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how is that translating for bay area job seekers? in our top story at 7:00. we are at a construction site that should boost the economy, john? >> reporter: frank, that building behind me is a business that is set to generate hundreds of new jobs, called casino matrix. within weeks some of the unemployed will be employed in the gaming industry. >> reporter: it is going up near the airport. set to open february 1st and employ 270 people. the owner toldy me by phone all of the makers will make between $40 and $70,000 a year including tips that is jackpot for people out of work. >> i thought i was going to find a job sooner. i have been through this several times now. in the past five years. >> reporter: this is a work to feature a 1-stop center. it features 100 job seekers a day in the computer workshops. >> how to rewrite your resume. how to perform in a job extra view and give you the skills. >> reporter: the news of the drop of unemployment from 9-8% is welcomed news here. >> it gives me hope to keep on getting up for work and go out. >> a loot of people come into the office that are wanting to know where there unemployment is or they are looking for employment or they are tired of looking for employment and maybe have possibly give up. that is just a little criticism 3,000 job seekers that are no longer counted. they are holding this job fare on monday for anyone who needs a job, back to you. >> despite the day's impressive job numbers flat lined dow and nasdaq were unchanged. they posted the best weekly gains. the dow was up 7% for the week and the nasdaq was up 7.5%. occupy protesters in san francisco is on the move tonight. this afternoon the police kept a close eye on dozens of protesters as they marched from the material building through downtown. they stopped at a verizon store to show support for employees who are ark tempting to unionize there. a representative from the mayor's office says that at some point the justin herman plaza will be shutdown but does not give a time frame. protesters say it will not stop us. >> our future is with expansion. >> reporter: today, the police chief told us that last night's action to set up barricades was an a tempt to set aside space for pedestrians. two people ended up being arrested. occupy protesters marched in san jose. this small group met at 4th and santa clara street and marched to several financial institutions, they are planning events throughout the weekend. you can find more coverage of the occupy protest, including why tensions frayed this morning, as justin herman plaza by clicking on our tab. >> two days of high strong winds as repair crews are still removing trees from power lines and homes. in fact we got off of the phone with pg&e that is as right now more than 16,000 homes are still without power. robert honda tells us what caused so many power outages. >> a lot of old gigantic trees in the mountains were knocked over by the wind in two days, many on top of power lines and homes. quite a few close calls, one of the biggest trees toppled over in brookdale. the 150 foot douglas fur is being taken apart. the homeowners nearly got crushed by the tree. >> my crews are on a couple of other jobs right now and we get a call about this giant fur tree on the house. the lady was lucky. she was laying 1 1/2 feet away from where it hit. >> reporter: scotts valley was hit hard by the winds with the trees falling on power lines causing outages, this tree caused roof damage to this home and no injuries. another 100 foot tree fell near this golf course. one mountain resident was impressed but not surprised when he looked at the tree roots. >> a root base for such a big tree. and, very happy i was not under it. there was just too much. the resistance of a big tree with little root base it is cause for damage. >> reporter: repair crews expect to be in the santa cruz mountains throughout the weekend. they are glad they are getting a reprieve from the wind because they got a lot of big jobs ahead of them. robert honda, ktvu channel 2 news. >> the high winds left behind a path of destruction bringing trees down all over the area. one fell on a house in the oakland hills. three homes were crushed by the trees in santa cruz county and awe fourth in vaccaville. some trees were weakened by root damage and easily blown over by strong winds. can we expect more strong winds tonight? we have the weather forecast ahead in just 16 minutes. high winds are blamed for the death of a biologist along the coast. the director of the wildlife society says a biologist was killed when a tree fell wednesday afternoon in big sir. the 35-year-old was the field supervisor for the organization's condor recovery program. he died of blunt force trauma. gusts of up to 70 miles aphour battered that area on wednesday. a man was hospitalized today after he jumped from a burning apartment building. the fire started at 1:00 this afternoon at an apartment complex on country brook loop. the wind made the fire difficult to fight. a firefighter on the scene says the man who jumps was alert when the paramedics found him. he was then taken to john mehr medical center. no one else was injured. the cause is under investigation. the woman accused of killing michelle lei appeared in court for the first time since giving birth. the 27-year-old stood behind protective glass at the hall of justice. the judge gave her legal team additional time for discovery before she has to enter a plea. she is set to enter the plea on january 6th. according to her attorney she gave birth to a boy early last week. the sheriff's departments are hoping surveillance video, from outside of a gas station, will help them find whoever put an infant in a trash can. a man looking for aluminum cans outside of a station found the infant wrapped in a blanket last night and called 911. firefighters responded and found that the infant was dead. the investigators at this point have note released its gender. >> a infant newborn child based off of today's autopsy the baby was full term but the cause of death is still pending based off of test from the pathologist. >> the authorities are checking hospital records for recently pregnant woman. california safe surrender law allows for newborns to be dropped off at hospitals or select fire stations without the parents prosecuted. the man accused of running over a bay area firefighter with his car on thanksgiving morning was in court today. 22-year-old edwarda escoval pled not guilty to three felony charges. he is accused of hitting a man. the incident followed a fight between the two men at a nearby jack-in-the-box. the man remains in critical condition tonight. he is a seasonal firefighter for cal fire and a former marine. new information on the shooting in oakland that left a toddler critically injured. they detaoeupbed five people in questioning. they are held on unrelated charges. in the meantime, the mayor, the police chief and community leaders were all out in the community tonight handing out flyers and went around the community asking anyone with any information to come forward. the little boy who was shot is making progress, according toes his family, but remains in critical condition. a top member of the san francisco fire department tells ktvu news that the department will fight the citations cal osha injured that are rei lated to the death of two firefighters. six months ago today two firefightersy responded to a house fire in the city's diamond heights neighborhood. perez died that day due to injuries suffer inside a flash over. valario died two days later. they issued several citations alleging the department failed to follow safety procedures for its workers. >> they told us these violations do not imply that our department was at fault for the members parishing. >> reporter: they are face 21,000 in fines. the department is still working on its own investigation into the deaths. the sheriff's department is warning of a lottery scam targeting the elderly. a woman in her 70s was approached by two men at the trader joe's parking lot in san car loss. the man offered -- carlos. the man offered her part of the lottery winning. they got her in the van where she retrieved money. scammers often say they need money for paying for taxes on winnings. a bold smash and grab. tonight, new information on the men who did it. this is protected open space, but the public is being asked to come here to cut down christmas trees. i will explain. record heat today across parts of the bay area. coming up, though, the winds will be making a comeback in the areas that are under a wind advisory and the one direction that the temperatures will be heading this weekend ♪ going to the bank without going to the bank... that's a step forward. with chase quickdeposit on your smartphone, you just snap a picture, hit send and done. chase quickdeposit. take a step forward and chase what matters. ♪ we just keep on keepin' on ♪ ♪ keep on . we have video of a stpharb smash and grab. the authorities say those two men ordered workers to get on the ground before using sledge hammers to break the display cases and take the jewelry. the police say they took off in a stolen car. last month the officers arrested ryan mcknight and robert shapira for the robbery. the men are suspects in three similar robberies in southern california. herman cain is expected to make an announcement tomorrow. there is speculation he will end his bid. his once leading campaign has been rocked by accusations of an extra martial affair and sexual harassment. today he says his wife and family come first and he has to take them into consideration. the announcement will follow a meeting with donors and supporters. a new and high stakes effort to salvage a breast cancer drug called avaston. the usda stopped their support. member of congress are now considering intervening. >> reporter congressional leaders want to ensure the government's own insurance. medical covers it if your insurance does not cover it you would be forced to pay $90,000 a year. this congresswoman, a breast cancer survivor, is forcing the fda to be less cautious for the worst off of cancer patients. >> they literally are not taking any risk anymore. and my concern is if there are people whose lives are being saved by this they should have the opportunity. >> reporter: the fda held hearings in june and heard hours and hours before pulling the support. they said the data showed it was not effective for advanced breast cancer and that it raised the rink of terrible side effects including high blood pressure and heart attack. breast cancer patient, with whom we spoke to, many woman she knows are outraged but should not be? the fda studies are strong and should not be overturned. >> we have to be careful about not lowering the bar and i think they made a very wise decision even though it is very emotional for individual patients. >> as this battle rages on there is a growing list of congress that want medicare to pay for it for breast cancer patients who are on medicare. in washington, ktvu channel 2 news. dozens of bay area soldiers are celebrating a happy homecoming tonight. [cheers and applause] >> more than 60 soldiers from the national guard all arrived and greeted with family and friends after spending nearly 10 months overseas in iraq. the men and woman are part of the 297th medical company that provided for care fore coalition forces. -- for coalition forces. >> it is stressful people dealing with rockets, bombs, issues at home. >> definitely a life-changing experience for sure. >> this was the final unit of the california national guards who returned from iraq. the 297th completed their mission would suffering a single casualty. in a news conference at san jose city hall plaza the unions representing police officers and firefighters today, presented a proposal they, they say, will -- that they say, will roll back the pensions to 1996. they are hoping to head off a reform that church reed proposed. the at the next meeting they are expected to decide to declare a fiscal emergency and put his measure on the ballot. back on the economy watch now, new numbers that show amazon is taking a bite out of apple's share when it comes for the battle of tablets. amazon will ship four million kindle fire in the 4th quarter. it gives the company 13.8% of the global tablet business. apple controls 66.6% of the market. it is down from almost 70% in the third quarter. san francisco based online game maker, zinga. they plan to sell shares between $8.50 and $10 a piece. that puts them at $7 billion. the stock should go on sale on stkpw-pl 16th. groupon and pandora are trading at or below their price. airfare is going up as the travel season gets into full swing. it will raise fares by $10 per ticket. this is the latest in a series of fare hikes that airlines imposed this year. industry analysts say the fare hikes indicate they are seeing strong demand for travel dispaoeut the weak economy. all right, if you have not gotten your christmas tree yet there is a way to get one tomorrow for free. how can you do that? and you can help the environment at the same time. >> reporter: the ring mountain open space nature preserve. people forbidden it to remove anything. so, why is the public invited to cut downy trees here tomorrow? >> down trees here tomorrow? >> it is not normally allowed at all. these trees are invading the natural communities here. >> reporter: about 50 pines selected for removal. >> when they start to move into the grass land they out take the plants we are protecting. >> reporter: we found people looking for the red tagged trees like this 14 foot monterey pine. now, that is a christmas tree. >> i think i got one that i am going to show a picture to my wife and sey if she, you know, approves of it. >> it looks pretty nice. tomorrow, it is to be a guided volunteer habitat restoration, although girlscouts are offering refreshments it is not a christmas tree lot. >> i love this park. a great park. i am glad to hear people are keeping it healthy. >> reporter: it is an effort to preserve the dis-- disappearing echo system. >> it has to be a balance. >> reporter: it begins tomorrow. it is not exactly free. to get a tree you must take part in some restoration activity. they will provide the saws. the park officials say they have extra cut troes from other open spaces so that no one should go home empty handed. back to you. oakland raiders lineman was arrested yesterday after firing a gun during a fight in alabama. he was there for his grandfather's funeral. he did not practice today and hue jackson has not ruled him out for this sunday is's game in miami. jackson called the allegations against mcexplain disturbing. a familiar festive sight in the east bay is up -- site is up and running to help animals. and today, things warmed up around parts of the bay area. don't get too used to it. our meteorologist mark tamio will be here ♪ [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at secondhand smoke affects rate. everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it. so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! 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[ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t. . kids and families walked around the zoo watching the colorful lights. they turned on hundreds of thousands of led lights and add mistletoe to the reptile room. those lights will remain up through new year's day. i have taken my family there a bunch of years and it is fun. talking about the forecast right now, it is nice. >> yes. that is after a record-setting day across the bay area. december 2nd and a few neighborhoods approaching the 80 degree mark. right now we have mostly clear skies. taking a live look. the winds will be an issue developing later tonight and tomorrow morning. looking at the buoys across the shore. stronger wind will head in during the evening hours. take a look at records, the new records, santa rosa in the upper 70s. richmond, middle 70s in downtown san francisco, 73 degrees. and the time lapse throughout the day today, over the bay, mostly clear skies, tomorrow, you willy begin to trim back -- will begin to trim back. here we go with the forecast headlines. for tonight, we have this clear and mild and breezy conditions for the hills. this weekend, a bit of a cooling trend. a little more sunshine. the extended forecast. drier pattern, a wind advisory is about to begin, about to begin at 10:00 this evening. we could have winds gusts 45 to 55 miles an hour. this in place later tonight into tomorrow morning. up until 10:00 on saturday morning. projected lows, coolest locations in the lower 40s in santa rosa, napa, livermore, 71. high pressure in command of our weather. as a result the jet stream heading up to the north. this weekend, sunshine, cooler on sunday. coolest readings back down to the lower 30s. the temperatures back down mainly in the 60s for afternoon highs. and that is the forecast for tomorrow, plenty of sunshine and the temperatures on average most areas warming back up into the 60s at 3:00 in the afternoon. san francisco 64, san jose 64 degrees. always in view the temperatures cooling off on sunday and a bit of a cooling trend, sunny skies, no rain clouds on this 5 day forecast, frank. >> we showed you the zoo lights and now we will take to you the square that is lit up in the holiday spirit. now we want to take a look at the jack lemon christmas tree. the annual tree lighting event following america's children's hospital parade. the tree is located there at the foot of broadway right next to a bunch of restaurants. if you want to take a look at the tree you can head down there and eat at the restaurants. that is it for now. we will see you the next time our news breaks. our coverage continues on-line at and tonight's 10:00 news on ktvu channel 2. tmz is next here on tv36. have a good evening everyone state farm. this is jessica. hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm.

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