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Giving up toys for love. How the song youre hearing helped make her dream come true with our cameras rolling. And what a happy friday it is here at gma. Good morning, america. Big day here today because we are celebrating robins first birthday. [ applause ] now, we just explain a little bit. One year today one year ago today, robin had her bone Marrow Transplant. Youre a bouncing baby girl today, robin. Any day, shes going to walk. Its going to be great. And anybody who celebrates this, realizes, its not just today, its about the future as well. Its a very, very, very special day. And a celebration for sallyann, your sister. Thank you for saying that. Ive always been big for my age. No. Really. Its a very special day full of gratitude. Well celebrate later in the morning. We have news to get to, first. Josh has all of the top stories, starting with the sloot ths overnight in chicago. Late night in chicago. Were going to go there. A latest act of violence in a city overrun with it. A 3yearold among the many wounded. Abcs alex perez is there. Good morning to you, alex. Good morning, josh. Many people were out last night, enjoying the warm weather. Here on this Basketball Court at this park when suddenly a number of innocent bystanders got caught in the mid of of a shower of bullets. This is 3yearold deonty howard, the youngest victim in what has become an epidemic of chicago gun violence. It happened to fast. I heard shots. I came over here. There was a lot of people down. Reporter the shootings happened just after 10 00 last night near Cornell Square park on chicagos south side. A lot of shots, man, like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And a kid got hit. A 3yearold got hit in the face. Reporter two adults remain in critical condition. But all are expected to survive. We had 11 victims that were treated and transported to various hospitals throughout the city. Reporter there have been over 1,600 shootings in chicago this year. Police suspect this incident may be gangrelated, with many of the 13 victims, simply innocent bystanders. And this morning, investigators are working to track down the g gunman but at this point no arrests have been made. Josh . Alex perez in chicago. Thank you for that. Also new this morning, perhaps a thaw in the frosty relationship between the United States and iran. It could be just days away. The white house is suggesting that president obama could meet irans newly elected president next week, when both are here in new york city. It would then be the first such meeting since 1977. And apple lovers rejoice. The newest versions of the iphone on sale this morning. Take a look at these fans in japan. Fair to say, they got into it overnight. Actually dressing in all manner of costume as the doors opened there. Here in the u. S. , people have been lined up for days, all to get their hands on the new iphone 5s and the cheaper 5c. And ground beef bound for the School Lunch Program being recalled because it could contain bits of plastic. The meat being recalled was produced on april 1st and shipped to Distribution Centers in arkansas, california, montana and texas. It was a tense night in the college town of san luis obispo. People urged to stay indoors after a 300pound black bear was spotted in the heart of downtown. Its a lovely downtown. Police sent out a text message warning people to stay inside. After three hours, the bear made a good choice of towns, returns safely to the woods. And finally a teenage dairy queen manager from minnesota, rightfully earning major kudos today. Joey, you see him there, was appalled when he saw a customer pick up a blind mans 20 bill and slip it into her purse. So, he refused to serve the woman unless she returned the money. Instead, she stormed out. So, joey then gave the blind customer 20 out of his own pocket. Word of his good deed thankfully spread. And yesterday, got a call from Warren Buffett himself. That explains that picture. His company owns dairy queen. The boss man called down and said good on you. To joey, we say, good on you. I love those stories, love it. That is great. Thank you, josh. Were going to get the latest on the navy yard shooting. The warning signs were there. Abc news has learned that shooter aaron alexis was kicked out of the navy housing just weeks before his rampage because he was raving about voices in his head. Abcs Pierre Thomas is tracking the investigation in washington. Good morning, pierre. Reporter good morning, george. Today, even more warning signs missed. And disturbing new details about how the suspect had free reign to kill those victims. Law enforcement sources tell abc news, aaron alexis abruptly left a newport, rhode island, navy barracks, after constantly complaining that noises were coming out of his linen closet. During roughly the same time frame, new port naval Station Police were warned by local authorities that alexis was hearing voices and feared he was under constant surveillance by shadowy figures. But navy Station Police did not pass the information up the chain of command. There should have been a Mental Health assessment done, in order to determine the severity of these hallucinations. Reporter alexis mental state appeared to be rapidly deteriorating. Six days before alexis came to washington, a practicing buddhist came to washington, he went to a temple complaining to monks that he was hearing voices. He said he didnt sleep. Reporter sources tell fbi news the investigating whether alexis targeted specific coworkers. And new fbi director, james comey, told reporters, disturbing new details thursday. He says alexis was working on a computer Server Program in Navy Yard Building 197, which allowed him to enter and move about the facility freely. And we learned, he sawed off his shotgun with a hacksaw, bought at a home depot, and hid it in a bag, walking right by security. The fbi director said alexis appeared to be hunting people in a random way, without pattern. So much heartache. On sunday, president obama plans to attend the Service Honoring the fallen. Robin . We continue to think about them, pierre. Thank you. Now, to a big headline on the economy and your money. New numbers out reveal the Housing Market is booming. Home sales, soaring. More people are rushing to buy right now. Abcs Rebecca Jarvis is here now, with whats pushing home sales. Hi, robin. There were a handful of things that are pushing this. It is a housing feeding frenzy. Buyers racing to get homes before Mortgage Rates, thats a big one. Before Mortgage Rates tick any higher. Home sales are at their highest level since 2007. Were hearing that the houses that are sitting on the market are sitting there for less than 24 hours with the pace of existing home sales up 13. 2 from last year. The biggest thing spurring this surge are Mortgage Rates. This morning, the 30year fixed Rate Mortgage is 4. 4 . Thats a full percent higher than where rates were in may. Some people could have gotten some people couldnt have gotten a mortgage in may for 3. 4 . Its creeping up a little bit here. That means bigger house payments. What is the difference were talking about here . Its sizable robin. Every time you see Mortgage Rates go up about a percent, youre going to see your cost of owning that home go up 10 . On a 200,000 mortgage, youll pay about 2,000 a year more. Just for the mortgage. Thats a big difference. All right. It adds up. Have a good weekend. That housing surge is good news on the economy. Were going to washington, and the dysfunction that could derail the economy. Believe it or not, we could be days away from another Government Shutdown and possible default from the u. S. Jon karl is covering it from the white house. Two, big deadlines approaching. The government runs out of money september 30th. And cant bore borrow any more money a couple weeks after that. Reporter thats right, george. It is a real mess. House republicans are set today to finally pass a bill that would temporarily fund the government until december. But it includes a provision that nothing, no money can be spent on the president S Health Care bill ever. That has 0 chance of passing in the senate. That puts us back to square one, with the Government Shutdown set in just over a week. Remember, this is just a temporary funding bill. Its the first big thing. We also, as you mentioned, have coming up, whether the government will continue to borrow money. That could put the government in default. And the consequences of the shutdown is bad. The consequences of default is catastrophic. And a new poll out on abc that had warnings for both sides. Reporter it sure does. This is about the president S Health Care law. It shows the law is still unpopular. A majority of the public doesnt like the way its being implemented. Only barely a third approves of how its being implemented. But, george, our poll also shows that more unpopular than the president S Health Care law, by far, is the idea of shutting down the government to defund it. Yet. It may happen. Jon karl, thanks very much. Now, to new details on the abduction of the teenage girl in georgia, snatched from her home at gunpoint. The 14yearold says as many as four men were involved in the kidnapping and holding her for 36 hours. And newly released Court Documents show they did demand a ran some. Abcs gio benitez has been tracking this everdeveloping story. Reporter unbelievable. Good morning to you, robin. The big question is, was this just a random Home Invasion . Newly released Court Documents show just hours after the girl was taken, her family began receiving calls demanding cash and drugs, in exchange for her release. Something that at the time, Police Publicly denied. The fbi now says it tracked down this man, wildrego jackson, by tracing call records from the blocked phone number used to demand ransom, from ayvani perezs family. Jackson seen here in a courtroom sketch, appeared in federal court thursday, facing charges of conspiracy to commit kidnapping for ransom and possession of a firearm. Investigators also say that just days before the kidnapping, jacksons girlfriend rented a gray dodge challenger. At the time of the kidnapping, they say a witness saw a gray dodge speeding away from the home after hearing screams. Abc station wsb reports that jackson, who goes by the street name, dreco, has a lengthy rap sheet, going back ten years. This morning, were also learning more about perezs harrowing 36hour ordeal. According to Court Documents, perez told investigators, three to four men abducted her, hiding their faces. Telling her not to look at them. A 14yearold girl reporter as National Media attention focused on the abduction, it appears the alleged kidnappers may have had a change of heart, calling family and dropping the teen off at a relatives house in conyers, 26 miles away without a ran some. This case is unusual. It looks like there were multiple players involved. The kidnapping appears to be an afterthought. When they dont get any money, they release the victim unharmed. Reporter meanwhile, police say this man, Juan Contreras rodriguez was picked up in relation to the case. Hes being held on unrelated immigration charges. But weve learned in 2012, he was busted with perezs mom in a pot trafficking ring. Charges were later dropped. And we still dont know what was behind this abduction or even that Home Invasion. But we do know police are still on the hunt for two other men. And, robin, that little girl, safe and sound. Thats the headline. That is the headline. All right, gio, thank you. If any of you need anymore evidence that texting and driving dont mix, look at this. A bus driver with one hand on the wheel, another on her phone, causing the huge vehicle to swerve all over the road. It was all caught on camera. Abcs matt gutman has the story. Reporter this Florida School bus driver is suspended this morning after allegedly being caught with one hand on the wheel. And two eyes on her phone. Watch as the hillsboro county driver, steers this bus, backed with middle schoolers, apparently tapping on her smartphone. But it wasnt the School System that caught her. The sleuth in this case, the eighth grade daughter of venus koto silva, who shot the video friday. She showed me the video, i couldnt believe it. Reporter the 14yearold said she was trying to catch her driver cursing. Instead, she caught this. The scary part is, see how quickly she grabbed the wheel . Reporter the School District called it a violation of policy, adding, clearly, the driver is looking at her cell phone. Thats a dangerous distraction for any driver. But the potential danger is greater when you have a bus full of children. Almost onequarter of all accidents are now believed to be caused by drivers on phones, apparently smarter than they are. This one was texting when he slammed into a line of cars in texas. And this bus driver in florida last year, apparently also busted while he texted. Watch his hand spelling instead of steering. Mayors across the country are now rallying for tougher laws. We realize its up to us as individuals and as cities and a nation to put an end to have special epidemic. Reporter as for kotosilva, she said shes still concerned. Not only are they going to kill a driver, theyre going to kill the children on that bus. Reporter floridas new law banning while texting while driving. Wont apply to the driver of her daughters bus. It doesnt take effect for another week and a half. For good morning america, matt gutman, abc news, miami. The official there said it right. Social epidemic. It happens all the time. But it has to stop. I used to drive a school bus. Its all you can do to maintain your focus. I couldnt imagine trying to text at the same time. Now, to the vatican and the surprising comments by pope francis, sending shock waves through the Catholic Church this morning. Signaling a real shift in tone, as he urges a more Inclusive Church and, quote, home for all. Good morning america weekend anchor dan harris has the story for us. Reporter good morning. First of all, happy birthday. Second of all, who knew you drove a school bus . The leads here this morning. Let me get to the pope news. Its extremely rare for a pope to grant an interview, and rarer still for a pope to grant one like this. Francis speaks openly, candidly and bluntly, signaling the church needs to be less judgmental, less political, and more focused on love, acceptance and forgiveness. Straight from the jump, pope francis has tried to set a fresh tone. He lives in a simple room. Not ornate papal apartments. He drives an old car. He takes selfies with tourists. He washes the feet of juvenile inmates. And he makes phone calls to people who write him letters, which has earned him some gentle ribbing from the likes of jon stewart. If the pope calls the wrong number, does he admit it . Or does he say im sorry, holy father, you have the wrong number. No, im infallible. Youre in the wrong house. Reporter theres been more serious criticism, too. From hardliners who do not like this popes deemphasis on hotbutton social issues. In this new interview, released simultaneously in jesuit journals worldwide, francis seems utterly unswayed. Saying the church has become obsessed with smallminded rules. And it must be the home of all, not a small chapel, that the hold only a small group of selected people. He bluntly declares, we cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods. What a change from his predecessor, pope benedict, who controversially claimed on a trip to africa that condoms actually exacerbated the aids epidemic. To be clear here, the pope is not calling for a change in Church Teachings on these hotbutton issue, but instead, for a shift in emphasis and tone. Is this likely to trickle down to local parishes throughout america . I think its trickled up to the papacy from the local parish because the pope is actually speaking to us in this interview in a way in which a good pastor or priest talks to his parishioners. Not in a topdown, overly intellectual way. But from his heart. Reporter such a fascinating interview. And one of the other striking things about this exchange is the popes repeated admissions of personal frailty. He describes himself as undisciplined. And at times naive. He says when he was younger, he made decisions in an authoritarian way. And when asked who he is, he replies, quite simply, im a sinner. Fascinating stuff. Everything you do, makes you think of the name he chose, pope francis of assisi, just walking with the poor. Washing the feet of juvenile inmates. Hes focuses on charity and humility. And he is changing the tone. Dan, thank you very much. Lets get a check of the weather. When youre over there by all that this is tough for texas this morning. Overnight, good morning, the heavy rain, two pockets of tropical remnants driving the moisture up in the middle of the country. We have flood warnings and watches for a good part of texas. Waco to dallas, theres been overnight flooding. And will continue to be in the morning, at least 4 1 2, maybe 5 inches of rain, kind of in some of those zones. Let me show you the good news and bad news of this. We want as much rain without the flooding that were getting. Look how much of the country is in drought. Extreme drought. One of the highest levels in drought. Theyre about a foot behind in rainfall here. We think probably its about four to six inches of rain coming in the next 48 hours. The problem is, dry ground, rain coming all at one time. That means flooding. But they need that rain. Good morning. Im abc 7 news meteorologist mike nicco with your bay area microclimate forecast. Today, were going to see an increase in clouds and sea breeze. Temperatures 7 to 12 degrees cooler than yesterday. Watch out for rain in the north bay tonight, drizzle along the coast and San Francisco. Scattered showers for the rest of us tomorrow. And dry and cooler than average sunday through next week. Temperatures today 60s along the coast into San Francisco and richmond. 70s elsewhere, possibly few coming up in the next half hour, were going to go over where its cool and where its warm. A lot of that stuff. Its hot in here. Thank you, sam. Happy friday. Coming up on gma, shes the woman who became famous for her nonstop hiccups. Now, on trial for murder. The bizarre twist in the courtroom right now. And the story behind the brave letter to santa gone viral. A little boy wanted everyone to stop bullying his twin sister. I love that story. And also ahead, selina gomez forced to cancel her concerts in russia. Why is she being shut out . Selina gomez forced to cancel her concerts in russia. Why is she being shut out . [jelly animal] a great storm comes. Were all doomed. [bubble wand] that guy isnt all there. [fuzz pile] come on,its a honda,theyre built to last. [announcer] we understand life in a minivan. Introducing the first minivan with an available builtin vacuum. Start Something Special in the redesigned odyssey from honda. Do the same for your dog. You like to keep your family healthy and fit. Introducing purina dog chow light healthy. Its a deliciously tender and crunchy kibble blend. With 20 fewer calories than dog chow. New purina dog chow light healthy. pop balloons popping i can see the edge of my couch balloons popping say revlon colorstay makeup. Breakthrough Time Release Technology keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look. 24 hour wear. Flawless results. [ male announcer ] make fall fantastic with storewide deals like 3 shrubs for 10 at lowes. Like 3 shrubs for 10 at lowes. Wrong turns on the road to your know yofuture. Afford thats why we build tools like our Career Guidance system. Its kind of like gps, you know, for your career. It walks you through different degree possibilities and even lets you explore local job market conditions, helping you map a clear course from the job you want, back to you. Go to phoenix. Edu and get started today. Good morning. Im eric thomas. This morning a second possible b. A. R. T. Strike looms now once again just 20 days away. Weve learned b. A. R. T. Is already working on a contingency plan. No talks are scheduled today but there are eight scheduled meetings between now and october 10th, thats the final day of the 60day cooling off period. B. A. R. T. Tells abc news the mediator is working to add more negotiating sessions. And abc news has learned 12 managers who are nonunion certified operators are going through a refresher course on what b. A. R. T. Calls nonworking equipment. In the event of a strike, b. A. R. T. May use the managers to keep at least some trains running during peak hours. Leyla gulen is off this morning. Heres a quick look at the friday morning commute. An update on the presid owe, northbound 101 near 19th avenue, a hitandrun as cars blocking the second lane. Its cleared, but theres still a residual backup there. Elsewhere fridaylike conditions, but if you look outside right now, take you outside at the bay bridge toll plaza, you see not so friday light here, backup going on, metering lights have been turned on. Were back. Were seven to 12 degrees cooler than yesterday. Thats the big story until this evening when some light rain develops as the sun sets in the north bay, drizzle along the coast into San Francisco. Light rain during the overnight hours and some scattered showers tomorrow. Temperatures at Kaiser Permanente weve reduced serious heart attacks by 62 , which makes days with grandpa jack 100 more possible. Join us at kp. Org and thrive. There they are. Brother and sister twins, ryan and amber. Little ryan, not only hugs his sister. Wrote a letter thats gone viral. He asked santa to stop kids at school from bullying her. It reaches inside of you and grabs you. Went understandably viral. This is a little boy who did a remarkable thing for his sister, who really did need it. And its a story about a great family, as well. A scene i hope we can do a lot with. We have to stop bullying. Its a national scourge. We have to end it. You have been on cloud nine since meeting those two. Theyre great. Cant wait for all of you to meet them, as well. Were going to turn to the young woman who was known nationally for her uncontrollable hiccups. She is now on trial. And selena gomez, so redhot right now. Getting an icy reception in russia. Why she was forced to cancel all of her concerts there. If theres a certain satisfied smile across the desk, its the sweet birthday. Its our Robin Roberts one year. First year after a successful transplant. So many people consider this a look forward. We do, as well. Im telling you. Im just so excited in sharing it with everyone who is celebrating, as well. Thank you, sam. Were going to have a party later. Were going to begin this half hour, with a trial of the socalled hiccup girl. Her hiccups returning in court this week. Shes on trial for murder. Could face life in prison. Abcs linsey davis has her story. Reporter as she sat in the shadow of her attorneys. Standing trial for firstdegree murder. For more than an hour, the same hiccups that made jennifer mee famous, returned. The now 22yearold who gained fame when she was 15 when she couldnt stop hiccupping for fivestraight weeks. Is now one of three defendants to stand trial for the death of 22yearold shanongriffin. Prosecutors say the then19yearold met griffin online, and lured him to an apartment, where two of her friends robbed and shot him four times in the chest. In court thursday, prosecutors played a jailhouse call between mee and her mom, where mee admits to setting it all up. Who did you kill . I cant kill nobody. Why are they charging you with attempted murder . Because i set everything up. It all went wrong, mom. It went downhill after everything happened, mom. Who were you trying to kill, jennifer . Nobody. It wasnt even supposed to happen like that, mom. Reporter experts testified that mees dna was found on the victims shirt. The defense argued it could have been transferred to the tshirt by another person. In a crime lab dna expert agreed. Last month, la ron rayford was sentenced to prison. Mee could face life in prison, which is what the victims family would like to see happen. We have to go to a graveyard to see him. Reporter for good morning america, linsey davis, abc news, new york. We should mention that mee has pleaded not guilty. Lets bring in abcs chief Legal Affairs anchor, dan abrams. We would not be talking about this had we not been talking about her from her hiccup case. How does it affect it in trial . The defense attorney has mentioned it in the course of this case. I think the defense is hoping that the jurors may feel sorry for her. Theres been periods in court when she hiccupped for 20 minutes straight. Its not really going to be relevant directly to the case. No question, the defense is hoping that jurors feel bad for her. And no one is claiming she pulled the trigger. But facing murder charges. If she had the intent to commit the robbery. If she had no idea that anyone had a gun, but had intent with regard to the robbery and someone gets shot and killed, shes on trial now for felony murder. Thats all they have to prove in the context of this case is, she had the intent to commit that robbery. I know youve read a lot into this case. How strong is the prosecutions case . When you think about it with regard to just the robbery, its pretty strong. She made comments to her mother, as you heard on tape, saying that she set it up. But shes going to say, when i said set it up. I didnt mean set up the robbery. I just meant set up a meeting. The defense is going to be, she didnt have intent to commit the robbery. Prosecutors have a lot of evidence. Many eager to see whats going to happen here. Happy birthday. Were going to turn to selena gomez, caught up in an international controversy. Shes been forced to cancel concerts in russia. Is s is she having problems because shes the latest performer to protest their antigay policies. Selena gomez, caught up in an international firestorm. Scheduled to perform in st. Petersburg and moscow next week. Both performances have been canceled. Quote, due to complications with visa applications and timing. But now, some are speculating that gomez is the latest victim of russias controversial crackdown on performers who publicly favor gay rights. Western pop stars have used the stage as a platform to speak out about the antigay actions going on in russia. They felt that maybe salena could do that herself. Reporter increased violence against gays and the passage of a law that makes it illegal to speak about homosexuality in front of children, has prompted performers like lady gaga, to denounce the countrys antigay policies. On mother russias home turf. This is lady gaga performing in ma moscow. Tonight, this is my house, russia. You can be gay in my house. Reporter madonna did the same in st. Petersburg. And gay people here and all the rest of the world, have the same rights. Reporter the Russian Agency in charge of issuing the visa says the timing of the request is ultimately to blame. Not gomezs stance on gay rights. However, on wednesday, a change. Org petition asked gomez to stand in solidarity with russias gay community. A request many think may have caused the visa complications. Well, elton john says he wants to play in russia in december, to lend his support to the gay community. But theres no word yet on whether or not hes actually received a visa. Meanwhile, cher is reportedly turned down the offer of playing at the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics in russia, citing the countrys antigay laws. The list of celebrities keeps on growing. Robin and george . People stepping up. Stepping up. Thats it. Sam, a scene for the east coast. You like the warm numbers, george . They are look pretty good. Were going to start with some pictures that came to us. You dont always see this. When a waterspout develops, it develops over water. It looks like a tornado. But it isnt officially one until it moves onshore in the same form. It happened in the bahamas. The waterspout and coming onshore as a tornado. Incredible pictures. We thought wed bring that to you. This is the warmth that georgia is excited about. Raleigh, 80. Jacksonville, 86. Four to five degrees milder than this time of year. When you look at that warmth, enjoy it. I know its been a cool last couple of days. On the west coast, heres where the heavy rain is. Medford, eureka. Seattle, portland, almost to sacramento, really, showers that get you almost an inch of rain nchs good morning. Im mike nicco. Changing of the guard today. Increasing clouds this afternoon. Some drizzle along the coast and San Francisco to light rain in the no all that weather was brought to you by at t. Youll see this word cooling. Its a little more than cooling. Thats a pocket of cold air with a little light stuff. Already on the boards. All right, sam. Coming up, brawling over co co co co cory. Ale announcer ] now, taking care of things at home is just a tap away. Introducing at t digital life. Personalized Home Security and automation. [ lock clicks ]. That lets you be closer to home. Thats so cool. [ male announcer ] get 100 in instant savings when you order digital life smart security. Limited availability in select markets. [ male announcer ] some people lift your spirits. The same way the smooth, creamy taste of coffeemate. Makes coffee and your day better. Coffeemate. Coffees perfect mate. Im watching you. Youre knocking me out tonight. Tonight. Oooooooo. Get in on the fun. 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Were back at 7 43, with a battle brewing over Cory Monteith. The emmys are sunday. But some say he doesnt deserve recognition. Abcs Neal Karlinsky has the story. Reporter of all the places for controversy will be brewing at the primetime emmy awards, the speeches, the outfits. This year, its the in memorium segment. Five people will be singled out for longer tributes. James gandolfini. Actors Jean Stapleton and jonathan winters, along with producer gary david goldberg. And, this is where the controversy comes in, 31yearold Cory Monteith of glee. Why should we worry he certainly doesnt have the body of work that the other people do. The fact that he was beloved and people would really be upset if they didnt acknowledge him. Reporter emmy producers found themselves defending the decision on a Conference Call with reporters after many argued that while monteiths overdose and death is tragic, he doesnt have nearly the body of work of, say, larry hagman of dallas fame, or jack klugman, who didnt make the cut. Variety published an editorial against the decision. Cory has a wonderful career that was cut short. What about the other people who had longer careers and we miss terribly . Reporter emmy show top producer, ken ehrlich, said it was important to represent younger viewers. Corys appeal was to maybe a little different generation than some of the others were honoring. Show producers say theyre standing by the decision on what is become an awkward controversy. Vafing an actor friends remember, as always humble about his fame. For good morning america, Neal Karlinsky, abc news, seattle. In our abc news online poll, we asked should the emmys honor Cory Monteith with a special tribute. And it is almost exactly 50 50 right now. Its hard. It is a hard decision. Not so much to honor him. Its the other jack klugman. Thats right. They are honoring them. Good way of putting it. Join us monday morning for our complete emmy coverage right here in times square. It will be good. And coming up, so will the rest of the show. We have a show coming up on former reality show jon gosling. Why the jon and kate star is taking orders. And our play of the day will have you getting the dancing shoes out and enjoy this little sensation. With a fresher bum. Can i talk to you about. Bums . Your nerves kick in, youve got to go. Is toilet paper enough . No you want that. And you want that in every portalet. You need the dream team. Combo imagine how great it would feel on your bum. Mmmm. Yeah thats the face, isnt it . Mmmmmm. [ cherry ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. So lets talk about your bum on facebook. Off to my next destination. You want a way to help minimize blood sugar spikes. Support heart health. And your immune system. Now theres new glucerna advance with three benefits in one. [ male announcer ] new glucerna advance. From the brand doctors recommend most. Real fruit plus real nuts plus real multigrains equals real delicious quaker real medleys, your onthego burst of goodness quaker up. Right then. Heres the play of the day. Let the party begin. We have a birthday girl on the couch with us. Thank you. D. J. Kiss appropriately going to swin some tunes. Here we go. A little superstar for you. This is it. The artist that youre going to hear is an artist named jungle. But its 6yearold tara, tearing it up. Come on, now. No way. This is just a little warm up. 6 years young. Wow. And just when you think, all right, shes got moves, then, she does this. Oh, wow. Oh. Oh. Thats fake. No. Is that real . Thats 6. No way. Its real video. Yes. That is not real. Yes. It is. We need to bring her here to prove it. Thats a good one. Good one. Little tara, ask your parents if you can come on and play. Come on. Its robins birthday after all. If yand youre talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic. This is humira, adalimumab. This is humira working to help relieve my pain. This is humira helping me through the twists and turns. This is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. Doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. For many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. Blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure have occurred. Before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. Ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. Tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. You should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. Ask your doctor if humira can work for you. This is humira at work. [ male announcer ] prep your lawn this fall. Get storewide deals like 50 off scotts ez seed grass mixture at lowes. Do the same for your dog. Ls you like to keep your family healthy and fit. Introducing purina dog chow light healthy. Its a deliciously tender and crunchy kibble blend. With 20 fewer calories than dog chow. New purina dog chow light healthy. [ male announcer ] reveal light bulbs from ge. [ dog barks ] unlike ordinary incandescent bulbs, they filter out the dingy yellow tones. Bringing the true beauty of your home to life. Reveal light bulbs from ge. We lowhats next . Hen great do you have measurements . Yeah, i paced it off. Its about twenty by twelve of these. So, we can measure, plan and install it for you. Yea, lets do that ikea. Professional Kitchen Services at a low price. We lowhats next . Hen great do you have measurements . Yeah, i paced it off. Its about twenty by twelve of these. So, we can measure, plan and install it for you. Yea, lets do that ikea. Professional Kitchen Services at a low price. Good morning. Im kristen sze. The new iphones go on sale on the west coast in just a few minutes from now. The line at the apple store in downtown palo alto grew to more than 200 people this morning going all the way down University Avenue and around on bryant street. Some people have been there since monday. This is the first time the companys releasing two Iphone Models at once. The 5c and the 5s. Lets check out our forecast. Mike. Big story today, good morning, everybody. Cooler temperatures by about 7 to 12 degrees. Barely 80s in fairfield. The rest of us in the 60s and 70s. Drizzle tonight along the coast San Francisco and into the north bay. Light rain for the rest of us overnight, light showers tomorrow. There is a car blocking the fast lane watch out for that. Also, for b. A. R. T. Theres a major delay at san bruno and the San Francisco look at that crowd out there in times square. Big, happy, friday crowd on this special day. And listen to that anthem from d. J. Kiss. Aint no Mountain High enough, all to celebrate robins birthday. Her first birthday since her bone Marrow Transplant. I already apologized to george for this hour. Im going to dance. Im going to have a good time. I thank everybody for their tweets. And i tell you, that was my strength. That gave me courage. The support here. The support from all around. And when you have your transplant, its known as your birthday. And im not the only one. I heard from natasha. She had her transplant one year ago today. That beautiful woman there, also celebrating. Happy birthday. One last thing im going to say, a lot of us might not be a bone Marrow Transplant. We all got something. Everybody has something. And we say, one day im going to be happy. One day, im going to be healthy. Turn the script. Make one day, day one. Make it day one of your journey. Thats it. Thats what you have to do. All of us. Well, the first couple of minutes of a great hour, has me going. You have a great story youre going to share. It is terrific. Its the story of a kid. An 8yearold boy, wanting to give up everything. Wrote a letter to santa. I dont want anything. I just want you to stop kids at school from bullying my twin sister. You see them both there. Two wonderful children. Inspirations. A wonderful family. And this is taking headon, an issue that needs to stop. Bullying has to stop. Now. And today, its day one of that, as well. We take our first step. Good for you, josh. Let it stop now. Hey. How about a little talk with pink. How about a sitdown with pink with the exclamation point. One of the things shes going to reveal is, she thought at some point that people were afraid of her. Lets get some news first from josh. Were going to chicago, where last night, violence unfolded overnight. 13 people hurt in what police are calling a gangrelated mass shooting. The youngest victim a 3yearold, who is already out of surgery. Meanwhile, police are searching for the gunman. And the clock is ticking towards a possible Government Shutdown today. The house votes on a bill to fund the government. But it is unlikely to pass without a deal. A shutdown will happen, now, in just 11 days. And the new hazing scandal is rocking one of the nations leading universities. It is happening at cornell, where the entire mens lacrosse team, theyve all been suspended. Their Fall Schedule canceled. That suspension comes after freshman players were allegedly forced to drink alcohol by other team members. And Forbes Magazine is out with a new list to envy. The highestearning celebrity couples. And for a second year in a row, its good to be queen, with a king like jay z. Jay z and queen b. Topping the list. Tom brady, Gisele Bundchen getting by with 80 million. And poor brangelina, just 50 million. Can you feel it . Postseason baseball is right around the corner. The red sox, the latest team to qualify. They wrapped up a postseason berth last night, winning over baltimore. First time since 2009. Oh, and maybe baseballs First Division champs, your los angeles dodgers. What . Celebrating in arizona. And then, they have a pool at the stadium. So, into the pool they went to celebrate. Apparently they asked the dodgers not to celebrate on the field. And overnight on social media, it got antisocial. Some calling the dodgers celebration, classless. I would just say this. Theres not an unwritten rule for dont dive in another teams pool in a baseball stadium. I was wondering how long it would take you to mention the dodgers. Congratulations. Thank you. So happy for you. Hey, everybody. How about some pop news. A wonderful friday. Are you ready for more j. T. Justin timberlake released his second single from the new album. Tko happened yesterday with teases and notes on social media. J. T. Is so smart. It included a video of justin singing the tune. And then, asking fans directly, should i release a new single today . The answer, a resounding yes. Tko is out now. Full album release, set for later this fall. Talented and supersmart. Good guy. The emmys, not the only thing being celebrated in hollywood this weekend. The iconic Hollywood Sign is turning 90. Tinseltown marked the occasion with a celebration on the roof of the w hotel in hollywood. The giant letters, not always the sign of all things showbusiness. Built in 1923. As you said, hollywood. Almost tore down in the 70s. Hugh hefner saved the day by auctioning off the land. And that is the story and the history of this iconic treasure. Hef, getting it done. Yeah. With an asterisk. And a few true slices of americana up for sale. Norman rockwell. Now, three of his paintings will be sold at sothebys. The gossip. A shot of this beautiful painting. We also have walking to church. And saying grace, which is estimated to bring in between 15 million to 20 million alone. Steven spielberg owns one. George lucas owns one. And now, you can, too. Robin, you would like one . For my birthday you want saying grace . Thats pop news. Out to sam for the weather. Everyone out here live in times square, where everybody comes by to say hello. Ladies, why are we all in the same shirts . Read it for me. Just because were in new york city at gma. Thats right. Now, you didnt have to dress me up like a razorback. Lets get to the boards. Lets just go. Just go. Well start with a little breckenridge snow. Heres the deal. At 4 44 on sunday morning, youre have a little cool chill that will run from the base of your spine between the shoulder blades. Thats the official start of fall. Chicago, detroit, nashville, pittsburgh, get ready for the numbers to drop. It is 64 by the time we get to sunday. I love it out here with you guys. I may stay out here all day. Good morning. Im abc 7 news meteorologist mike nicco with your bay area microclimate forecast. Today, were going to see an increase in clouds and sea breeze. Temperatures 7 to 12 degrees cooler than yesterday. Watch out for rain in the north bay tonight, drizzle along the coast and San Francisco. Scattered showers for the rest of us tomorrow. And dry and cooler than average sunday through next week. Temperatures today 60s along the coast into San Francisco and richmond. 70s were outside having a good time. I dont know whats coming up next. Whats coming up next. Were going inside to lara. Good job. Thank you. Heres whats coming up on our gma morning menu. Life for former reality star, jon gosselin. And the letter thats gone viral. Josh brings us this story about a brother asking for kids to stop bullying his sister. And our interview with pink. And, everybody, its robins first Birthday Party, coming up on good morning america, live in times square. Wow. Look at you. Ive always tried to give it my best shot. These days im living with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. At first, i took warfarin, but i wondered, could i up my game . My doctor told me about eliquis. And three Important Reasons to take eliquis instead. One, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. And three. Unlike warfarin, theres no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Ive got three Important Reasons to up my game with eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today goglossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. The only thing we have to fear is. Fear itself. Protmilk vs. Omelet ding winner mmmmmilk has protein and travels. Got protein. Creatwith petsmart, wonder and enchantment. 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Tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. The dose of botox® is not the same as other botulinum toxins. Put the odds on your side. Visit botoxchronicmigraine. Com and talk to a headache specialist. [voice] hurry up, its cold in here. [jelly bear] relax. Were checking the manual. [jelly animal] whoa,this minivan is loaded available forward collision warning,pandora compatibility, available lane Departure Warning and what . [jelly animal] this sucks. [announcer] we understand life in a minivan. Introducing the first minivan with an available builtin vacuum. Start Something Special in the redesigned odyssey from honda. What a wonderful go, hogs. Wheres the hat, sam . On a happy, happy friday for all here in times square. I hope for you there at home, as well. Were back with the gma heat index. The hot stories trending right now. Beginning with the Surprising New reality for former reality star, jon gosselin. Four years after a bitter divorce and jon kate plus 8, he is working as a waiter. Linzie janis has the story. Were he starred in a tv show about his life. Appearing with his wife, kate and their eight children. Jon kate plus 8 pulled in 10 Million Viewers a week. You cant walk away without lea. You need to wake up. Reporter this morning, four years after he left the show, jon gosselin is revealing he works as a waiter. My names jon. Reporter and lives in a cabin, with no tv and no internet. In an interview with entertainment tonight, gosselin said when he exited the show, he couldnt find work. Its near impossible to find work. Reporter picking up shifts at this pennsylvania restaurant. At first, i was nervous because i was like, how are people going to react . Then, im thinking, its fun. I get to talk to people. And they technically already know me. Are you the guy . Yeah, im the guy. Reporter his boss is having the former tv on staff is great for business. He fits right in. It makes a good experience for the people. They enjoy him. They like him. And he likes to talk to people. Hes gone from being one of the biggest Reality Stars on tv, to a waiter in a local restaurant in eastern pennsylvania. It shows that fame is a very fleeting thing. Reporter what happened to gosselins tv fortune . I havent grossed millions of dollars. Reporter gosselin says he doesnt pay child support. Agreed upon situations. Reporter despite it all, he says he has no regrets. Even proclaiming his more humble life is a happy one. For good morning america, linzie janis, abc news, new york. Good for him. Exactly. Hes working. Hes working. A story weve been waiting to share with you today. A brothers letter to santa claus. An early one, at that. It went understandably viral. 8yearold ryan, writing that the only thing he wanted more than any other toy for christmas, was for kids at school to stop bullying his twin sister, amber. Take a look. 8yearolds ryan and Amber Suffern are you typical twin siblings. But as ever, clearly attuned to the others needs. And in the worst of time, feeling each others pain. Something their mother, karen, discovered recently. A single mom with a parttime job, struggling to pay the familys bills. She asked her kids to write a note to santa early. I need you to go ahead and write what you want for christmas. Reporter ryan wrote his letter to santa almost immediately. I decided, let me take a peek. Reporter and what he wrote, was as beautiful as it was gutwrenching. Would you do me a favor . Read your letter out loud. Dear, santa. I wanted a remotecontrol car and helicopter. But i dont want that anymore. Kids at school are still picking on amber. And its not fair because she doesnt do anything to them. And it makes me mad. I pray that they will stop. But god is busy. And he needs your help. Is it against the rules to give gifts early . Reporter and ryan, so genuine, so pure, didnt stop there. He also asked for his sister to be able to meet her favorite band. Can you ask big time rush to come to ambers Birthday Party . It will make her so happy. If you cant get them to come, just get her everything she asks for. Thanks, santa. So, needless to say, i started crying. Reporter prior to the letter, you were aware that your daughter was suffering. She would tell me things that kids would say at school. They would call her names. Amber suffers from a few mental disorders. They would egg her on to do different things. And it was a pattern. Reporter a pattern that karen also bullied and suicidal as a child, decided must end after her recent talk with amber. They were like, yeah. They pick on me sometimes. I feel like i want to die so theyll leave me alone. And as soon as the words came out of her mouth, i felt my heart stop. Sorry. Reporter its okay. I told her, i was going to do everything to protect her. Reporter and so would her twin brother. Whats it like having ryan as a brother . He protects me. Reporter are kids mean to you . Yeah. But i dont know why. They, like, say im fat, im stupid, im ugly and im heinous. I dont believe them. Reporter do you wish people would mess with you instead of amber . Yes. You dont have to do that. Reporter amber, did you like hearing this letter . Yes. Reporter did you give him a hug . Yes. Reporter amber, can i tell you one other thing . Its going to get better. Yay. Reporter i promise. But what amber and ryan and their mother dont know, is that santa may have already answered her brothers letter and sent ambers favorite band, big time rush, to meet her. I decided i could give it a try reporter you asked can santa give a gift early . Her birthday. Reporter yeah. For the birthday. Hmm. I think i think somebody up north might have gotten this already. Lets see. I do think that i think somebody actually did get this letter early. Guys . Hi. Hey. Hello. How are you doing . Whats up . How are you doing . Can i get a hug here . How are you . All right. Awesome. Oh, my gosh. Reporter amber didnt just get to meet big time rush. Worldwide reporter an early christmas for a deserving young girl, who already has the best gift of them all. Always love and protect her. How was that . All right . Reporter one more. Just one thing that i know oh. You know thats enough. Oh. Thats so adorable. I want to thank the suffern family, for joining us today. Okay. Okay. I want to thank big time rush, who came out. Theyre going to be the familys going to be their v. I. P. Guests this weekend at a big concert. I want to say to you, i said it all morning long, bullying is a scourge that is taking our most precious resource, Young Children in this country. We need to stop it. And so, thank you, guys. Thank you, guys. That was really great. Really great. Congratulations, josh. Yeah. I hate to no, its good. Day one. Day one. I love that. First day. Your favorite artist is also in the heat index. Pink, honored as billboards woman of the year. Shes tackling her first major acting role in thanks for sharing. And nick watt is sharing with us. Take a look. Right from the start reporter pink is going stratospheric. Just a little bit of love reporter just named billboards woman of the year. Im humbly just Walking Around saying, really . Thanks. Thank you. Reporter you like it. Nice. Well, it doesnt suck. Reporter yeah. Dont you ever feel reporter she claims motherhood has fed her success. I think since i became a mom, people are less afraid of me. I seem a little more human. Reporter right now, shes on a world tour with 2yearold willow grace, plus her very much onagain husband, along for the ride. Shes a great traveler. Reporter and your husband . Not as good a traveler as she is. Reporter how did you get to the place you are now with your husband . I have trained him. Oh, wow. I get them young and train them. Reporter and youre also a makeup model now. Im a cover girl. Cant you tell . Can you make it so my tooth goes ding . Reporter she just made her Silver Screen debut in thanks for sharing, playing a recovering sex addict. Theres a lot of dudes in here. Reporter looking for a lovable tough girl with a soft center. Is that you . You found her. Reporter is that you . Thats me. Reporter soft center . Yeah. The hardest shells have the gooeyest middles. Reporter for good morning america, nick watt, abc news, los angeles. Just love her energy. I know. I mean, im really im loving this whole show today. Positive. A great, young, female pop star. Terrific. A great show. Theres a lot more to love. Can i tell everybody, thanks for sharing, is in theaters today. Right now, were warming up for the big birthday celebration. This is a little more fun, as well. One of our special mashups. And, robin, this one is for you. Okay. Two, three, one robin. It has to be you. Its going to be. Building great futures. Get it started. Early in the morning its a dawn of a new day robin. We got nothing but love for you, baby. We love robin. You inspire me every day. And all of us. At gma. Love you, baby. All right. And you look sexy every morning. Everybody. With power to be present. And we love what you do best. And say nothing yet. Youre a big part of the abc family. So, we got a toast to the prettiest thing on tv. Early in the morning its a dawn of a new day gma. And the best way. Robin. Its robin. Without, building the future, with you. Get it started. We love you. Robin roberts. Its Robin Roberts. Thank you. I had sallyann now. There we go. More of that. I share this with ryan and amber, and everyone today, celebrating life. A lot more to celebrate. Stay with us. Good morning. Im eric thomas with another possible b. A. R. T. Strike just 20 days away, the Transit Agency is already working on a contingency plan. Abc 7 news has learned 12 managers who are nonunion certified operators are already going through a refresher course on mayer island. B. A. R. T. Says it moved nonworking trains to a facility for this training, but the unions claim the trains are functioning, so its a violation. B. A. R. T. Would use managers to keep some trains running during peak hours if theres a strike. At this point, no talks are scheduled for today. Leyla gulens off this morning. Heres a look at the bay area traffic. Theres a fire in the concordpleasant hill area at the north monument offramp. The smoke is visible from southbound 680. And thats causing a slowdown there. Theres no details on the cause. But could be a problem, so keep that in mind. Outside, san mateo bridge, take a look at traffic there. Moving right along fridaylike. Meteorologist mike nic good morning. Big story during the daylight hours, 7 to 12 degrees cooler than yesterday. We have some drizzle coming in. And look at this, some rain coming in during the overnight hours. The drizzle during the evening hours will be mainly along the coast, San Francisco and up into the north bay. Once that chance of light rain passes overnight, we have some scattered showers tomorrow in your accuweather sevenday forecast. It will be early in the morning its a dawn of a new day new hopes new dreams new ways no, let it play. Let it play. We can leave it on. What a beautiful morning. A Beautiful Day. Remember . Thats right. You got to join india. Arie, with the song you wrote. That was after my first battle with cancer. It was a Beautiful Day to have you back. And its a Beautiful Day today. Day one today, everybody. I love that. Thank god d. J. Kiss is here to spin us into that day. All of robins favorites because it is her first birthday. Day one. Exactly one year ago since you had that bone Marrow Transplant. Sallyann got in there and stayed in there. Hallelujah. And away we go. A very fitting bash planned. Were going to kick it off. We cant kick it off without a little cake. A birthday cake. What do you say . We roll out do we have a cake . Bring in the cake. Oh. Oh. Michael. Happy birthday, dear robin thank you. Thank you. Oh, wow. Michael. A ton of other people you know here, too. Im a big girl now. This is great. I thank you. This is so sweet for you to take time. Youre a little busy. You have a day job, too. I have to go to work. But im not leaving without a piece of cake. I know its early in the morning. But its a birthday. That is beautiful. I think its going to be my favorite. Could it be . Oh. Youre a big boy. Let me get you some. Ill get you a piece. We know you have to get on your way. A nice slice of Red Velvet Cake for Michael Strahan. Oh. Thank you, michael. See you in 30 minutes. This is a wonderful a wonderful, wonderful barbara, jane, ben, you came in on the redeye. Thats why he has the glasses on. Derek, tom, just everyone here, surrounding us, you loved me through it. This is nancy, the one that tried to sell my car. I just want to thank everybody. Thank you for this wonderful moment. We feel blessed to be a part of today. And youre celebrating it in a way you do by giving back. Thats one of the things you want to celebrate today. All year long, weve been talking about be the match. And encouraging people to join the bone marrow registry. And 65,000 people have signed up, thanks to your efforts. More is coming right now. Robin is launching a brandnew psa. Take a look. Its my one year birthday. One year since i received the best gift i will ever get. A lifesaving Marrow Transplant from my big sister, sallyann. And right now, my first and only wish is simple. That you support the be the match marrow registry. If more people are on the registry, there will be more people who can find a marrow match. You have the power to save a life. And make somebody elses wish come true. Sam and josh, they got your first birthday cake. We have a couple more surprises for you. Joining us on the phone, your donor, your sister, sallyann. Such a huge part of this celebration. Shes the reason for this celebration. Sister sally. Sallyann, good morning to you. Can you hear me . Sallyann, are you there . I am here. And i just want to let you know, robin, how much i love you. How much our family loves you. And im so very happy that on this day, you are one year old. My baby sister. [ applause ] you said it, sallyann. And we see robin improving every, single day. I know a lot of people want to know, how are you, sallyann . Lara, i am doing well. Everyone needs to know that to be a donor, it is its like a walk in the park. It is so easy. I had no side effects, no problems whatsoever. And i just want to use this opportunity to tell people out there that there are so many who are waiting for a bone marrow match. And if you can, please join, be the match. And get on the registry. Save a life, do what you can to make this world better. And i want to thank abc for being there for my sister, robin. You have been her extended family. I want to thank everyone across the nation who prayed for my sister, who loved my sister and who supported my sister. And i want to everything that youve done for robin. I said i wasnt going to cry. I said i wasnt going to cry. In case youre wondering, this is sallyann at home, doing all that. This is it. One of the greatest things you see all year long, is all the people that have been helped by following this path. We have done stories, george. Weve seen where people have joined the registry. And weve seen them go and sister sally, im here sister. And people who are total strangers. And people have to realize, they think because i have a beautiful family and so blessed and were closer than ever now, all of us, all four children of lawrence and lucimarian roberts, only 30 of a chance that it will be a sibling. So, that means the vast majority of time, you need strangers. You need people who are willing to step up. And sallyann, the reason shes not here, shes a motivational speaker, in case you didnt guess. She had a commitment today in new orleans. And i just i thank you, sister, sally. I thank you for everything. Thank you for the gift of life. I want to thank god for what he has done in your life, robin. He has literally flipped the script. And my prayer for you, on this, your first birthday, is psalm one and three, that your leaf will never wither, and in all you do, you shall prosper. Amen. Sallyann, i will see you soon and dorothy and butch and all of the kids. I love you, sallyann. Thank you. Have a wonderful, wonderful day. Celebration. Thank you. How about a celebration song. If theres something that you can do at home while youre feeling wonderful like us right now, is get online, get that bethematch kit and send it in. What robin was just pointing out, were a human family. The match might not come from your brother or your sister or an immediate relative. It might come from someone in another country. It might come from someone that you never even imagined. Make sure that you get whoever you are, youre a match for somebody. We all did it. Its easy. It doesnt hurt. It takes two seconds. Youve got to do it. And everybody have cake for breakfast. Lets do a little bit of weather. It feels so good. Lets start with a sunny shot out of seattle, by the way. Why not . Why not start with a beautiful, sunny picture. And thank you, seattle, for sending it in. Park city, utah, a doublerainbow there. Its all good. When that little chill runs from the bottom of your spine at sunday at 4 44 p. M. , thats fall. Just working its way. Robins having such a nice time. Thats the weather around the na nchs good morning. Im mike nicco. Changing of the guard today. Increasing clouds this afternoon. Some drizzle along the coast and San Francisco to light rain be the match registry kit. Get them. Send them in. Send them in. Send them in. All that weather was brought to you by honda odyssey. Robin . Thank you, sam. Were going to move this Party Upstairs after gma. Okay . But also, the real celebration today is tennis great billie jean king. This marks the 40th anniversary of her historic battle of the sexes match with bobby riggs. Remember that . 40 years ago. It was back in the news recently, with accusations that riggs threw the match. Billie jean fought back. She was relaxed and funny. Were going to have more of it on this week. I had to ask her a little bit, because i was doing it for you, asking her about what fathers can do when they have little girls like you do. George has two adorable little girls, elliott and harper. What is your message to parents who are raising young women today . First of all, usually the father, like george, is their first hero. Moms a shero, but dads their first hero. I dont know if men realize how important they are to their daughter sometimes. But always tell your girls, like my dad did, that you can do anything. Im sure george is doing a great job. You or george . Who is going to go down . You or George Stephanopoulos . He beat me. Im not playing that much anymore. Oh, come on. That cant be it. I dont know. You have to take george down . Oh, no. I dont know who would win. I think his children are going to win. It goes back to. The same thing with you and serena. And you as a mother. Having him see a strong mother. It makes all the difference. And you, too, buddy. Billie went on and on. She talks about that moment, her last conversation with bobby riggs. You can see all of it on this week. Endlessly fascinating. Great to spend time with her. Coming up, my turn for bringing to breakfast. The perfect person. Im so excited about this. Everybody dancing to d. J. Kiss. What a week this has been. And my guest for coming to breakfast, is the perfect guest, given everything weve been talking about today, and celebrating today. Hes been called americas best short story writer. Hes become an unlikely internet sensation. If you havent heard of George Saunders yet, i hope you get to meet his moving works and listen to his wise words. What i regret most in my life are failures of kindness. Reporter what a simple thought. Be kind. The man giving that advice, George Saunders, Syracuse University professor, gifted writer. And now, with this graduation speech, an internet superstar. Do the extent you can, err in the direction of kindness. Reporter i was a huge fan of saunders work. His pose is crystal and packed with empathy. And then came that speech. Kindness is hard. Reporter he gave it in may. A few weeks later, the New York Times printed it. And then, it took off. Viewed more than 1 million times. Tweeted, blogs, facebook. Suddenly, kindness was hot. My girls are still a few years away from college. But i hope his words resonate with them as much as me. A graceful lesson for life. [ doorbell ] there he is right now. Welcome, George Saunders. [ applause ] nice to have you here. Thank you very much. Perfect, george. It is. Youre the man of the hour. George is celebrating today, too. This has been an incredible year for you. Your book tenth of december shoots to the of the best seller list at the beginning of the year. The speech goes viral. We found out yesterday you got nominated for the National Book award. Thats wonderful. Thats great. Yeah. Tell us about the commencement speech. I read that you didnt actually know the power of it from the first reaction. No. It was a nice reaction. But you know, as often when youre doing a thing like that, youre focused on the three people asleep. So, it was a nice reaction. And i went home and thought, im done. Now, i can get through my summer. And a couple months later, it kind of took off. It completely blew up. Where did it spring from . I know you sit down to write it. And theres something crystallizes. What is that . In this case, i had done the middle School Graduation for our daughter when she was graduating. So, i had that speech in mind. I thought, ill just crib from that. But i couldnt find it. And so, i thought, well, ill recreate it from memory. Part of it was, i had given a speech similar to a crowd that had both my daughters and my wife and all their friends. It was an intimate, affectionate, really frank speech. Thats where it carried over. In the speech, you talked about a little boy, i guess in seventh grade. The victim of bullying. Josh did this great piece earlier in the show about amber. And you werent even one of the bullies. But the fact that somehow you didnt do more suffered your entire life. I was pretty nice. I tried to be nice to her. When it got too hard, i did what we all do, which is sort of diplomatically withdraw. I wasnt mean at all. But i think maybe the reason it stuck with me is that was the first time i was ever aware of betraying the best part of myself. Before that, i was a pretty strong catholic kid and i thought, yeah. Im like jesus. And then, in that moment, just sort of for reasons of basic selfpreservation, i took a step away from that part. And i said, ill be back in a bit. Ill be back when it gets easy. And then, i think maybe it sticks with you the first time a lot of the emails i got were, i have one in my life, too. Maybe when we do that first little betrayal, it sticks with us. I printed out the speech. I have an almost 12yearold and almost 9yearold. It resonated with them. Its a life lesson, i think that not only College Graduates can take, but everyone. Its just words to live by. Full of hope. Its easier to get kind as you get older. As you get weak. Kindness is contagious. You smile at somebody on the street, and all of a sudden, they just it keeps going. George, thank you for your great story. Thank you. Please read the speech, everybody. Coming up, melissa leo is here. Warm up your home embracewith falls finest. Share all of your favorite t. J. Finds. At a price worth posting. See the real deal. Search hashtag maxxinista and see the brands people are scoring. T. J. Maxx. Registration please. Whats this . Uhh, its my Geico Insurance id card, sir. Its digital, uh, pretty cool right . Maybe. You know why i pulled you over today . Because im a pig driving a convertible . Tail lights out. Fix it. Digital insurance id cards. Just a click away with the geico mobile app. Welcome back, everybody. Great to be outside with our friends and melissa leo. She is starring in the gripping movie, prisoners opening today. Her character, the aunt of a young man who is a prime suspect in the abduction of two young girls. So happy to have oscar and brandnew emmywinner, melissa leo with us this morning. Just received an emmy, at the Creative Arts emmy. Its mostly, you know, workers, the unseen workers. And a handful of actor awards are given out last week. And this coming sunday. In the role in louis c. K. Exactly right. Congratulations on that. And this film. Talk to me about prisoners. It is very dark. Youre such a chameleon in every role you play. But what drew you to this project . I didnt want to do it, quite frankly. Its very dark water. You take people with their children dying or in this case, with them being abducted in a way. And its some serious water to get into. But Denis Villeneuve does such an excellent job, the filmmaking is so fine, you really get deeply into this story. So, yes. A gripping thriller from the moment it begins quietly in the woods. Its really a film noir, a genre we havent seen in quite a bit. What you think, is not what is. Thats all ill say. Jake gyllenhaal was on the other day. Hes phenomenal in the film. Hugh jackman is also in it. And jake told me, despite how scary and serious, quite light on the set. So much fun making it. Denis villeneuve, the director, again, is the captain of the ship, right . And hes just such a loving guy to all of us, made us all feel we were cared about. And you really hear it as you go around and do the press. But every other actor had the same experience. Dark water. But safely held by our fearless leader. In a nutshell, one word. Hugh jackman, jake gyllenhaal, two of the biggest hunks in hollywood. How was it to work with them . Heaven. What can you say . Heaven. Melissa leo, also heaven. A great role. A great film. Prisoners in theaters everywhere today. Thanks, melissa. Well be right back. The california teachers association. 150 years of making a difference that lasts a lifetime. , wglossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. The only thing we have to fear is. Fear itself. Yeah, baby. A program note before we go. Lenny venito is here. Star of abcs hit, the neighbors second season. 8 30, 7 30 central here on abc. Brilliant stuff. Watch it tonight. 8 30. Its going to be some show. Fans, all of us. One final happy birthday to robin. Party upstairs. Party upstairs. Party upsta Party Upstairs. Good morning. Im kristen sze. Emirates Team New Zealand still one win away from capturing the americas cup when racing resumes this afternoon. Oracle team usa held off elimination by winning yesterday. Race 13 postponed at the lastminute due to high winds. A change in the weather though is coming. Heres meteorologist mike nicco. Good morning. The big story, the cooler temperatures today from 60s along the coast in San Francisco and richmond, 70s elsewhere, few 80s in the east bay valleys. Temperatures will be even cooler tomorrow in your accuweather sevenday forecast. For the evening hours, some drizzle along the coast, San Francisco and north bay. The rest of us light rain tonight. Check on traffic in hayward. Accident at the 880 connector. Watch for slowing at the h. O. V. Lane blocked and look at the Golden Gate Bridge here, camera shows a lot of announcer its live with kelly michael. Today, from the new drama, hostages, dylan mcdermott. And from the new comedy, brooklyn ninenine, andre braugher. Plus, your questions and comments when the cohosts open up the inbox. All next on live. Now, here are kelly ripa and Michael Strahan [cheers and applause] kelly

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