1200 still missing in californias devastating wildfires. Hundreds of residents in the border city of tijuana protesting the arrival of Central American migrants. If you live in a house, you have walls, you have doors, because we dont want to let just anybody go into our house. The liberal media and the open borders advocates around the globe understand just how badly this story is blowing up in their face. President trump and first lady melania will receive the National Christmas tree at the white house today. 800pound frazier fir scheduled to arrive around 1 00 eastern time. Whats yall trying to do brian dance scene hard core country with dancing. Ainsley its thanksgiving and shorter workweek so were dancing. Steve something to dance to. Thank you for joining us on this very busy monday. We start in florida. Ainsley it is a fox news alert. The ballot chaos in florida, it is now over as the embattled Broward County election supervisor, there she is, reportedly resigning overnight. Brian i wonder why . It comes hours after senator bill nelson conceded to republican rick scott in floridas senate race. Steve well, Griff Jenkins is live in Fort Lauderdale with the very latest update. Griff, i read that she is leaving to spend more time with her family. Griff well, we will find out, guys. I have called and texted her. I have her cell phone. She hasnt responded. Who knows . Heres the deal brenda snipes lost 2,000 ballots, missed deadlines and failed to report accurate numbers on Election Night, and now according to the sun sentinel she has submitted her resignation effective january 2nd. About those missing ballots i asked her on camera yesterday where they were and here is what she had to say. I have never thought the ballots were missing. Thats a word we like ballots. The ballots are intermingled with the other page 1s. Intermingled. We will see if we can find out more. Big news after the weekend 18 years in the Senate Bill Nelson conceding to rick scott. Senator elect scott writing an oped on foxnews. Com saying with the Heated Campaign season behind us, its time for our leaders to come together, roll up their sleeves, and get something done for families across america its time to make washington work. Speaking of concessions also over the weekend tallahassee mayor Andrew Gillum conceding to now governor elect ron decan sis, guys, back to you. Steve speaking of ron desantis, he was on our program a little while ago, he said if brenda snipes was in her position when he takes the governorship, this would happen. Obviously we are going to have to address some of the problems with the Election Administration in places like broward and Palm Beach County. I think its good that brenda snipes has submitted her resignation. There was no way as governor that i was going to let her preside over another election down there after all the problems that they had. So, we had 65 counties do a good job. We had two that dropped the ball. We want to make sure all 67 counties do these elections in a fair way. Ainsley he will most likely choose her replacement because she is reportedly resigning now. But it takes effect at the beginning of january and thats when he will become governor. Brian by the way, give gillum credit. Give nelson credit. They both are in tough races. A bunch of recounts. They were very gracious not the case in georgia where Stacey Abrams basically wont admit she lost. Only admits that the other guy had more votes. Bizarre. Steve down in florida, so republicans took the governorship, they also took the senate race. However, democrats did win the other big one. Thats the commissioner of agriculture nikki freed beat republican matt caldwell. The final margin was 6,000 votes. We will talk to the Current Governor soon to be senator, is he a senator elect rick scott live on this program. 25 minutes from right now right here on fox. Brian one of the reasons why the ag commissioner is important for the people in florida it has a lot to do with guns. Have a lot to do presiding over where we are going over with guns in florida. Ainsley big issue after the school shooting. Lets go down to the border, tijuana, mexico, a lot of residents there really mad that this caravan has hunkered down in their city. 3,000 migrants, mostly hondurans have reached the tijuana border which is right below san diego. They are there and seeking asylum. They have to wait there. The residents are protesting. Brian by the way, the mayor of tijuana juan manuel says no city is in the world is prepared to receive. This if im allowed, this avalanche to happen, it is a tsunami. So the president gets ridiculed for saying invasion. These si synonyms. Lets listen to protesters speaking out. They are coming. They are gangs. They are bad people. [chanting] our government has not taken control of these what we call invasions. If you live in a house, you have walls, you have doors. You have gates. We do that because we dont want to just let anybody go into our house. I consider this country my house on a larger scale. We should control our borders. [speaking spanish] steve you there you got it donald trump was right this is an invasion. That was from one of the people who lives in mexico. It was just a couple weeks ago where we saw as the Migrant Caravan was moving through mexico. We saw so many mexicans reaching out with food and water and clothes and help. And now that they are, it looks like some of them could be camped in tijuana for five, six, seven, eight months. Some of the people in tijuana say wait a minute, we dont like this idea. Ainsley stark contrast. Before they were helping them along the way. Church groups and local residents because they were helping them. Brian move. Ainsley move north, right. Now they are hunkered down in one city. Now local residents are scared tax dollars used to pay for the migrants. Throwing insults and rocks. Some were punching each other. Shelters are full. They are sleeping out on the streets. You had a Sports Complex in that area where the city said you can sleep here, so theyre sleeping on the dirt basic fields. They are sleeping underneath the bleachers. Brian they consider that better than honduras. Donald trump tweeted this out the mayor of tijuana said the city is ill prepared to handle this many migrants. The backlog could last six months. Likewise the u. S. Is illprepared for this invasion and will not stand for it they are causing crime and big problems in mexico. Go home. The new rules put out designed to funnel these would be Illegal Immigrants and Asylum Seekers to official ports of entry at which time there is a huge bag log and huge wait. They will sign in and hunker down there. Steve the wait, the waiting list was already 3,000 before the Migrant Caravan arrived. Dan bongino had this observation about what were seeing at our southern border. Illegal immigration is almost always discussed in terms of how it effects the person coming here illegally or a migrant. Its almost never discussed how it effects the american citizens and the residents of the city like tijuana. Now that you are starting to see people finally object and say, hey, you can claim asylum but there is a way to do it and this isnt it. Now you are finally seeing some coverage and backlash. The border is not meant to be a suggestion. Its meant to be an actual border. Steve okay. So thats his suggestion. Lets see what happens going forward. Right now it looks like the folks in tijuana wasnt exactly what they had bargained on. Brian this is thanksgiving week, which means a lot of times for people to get together with their families and discuss how their lives are going. And then suddenly realizing the midterms were just two weeks ago, somehow that conversation might segway into politics. And if it happens, it might turn out that you are one of these families that might be on different places on the political spectrum. Steve they are not talking about 2018, they are talking about 2016 still. The New York Times has essentially a little helpful thing, an angry uncle bot. It says this. It says many of us arent accuss tommed to socializing with people who think differently from us. Especially about politics. Our Political Attitudes and beliefs are intertwined with our most basic lifestyle and things like that. What they do is we are going to play this a smart phone down in the control room. You choose whether you are a liberal, where you would chat with a conservative uncle bot or if you are conservative and you would chat with a liberal. Ainsley trains you and prepares you at the thanksgiving table. Steve go on down a little further. Lets do the im more liberal. First one. Uncle bot. All right. Brian so the question is. If you are somebody that says im more liberal than your more liberal than youre conservative family member, your response should be great. Well, let me tell you something. Steve heres how it goes. Look at the economy its booming. All right . So which of those three would you say is the correct answer . Lets say the last one so how are you doing financially . And karen, who is the arbiter of your answer says thats a good choice, the goal is at this point to start a conversation. The easiest way to do that is by asking questions. Ones that are nonthreatening, openended, and nonleading. The worry is that you give an answer that is confrontational and next thing you know you are throwing potatoes at somebody. Ainsley so funny, we have been in this profession for a long time and every thanksgiving year, every thanksgiving week every year we have this discussion of how do you talk politics at the dinner table if it comes up . And its funny because with your family, you have to go to thanksgiving. But, you know, if its your friend you dont have to be friends with someone who might think differently, i encourage you to have, a wide range of friends. But, if you dont want to talk politics, you dont have. To say you have to go to the thanksgiving table with your family. You dont have a choice. Steve they are showing you how to do a line of questioning and responding so that its not confrontational. The problem is if people have been drinking, theyre going to forget. Brian right. Ainsley ains do you do yall talk politics at your thanksgiving table though. Steve sure. Ainsley do you all agree . Steve no. Brian as a family we can no longer handle this ourselves. We have to go to artificial intelligence. Steve a bot. Brian coach us through thanksgiving. The pilgrims didnt have this. Steve why do you think they call it a smart phone . Brian hold on a second, let me find out how my phone would handle that question aunt sally. Ainsley dont just talk politics. Brian you cant not talk politics. You have to talk substance. Steve the New York Times is trying to help people who might be at a table with people of different political viewpoints. What do you think . Is is that a good idea in email or facebook us. Brian leave an empty chair for the bot. Go to the bot when there is trouble. Ainsley read the article online its a turkey crying. Need a botto bot to talk to family members maybe there is something going on there. This story out of california we have been following now. At least 80 people are dead and more than 1200 missing in californias devastating wildfires. A candlelight vigil held in Northern California to honor the 77 victims of the camp fire. Pope francis sending a special prayer to everyone affected by the fires. Heavy rain in this weeks forecast could bring some relief but there is a new risk of flooding and mud slides in already devastated areas. Week two of the el chapo trial begins in new york city today. According to Court Documents the president of mexico will be accused of taking bribes from the infamous drug lord. One of el chapos former cartel associates saying taken 6 million in hush money. He has denied those claims. President trump needs your help in deciding which turkey to save from the dinner table. The white house tweeting, quote the pardoning of the National Thanksgiving turkey is almost upon us. And our two gob bling candidates have arrived. Get ready to vote on which bird President Trump should pardon this week. Submit your email on the white house website to find out when voting opens. This years tucke year turkeys h dakota are trained not to jump off tables. Steve i will make a prediction he will pardon both. Jillian i think you are right. Brian you have so many sources. Steve they do it every year. Ainsley democrats gained control of the house and republicans kept control of the senate. Will anything get done in the new congress . Our next guest has a sure fire plan to get both sides working together. Brian one guy gets caught stealing a vending machine. It wasnt for the snacks. The bizarre heist you have to see this is not a bed. Its a revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart beds are on sale now during ultimate sleep number week. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. It can even warm your feet to help you fall asleep faster. So you wake up ready to spin into the holiday season. Its time for ultimate sleep number week. This week only, save 50 on the new sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Ends cyber monday. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. Ever since darrells family started using gain flings, their laundry smells more amazing than ever. 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Steve new congress is set to get working in january, with democrats in charge of the house and republicans in charge of the senate, will anybody be able to get anything done . Next guest has a new plan arguing in an oped, quote there is one sure fire way to get the do Nothing Congress to do something. Lawmakers need to break the excess power of the extreme wings, that too often block congressional action. Here with the explanation is the author of that, mark penn, a former Senior Advisor to the clintons. Mark, good morning. Good morning. Steve this idea is to allow bills with widespread bipartisan support to reach the floor despite the fact that the leadership of the house or the senate might not want to take a vote. Sure, right now congress has about a 20 approval, not because of what it does but because it what it doesnt do, which is solve problems. And so, a group of problemsolvers, democrats and republicans, have had a rules change idea for quite some time now. The 290 signers on any bill should be able to get it to the floor. And what that means is whether youre the tea party caucus, when the republican control it or the progressive caucus as the democrats control it, broad, bipartisan supported legislation get voted on and passed and we can break the gridlock. Steve now, there was Something Like this that went through your town, washington, d. C. , back in the 120s, right . Well, thats right. You see the constitution requires that the speaker of the house get a majority vote of the congress and so in 1923, progressive republicans withheld their vote until they got rules changes. Now, moderate democrats are saying, whoa, we may not vote for the speaker until we get these rules changes. I hope nancy pelosi says yes to those, that would be courageous because it, in fact, reduces some of the power of the leadership. Steve right. If she does that she is saying its more important we get things done. Steve she is being asked that by this group championing this idea. Such a hard fought midterm, mark, is that realistic . Isnt everybody still so super dug . Well, you see, there are nine who supported that in write in a letter that they sent her. And there is another 17, i believe, or about that who say they wont vote for her. She may need those votes. If she needs those votes, she may say well, okay, lets do this rules change and by the way, amendments with 20 member supporting from democrats and republicans would also get voted on. Remember, its not what does get voted on that is the problem in congress, its that splinter groups can stop legislation from even being voted on. And thats why we dont get anything done in congress. Its time to change that. Steve a lot of frustration. People like to see more done in that building behind you. Mark penn, thank you very much. Thank you. Steve meanwhile, why was the Texas Senate Race between ted cruz and beto orourke so close . Is texas turning purple . Lieutenant colonel allen west and former congressman says the economy is a big factor and he is up next. The greatest wish of all. Is one that brings us together. The lincoln wish list event is here. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with 0 down, 0 due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Only at your lincoln dealer. So shark invented duo clean. While deep cleaning carpets, the added soft brush roll picks up large particles, gives floors a polished look, and fearlessly devours piles. Duo clean technology, corded and cordfree. And fearlessly devours piles. With tough food, your dentures may slip and fall. New fixodent ultramax hold gives you the strongest hold ever to lock your dentures. So now you can eat tough food without worry. Fixodent and forget it. I am a techie dad. N. I believe the best technology should feel effortless. Like magic. At comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Ainsley times for news by the numbers. 54 million. How many people are traveling for thanksgiving. Highest travel volume since 2005. And, next, 65 days. That is how long people in americas northern most town will go without sunlight. Alaska has the shortest day of the year yesterday with just 65 minutes of daylight. The sun will not return to the town north of the artic circle until january 23rd. And finally, 16,500, that is how many ornaments volunteers just packed for Wounded Service members and their families. The Semper Fi Fund in virginia has been doing this for 10 years. What a great organization. Brian, over to you. I did a great job with the walk, right . Better than you. Brian even though i invested it. Ainsley but you are not good at it. Brian 25 minutes after the hour. Tensions growing in tijuana thousands of migrants arriving in that caravan. Many calling it an invasion, as did the president. What should President Trump do about it . Here to weigh in former g. O. P. Congressman allen west and author of a brand new book which were going to get to shortly. Meanwhile, lets talk about whats happening with the immigration status and the first thing is lets do the immigration first. What do you say to the tijuana mayor who is saying the same thing as the president about the caravaners . Well, good morning and happy thanksgiving, brian. Thats the point. When you are looking at people that have truly invaded, they have stormed the southern border of mexico and they are coming and traversing through. Now we hear the people in tijuana saying the exact same things that we have had other people in america say. That they there are gang members. That they are concerned about wages being depressed. They are concerned about other crimes and nefarious activities being taken. They are not looking for these people to stay there and just squat in tijuana. The interesting thing is that this caravan aimed toward tijuana, why . Because california is a sanctuary state. For illegal immigration. And im sure thats where theyre looking to cross into. Brian they are. Going to see if catch and detain works right now while we wait for a wall and wait for comprehensive immigration reform. The people of texas in particular, i know its not a clear number that want a wall. But most of them concerned about Border Security . You are absolutely concerned about Border Security when you look at the incredible border that we have here and crossings occurring in broad daylight. You have seen that on fox news. Thats why we have to have a tougher stance. This is one of the reasons why we need to vat military down there along the border. Not to be on the front line against some of the migrants or some of the Illegal Immigrants but to Start Building b better facilities down there so we dont release people into the society. We need people down there to backfill our Border Patrol agents get their resources and capability right up front to stem this flow. We do need to have a Border Security system which would include a wall so that these respective avenues of approach that people are coming into, we can funnel people into better areas we can control. Brian colonel, your book is so appropriate now. Many republicans get worried about texas. Is it turning blue after your book comes out. Hold texas, hold the nation. Victory or death. And thats William Travis said before losing his life in the alamo along with everybody else. Would you believe that baited toe orourke strong candidate for where texas is heading . I absolutely do. If you recall when governor rick perry was here, he was traveling around the country and going to many blue states and talking about moving to texas because of the economic environment. The conservative policies here have allowed for, you know, the incredible economic growth, the vibrancy. But what is interesting is that as these individuals and these corporations are leaving places like california, illinois, new york, new jersey, you have it, they are bringing the same failed ideology with them. That is what you see thats very disconcerting, there was a Democratic Congressional candidate by the name of pam keith in florida who sent out a twitter post on the 14th of november saying to blue state democrats to move into red states and flip those states. Now, that, to me, is absolutely absurd. Why would you want to move into a state that is economically successful and turn it into the same failed state that you are departing. Brian california is going belly up. Businesses are being attracted to california. Excuse me, to texas. And that supposedly is going to help texas economically. They are bringing the same mind set and political calculus to texas, changing it. I asked the brain room to give me the numbers, since 2012. Over 60,000 people, 62 in 2012, 69 in 2016 have moved from california to texas. So, and they are changing texas. Look out for 2020. Yeah. The demographic shift is leading to ideological shift. And just about two and a half months ago there was a poll taken into San Francisco. 46 of the people in San Francisco said that they wanted to leave. They wanted to go to two places. One was idaho. The other is texas. What you are seeing happening with the Corporate Headquarters of toyota that left california came here. They are not talking to the employees, those corporate leaders. They need to talk to the employees. Brian lastly we know Broward County is where you tried to keep your seat. It didnt happen. You pointed out there was a problem with brenda snipes in the past. Affected your reelection. The governor rick scott at the time didnt do anything about it. It almost came back to bite him. She has just resigned essentially. Buff she has claimed this on the way out. Brenda snipes racism probably a factor in attacks against me. Is racism a factor in attacks on brenda snipes . No. Of course not. There was no calls for racism when we found nefarious voter fraud activities in my congressional reelection. This is what the left is always going to fall back on, racism, sexism, zeno phobia. Islamophobia. Any phobia or ism that they can when they dont get what they want. Brenda snipes was a corrupt individual. She was not competent in that position. Susan bucher in Palm Beach County and walker are also going to need to resign or we will find the exact same things happening in 2020 in florida. Brian congratulations on the book and so he apropos what is going on. Rick scott joins us live that will be next. A bizarre scene at this airport. Why did this guy set his luggage on fire . Look at that. Light them up, up, up on fire light them up, up, up light them up, up, up on fire building a better bank starts with looking at something old, and saying, really . So capital one is building something completely new. Capital one cafes. Inviting places with people here to help you, not sell you. And savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. Because thats how it should be. You can open one from right here or anywhere in 5 minutes. Seriously, 5 minutes. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . Steve we are back with a fox news alert. Republican rick scott will be floridas next senator. Ainsley scott unseating Democrat Bill nelson who has conceded that race. The final days of recount. Brian recount officially over. Scott taking the win one day before official Election Results are certified. Steve lets bring in rick scott, republican senator elect to the great state of florida. Good morning to you, sir. Congratulations. Thank you. Its going to be exciting to go to washington. Im a business guy. Im going to bring an outsider perspective like i did to tallahassee and do everything i can to make sure federal government starts working for you and me. Steve congratulations did you at any point, we heard so many operatives say. They might find a bunch of ballots in a back room somewhere and the other guy who has a job is going to keep it. It was very frustrating. When i announced that tuesday night we were up 57,000 votes, and they just kept finding ballots. Thats why, you know, i am thankful for a lot of people that brought light to this, to make sure we stopped this we got to do everything we can to make sure elections are free and fair. Im excited to win and and go to d. C. I have a very specific 10point plan starts with term limits. Raising the super majority to raise taxes. You shouldnt be getting paid if you dont pass a budget. Simple things like thatment to make sure this starts working for florida citizens and american citizens. Ainsley i know you are wellloved by a lot of people in florida. Building homes for heroes. Credit to you for giving them millions of dollars to build houses for our veterans severely wounded and you helped out the hurricane victims. The president tweeted about you yesterday. He said from day one, rick scott never wavered. He was a great governor and will be even a greater senator in representing the people of florida. Congratulations to rick on having waged such courageous and successful campaign. Whats your reaction to that . Well, im very appreciative of the president. We have gotten a lot of good things done the last two years ago. We couldnt get barack obama money lake okeechobee to stop the algae. I have gotten that out of the president. That was a big win. We stopped offshore drilling that was a big win. I look forward to working with the president to get things done for our state. Im excited about being up there. I have learned a lot as governor. I have learned that if you start looking at how do you get a return on every dollar spent, a lot of good things can happen. Brian what excuse me, governor. Ainsley think about it before you stay. Brian what committee russ going to be gunning for. Next week im supposed to give them my list or maybe this week. Things important to me keep this economy going. We have added 1. 6 million jobs in florida. We have got to keep this economy going. We have to have a Strong Military. I want to continue to focus on the military. I had the opportunity to serve in the navy. My dad in the army. So i want to continual to make sure we have a Strong Military piggest thing is we have got to keep this economy going. Walch how our money is spent and help our military. Those are big things for me. Steve yeah. I know that senator nelson did concede yesterday. Did he reach out to you and what was tenor and tone of that conversation . He called me just before he sent out some release yesterday. I think it was. And he was he was gracious. He congratulated me for the win. I told him if he told him if he has any ideas of how far to do my job better, dont hesitate to call me. I represent everybody in my state. We have 21 million people. I want to continue to make sure florida beats texas in job creation every month. Im excited that ron desantis is the new governor. I think he going to continue our policy of focusing on job creation. He was gracious are in calling and saying congratulations. Ainsley he says he have to baby proof. 2yearold and 8 month old. So he has two little ones. Whats your advice to him . Well, we have grand kids. We had to do some of the same things but they didnt our grand kids didnt live there. He is going to live being governor. Its a great job. If you care about people, which he does, you can go do some good things for people. Its going to be fun. He will have a good time. He and casey will have a good time. Brian looking back, you see the mess in georgia. They are trying to delegitimize the whole outcome even though 50,000 votes separating them. Also, you see the mess in palm county and see the mess in broward. Palm beach county. Im just wondering what responsibility do you feel you had over the last 8 years, could have you done things to make sure that this didnt happen again . You know, we passed a lot of legislation. We passed historic legislation to try to make sure there wasnt any fraud. Make sure people had the right to vote but make sure we didnt have fraud. Whats frustrating these supervised elections didnt comply with the law. They are separately elected. You know, they are supported by the citizens in their county. So have you got to go through this process. They dont report to me. So, have you got to go through this process. But, what my understanding is brenda snipes has resigned. Well see when that is effective whether ron desantis appoints a replacement or i do because i havent received it yet. Steve all right. Governor rick scott, senator elect rick scott, sir, thank you very much and good luck on your trip to d. C. Its going to be fun. Brian hopefully he gets a vacation somewhere in between there to refuel. Steve he lives in florida. Every day is a vacation. Hello. Ainsley hand it over to jillian who has headlines for us. Jillian good morning. Hope you are having a good day so far. Dan crenshaw silences a political panel. Listen to what he says about the discussion on the president s quote attacks on the press. How is that an attack on the press though . Because its literally an attack on the press. I have literally been attacked so choose the words carefully. Style is one thing. If you want to criticize style, im with you. To say its an attack on the freedom of the press. That is a very bold statement. The texas republican lost his eye from an ied blast while serving in afghanistan. Now, take a look at this. A crook take as vending emergency for a ride in an elevator. Look at the Surveillance Video showing this would be thief struggling as he pushes the machine into an elevator in a miami apartment building. He actually moves the damaged machine from the flirs to the eighth floor but did not get away with any money or snacks. All right. To week 11 in the nfl now. Chicago bears pick up a Huge Division win on sunday night football. Rolling that eyes down field. Throws a little low and it is Anthony Miller in the end zone. Jillian look at that quarterback mitch and the bears hold off the vikings 2520. Alex smith carted off the field with a badly broken leg. Is he done for the year. The redskins lose 2321 to houston. Carolina panthers fall short in detroit after cam newton miss as 2 point conversion. Lions take that one 2019. We all know what happened to the eagles. Brian sorry about that. Steve just to recap for a moment the story before that, why did the guy put the vending machine in the elevator and take it upstairs . Ainsley trying to steal it. Jillian assuming. So too big and not worth it and left it on the floor upstairs. Steve do you think he lived on that floor. Jillian and wanted it close by. Steve maybe. If is he watching, call us. Ainsley he didnt know he was on tv. Steve janice is joining us. Janice, some inclement weather and a dog is headed our way. Look at this sweet dog murphy. Murphys human mindy is with us. Tell us about murphy real quick. Mur city spreading christmas cheer in new york. Came all the way from las vegas just to come see you guys. Janice how are you doing, murphy . Murphy was talking before the break, actually. Look at murphy. How great is this . Are you guys excited for the thanksgiving season here. Yeah. Janice look at all these beautiful faces came down to 48th and sixth. We have the potential for showers, maybe snow showers in the area across the northeast. Were not dealing with big storm systems this week, which is great news. But if you are traveling around the great lakes, interior northeast thats where we could see a little bit inclement weather. Dealing with potential for heavy rain across california. Otherwise a pretty good looking forecast. All right, murphy, thank you so much for coming. Do i get a kiss . Kisses . Kisses . More interested in the camera which i totally agree with wave, everybody. Happy thanksgiving. Yahoo. Steve everybody is waving except murphy. Meanwhile, how does President Trump think he is doing so far . Brian what do you think . Where do you rank yourself in the pant i dont know opantheon ofgreat presiden . I think im doing a great job. We have the best economy we have ever had. Steve you will hear his letter grade in a live report from the white house coming up next. If theres one thing all americans agree on, a deal is a deal. And congress has already made one to help americas seniors pay less for their prescriptions. But now, Drug Companies are lobbying congress, trying to force seniors to pay more so they can boost profits. But a deal is a deal. And the president has pledged to end price gouging by Drug Companies. We will no longer accept the inflated prices being charged to our seniors. Protect seniors, not drug company profits. Jillian good monday morning, welcome back. Headlines, plain crazy edition. Angry Airline Passenger gets so upset he burns his luggage. Video showing him lighting clothes on fire after his flight was cancelled in pakistan. He then kicks security guards trying to put the flames out. Airlines says its forgiving and forgetting the incident. A man is suing British Airways claiming he suffered back injuries after sitting next to an obese man on 13 hour flight. He says flight attendants wouldnt let him switch seats and he wants more than 17,000 in damages. The airline has denied the claim. Brian . Brian thanks jillian in exclusive fox news interview. President trump opening up about his work in the white house and giving himself the highest reviews possible. Steve kevin corke is live at the white house with the review of the Chris Wallace interview. Hey, kevin. Hey, guys, good to be with you. The president begins holiday week with a very important conversation with Vice President mike pence as you know he is just returning from that extended trip to asia. As you also pointed out the president is talking about his job approval and quite frankly feels like his administration is doing a very good job for the American People. In an exclusive fox news interview with mike wallace over the weekend, the president talked about a number of issues. A wide ranging interview. He noted an incredibly strong economy, better trade deals and a virtual job explosion. He says things are looking up for america. I think im doing a great job. We have the best economy we have ever had. Look, i hate to do it, but i will do it. I would give myself an a plus. Is that enough . Can i go higher than that . Also in that conversation the president was asked about the ongoing mueller russia probe. As you all know at home, thats net add number of convictions and indictments. To this date still no collusion. He cold chris he answered written questions from the mueller team and he predicted the probe would end soon. The questions were asked. And answered. It wasnt a big deal. I got the questions. I responded. We wrote them out. I read them once. I read them a second time. We made some changes. Thats it. I think that should solve the problem. I hope it solves the problem. But probably this is the end. Also new this morning, axios is reporting this morning that cnn is expected back in court trying to make sure that jim acosta will maintain his access here to the white house. As you know, he lost his privileges for a while, got them back late last week and, of course, we will keep an eye on that story. By the way, we also expect the National Christmas tree to make its way here to the north poritco over my shoulder thats this afternoon. We have details but for now back to you. Brian i thought it was significant the president did not commit to sticking with john kelly his chief of staff or Kirstjen Nielsen his Homeland Security secretary. Steve he said he wish she were tougher about certain things and regarding john kelly is he really good at some things and some things are not his strength he will move on. Brian right. Eventually but when is eventually. Democrats laying out first target when they take over the house. They are going to raise your taxes. How they plan to do that coming up. Ainsley what does brenda snipes blame for all the backlash in the florida recount . Racism. Lawrence jones says she is taking the easy way out and she is live next. Steve hey, lawrence. Dont blame it on me dont blame it on me dont blame it on me [narrator] meet the ninja foodi, the Pressure Cooker that crisps. Its the best of pressure cooking and air frying all in one so in as little as 30 minutes it will be crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside, and on your table. The ninja foodi, the Pressure Cooker that crisps. On the outside, juicy on the inside, and on your table. Unlike santas presents, ours dont just magically appear. Theyre designed, meticulously. Every bolt, stitch, line of code tested and tested again. Until, finally this. Elves got nothing on us. Ford. Built for the holidays. Time to get our best offers of the season. Lawrence, what do you think about this . Its an easy card to play, but when youre incompetent at your job and both parties agree, im not sure race is the problem. Missing ballots, counting unlawful votes, not paying attention to the sunshine law, missing deadlines, this is all incompetence. So both parties agree that she hasnt been doing her job. The question is, why has she been there so long . I know she just resigned yesterday but she should have been gone a long time ago. Its not just her. Its the entire office. Her predecessor was fired for the same exact thing, incompetence. Ainsley if you look back at some of the controversies that have surrounded her, 2004, general election ballots mysteriously vanished and she blamed the u. S. Postal service for losing 58,000 absentee ballots. In march of 2017, last year, a candidate sued her and won for illegally destroying 2016 ballots too soon and then this past august, august of 2018, a judge ruled against her and her staff for opening absentee ballots in private before the board decided on their validity. So she has a long list of things this is fraud, this is corruption. Look, its known that shes a democrat but this is not even partisan. You have democrats that talk about the russians all day and protecting our elections. It doesnt seem like a lot of democrats are calling into question how she is essentially throwing away elections by opening up ballots. Its important those ballots stay secured. Just because many of those, you dont have to open them sometimes because they are absentee ballots, so what happened is shes mixing them all up into one pot, shes counting unlawful votes and this is why this process took so long in florida. Ainsley when people go to the polls, they take time to go to the polls, their voices should count, their voices should be heard, and when you see a system fail like this, you dont have trust in the system and you should as a voter. Shes been there for over 15 years. Look, alan was just on a couple minutes ago and he believes she affected the outcome of many more elections. So the question is, what are we going to do about it . I know shes resigned but again, her predecessor had the same problem. This new person that will be taking this position, are we going to make sure theyre qualified to take this position . Ainsley got to be someone who is not biased. And someone who can count, apparently, too. Ainsley thank you so much. You will be outnumbered today. We will be watching you at noon today. Thanks, lawrence. House republicans will subpoena fired fbi director james comey over the russia investigation and comey says bring it on. House judiciary chairman trey gowdy is here to respond, coming up next. And one school is battling bullying by banning designer coats. Willie robertson here to react to that, live. Presenting the internet whoa whats he doing . Come on, lets check it out nice. Hes pretty good at this. Hm its like a game gasps woohoo got it which car should we get . All of em ooh, yeah that one this one looks nice. Yes, and yes. I like this game. I think were winning delivery . Where . doorbell rings man its here what . announcer save 1,000 from carvana black friday through cyber monday. Then go see ralph breaks the internet, in theatres november 21st. Yeah right. Iand the earth is flat. Ahhh treat your cough seriously with robitussin cf max. Nothing lasts longer and treats more symptoms for your cough, cold and flu. Robitussin. Because its never just a cough. Ainsley chaos in florida. It is now over, as the embattled Broward County election supervisor reportedly resigning overnight. Steve only thing better than being elected in florida is being elected twice in two weeks. Im going to bring an outsider perspective like i did in tallahassee. Steve thousands of migrants arriving on the caravan. We have walls, we have doors because we dont want to let just anybody into our house. Steve how we hear people saying there are gang members, they are concerned about wages being depressed. Some of our democratic freedoms have been under attack. We switched power in the house. People are voting in record numbers. Big round of applause for dan crenshaw for finally calling people out on it. His first ever cup series championship, joey logano wins steve here on the mezzanine level, mezzanine monday. Ainsley thanksgiving week. Steve knows how to make a good turkey. Steve we were all in florida this weekend. A lot of people came out and will make that turkey we made on friday here on the show. Brian thanks to everybody who came out. We truly appreciate it. The support in florida, it was great to get out of the cold for a little while. Now were back in normal wintery conditions in november. Ainsley so hard to pack, because you leave new york with a winter coat, you get on the airplane, you step off, its like 80 degrees. Brian thats why i have tearaway pants. Steve thats an image we dont need to think about. Brian here in new york city, what have we been talking about . Florida. Ballot chaos in florida, over as the embattled Broward County elections supervisor reportedly resigns overnight, although the governor says i havent gotten any paperwork from her yet. Steve it comes hours after senator bill nelson finally conceded to republican rick scott in floridas supertight senate race. Ainsley we are live in Fort Lauderdale with an update. Hey, chris. Reporter hey, guys. We know the Election Results and now we know, according to the sunsentinel that dr. Brenda snipes has resigned effective january 2nd. What we dont know is where those ballots are. Remember she lost 2,040 of them along with missing some deadlines and inaccurately reporting results. I asked her yesterday about those ballots. Heres what she had to say. I have never thought the ballots were missing. The ballots are intermingled with the other page ones. Reporter not sure how they intermingle, yet are still missing. Nevertheless, we reached out to her on her cell phone, by text and phone call, havent heard back. Meanwhile, big news over the weekend, the concession, bill nelson after 18 years in the senate conceding in a video statement to now senatorelectric scott. Guys . Steve just to recount, so to speak, initially, when they filed their report, Broward County, on Election Night, they filed it early but then on the machinery count they filed it two minutes late and when it came to the hand counting yesterday, were they early or late again . Reporter they were 52 minutes early getting in their numbers to tallahassee, but just to complicate it and show you how broward works, the hand recount with the first set of numbers, the second set of numbers have the 2,000 missing ballots, was two minutes late so they had to revert to the original number. Hopefully they will straighten that out when governorelect desantis appoints somebody. Steve one final question. What about the missing 2,000 ballots . Are they going to look for it or is it like we cant find them, its done . Reporter for all we know, they are in davey jones locker in the ocean behind me. Ainsley how do you lose 2,000 ballots . Rick scott was the governor, hes now the senatorelect. He was on our show earlier and talked about how frustrating the election process has been to watch. Listen. It was very frustrating. When i announced we had won that tuesday night, we were up 57,000 votes, and they just kept finding ballots, so thats why, you know, im thankful for a lot of people that brought light to this to make sure we stop this. We are going to do everything we can to make sure these elections are free and fair. We passed historic legislation to try to make sure there wasnt any fraud, make sure people had the right to vote but make sure we didnt have fraud. Whats frustrating is the supervisor of elections just didnt comply with the law. Brian and thats why perhaps she decided she was going to start spending more time with her family. Ron desantis, the governorelect steve she was spending time elsewhere doing everything. Brian ron desantis was with us and said its probably a good thing she called it quits. Obviously we are going to have to address some of the problems with the Election Administration in places like broward and Palm Beach County. I think its good that brenda snipes has submitted her resignation. There was no way as governor that i was going to let her preside over another election down there after all the problems that they had. So we had 65 counties do a good job. We had two that dropped the ball. We want to make sure all 67 counties do these elections in a fair way. Steve i think we all want that. Brian eventually florida will get there. They have 65 who did it fair. We just got to get to 67. Heres hoping next time we got it. Ainsley its one thing to have all these problems one year, but then to keep having these problems in that same area, they have to get it right this time. Steve i was reading this morning there was Something Like a dozen different instances of problems with the Broward County election. Ainsley its just not fair to the voters. Steve meanwhile, a lot of voters went to the polls concerned about immigration and as you remember, in the runup to the midterms, there was that caravan that was making its way from honduras and guatemala up through mexico. Well, now, as you can see, thousands have amassed in tijuana, mexico just south of san diego and as it turns out, there are a lot of protesters who are mexicans who do not like this what at least one person referred to as an invasion. They are coming. Our government has not taken control of these what we call invasion. If you live in a house, you have walls, you have doors, you have gates. We do that because we dont want to let just anybody go into your house. I consider this country my house on a larger scale and we should control our borders. Ainsley hes yelling what donald trump said is true, this is an invasion. Those are the residents that live there that are upset. Brian the mayor of tijuana said the city is ill, and i have it memorized, this from the president s tweet, they i need the prompter to move forward. The mayor of mexico saying the city is illprepared to handle this many migrants. The backlog could last six months. Likewise, the u. S. Is illprepared for the invasion and will not stand for it. They are causing crime and big problems with mexico. Go home. Some of those clustered in there to help out are american lawyers volunteering. They showed up there to say listen, these are your rights, this is what you can do. What they are finding out is the president s new move of pushing everyone to a port of entry is making them sign in and get in line. Its a huge line. The hope is word will get out youre not getting in so we can do an orderly process. Ainsley 3,000 mostly hondurans there right now and some in the government say they expect it to swell up to 10,000. Our u. S. Border inspectors are processing about 100 asylum claims a day. They are anticipating that those folks are going to be in tijuana for months, some are saying six months, some saying longer. Steve if they are waiting for asylum. To brians point, talking about the lawyers, these volunteers who are just south of the border talking to the migrants, they are telling them how exactly to effectively apply for asylum. Meanwhile, brian was interviewing Lieutenant Colonel alan west a little while ago, and the colonel had this observation. The reason they went from guatemala and honduras way out to the west coast of mexico is because of californias sanctuary status. Listen to this. The interesting thing is that this caravan aimed toward tijuana because why . California is a sanctuary state for illegal immigration and im sure thats where theyre looking to cross into. This is one of the reasons why we need to have the military down there along the border, not to be on the front line against some of the migrants or some of the Illegal Immigrants, but to Start Building better facilities down there so we dont have to release people into this society. We need to have them down there to backfield our United States Border Patrol agents so we can get those resources and their capability right up front to stem this flow. Steve didnt the president say its not catch and release now, its catch and detain . Thats the facility hes talking about it. If you catch somebody, keep them there so you dont have to release them into the population of the United States until they get their adjudication. Ainsley shelters are full down there. Some people have opened up the city Sports Complex and are letting people, migrants, live there and sleep on the baseball fields and underneath the bleachers. Brian for those people saying President Trump is looking to do well in Midterm Elections, hes trying to make the car havenavg deal and use terms like invasion, thats what theyre using in tijuana and thats just a fraction or percentage of the caravan coming this way. They might be great people, its just a way to get into this country. Meanwhile, we have gotten to know dan crenshaw since snl made him a punching bag and then apologized the following week. This week he was invited on one of the sunday shows. Steve he was. He listened to what the panel was talking about, about how the President Trump is undermining democracy with his attacks on the press, and the key word there, attack. This is what dan crenshaw had in response. I was asked a question like what, you know, what is he undermining exactly, what democratic freedoms have been undermined. We just had an election where we switched power in the house, democracy is at work, but just kind of this broadbrush criticism that the president is somehow undermining our democracy, i always wonder what exactly were talking about. Because its literally an attack on the press. I have literally been attacked. Choose our words carefully. Steve this guy lost his eye in an attack, an ied explosion, and said dont call it an attack. Be careful about the words. He said if you have a problem with the president s style, i can understand that, but attack, be careful. Ainsley he said you are saying the president s attacking, the president s undermining. He said no, you just have a disagreement with the policy. Thats a completely different thing. Brian meanwhile, 12 minutes after the hour, congressman Elijah Cummings, soon to be chairman, perhaps, will soon take over the House Oversight committee. His first priority, make the special counsels findings public . Trey gowdy is live here to react. Plus ainsley Willie Robertson will join us right here on the curvy couch. Coming up next. Steve hes got a new book. Its a Great American story. Starts with him selling gum. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. Oh up to 12 pounds . vo a twoyear study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. Oh no increased risk . Ozempic® ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not share needles or pens. Dont reuse needles. Do not take ozempic® if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to ozempic®. Stop taking ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, itching, rash, or trouble breathing. Serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. Tell your doctor if you have Diabetic Retinopathy or vision changes. Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I discovered the potential with ozempic®. Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. Steve glad youre up. Democrats will take control of the house come january and their first order of business, raise your taxes . But its already causing some infighting among House Democrats. Our next guest says this is just a preview of some problems for presumed speaker nancy pelosi. Joining us is senior fellow at the National Taxpayers union. Mattie, first off, they want to make it harder to increase your taxes, is that what they are trying to undo what the republicans did to make it harder to increase your taxes . Well, at the core of the debate here are the house rules. Normally these are just technical changes that govern how the house does business, but the Majority Party gets to set those rules, so House Republicans made it more difficult to raise all taxes, and the question now for democrats is whether or not they repeal that rule, or they replace it with a rule that allows them to raise taxes on wealthy earners. I think this really indicates one thing. When democrats say they want to raise taxes on the rich they dont mean it. They mean they want to raise taxes on everyone, because right now, nancy pelosi is saying she has the politically salient idea to change that rule so just taxes could be raised on upper income earners. The progressive wing of her party is saying that simply isnt enough. They want fullsail repeal of that rule so they can raise taxes on everyone. Brian some of the democrats who maybe won in orange county, california or in texas, last thing they want to do, they ran as moderates, is, say, go and raise taxes. She might have a mini Freedom Caucus issue on her hands. I think this absolutely indicates the challenges that presumptive Speaker Pelosi has in front of her. Shes had years of experience making democrats walk the plank on politically toxic votes but when it comes to tax increases, democrats typically have really decided to campaign on raising taxes rather than voting to actually raise taxes. Now, for months, pelosi has said she wants to repeal tax cuts that were passed into law last year. What this indicates moving forward is that progressive democrats in that party now really want to hold her feet to the fire and force her to make good on that promise. That will create problems for democrats who typically talk a big game on taxes but are refusing to follow them up with real votes. Brian whats kind of interesting, we saw that big announcement last week about a crime bill that could be taken up in the lame duck session, theres pressure to do it. I said to myself could we have a year in which they try to do something together and then in 2019, separate because they have to go win in 2020 . Are you saying that its going to be do your sources say friction right away, nothing on immigration . Right. I think the next few weeks are crucial. They will indicate whether or not democrats are actually willing to govern. We have a couple big fights coming ahead of us. The house rules are just one of them. Of course, a big funding fight with funding expiring the first week in december. If democrats decide to actually put ideas forward to allow for this country to move forward, maybe there will be opportunity for compromise. There certainly are opportunities for that. Democrats are the ones who hold the keys and need to indicate they are serious about that. Brian the president said he might shut down the government if he doesnt get the wall. Lot of the problems are with republicans. Mitch mcconnell is not really into the wall. Republicans have typically had a lot of leverage in spending fights. They need to Work Together in order to accomplish the prerogatives americans want them that sent them to congress to accomplish. Theres a lot of space left in the year for them to have those negotiations. But i really think its important for republicans to unite on their priorities to force democrats to really start to take a hard look at what they are going to do when they take control of the chamber next year. Brian absolutely. Thanks so much. Great insight. Coming up, we have South Carolina congressman, he will be retiring soon, trey gowdy. Whats he doing next and whats he here for . I cant wait to tell you. One school is battling bullying by banning designer coats. Willie robertson joins us on the couch to talk about coats, gum, entrepreneurs, duck calls. Thats his book. Thats willie. Hello. The greatest wish of all. Is one that brings us together. The lincoln wish list event is here. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with 0 down, 0 due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Only at your lincoln dealer. That skills like teamwork, attention to detail, and Customer Service are critical to business success. Like the ones we teach here, every day. Billions of problems. Sore gums . Bleeding gums . Painful flossing . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath healthy gums oral rinse fights gingivitis and plaque and prevents gum disease for 24 hours. So you can. Breathe easy, theres therabreath at walmart. They seem to be the very foundation of your typical bank. Capital one is anything but typical. Thats why we designed capital one cafes. You can get savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. And one of americas best savings rates. To top it off, you can open one from anywhere in 5 minutes. This isnt a typical bank. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . Good morning and welcome back. At least 80 people are dead and nearly 1,000 still missing in californias devastating wildfires. A candlelight vigil held in Northern California to honor the 77 victims of the camp fire. Rain in the forecast could help get the flames under control. But theres new fears of mudslides. We will have a live report on the ground in malibu in just a few minutes. Passengers feared for their lives when an elevator plunges 84 floors, the car dropping from the 95th to the 11th floor in chicagos iconic hancock skyscraper. At the beginning, i didnt believe we were falling down. It was a very long ride until we stopped. Wow. Frightening. It took three hours for rescue crews to break through a brick wall and get the six passengers out safely. Officials reportedly blamed the incident on a broken hoist rope. A fresh load of supplies just arriving at the International Space station. The supply ship bringing more than three tons of cargo including science gear, space walk equipment and even ice cream. The space station crew will unload the cargo ship and repack it with trash before releasing it in february. Dont leave any ice cream behind. Ainsley . Ainsley well, one school is battling bullying by banning pricey designer coats to prevent the poorer students from feeling bad. Steve our next guest knows all about signature coats. Him and his duck dynasty family. If he argues if kids want something bad enough, they are going to work for it. Here to explain is former duck dynasty star turned great person, author of i wasnt a good person before . Steve got to stick to the prompter. American entrepreneur is out today. It is awesome. It gives people a template for how you got your business instin instinct. What do you do when the person next to you is richer than you and has nicer clothes than you . Do you make them dress down . No. Thats the dumbest idea i ever heard of. We grew up really poor. So it gave us something to push for. Thats why i started my businesses early. Selling my gum and singing. I was trying to make money. I was trying to make some money for me it was tennis shoes. It wasnt fancy coats. Brian you didnt understand the mindset of stop making kids feel bad. When does that stop . Everything has a price tag. If you dont want to wear the nice fancy coat, wear something less. Although we always had down coats. We had old army jackets. Our uncle would give them to us. It had our name on it. Ainsley these coats mean some of them are 1,000. You think kids should have that kind of thing . Remember when we were growing up, expensive jeans were 50 bucks and now theyre 300 . Every kid has them . We didnt grow up that way. My mom wouldnt even buy me the nice parachute pants. I had like the cheap version that looked like a garbage bag, the zippers didnt work. Steve so you come from very modest means, and before you had the bubble gum, because famously, your dad, we know, came up with the duck call and that changed everybodys life. But when you were 5, you were trading, selling all sorts of stuff. You say in fifth grade i was constantly selling and trading stuff. We were so poor i didnt have an allowance, i had a pretty productive worm farm and sold bait worms. Were you ever in the worm business . Its a real Good Business but its labor intensive. It takes forever to check out because each worm has to be grabbed. So selling the bubble gum, i ended up with this case of bubble gum and selling that for 50 cents apiece was a way better business. I was rolling. I was making hundreds of dollars and the principal shut me down. Brian also, you were a human jukebox on the bus. I was. Stick a quarter in, i would get up and sing. Brian lets see what thats like . Boom. Standing in the rain with his head hung low couldnt get a ticket it was a sold out show brian great. Steve wish i had change. Ainsley tell us about your book. Why did you write it . I wanted to collect really all the stories or a lot of the stories in america about people who did these great things with business, and look at their backgrounds and it was interesting to me, some were rich, some were poor. We would go all the way back to when america started, bring it up to now and lot of them made mistakes. Im hoping people, not that its just interesting, but i hope people are inspired and say i need to jump in there and do what i always wanted to do. Thats probably the most questions i have been asked, im starting this business, how did yall do it. Brian there are so many people out there watching right now, they have a great idea but somehow, it doesnt translate into working. The main trait that they have was they were hard workers and had a great work ethic. I run into a lot of people today, they want it now, just like our business, theyre like how was it to be an overnight success . Im like dad started in 1972. It took about 40 years. You know. There was a lot of contentment, we had to be patient. Ainsley what was the big break for you . He just kept going. Actually, when we got in walmart stores, because we put our phone number on the back of it, it shipped all over the country and people started calling us for more products. It was like, that was our whole marketing and we started getting calls from when i was 10 years old answering the phone. We would take the orders, write them down, but really, that spread us out across the nation. Brian this could be inspirational for people and dont get so caught up in the end game. Stick with it, have an idea, follow it through and understand theres a lost successful people. The first idea didnt necessarily hit. Sometimes you got to keep on lot of times it didnt hit. These guys went to, you know, went bankrupt and of course, some went to debtors prison. Thank goodness thats not there. Bad business move. We chronicle all these things. Some of the stories are just incredible. Frederick tudor selling ice. He shipped ice from boston to india and it stayed ice. Isnt that amazing . Every time i think about that, how big that is, how they got loans and how they just kept going. Even at older ages, they came in in their 50s and 60s and 70s, some, and started great businesses. Brian read all about it. American entrepreneur. Willie robertson, excellent. Good to see you. Talk to you on radio in a little while. Lets do it. Ainsley congressman Elijah Cummings will soon take over the house overnight committee. His first priority, make the special counsel findings public. Current House Oversight chair trey gowdy is here to react to that, coming up next. Steve and from head of the state department to head coach of the Cleveland Browns, perhaps . Condoleezza rice responds to those rumors, coming up. chime [narrator] meet sharks newest robot vacuum. It powerfully cleans from floors to carpets, even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. One dock, two sharks. The shark ion robot cleaning system. Steve the new congress is coming in in january. Will they be able to work out americas problems . Lets bring in republican congressman currently, trey gowdy, chairman of the House Oversight committee, member of the Judiciary Committee on the house as well. Ainsley from the great state of South Carolina. Steve congressman, good morning to you. What do you make of the news congressman Elijah Cummings of the great state of maryland, who is expected to chair what youre doing right now, the House Oversight and government reform committee, he has suggested that when muellers findings come out, they dont necessarily have to become public, however, he would do everything he could to make sure that does happen. What do you think about that . Well, i dont know what he means by everything. Does that mean divulge classified information or grand jury material . I hope not. I also find it ironic, i spent two years battling with elijah, who wanted to keep lots of things secret and i spent two years battling with adam schiff, who didnt want anyone to know about the dossier or fusion gps or the fisa process. If they have this newfound embrace of transparency, thats good, but it would be newfound. Brian how do you feel about Mark Whitaker acting direct or matt whitaker, how do you feel about that . Do you feel thats constitutional . Most democrats have a huge problem with it. Its an open legal question. There are good arguments on both sides but he is the acting attorney general up to and including the time the Supreme Court says otherwise. Im a lot more interested in who the next real attorney general is going to be and whether that woman or man can do the very difficult task of advancing the president s policy and legislative initiatives while working for a blindfolded, [ inaudible ]. Ainsley House Republicans are saying they will subpoena james comey and Loretta Lynch. Comey said House Republicans can ask me anything they want, but i want the American People to watch. Lets have a public hearing. Truth is best served by transparency. Let me know when is convenient. Your thoughts . Jim comey really said truth is best served by transparency . Did he interview Hillary Clinton in public . Did he interview George Papadopolous in public . Did he interview Michael Flynn in public . Did he interview houma abedin . Has the fbi ever convicted an interview in public, an interview where you are limited to five minutes, which is what happens in congressional hearings . The last time i saw jim comey in a public congressional hearing, almost 100 times he said i cant answer in this setting. So why in the world would he want to go back to a setting where he knows he cant answer all the questions . Im sure he only wants me to have five minutes. Im sure of that. But i need more than five minutes. I have 37 pages of questions for rod rosenstein. So imagine how many questions i have for jim comey and i cant do it in five minutes. Steve why wasnt james comey subpoenaed earlier, because now it looks like hes just waiting for the democrats to take over. How supportive has Kevin Mccarthy been of the whole process . Kevin mccarthy . Steve Kevin Mccarthy. Fantastically supportive. Chairman goodlatte is chairman, Kevin Mccarthy has been fantastic. So has paul ryan. Paul has rolled up his sleeves and gotten involved with the department of justice when they tried to prevent us from getting informati information, that natural chronology of investigations is you interview everyone up to a certain point, then you save the jim comeys and Loretta Lynch and sally yates until the end. Thats how you naturally work investigations. Well, we are at the end because the democrats arent going to do anything in 2019 and quite frankly, we are also at the end. We have interviewed a lot of witnesses between house intel and judiciary and its time to bring in comey and lynch, but it is not time to do it in a carnival freak show atmosphere, where my colleagues, some of whom cant question their way out of a onestory parking garage. I got colleagues that just arent good at asking questions. So why would we do that setting, where comeys going to say you cant answer and all you get is five minutes. The fbi doesnt do that. Why should congress do it . Brian whats going to happen . Is he coming in . You doing this in lame duck session . Oh, hes coming. Whether he wants to or not. And Bob Goodlatte will set the terms, not jim comey. I got his tweet. He wants to do it in public. He wants to sell more books. He wants to be more famous. But congress is going to decide how we can best advance the factfinding and the truth and that is not in fiveminute increments and it is not in a setting where he can answer, i cant answer in this setting like hes done almost 100 times. Steve congressman, i know you are a cosponsor of a bill to posthumously award the congressional gold medal to the benghazi heroes, the four men who died that day a couple years ago. Chris stephens, sean smith, Glen Dougherty and tyrone woods. Why is this important to you now . Everything we discussed this morning, reasonable minds can differ and do differ, but on the heroism and patriotism and service and sacrifice of those four men, congress is unified. We can debate the decisions made in washington on september 11th and 12th of 2012, but the actions taken in libya were heroic and they deserve to be recognized with congresss highest award, and thats bipartisan and apolitical which is why you have Elijah Cummings and i agreeing full force these four men ought to be recognized by our country. Ainsley that will definitely happen. I hope so. Theres no reason for it not to. I dont know of anyone opposed to it. We just need to make it a priority. Brian i understand you are going to be unemployed soon, on your own. You are going to be retired. Would you accept the attorney generals job if the president asked . Would you interview it if he calls it, interview for it if he calls you . Those are two separate questions. I would love to talk to the president about the qualities i think are important in the next attorney general. Im really excited about what im going to do next and its in South Carolina, but i would love the chance to advocate for someone like John Radcliffe or susan brooks or someone who can do that very difficult task of advancing the president s legislative initiatives while maintaining the independence of the department of justice. Respect for the rule of law is the foundation of our country. If we need a department of justice that is both respected and worthy of respect, and it needs to be depoliticized and there are certain people that can do it. I have actually never met or talked to the president. I would love for that to change. On the issue of who best to represent that department, i dont think its me, but i would love to weigh in on who i think it could be. Brian dick cheney said the same thing, ended up Vice President. I dont think it will happen twice. He can do better than me and im really excited about the folks im going to be working for come january. Steve trey gowdy, who has never met the president and now has got a whole new chapter ahead of him. Congressman, thank you very much for joining us. Ainsley thank you so much. Thank you all. Ainsley lets hand it over to jillian for more headlines. Reporter a story we are following with insane video. A driver loses control, flying through the air and then slamming into a barrier at 170 miles per hour. Stop what youre doing and watch this. Isnt that scary . That is crashing on the formula three course in china. The german teen fractured her spine tweeting in part, just wanted to let everybody know that i am fine. Five other people were hurt. An nfl team is in need of a new quarterback, but for now, theres no sign that Colin Kaepernick is under consideration. Many wondered if he would be the Washington Redskins on the Washington Redskins radar after alex smith broke his leg on sunday. But usa today reports the former 49er may not even want to play again. Nbc sports is reporting that kaepernick has been working out in hopes of returning to the field. Condoleezza rice shutting down reports her beloved Cleveland Browns want her to coach. The former secretary of state writing on facebook i love my browns and i know they will hire an experienced coach to take us to the next level. And quote, i do hope that the nfl will start to bring women into the coaching profession. Rice also saying she would like to call a play or two next season. The browns say she is not in the running for the job. Brian why not bring in kissinger . Thanks, jillian. Straight ahead, the pictures are startling. The wildfires in california heavily damaged malibu. We are live on the ground, before and after. Look at that. Bed. It senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1299. Plus 24month financing on all beds. Ends sunday. Steve back on this monday morning with a fox news alert. At least 80 people are dead and 1,000 are missing in californias raging wildfires. Brian take a look at this. Its a sligatellite image of mau before the fires. Now, check it out, after the fires, showing the catastrophic damage. Jonathan hunt is live in malibu with a look at this devastation. As the sun comes up out there in the west, jonathan, it becomes visible and Crystal Clear that it is just a disaster. Reporter yeah, those images you were just looking at are amazing when you look at it before the fires hit and after. But lets start with the camp fire up north. The grim search for bodies still continuing there, and it is now a race against time. Obviously everything was reduced to just piles of ash, so finding remnants of human remains is very difficult indeed, and it will only become more difficult this week if the predicted rains come down. Thats why rescuers are working so hard up there to identify as many of the dead as they can, as quickly as they can. Also, near paradise, california, the town that was destroyed, there was a vigil last night. A lot of survivors showing up just because they wanted to be in the presence of others who had gone through what they have been through. Listen here. Just know that gods comforting us. I look around at all the kindness. My wife needs to be around other people that have gone through the same thing that we have. It helps with the grieving process. Reporter here in malibu, residents are now being allowed back in, many of them finding theres pretty much nothing to come home to. Steve and brian . Steve awful. Thank you very much. Live from malibu. Brian they say one of the challenges, it will rain which is great but its raining so hard, so quick, makes it harder. Mudslides. Steve meanwhile, the last time he was on fox friends this little boy made an emotional appeal to our viewers and to President Trump. He needed help getting his father the kidney transplant he desperately needed. Both of them are back with a big update you want to hear, next. Steve first, lets see whats coming up at the top of the hour. The number of missing in california, staggering. The latest from there. Another week to try and work through that in Northern California. We will get on that story. Also, Kellyanne Conway live from the white house. Theres a ton to talk about. We have a winner in florida. How that outcome could affect the next few years in washington. Big monday coming up, ten minutes away. Come join us. [upbeat music] you wouldnt feel good not knowing the price here. Dont let it happen when you buy your diabetes test strips. With the accuchek® guide simplepay program, you pay the same low price. All without having to go through insurance. Plus, they come in a spillresistant vial along with a free meter. Skip the guessing game and focus on your health. Not the cost. Make saving simple today at simplepaysaves. Com. To take care of yourself. But natures bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and wellrested. Because hey, tomorrows coming up fast. Natures bounty. Because youre better off healthy. Huh whats that . What are you boys up to . boys giggle outdoor memories start with great gifts from Bass Pro Shops and cabelas 5 day sale. With huge savings like clothing for the family for only 10. Thats all i want for christmas. Maybe one toy. Please get my dad a kidney. Steve this thanksgiving week, we are taking a look back at the great causes fox friends viewers supported this past year. Back in march, ainsley spoke with then 8yearold ford putnam, who was determined to get his father the kidney transplanted he desperately needed. They join us now with an update. Good morning, guys. Thanks very much for joining us today from charlotte. Thanks for having us. Steve so ford, you read that letter to the president. Coming up last year, and now, we have an update, dont we . Tell us about what you have been through over the last couple of months. Well, im still sick for awhile but last month, i got a kidney. Feeling better every day since. Steve amazing. Of course, ford, you wrote that letter and the president of the United States responded. Do you remember the day the president s letter came to your house . Yes. Steve tell me about it. When i first got the letter, my grandma called us over and she said that you got a letter from the president. And i thought she was joking. Steve yeah, of course. Part of the letter reads this. I can tell you are a brave young man with a big heart. I admire your determination to make sure your dad has the support and resources he kneads to feel better. I hope you know how much joy and encouragement you already bring him. Mrs. Trump and i will keep you and your dad in our thoughts and prayers. So you have now had the kidney transplant, trey. This in part thanks to the generosity of fox friends viewers because there was a go fund me page set up with a goal of 50,000. As of yesterday, it was at 48,000. I know you wanted to say thanks today, didnt you . Yeah. I mean, we couldnt have done this without the support of the American Public and fox friends watchers. Steve yeah. But trey, what about your son as well . Just the fact that that boy he did a lot. Steve he did. He saved your life. Pretty awesome feeling, you think about it, a parent saving the kid but you dont hear many kids saving their parents. Thats what he did. He saved me. Steve well, he did. How do you feel . Your dad had the kidney transplant, hes Getting Better every day. Im happy, because he will be able to go outside and play footba football. Steve thats what its about. Being able to play with your dad out in the yard. Thats great. All right. Once again, youre really close to your ultimate goal, close to 1,000 people donated over the last seven months. If viewers would like to give back, go to the website. There will be a link to the go fund me page. Fellows, thank you very much. Trey, we are so delighted you are doing better. God bless you. Appreciate it. God bless you. Steve good letter. See you soon. Well be right back. So a tree falls on your brandnew car and totals it. And as if that wasnt bad enough, now your insurance wont replace it outright because of depreciation. If your insurance wont replace your car, what good is it . Youd be better off just taking your money and throwing it right into the harbor. Im regret that. With new car replacement, if your brandnew car gets totaled, Liberty Mutual will pay the entire value plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Whats the 1 new skincare product in 2018 . Olay whips. Absorbs faster than the 100, 200, and even 400 cream. Feels amazing. I really really love this. I will 100 swap up my moisturizer. Can i have it . Olay whips. 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