Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20171116

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680, 24, 4 and 80 from el cerrito. put this into motion, can you see we're still loaded with plenty of mich. here's the day planner, steady rain, becoming scattered by noon, scattered at 4:00, and isolated at 7:00, mid 50s now, log 50s hear. multiple accidents on the roadways -- conditions with a lot of standing water out there. so let's get to it. we have a brand-new accident just reported in. this goes a big rig blocking two blaine of traffic. traffic is already stacking up towards fairfield. three separate sig alerts and counting. multiple lanes blocked here with the sig alert. we have a sig alert issued in san francisco, and cars are coming in hot there. very dangerous conditions there, and an overturned blocking the middle lane, northbound 280, about of serramonte. slow those speeds down. guys? >> great advise. this is close to 280, yeah, you can see the steady rain coming down. matt keller has been tracking the conditioning all morning long in the south bay. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, reggie and natasha. we've been seeing a consistent rainfall for the last two hour or so. it's really added up. we have some big puddles here. that's a big problem on the roads, as sue's been talking about, especially if you are hydroplaning, you can lose control and cause crashes out there. here's another piece of advice. don't end up like this. yeah, it's never a good morning when your commute includes a chp car pushing your car off the road. they on the santa clara county side. two vehicles were involved. no one was hurt. i just checked with the chp. no crashes right now on either side, but of course the commute is just kicking in. take a look at this video of some of the downpours. it can get heavy at times. i know the rainfall totals here in the south bay haven't been that impressive, but when it does come down like this, we're seeing problems on the roadways on highway 85 there. we're talking about 101 and shoreline, and major sures. i just checked the pg & e website, gilroy being the lone exception there. 181 outages in gilroy. they're working on that problem, pg & e is, and they expect to have power restored by 7:15. matt keller, abc 7 news. matt, thank you, a big danger in the north bay, mudslides and potential flooding. >> santa rosa, many of the plastic storm pipes melted in the fires last month. work has begin to replace them with metal piping. transportation and public works crews are being staffed 24/7, and they're going block by block, checking for any potential trouble spots. >> they were starting to pond, but i was there to clear the drain. >> crews are also expecting hidsides and there's concern it may be more prone to landslides as well. rain is also falling steadily in the east bay. a steady rain fell starting at about 8:00 p.m. it seemed to catch some people -- yes, they're out shopping and caught a little off-guard. here it is live desk all morning long i've been keeping mea eyes on the pg & e website. i want to give you a pretty big update. a the lo of outages were small and they have gotten smaller, but i do want to call attention to one in fremont that was just reported a short time ago, where there was nearly about 3,000 people there without power right now. pg & e investigating exactly why this is unclear right now if this is because of all the rain. for the most part, though, in the bay area, you heard matt mention the outage in gilroy. those outages have been relatively small, but we had this big one in fremont being reported. this is a resource we have on our website for you if you'd like to take a closer look. it's interactive, and can you look at your own neighborhood. natasha, back to you. >> thank you. sandbag stations are open in the north bay. we have a list of the sites on our website for you, kevin kennedy shared this for theo with us, showing the rain drops youths the #abc7now. a reminder to post your photos, so they can end up. make sure you're in a safe place before you snap a photos. on sunday randall saito escaped from a mental hospital near honolulu, chartered a flight to maui, then made his way to stockton yesterday. from there saito called yellow cab for a ride to reno. joe martin, owner of the cab company didn't want to have his face shown. he told us the driver had suspicions that the customer was saito. >> i told the dispatch this morning, if he calls for me, i'm not -- i don't want nothing to do with that, because that's the guy. my boss called me and he's like, are you sure? and i go, i'm 100% sures. i'm 100%. >> ten minutes later deputies spotted the cab. when he realized they were on to him he said, quote, yep, they got me. a live update with jessica castro. >> just in this morning, brand-new allegations of inappropriate behaviorally actor kevin spacey. and this time at london's old vic theater. the theater said they know of 20 allegations. the incidents were reportedly between the years of 1995 and 2013. and these new allegations come after an investigation was started last month amid reports being circulated about about spacy's behavior while he was artistic director. spacy is one of the biggest napes in hollywood to lose work and reputation in hollywood lately, and his mega-hit on netflix, "house of cards" fired him along with his talent agency and publicist. a south berkeley elementary school will soon have a new name. the school board reported to move the name honoring the question made by parents. he was a 19th century geologist and also a slave owner munition suppliers to the coned for rae. a special off to sgloosh yes, it is wet this morning. make we will get there. yes? no, that is the location of leconte element tear. we're going to keep weather we're going to keep weather and traffic informa now an accuweather alert. >> it's no longer a storm watch. this is an alert. look at the moderate rain falls. moving into marin doubt and also along the peninsula coast. out and about. it would be better this afternoon. we have 52 in d amount ly city. and most of us in the mid to upper 50s, even a 60 in san jose upper 50s, even a 60 in san jose with our high temperatures today 40 there, the rest of us about 45 to 52 degrees. next here's sue. westbound 80% 680, then we have three separate sig alerts, back to mountainview before shoreline. we have flooding in lanes, and near the 80 split. appear on the peninsula, in the serramonte area, an overturn, and a new accident reported southbound just before 380, that's also on 280, so not a good alternate. everywhere is slow and go. >> sue, thank you. the storm certainly an inconvenience, but for people who are homeless, it can be a disaster. the aid for people who call san jose's coyote creek home. also sold to the highest bitter. after just press clean and roomba from irobot gets to work using two multi-surface brushes and power-lifting suction to grab and remove everything from fine dust to large debris. daily dirt doesn't stand a chance. you and roomba from irobot. better together. there'that only uses 100% american oranges.and simply orange and tropicana ship in juice from overseas. only florida's natural grows all of our oranges in florida. great taste. naturally. ...just go to bed." aveeno® positively radiant® overnight facial. get the benefits of a spa facial... ...overnight. aveeno®. 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(giggling) robitussin dm max. because it's never just a cough. what if there was only one emoji? now what if there was only one mattress? one is not a choice. choose your mattress with tulo. everything you want in a bed, in a box. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wow! nice outfit. when i grow up, i'm going to mars. we're working on that. some people know how far they want to go. a personalized financial strategy can help you get them there. see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. what if there was only one haircut? now what if there was only one mattress? one is not a choice. choose your mattress with tulo. everything you want in a bed, in a box. the storm impact scale. today's storm is level 2. that means moderate rain, so gear up before you go out, and drive safely. track today's storm anytime on the abc 7 news app. download it now. >> yes, you can see that level 2 storm still making its way through the bay area. plan some extra time for your commute this morning. >> live doppler 7 thoughs where the rain is now. mike is back with the forecast in just a couple minutes. a san jose pastor is reminding us not to forget. >> pastor wagers dropped off for a and basic necessities yesterday. since that area is prone to flooding, he says it's also important to keep homeless people updated. >> they're cut off from civilization, basically, trying to survive. i have to go out to the front lines, boots on the ground to try to tell them a storm is coming. >> if you'd like to help, he is accepting tarps, towels and blank either. north bay fire victims getting some extra help from the rail transit. the agency plans to pass on two different types of limited passes. one would be those affected by the fires and are getting free rides through the end of the year. the other pass is aimed at businesses impacted by the disaster. it allows a free one-way ride for every $25 spent at participating santa rosa area businesses during the next two weekend. go to for details on how and when those passes will be detroited. a rare painting has fetched a record price. >> $400 million. >> yep, you can hear that reaction to the winning bid. it sold for more than $450 million. that extra $50 million for fees. we told you yesterday it may sell for upwards of $100 million. the painting was lost for centuries, and it was on exhibit in san francisco last month. so a pretty penny. >> you will not be seeing that hanging anywhere near my house, but congrats to whoever has it. >> that's quite a buy? purchase? i could say steal, not with that money. hopefully if you needed tires you bought them, or windshield wipers, they're definitely getting a workout this morning. i compared it to riding on a camel with roller skates, that was my commute this morning. an inch to 2 inches across the north bay, so the storm is starting to approach the levels we talked about yet, but it's been downgraded to a 2, because of threat of flooding, here's a look at san rafael. definitely not the richmond side of the bridge. look how wet that is. moderate rain and then scattered showers today, and our next storm, the strength is starting. you can see definitely the yellows and oranges. just moving through colma and daly city. we have a moderate shower that will put some puddles on 101. the rain has tapered just to lighter intensity for now, but there's definitely more moisture on the way. as you can see it extends all the way out several hundred miles. so we have several more hours of this. let's go by it. there's the clock at the right-hand part of your screen. still moderate, rain, embedded downpours. now as we get towards noon, it's mainly from about the dumbarton bridge southward. elsewhere we'll be transitioning over. the south bay will join the rest of us by 4:00 this afternoon. you can see some yellows in there. there could be a brief burst, if you will, of moderate rain in those scattered showers. they become isolated overnight to almost nonexistent, but there will be residual moisture on the roads during the commute. you can see the clearing taking place toward the end of the commute right up to noon. sunshine and a quick drying. here's my accuweather seven-day forecast. low to mid 60s today. after starting off in the 40s and 50s. we'll end up in the 50s and 60s. 30s and 40s for lows saturday morning and mid 60s then, mid 60s sunday, notice the absence of a storm impact scale monday and tuesday. sue? >> we are very busy on roads have standing water causing for real treacherous conditions. web 80, cordelia, and i want to show you, i put the radar over the top of this so you can see that the yellows and oranges to the right of 80, that just came through the area there, so the traffic is definitely slow, the greens also mean rain as well. let's go back to the peninsula, sig alert number one. the tow truck is arriving on scene there. you will find slow traffic. san francisco flooding and a sig alert issued for the 101 split. we had an accident in lanes there, and cars are coming in fast. sig alert number three on the peninsulas, that's an overturned vehicle, and the tow trust just got on scene there. we are seeing some traffic, and we'll take a look, zoom in on that slow traffic. check it out. it's just bumper to bumper with or 3-d view. it's mimicking the volume on the actual roadway there. so slow and go, 101 for the a great alternate there, either. >> sue, thank you. fans of the vans warp tour, we have bad news, the tour is calling it quits. when you'll be able to see the very last concert. also new this morning, a major deal just announced to turn a private accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer, and like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who's mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it. yes, you can see the slick roadways on the imparts terro. a level 2 storm is tracking through now. just search accuweather in your app store to download it for free. construction is set to begin next year on a plan to revamp the dogpatch neighborhood. he says it would create 3,000 units of housing, nine acres of new parks and an arts community new parks and an arts community center. my parents would never let me go, and almost it's too late. vans warp tour tells "billboard" the warp tour will end in 2018 after 24 years because of clining ticket sales and shrinking pool of bands. they have not booked the bands, and they're hoping some of the past bands will come back. katy perry, and blink-182, black-eyed peas. i'm so bummed. >> it was mostly an alternative. >> yeah, an alternate-rock, definitely my whole middle and high school year, end of an era. one more chance. we are live in santa rhossa checking the conditions of the areas burned by the north bay fires. here are my concerns. notice there's a lot less than they were yesterday flooding on the burn cars, debris flows, mudslides, trees down and power outages, all low now. big concerns for the standing water. we're getting reports of an overturn accident approaching the robin williams tunnel in the robin williams tunnel in sausalito with a left lane block we can now repair complex at saortic aneurysmsare, without invasive surgery. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for varicose veins. and if we can precisely treat eye cancer with minimal damage to the rest of the eye, imagine what we can do for glaucoma, even cataracts. if we can use dna to diagnose the rarest of diseases, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you. good morning bay area. let's get up and get going. now at 6:30, we have to get right to live doppler up. you can see the storm is indeed shifting south. >> this is what it looks like in san jose. a very wet highway 101. if you're heading out the door, get ready for a slow commute. >> good morning. thanks for joining us on this thursday. this is the play to get you ready, and we're going to kick it off with mike nicco. >> if people would slow down, their commute wouldn't be that slow. >> as busy as i have this morning, i do have good news, at 3:00 the wind advisories expired. street flooding is still an issue. some of our heaviest rain pulling away from pittsburg, antioch, oakley, brentwood. that will move up 160. we have embedded moderate rain all way down towards oakland, and more rain is on the way, as you can see. still coming at's. flight arrival delays, they're up to one hour right now at 33 minutes. let me show you the accuweather -- becoming scattered by noon, and then isolated at 7:00. here 'sue. >> busy morning out there, lots of standing water, puddles, ponding, hike roe planing. we have southbound 101 before shoreline, still with a sig alert issue here. we do have a sig alert in san francisco with flooding and an accident off to the shoulder. very slow traffic from 280 all the way into the city. southbound 280 before 380 an accident. if you're going to sfo, expect delays via 28 on. 101 is not much better. unfortunately we have a problem there. this overturn before the robin williams tunnel over the waldo grade, it's blocking the fast lane southbound 101. >> the danger is still in the fire zones. >> the concern -- possibly mudslides. amy hollyfield is live for us in santa rosa this morning. >> hi, reggie, so far, so good. we've been driving around, checking out the area. so has city crews. joining me now live is the assistant city fire marshal, paul loewen thal, what have you seen? > geffen what we were expecting we had crews to continue to monitor throughout the night. the report is relatively quiet. the rainfall seemed to shift to our south, and we did report some minor issues in the coffey park area, related to clogged drains. >> nothing major from that? >> not a this point in time. >> reporter: what was your reaction, you and your crews worked very hard for this moment, this test. >> we were expecting a pretty significant storm. we ramped up and have taken this seriously. it's a sigh of relief that we didn't get the heavy rain. >> reporter: okay. thank you so much. happy for you, so happy for the residents here who have been through so much. weep getting a light drizzle right now, about tut does seem the heavy downpour has moved through the area. they'll be watching today to see if if any more storms rupe up >> that is encouraging. amy, thank you. sanity rosa officials are urging residents to sign up for alerts in case you do need to evacuate quickly. this is through nixle. you'll start getting immediate notification from local fire and police. an area in san francisco that is known for flooding has extra help. >> uses water to prevent flooding. crews installed these temporary flood barriers at 17th and follow com streets yet, even weighing about 400 pounds, filled with water. they're temporary flood barrier that interlock to seal out water. >> i'm glad they're doing this for the safety of our community. >> barriers are part of a new initiative called rain ready sf, and it also includes adopt-a-drain program. we spokes posted a link to the program on our website. the city of walnut -- crews have spent two weeks clearing storm drains with vacuum trucks and inspecting and cleaning all and inspecting and cleaning all the >> we have live doppler 7 behind us, where rain-slick roads are making a commute an intense one. >> he's live for us in loss gatot. matt? >> good morning. i found the solution to staying dry and staying warm during these downpours, and that's being inside a coffee shop. i'm just going to sneak out here. i'm going to hide this. but as you come out. you have a light show going on right now. it's been light shower to moderate showers all morning long here in los gatos. take a look at some of the downpours earlier this morning. several crashes in the area, the latest one a traffic hazard at 85 and union. earlier two vehicles on their sides ended up blocking all of those northbound lanes. all lanes were reopened at 6:15. you ask see a lot of puddles here in los gatos around the parking lot. i actually got a text from my mom. she watched my acstory and report on tv. she tested and ai saw you playing in your puddles. i hope your shoes aren't all well. mom, i'm wearing waterproof shoes, and i recommend it for everyone going out there today. reporting live in los gatos, matt keller, abc 7 news, my mom just texted med and told me you looked very handsome this morning, so there you go. our moms should meet. >> i love your mom. thank you. >> my mom is silent. download the abc 7 news app to track doppler 7 anytime for the rain that's hitting us right now, including exactly where matt seems to be. you is monitor the forecast on the do. >> tehama county authorities say the shooter illegally acquired gun parts and semdibled his own assault rifles. he was prohibited from owning guns by court order. investigators have now discovered the body of his wife, the fifth victim of that murder spree. she had been shot and hiding under the floorboards. hundreds of people gathered to remember the victims. grief counselor were on hand. now, a live desk update. at the live desk this morning, i'm still tracking this story. charles manson is back in the hospital this morning, and it's amid reports he may be near death. they have not said in exactly what condition. tmz is reporting manson's health is deteriorating and doctors say he is getting worse. man son was hospitalized in january for a lesion in his intestines. i'll keep tracking the story. let's start with a look at live doppler 7. i was checking out sfo to find out if the arrival times are still an hour and 30 minutes, so make sure you check in. look for some slippery conditions across there, and also where 280 and 4 meet, just near concourt, pacheco, that's where we're seeing moderate rain, so some of knotts on-ramps and off-ramps. you can see around santa clair, and cupertino, we have some moderate rain rolling across your neighborhoods. this is the way it looks, yeah, light to moderate rain continues to fall. it would through the morning commute. standing wear, mass transit puddle jumping, so have your boots on, and small craft advisories if you're going to be around the ferry building. the temperatures are pretty much the same much where, so it's kind of mild this morning, low to mid 60s. 6 on to 65 today. tonight with partial clearing, low 40s in the north bay, mid 40s to near 50 for the rest of us. if you're heading to sierra, the winter storm warning is still in play. up to three feet of snow on the mountains. what and i want with wonderland that is. >> we should check in on chp with the chain requirement. last time i checked there were none. we have two sig alerts. we had three at one point. so northbound near the 80 split, there's flooding in the roadway there. the new sig alert is in the napa area. it apparently was a truck carrying chickens. the chicken did not cross the road, they have assured me. before ramal, there's a detour in place there, and traffic is being routed around we had an earlier accident that damage is done here. and an overturn in marine. before the robin williams tunnel, blocking the fast lane. meanwhile, traffic is stacked up toward the richardson bay bridge in the sauce sauce lita, maybe take a fehrly this morning, it might be a good way to go. we'll update in a few minutes. a potential breakthrough and update on the gene editing. a new stretch of the san mateo county coast that is difficult to get to is getting a new life. the deal just announced to turn a private piece of land into a public treasure. but first here's what's coming up at 9:00 with kelly and ryan. >> good morning. >> hello there. >> they talk about the final season of "scandal". >> and jerry irons from "justice league." in just a few minutes. today's storm is level 2. that means moderate rain, so gear up before you go out. drive safely. track well it's a perfect nespresso hold on a second.orge. mmm. ♪ [mel torme sings "comin' home baby"] hey there. want a lift? ♪ where are we going? no don't tell me. let me guess. ♪ have a nice ride. ♪ how far would you go for coffee that's a cup above? i brought you nespresso. nespresso. what else? is the home of "wow" savings. "wow" means you save 50% or more. there are three stages of "wow". denial. - is this price right? - acceptance. and boooyah! wait for it. boooyah has three "o's". ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ - assorted flavors of gourmet table talk pies are buy 1, get 1 free. our storm is still 2, a moderate. you can see a transition, starting to move towards the peninsula with a more solid of the -- as we figured it would during the morning commute. the good news is all of this for the morse part is out of here by the evening hours, so join the great fund-raising at at&t park. if you're tired of the rain already, our next storm for monday, tuesday, wednesday, really starting to taper. more coming up. happening today the weather may dampen a planned celebration, a completion of repairs to mo raga's sinkhole. abc 7 news was there last week as they completing the repairs. neighbors have been trying to make the best of the long closure. that balloon there, that was a local business owner who put up a display to mark the first birth day. >> from the lift dec. this morning, a major land grab. it was just announce that peninsula open sprays trust bought the beach for $5 million. it's a 58-acre part of beachfront property there, located between tunitas creek road and hint 1. the goal in the acquisition is to preserve, rehabilitation and prepare the property for safe public use. the entire property had been in private owner for over 100 years, but became environmentally degraded because of unsafe and unmanaged public use, and for you the trust is looking to raise $10 million to fund rest talk projects such as safe public access, trails, parking and rest rooms, all in that area. so pretty cool. back to you. >> jess, thank you. for the first time ever, scientists have tried editing genes inside the body. it happened in oakland. the procedure is an attempt to permanently change a person's dna to hopefully cure their disease. the patient is brian matto. he suffers from hunter's syndrome. >> it cuts dna at a specific point and inserts the code for this missing enzyme so that the cell itself will begin to produce that >> long-term risks are not known. if it works, the method could be used to treat our metabolic disorders. the cost of your thanksgiving dinner already less. >> $49.12 if you are hosting ten people. that is down 75 cents from last year, the biggest savings will come from turkey, milk and dinner rolls. it tracks the prices of 12 staples. >> what? i want to know where they're shopping. >> not in the bay area, my friend. >> if you're thinking about buying the new i want phone, you may want to wait until next weekend. discounts are being offered. if you buy a phone, you will get a gift card, walmart offering the biggest deal here, a $300 gift card. all the deals require you siren a service contract. tessa tweeted this short video yesterday promoting the big unveiling at 8:00 this evening. earlier in the week elon musk called it, quote, unreal. something like it will literally blow your minds. >> we'll see what happens. you won't guess the inspiration for steph curry's shoes. >> if you think you've seen that pattern before, yes, you have. inspired by the christmas sweater worn that i about the dance cam mom, robin schreiber. she earned her fame showing off her moves last year. >> we love her so much, we thought we would pull this out about dancing with our sports director. he did well, with one exception form the fingers are a little wrong. her magic is all in the fingers. >> his extension needs -- but maybe larry can watch this playback and adjust for his next experience. >> it's a detail, but the details are important, huh i. mike? >> his fingers are a little meatier than hers. here's a look at san jose, 101 and 88 on. steady rain continues. we'll change to showers this afternoon. clearing, cooler from north to south, and our next storm is falling apart. we have los gatos and 17, there you go, there's the latest update heading towards 85, and will continue thus campbell and los gatos, so more puddles on the way for you. right around berkeley kensington, right there on 3580 and 80, the east bay freeway, we have some puddles. and under these yellows, which aren't kneelly as solid as they used to be. the steady rain will head to the south bay let's see where yellow goes. then it transitions over to lighter rain by noon, while the rest of us you are transitioning as to scattered showers. everybody has scattered showers at 4:00 all the way through 7:00. it may pick up, but notice we lose the intensity. what brief moderate rain may come out dissipates during the evening hours. the whiteness, those are the clouds dissipating as we head through tomorrow 30s and 40s for low saturday and sunday morning. it looks dry right now. notice monday and tuesday there's still a chance of rain, but now it's just a chance, not a guarantee. you can see the storm impact is gone. >> five sig alerts, and we have a new one, too. slow traffic is the red on your screen, which is pretty much all over the bay area. there's floodling, there's been an accident out there for quite some time. sig alert in the napa area, northbound 121 before there was a chuck carrying chickens that flipped over. the chickens are fine, but the roadway not so much. they have a detour in place. the new sig alert. there is an overturned vehicle and two other vehicles in a crash there. let's zoom in on the backup with the 3-d camera that mickics the volume, you are bumper to bumper back into marin city richardson bay bridge. sorry. by fruitvale, we have a problem there, too. >> thank you, sue. this morning the recreation and parks commission will possibly take action again. the city has been facing backlash over the name. critics say he drove the poor and minorities from their homes. last month the commission vote 4-3 to rename the plaza. the problem is the vote didn't count. one of the commissioners left the meeting and was in and out actually there. the commercial crabbing season began just yet. lawyers for bioloam cal diversity say whales die a slow and painful death. the center says state foibles are allowing thousands of crab pots to be placed in whale hot spots. we're back in 90 seconds. we're back in 90 seconds. >> we're keeping you up to we're back in 90 seconds. >> we're keeping you up to what if there was only one paper? now what if there was only one mattress? one is not a choice. choose your mattress with tulo. everything you want in a bed, in a box. what if there was only one pet? now what if there was only one mattress? one is not a choice. choose your mattress with tulo. everything you want in a bed, in a box. here's seven things to know before you go. the first is weather. here's a look at live doppler 7. you can see the steady rain starting to transfer over to scattered showers, but i think we'll see that in the day planner. ed second thing is the weather is not cooperating with weather is not cooperating with your morning commute. two other cards involved. and there are -- >> never a good morning, when xwhur commute includes this is highway 17 in the santa cruz merchandise. >> number four, crews are going block to block in santa rosa's neighborhood. they're fluking for trouble spots. so far they haven't hi in problem. number five, the man called a homicidal psychopath featses an extradition hearing tomorrow to return him back to hawaii. police finally caught him in stockton yesterday. six -- new allegations every inappropriate behavior by kevin spacey. an investigation found 20 allegations between 1995 and 2013. he worked as an artistic director there. number 7, tome bigins over who owns the right to the classic board games "the game of life." if i were the judge, i would say, just play the game and whoever wins, wins. >> bingo. >> simple. >> we continue online, on twitter, facebook, and all your devices. >> why do we think of -- >> that's why you two are over there. right? 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