Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20170417

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this is not a very strong storm system moving through and we'll bring in more light activity, especially for the north bay and over florida, santa rosa as well as napa and fairfield. as we get a closer look now at the south bay we've seen some of the showers rolling on through but very light sprinkles and this is really just now to wet the roads. you turn on the windshield wipers and before you know it it's gone. we're also seeing the rain moving through vallejo and fairfield and parts of the delta near martinez and sonoma as well in the north bay. as we'll go through the rest of the day, mostly cloudy skies. more widespread rain returns later on today. going to see that shower activity developing once again, and this may bring some more measurable rain but not expecting any really heavy downpours, and then it tapers off for tomorrow. now that's before another round of rain moves in. we'll talk about what to expect as we go through the middle of the week. that's coming up in the next microclimate forecast. >> all right, kari. thank you very much. happening right now a conversation with california's senior senator. with congress in recess senator dianne feinstein is speaking to bay area people who are eager to share their feelings of what's going on. we understand there's a pretty good crowd. >> reporter: good morning. we're expecting to see a thousand people heading into the masonic center. these are folks lucky enough to get a ticket to take part in the town hall. this is a town hall that she's held in the city in quite some time. it's been so long ago, guys, that her aides couldn't recall the specific date of that last town hall, but you can see folks heading inside for the town hall that's set to get under way in the next 15 minutes or so, guys. i want to show you some video from beforehand when you had demonstrators showing their displeasure with the current state of washington, d.c., namely president donald trump, the current situation in california and the future of health care. the folks were able to get a ticket and it took about three hours to sell out this event. just last week and once inside they will have plenty to say. >> you know, i think today is more an opportunity for senator feinstein to hear from her constituents than it is for us to hear from her. i think senator feinstein does a good job of speaking out generally. >> senator feinstein has voted in favor of seven of trump's nominees. she said the supreme court pick gorsuch was impressive, you know. she ended up voting against him, but she still was was whispering words of positivity around this candidate. >> once inside of that town hall there's going to be a raffle to decide who gets to ask what questions. if you're not chosen you can still submit a question to the senator. now that town hall inside is going to last about an hour as folks head inside. no word on when senator dianne feinstein will hold her next town hall, but i'm being the next town hall she will hold in california will take place in thursday in los angeles. live in los angeles. pete suratos, nbc bay area news. >> we'll cover that at 5:00 and 6:00 tonight. a much-awaited upgrade for a b.a.r.t. plaza in the east bay and it will be a big deal for commuters and really all of the concord community. less than an hour ago officials broke ground on a new multi-million dollar project that limb prove access for writers but also revitalize what's the cultural heart of the city. rob riddell is live at the concord b.a.r.t. station of how it looks now and where we're headed. bob? >> reporter: good morning, kris. behind me work has begun on this $3.2 million upgrade to the concord b.a.r.t. station. it's an upgrade that will connect riders to the downtown area of concord. within the past 60 minutes, leaders from b.a.r.t. and the city of concord held a news conference here to commemorate the start of this new project. this is a project the city of concord has been talking about for roughly 20 years. been trying to find a better way to get riders into the downtown area, specifically to the toto santos plaza which is an historic park of concord, a park surrounded by local businesses and restaurants, a main gathering point. even though it's only two and a half blocks away it hasn't always been obvious how to get there as it exists for the outsiders. the pedestrian project will connect to the plaza with a new raised walkway, improved lighting and landscaping. better signage. here's how the current mayor of concord and the assembly member describes these upgrades. >> being able to create kind of like that red carpet setting to where b.a.r.t. riders can get off of downtown b.a.r.t. and travel that avenue all the way into downtown concord to experience our restaurants, our entertainment and concerts during the summertime, our farmers market. this is the kind of transit hub, transit community that really pays off dividends. >> i don't know how much money is being spent. it's a lot of money. gosh, i don't know. i'm more concerned about getting into the city and back in a timely fashion, but i think if it -- if it's good for downtown concord and todos santos plaza. >> kind of difficult to get downtown. >> what do you think of them spending this amount of money for this project? do you think it's worth it? >> i'm not sure if there's not other higher priorities but b.a.r.t. trying to make it easier to connect to the towns and making a connection would help probably increase ridership. >> reporter: this project has a partnership between b.a.r.t. and the contra costa transit authority. it's expected, as i mentioned, to cost $3.2 using money from the prop measure and in the winter of 2018 b.a.r.t. is expected to add a separate bike station also here at the concord b.a.r.t. station. bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> certainly will look a lot different from now. thanks very much. new details this morning. we just learned the identity of the woman who fell to her death from a third floor balcony in berkeley this weekend and the connection to cal becoming clearer. his name is kimberly si who was studying computer sciences at cal and was expected to graduate in 20 is. the fall happened several blocks from the campus. antioch police arrested christopher wilson who is accused of shooting a man in a bar earlier this month. it happened in the eastwood plaza shopping second on april 2ndnd. one man was shot and survived the injuries after being treated at a hospital. this saturday police found and stopped wilson on street and arrested him without any issue. police are looking for more of the violent protesters after this weekend's brawl between supporters of donald trump and counterprotesters. already more than 20 people were arrested. now this is one video from that clash that went viral showing a trump supporter punching a protester in the face. now the day was build as a patriots day rally for trump supporters, but things turned ugly and fast. jonathan chow with the berkeley college republicans says that people should really just back off instead of getting violent. >> we're also calling on faculty, students to realize that the best way to handle this if you don't like the person, don't want to hear the person talk, please least. don't incite violence. >> anyone who has video of that brawl or the protests, submit it to an online drop box. find more information on how you can do that at chris, at the same time that we just saw violence erupt willing again in berkeley following a protest, that city's mayor and some council members will be discussing the city's police force. it's a community forum called militarization of police. what does it mean for berkeley? that discussion will be held on university avenue at 6:00 at the way. >> oakland mayor libby schaaf is announcing her plan to run for re-election. her campaign's mission statement takes aim at president donald trump and says the city has to protectress dents and list diversity in all of its forms. the mayor's website says she will prioritize housing for vulnerable and fighting displacement. oakland's next mayoral election is next year. right now a developing story and a multi-state manhunt under way right now for this man. he's a killer who has posted gunning down an elderly man in sunday, that's his victim. police say the fbi has joined in the search for the subject who may have actually fled the state. nbc's ron mott has more. >> reporter: a very disturbing homicide in cleveland on easter sunday. a 74-year-old grandfather of had 14 gunned down in broad daylight. some of this video you're about to see is graphic and upsetting. this morning the city of cleveland is on high alert. police and the fbi scrambling to find this man suspected of posting video on facebook that shows an execution in broad daylight and claiming to be responsible for multiple other murders. >> i've got a guy right here. the horrifying video appears to show the suspect i've had by steve stephens getting out of his car and telling his victim he's going to die because of a woman. yeah. she's the reason this might happen to you. >> even raises a handgun at the man and fires a shot. shortly before the murder stephens described his murder on his facebook page which is now no longer active. >> i lost everybody, i lost everything i had, man. >> reporter: claiming the woman he was dating is responsible for making him snap, blaming her for his alleged crimes. >> the people i'm going to kill today this easter sunday, it's not my first. >> reporter: but suspect also makes chilling claims he's killed others though his claims have yet to be verified. >> what happened today is senseless and if steve has an issue he needs to talk to some folks to get that resolved. >> reporter: law enforcement officials say they have not located any additional shooting scenes or bodies and are asking stephens to reach out to clergy and family for help. >> we've brought everything to bear on this from our federal partners, state and local partners. we want to turn him in. >> the vehicle police are searching for is a newer model white four-door ford fusion with temporary ohio tags and the search has spread beyond ohio to neighboring states. police say do not approach this man if you see him. he's considered to be armed and dangerous. that's the latest here in cleveland. let's send it back for you. >> all right, thank you. >> there's a new offer to try to get your business. coming up, the incentive that might -- that might have you wanting to book a different flight if you're bumped. >> also, going hungry in the south bay intentionally. the reason these protesters are not eating until tomorrow. plus, do you want fries with that? ordering mcdonald's on your phone. we'll tell you all about it coming up in business and tech. well, despite concerns around the globe right now about possible war in north korea and syria, the market seeming to shrug that off. the dow jones has risen 132 is points in trading. >> united airlines continues to tweak its rules to make sure what happened to that passenger last week doesn't happen again. >> scott mcgrew joining us now with business news. scott? >> yeah, good morning. united now says an employee cannot take a seat from a paying passenger no matter what. it also says its air crews if they do want to fly, they have to show up an hour before the flight. crews often fly as passengers. it's called deadheading. they do that so they can get a flight assignment somewhere else. in the case of the flight to louisville, the crew showed up at the last minute after the passengers had been seated, and you know how that turned out. a young couple from utah claimed they were forced off a united flight to costa rica. still learning more about the case. it would appear the couple sat in the wrong seats upgrading themselves to a better part of the cabin. united said they were repeatedly asked to sit in the section of the airplane they were paid for. the couples says they were pulled off the plane by the u.s. marshall. the airline says there was no marshall. one of the stories we need more details on. tuesday is the tax deadline. normally it's april 15thth but april 15thth fell on a weekend and monday, today, is a holiday in the district of columbia so tax day is now tuesday. and sam and kris, mcdonald's will bring mobile ordering to all of its stores by the end of the year. you might have done this. you order and you pay right from your phone. you walk up and you grab your starbucks and in this case your big mac with your name on it. it's faster and more efficient and customers like it, but, again, the job replaced or threatened to be replaced by technology. back to you. >> all right. thank you, scott. delta may be taking another shot at its rival. the airline will offer passengers up to nearly 10,000 to give up their seat on overbooked flights. a condition memo by the associated press show gate agents can offer you $it,000 up to a previous maximum of 800. supervisors when they get called in. they can offer up ten grand. >> yes, can i please speak with your supervisor. that would be great, thank you. still awaiting more details from vallejo police on suspects who opened fire at a party with teenagers. here's a listen now to the dispatch audio. >> we've got three so far. there's one down inside of 110 calhoun. we just need more units for our crowd control out here. there's probably 60, 70 kids. >> this happened early sunday morning. four teenagers ended up having to be rushed to the hospital with gunshot wounds. police say the group of teens was standing outside the house when someone in a car nearby opened fire. the only clue released so far is the suspects were in a four-door car. all the victims are expected to recover from their injury. >> happening today the san pablo man accused of shooting and killing his ex-girlfriend right in front of her children is expected to enter a plea in court. investigators say lawyer mcbride drove up to the car and opened fire earlier this month in richmond. the children of the vehicle were not mcbride's. >> a follow-up on a man's ashes that were stolen in frisco right out of the family's rental car. the ashes of joe wilkinson have now been recovered by police. mary wilkinson and her daughter were parked in a garage at fisherman's wharf last sunday prepared to scatter joe's ashes in the redwood and thieves broke into the car and stole everything. on saturday police called mary and told her a man dropped off the ashes earlier in the day. he was not arrested. now mary says he and her daughter have now decided to just take joe's ashes back home with them to north carolina. a hunger strike continues today in san jose. a group of housing activists are refusing food until tomorrow's city council meeting and they didn't need all weekend either. tomorrow is when city leaders are expected to vote on a protection measure for renters. the city is considering a law requiring landlords to cite a just cause and it would also push landlords to be more attentive to tentant complain. activists are outside city hall saying they are fighting for the rights of vulnerable. >> the women and children of color, our domestic violence survivors that are the most, most vulnerable to these no cause evictions. >> the california department association counters reading in partisan jose already has laws to prevent landlords from evicting tennants for financial gain. the city needs to enforce those laws rather than create new legislation, more regulations and additional layers of democracy. an irusual that has kept south bay policy-makers, stopping floods before they happen. a meetinging is happening at 6:00 tonight. these meetings were held in the santa clara valley water district, specifically in the three neighborhoods hit by the historic flooding that happened around president's day. the roosevelt community center on east santa clara street where the district will be taking questions from folks and providing information on what it's doing to provide future floods. >> clearly we're not seeing any flooding on that scale, but we are getting some rain. south bay got some not too long ago. >> cristian and sam, it will be like sprinkling every now and then. seen a more steady rain across the north bay and in san francisco even now taking a break around hayes valley. a look at that temperature. feeling very mile. not a very significant storm system but bringing us a little bit more rain as we start out this week and shroudy skies over the south bail. every now and then we'll see some rain coming out of that. looking at these temperatures today, looking at a high of 67 degrees in san jose and los scatos 65 degrees and 46 in hayward and observing latt 64 degrees. as the forecast comes up at the bottom of the screen, we'll have a few more rounds of rain but it won't be raining the entire week. up to 62 in daly city and belmont and 63 in the mission district and for the north bay expect a high in novato up to 65 degrees. so generally some mid to upper 60s, and here's where the rain is now. we see it with pretty good coverage over marin county and also for the southern sections of sonoma county so as you drive up 101 looking at more of the light rain and then as we zoom into the south bay only seeing a little bit of some light rain here and there and once again getting better coverage from petaluma down to novato and off to the east. where you sought rain moving if there's a clifrt of showers just offshore that will bring us in a more steady and still very light rain as we go into this afternoon and this evening, and it does show on the models a return of some rain just after the evening commute for the north bay, and then the rest of the bay area still sees the showers throughout tonight and the early tomorrow and then we finally get some clearing and that doesn't last long. there will more rain for the north bay moving into tonight and early thursday morning where all the weather systems clear out and we'll see dry weather in time for the weekend. looking at how much additional rain we'll see, maybe up to a tenth of an inch and then for the north bay you're looking at a quarter inch of rain for spots like san anselmo. expect off and on showers, rain again tomorrow especially during the morning and another round for wednesday night into early thursday morning and then we get the sun breaking out with highs reaching into the low 60s for the inland area. look at how the temperatures warm up in time for the weekend. sam and kris, how about some mid-70s for this weekend. we kind of missed out yesterday with all of that rain moving in. we'll talk about what's happening in the sierra coming up in a few minutes. >> thanks very much, kari. >> welcome sight. neither side is backing down. coming up now, tensions escalating between the united states and north korea. the new line being drawn in the seasoned. >> first happening now and trending on twitter. one man swiped more than 100 phones at coachella this weekend and now he faces theft charges. neil gorsuch asked his first from the bench, a case that involves federal workers employment discrimination claims. more in a moment. mincing words when it comes to north korea. this morning -- he made the announcement vice president mike pence is not mincing words when it come to north korea, and this morning he made the announcement that the u.s. is ready to use quick punitive measures against the communist country if it commits another provocation. nbc's jan janice mackie frayer reports from seoul. >> reporter: on his second day in south korea vice president mike pence warning north korea that the era of strategic patience is over. >> all options are on the table. just in the past two weeks the world witnessed the strength and resolve of our new president in actions taken in syria and afghanistan. north korea would do we will not to test his resolve. >> reporter: during a surprise visit to the demilitarized zone dividing the two koreas the vice president could look directly at north korea. north korean soldiers staring back. while the trip to south korea was planned long ago, it took on added significance over the weekend following a failed mile of test by the rogue nation. >> we want to see north korea abandon its reckless path of the development of nuclear weapons and also its continual use and testing of ballistic missiles. it's unacceptable >> reporter: with tensions escalating, the american position hardening and a naval strike group headed towards the pens l.a., pressure is mounting. the president has given u.n. security assurances to south korea saying the u.s. commitment is iron-clad. he wants to push ahead with deployment of an anti-missile defense system known as thaad, that's controversial here. now back to you. >> a developing story right now and a historic referendum in turk to. voters there narrowly voting for an expansion of the president's power but it comes as election monitors had scathing criticism calling it an unlevel playing field where voters weren't given enough information and opposition voices were silent. the reverend dem means major changes to turkey's constitution replacing the parliamentarian system with an executive presidency. president erdogan won narrowly with 51% of the vote. political opponents also questioning the integrity of the balloting, saying that they would challenge the final count. the changes could keep erdogan in power until 2029. >> coming up, bad news for the hungry in the east bay. a truck used to deliver food to non-profits was stolen. how a company known for its food rescue needs rescuing today. >> hey, nokes, before we get a break. i want to show you how to join our community on the waze application. go to the waze app on iphone or android and in the bottom corn there's a magnifying glass when you fire up that app. click on that and click on your name at the top. that's your profile and scroll down to see teams and you'll pick ours. nbc bay area wazers. that's how you join the community and help us out. >> back to you right after the break. on september 9, 2010, pg&e learned a tragic lesson we can never forget. this gas pipeline ruptured in san bruno. the explosion and fire killed eight people. pg&e was convicted of six felony charges including five violations of the u.s. pipeline safety act and obstructing an ntsb investigation. pg&e was fined, placed under an outside monitor, given five years of probation, and required to perform 10,000 hours of community service. we are deeply sorry. we failed our customers in san bruno. while an apology alone will never be enough, actions can make pg&e safer. and that's why we've replaced hundreds of miles of gas pipeline, adopted new leak detection technology that is one-thousand times more sensitive, and built a state-of-the-art gas operations center. we can never forget what happened in san bruno. that's why we're working every day to make pg&e the safest energy company in the nation. stolen just a truck used to deliver fresh food to thousands of people every day was stolen just before. a charity was delivering for easter. >> on the holiday there, an important lifeline that's just cut for people living in the east bay. nbc bay area's like boone is in pleasant hill with a message volunteers are sending to the thief. >> please reconsider what you've done, and we would appreciate it very much if you would return our truck. >> reporter: volunteers at white pony extra in contra costa say it's no hard feelings to who stole their truck that serves thousands in need daley. >> a few times a week. >> the non-croft group picks up and delivers fresh unused food from restaurants and stores to a long list of charities seven days a week. >> we have a few hours. only one the size of suzy, so it's a problem for us. >> reporter: so now someone put the brakes on their operation when this big refrigerated truck was stolen early easter morning from their lost, a vehicle that would cost $70,000 to replace. >> this is where we process. >> white bone express not only delivers food and clothing and personal items to be distributed so now with one less truck it hurts, but they are trying to make it. >> a lot of hungry people who -- who depend upon our deliveries every day. >> that was rick boon reporting there. this is the first major theft at pony express, but they are really hoping that whoever took the truck has a change of heart. >> certainly hope they do. right now we're hoping to learn more information, kris, about the man killed in an rv fire on sunday in redwood city. firefighters found the 52-year-old man in a burning vehicle and that was in the north fair oakes neighborhood there. that man later died while getting care at a hospital. an extension cord that ran through the door for power is likely the source of the fire. also, no word yet on what caused an explosion that destroyed a room at a san jose motel over the weekend. that blast happened about 12:30 in the morning at the motel on monterrey road in san jose. in the process two people were critically injured. firefighters were able to get a andal on the flames and knock it down in about 20 minutes. a spokesperson for the fire department said he couldn't comment on the source of the blast but did say that police might be taking over this investigation. >> this is unbelievable video, at least to me. have you to see it for yourself. investigators now searching for the cause of this fire in fremont that destroyed dozens of cars and poured smoke into the sky. flames from that car lot and an industrial lot sent up the smoke that could be seen for miles per hour. the flames broke out saturday afternoon and then just jumped from car to car burning at least 30 vehicles by the time that firefighters gained control. however, there were no air quality warnings. >> happening today. sentencing for the man accused of striking and killing a san jose police officer in the line of duty last summer. the officer died last june when the car made a left turn and struck the officer's motorcycle in downtown san jose. he was just 34 years old. last-minute rios pleaded no contest to vehicular manslaughter without gross negligence. kris, the man police say swiped a jerry rice signed football that netted thousands of dollars for charity is now under arrest. video seemed to clearly show the man taking the ball. you can see him right there which was auctions off last weekend at a milipitas restaurant. someone bid $3,500 on ball and during the charity for orphans in china where the proceeds were going he took it. 45-year-old patrick lamb of san jose turned himself in after learning about the video airing on local television. a new video this morning, the white house tradition, the easter egg roll. first lady melania trump hosted this morning gathering hundreds of volunteers to pull that roll off. easter may have passed by thousand of families still got to appear with members of the trump family. it was fun at times for the white house and the president did take a harsher tone against opponents on twitter. president trump is on defense today after protesters hit the streets all across the country demanding to see his tax returns which he still refuses to release. nbc's kristen welker has more. >> president trump staying largely out of sight this weekend. his motorcade rolling to easter services and he addressed north korea to taxes wurk his 28 million followers a happy holiday and defending his recent shift over china which president trump once vowed to label them currency manipulators. the president now reversing that opinion tweeting sunday why would i call china a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the north korean problem? we will see what happens, but it wasn't just foreign policy. mr. trump responding to the thousands who protested all across the country over the weekend demanding the president release his tax returns. emotions boiling over leading to arrests in california. for the most part demonstrators were peaceful but determined to get their message out, including some who live near his west palm beach resort. >> every other president has shown their tax returns and i think there's something in there that he wants to hide. >> the president who says he won't release his returns because he's under audit lashing out i did what was an almost impossible thing to do for a republican, easily won the electoral college and now tax returns are brought up again, even demanding someone should look into who paid for all the organized rallies yesterday. the election is over. with tax day approaching there's no sign that these protest remembers planning to let up. >> that was kristen welker reporting. no evidence that the protesters were paid, and a pew research poll shows nearly two-thirds of americans think that president trump should release his taxes. >> well, right now, chryst, we're finding out crashes on highway 17 spiked to their highest levels in at least 13 years. coincidentally reports this morning of a crash on southbound 17. "the san jose mercury news" reports there were 983 crashes, just short of 1,000 on that route last year. that's a 34% increase from 2015. traffic enforcement was reduced along the route for a number of reasons are. the chp plans to add more troopers to patrol it. both the chp and drivers said more enforcement is needed to real bring that number down. drivers always said that drivers could help out and the chp does not support the same plan. let's stay in the area right now. when it comes to cut through traffic apps that troy to save you time, one south bay town is reportedly ready to turn lemons into lemonade. all the problems that occurred last year in los gatos when drivers would bypass highway 17 by santa cruz by cutting through town that led to major gridlock. los gatos is going to be close the main artery at santa cruz avenue and wood road every weekend from memorial day to labor day. and summer events are also being planned in the town plaza to make it harder to get through. >> no mar problems finding a charge perhaps. new legislation would require the installation of charging stations for electric cars all over san francisco. that new law would require all new construction projects and rhett fits to install charging stations. the mayor's office says this would be a long-term investment in fighting pollution. >> all right, kris. it's among the fastest businesses here in the bay area and it's designed to put more people to work. talking about solar energy right now. our business and tech reporter scott budman has a look at an industry on the rise. >> reporter: in an economy that's on the rise, very few businesses are climbing as quickly as solar and jessica perez is part of it. >> this is my first install actually under my belt. jessica is part of a crew putting panels in place. she's also part of the san jose conservation core, a charter school that prepares people for solar jobs. >> i would say, yeah, it's like the gateway to get your foot in the door with a lot of good companies out there. >> companies like green solar. up of several helping the bay area to increase solar jobs by 67% over the last year. >> when you installed a job like this, you need 6 to 15 people on a job site to install that one job and we eve got multiple cruise out every day so it's -- it's certainly a growing space. >> 26,000 people in the bay area were highered over the last 12 months in the solar field thanks to graduates like jessica. more are on the way. >> we're hiring. i have some interviews this afternoon and monday morning. >> all right. that was scott budman reporting. numbers back this up. california saw its scholar equipment insulation jump over 120% over the last year and wages paid to solar employees also rose last year. >> rain on and off today and, kari, that's a the earn we should probably get used to, right in. >> you can see it on the radar, and you can see the passing showers moving as we speak and this will be rolling through for the next couple of days before we talk about this and the temperature trend coming up. a $600 purchase is never delivered. what about a refund? i'm consumer investigator chris xhor a. nbc bay area responds next. nbc bay area re welcome back. nbc bay area responds to a pleasanton man who paid $600 bucks for items he never received. >> he reached out to our consumer team for help and consumer investigator chris chmura helped him out. >> reporter: phil davis bought two cases of smoke detectors from the online company last is that cost $600, but philip says he never received them. he says he contacted the company several times but never got a response. so he finally asked us to step in. we contacted the company and it refunded the money $600. the company didn't respond to our request for more information about the situation. if you have a complaint call 888-996-tips or >> what a start for the warriors who came out firing in all cylinders in the playoff series against portland. >> kevin durant was out for a long time and got three games in before the start of the postseason. k.d. with the flush there showing he's fully recovered from the knee injury. went on to score 36 points and draymond green was huge coming up five blocks, including a key block down the stretch of this game that led to a bucket from kevin durant. the warriors going on to win game one 121-109. there's the draymond green stuff. afterwards coach steve kerr called this a great all-around performance. >> it was to me the perfect way to win game one. you get a real taste for what you're up against. >> well, w's nation has toss wait until wednesday for game two. that game will also be played at oracle arena. >> the sharks once again fighting an uphill battle to advance to the stanley cup playoffs. edmonton won a hard fought game three at the s.a.p. center, the only goal coming with nine minutes left in the third period. 1w9-0 win the oilers regain control of the series four is tomorrow night back at the shark tank. >> home ice, only takes one game to turn things around. i have confidence. maybe it's misplaced. >> no. >> no. of course not. we're team teal. >> we're team gray today. >> yeah, we are because of the gray skies, but we're going to see some breaks from this as we go towards the end of the week. it just takes a while. as this weak weather system moves through we still have a lot of people out there enjoying the golden gate bridge even if it's raining off and on so this is the kind of weather that we'll have to settle into. at least temperatures are mild. it's 59 degrees there and heading up to 62. looking at palo alto as you drive around the bay. 101 looking good and no issues there and the roads are still drive and the seven-day forecast is coming up at the bottom of the screen. you'll see our temperatures will be just a little bit cooler than where we should be for this time of the year, but other than that we're looking at cloudy skies and spotty showers. up to 67 in concord and danville and for the peninsula to 64 degrees in belmont. san francisco today up to 62 at the outer sunset and 65 degrees in novato and point reyes 62. light rain ongoing and it's been pretty steady for marin county over towards southern sonoma county. you can see there's more rain offshore that will be reaching in and rolling off towards the north as we go into the next couple of hours. still going to see the showers moving through, and as we get a closer look we see the rain just south of the petaluma and down to novato and san rafael, and we ear still going to measure rainfall less than a quarter of an inch here. as we widen out the picture and get a better view of what's happening here. still a lot of moisture being brought right into the bay area, and extending off towards the east. so looking at today's forecast. still breezy up to 66 degrees there and in the trivalley. for the east bay, san francisco. 62 degrees. cloudy and mild and some off-and-on light rain. that's been the story here. even as we go into tonight we're still going to see the showers moving into the north bay with some more widespread rain by about 10:00 or 11:00 tonight and continuing into early tomorrow morning. before in activity tapers off, then we'll get sunshine tomorrow afternoon and here we are on wednesday with more rain, especially for the north bay. this all gets out of here and then our temperatures will be warming up for the rest of the week. as we get a live viewer at heavenly, i was just able to see something here a couple of minutes ago and now with that rain rolling through we're getting low visibility and during the overnight hours we are going to get a little bit of rain for some of the higher elevations and maybe 5 to 7 feet over the next few days but not expecting any more significant snowfall in the sierras this week and we're going to see temperatures here in san francisco reaching into the low 60s and then look at how it warms up as we go towards saturday and sunday after a weekend with cool and some wet weather. it's going to be dry and warm this weekend coming up. sam and chris? >> all right. thank you very much, kari. >> coming up right now, an underdog's athlete remarkable jirn. w why he's thanking olympian michael phelps for helping him. >> leverage the power of us as well as the power of google on waze. go to the waze app on iphone or android and in the bottom of the corn there's a magnifying glass. click on that and click on the name at the top. that's your profile and scroll down to nbc bay area wazers. that's how you join the community and help each other out. back to you after this break. the ironman is one of the most grueling races in the world. but it proved to be no match for a father and son team, the reiner man is one of the most grueling races in the word, but it proved to be no match for a father and a son and their team overcoming challenges in life. >> dad doing it together, dad helping his son achieve the dreams with some encouragement from his olympic hero. maya rodriguez hats heartwarming story. >> reporter: it's well before sunrise, and johnny has already been awake for hours. >> hopefully we can just have a god time today. >> reporter: are you ready to go in. >> reporter: johnny was born with cerebral palsy, a condition which affects how his muscle work and it's not stepping him from competing in a half iron man in florida. >> people are capable of doing things that they want to if they put their mind to it. >> reporter: johnny's partner in the race, his father jeff who will push and pull his sons for hours, 73.3 miles of swimming, biking and running. >> he's been dying for this his whole life. >> reporter: their first attempt was at the world iron man competition in hawaii last year where they didn't finish. so they kicked their training up a notch. >> the most vital piece is the -- the soul and the heart and the drive and that comes from something that is bigger than you. >> reporter: johnny's finding inspiration from michael phelps. ♪ it's the last good-bye >> reporter: taking the swimming legend's under armour campaign taking this video imitating his hero side by side. the pre-dawn train, resting and recovering, struggling, pushing and overcoming. michael phelps tweeting out his support to joan and following up with an encouraging phone call. >> he's a great athlete, but he also inspires countless people, just like i want to do in my life. >> reporter: a dream realize as johnny and his dad crossed the finish line five minutes under their goal time. >> johnny was elate so all is good in the world. >> reporter: savoring a victory and proving the old adage, champions are made, not born. johnny was inspired by a great athlete. >> all right, johnny! >> reporter: but now he's the one inspiring others. maya rodriguez, nbc news. >> i was impressed to see him take those few steps on the track because you realize how hard it is for him. >> it is, it is, and a heck of a drive for him to do that and amazing that michael phelps not only provided the inspiration and responded. >> and go dad. we'll be right back. hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. an easter bunny took out one of the nation's past presidents during the phillies- nationals so this video has been cracking us up all morning, easter bunny taking out the past presidents at the nationals and philadelphia phillies game. jefferson goes down and washington goes down and lincoln goes down, and roosevelt though about to make a clean break and then what happens, the home stretch. his face looks like he was in pain. teddy roosevelt was the only one left standing, not for long. the easter puny standing by to take him out. >> the key is teddy roosevelt was the last one standing. he didn't really make it to the finish line. >> have a great day. is at five. =3shot= you can also get the latest information all day - at nbc bay stand by, everyone. we're live in five, four, three, two, one. >> okay, got to deliver these eggs. and everybody, just eat as much candy as you want, because this is probably our last easter on month. [ laughter ] >> stop! stop! natalie, stop! >> what could go wrong? >> right there, stop, i got you. get out of there. >> thank you, bill bellamy. clearly she's much better at that grand entrance than i am. >> that was hilarious. >> i almost toppled! wh oh, my goodness.

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