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oklahoma with the latest on this storm impact. susan. >>reporter: well, tornado alley is living up to its name. folks in the central part of oklahoma are waking up and assessing the damage after yet another round of deadly tornadoes tore through the central part of the state. for some others, it's not over yet. a powerful storm spawned tornadoes on the oklahoma plains. they moved so fast even experienced storm chasers were caught in the path. >> that's a killer tornado, there's no doubt about it. >>reporter: a mother and her baby were killed trying to outrun the storm on interstate 40. their bodies were ejected from their suv and found in a nearby tree line. >> we believe that they were traveling on the interstate and were sucked up into the storm, possibly sucked out of their car. >>reporter: the full extent of the damage is just pking known in the -- becoming known in the late of day. -- light of day. homes are flattend and interest is flooding in the area from heavy rainfall overnight. at least five people died in a state still trying to recover from deadly tornadoes in the town of moore 11 days ago. >> i'm thinking not again, but it has happened, and once again we'll rise up to the challenge. >>reporter: this latest round of tornadoes was part of a major storm system stretching from oklahoma city northeast through tulsa and into missouri, to springfield and st. louis. >> we're not talking about just one tornadic storm cell or even two. >>reporter: multiple tornadoes hit the st. louis area. from the air you can see the damage in suburban st. charles, missouri. residents rescued neighbors whose homes had been hit. >> there were voices. we found them down in the basement. we broke through some drywall, got them and their dogs out. >>reporter: and in gillespie, illinois, a reported twister damaged homes and caved in the roof of the town's high school gym naisium. now, there is still a risk for severe storms or tornadoes today, and that risk is the highest in missouri, indiana and in illinois. we are in broken arrow, oklahoma, i'm susan mcginnis. back to you. >> what a mess. susan, thank you for that live report. multiple tornadoes were reported moving across the st. louis area last night. at least 30 homes and structures, including two middle schools suffered major damage. so far only six people reported minor injuries. roughly 40,000 customers lost power. the combination of high water and fall eb power lines closed dozens of roads in that area. well, what a difference when you look at our weather here in the bay area. mild and clear start to our morning and we are going to see things warming up today. we turn to brian hatme for more. >> yes, ann, let me get you up to date on the latest of what's happening on the situation in east and the midwest. as you can see, that line of showers and thundershowers extending now from the ohio valley down through northern arkansas. arkansas being hit fairly hard this morning, and in northern mississippi, alabama and georgia, that's all next. last night they had as many as five -- more than that, actually, 19 more tornado reports from last night. so turbulent weather out in the midwest and more of it expected today. for us out the door we're starting out with sunny skies and today is going to be the hottest day of the week. we'll tell you what temperatures to expect. they're going to be warm when we do the forecast in a few minutes from now. ann. thanks, brian. those warmer temperatures are expected to worsen fire fighting efforts in southern california today, making things more difficult for crews in the angeles national forest. they are continuing to battle this stubborn wildfire that broke out on thursday. that fire is burning in rough terrain about 30 miles north of los angeles. about 1,500 acres have been torched so far. that fire is 15% contained. at least one building has been destroyed. several power lines are in the fire's path, so firefighters are working to protect those. and a fast-moving wildfire is forcing hundreds of vacationers to flee in new mexico. that fire is burning at about 25 miles east of santa fe. the 2,500-acre fire is burning dangerously close to vacation homes, cabins and campgrounds and a smaller fire also broke out near albuquerque. several homes have been evacuated and at least one home tab damaged so far in that -- one home has been damaged so far in that fire. new this morning, the search for a missing 4-year-old girl from richmond has been called off. we have good news, mia renee has been found alive and well. she was reported missing last night and searchers were looking for her for several hours. renee was found hiding under a bed in the same house that she had been thought to have gone missing from. the transbay tube track damage that caused sheer commute chaos is now fully repaired. the problem started when two maintenance vehicles crashed on the oakland side of the tube early yesterday morning, damaging the third rail. trains had to single track under the bay for most of the commute, causing major delays. even those who made it onto the patch trains were in for a rough ride. >> it was long, hot and frustrating. the air conditioner wasn't working, and it was totally packed. >> oh, man, i've been on bart since 5:00 this morning. it's 7:30 and i'm still not there. this is nuts. this is nuts. >>reporter: crews worked to complete the repairs overnight and we're happy to say that those repairs are finished. traips are running on the full -- trains are running on the full speed right now on both tracks through the transbay tube right now. more bay area headlines, san jose police are working overtime this weekend because of a sharp uptick in violent crime there. they say the latest shooting appears to be gang related. they found a 30-year-old man shot yesterday near east capitol expressway and story road. he is expected to survive. there have been four murders in san jose in just the past week. a memorial service will be held today for a richmond woman who was killed by gunfire. 64-year-old beknita todd was killed on the 15th when someone shot 100 shots through the apartment wall on 20th street. they think her son may have been the likely target. he was only lightly injured. so far no arrests in that case. you can call it a good deed gone wrong. a vallejo man was arrested for trying to help keep people safe. his crime was painting a fake crosswalk in a street. take a look. it's not what you normally think of when you hear graffiti. but he admitted to drawing these lines on thursday. caltrans came to clean it up authoritily -- shortly after it was reported. lines were also painted through three crosswalks that are already at the corner of sonoma boulevard and illinois street. but 52-year-old anthony cardena told police that a fourth crosswalk was needed. he was booked on vandalism charges. dreamliner service from san jose to japan is starting up again today. the airways will resume flights from san jose to japan. that is going to start with five round trips per week. and there are plans to expand to seven a week in september. the route has been on hold since january. that is when problems with the plane's battery system grounded the entire fleet of boeing 787s. this summer crowds will come for the boat race, but this weekend they're here for the music. we're talking about the america's cup concert series. and tomorrow night sting takes the stage at san francisco's first-ever outdoor waterfront amphitheater. and as kpix5's joe vazquez tells us, some neighbors are reaching for the ear plugs. >> depending on how much you like the music, this is either a great spot tore a terrible one. >> yeah. i think it's a great spot. you know, the america's cup, obviously is a big deal in san francisco and we're just kind of hanging out, enjoying it, taking it all in. >> it was louder than i thought it would be they first started playing. but now it's okay. >>reporter: you were inside your apartment. could you hear it from inside there? >> yes. yeah. not as clearly, but definitely. but this is fine. if it stays at this level for all the shows, that's good. >>reporter: if you look at the different artists that they have over the course of the summer, there's a little something for everyone, so i think that's probably a good thing. so on the good ones, you'll have a concert in your front yard. >> right. >>reporter: and the bad ones? >> i may not be around for the night. >>reporter: joe vazquez, kpix5. >> and concert organizers have set up a special hotline for telegraph hill neighbors to call if they think the music is is getting too loud. a federal judge in san francisco is ordering google to turn over consumer data to the fbi. the order relates to so-called national security letters requesting data without a warrant. google had argued that the letters were unconstitutional and unnecessary. the company is not commenting on the judge's order to comply, but google may appeal that decision. more than 1,000 tech afish addos are expected to take over downtown palo alto today. it's the first national day of civic hacking. the event is to bring together software developers, artists and government officials to solve civic issues. there will be several street closures in downtown palo alto. that event runs from 11:00 this morning to 7:00 tonight. wine, food and a good cause. the special prizes going under the hammer in wine country. are you stress eating at work? you're not alone. the new survey on jobs that could make you gain weight. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,, s the country ar if you've been thinking about acouldn'ting a -- adopting a pet, let this next story be the straw that broke the camel's back. you can adopt a pet for free. there are more than 200 shelters participating in maddi's pet adoption days. yes, you can bring home a dog or cat for free and the shelters will get money from maddie's fund for each animal that's adopted between $500 and $2000. the foundation is hoping to give $4 million to shelters. adoption events are being held in alameda, couldn'tra costa, alameda and santa clara county. this is the hipster cat. his claim to fame is that impeccable curly white mustache. handle bars, i see. his owner adopted him from the humane society silicon valley. so cute. so many friends out there available. i hope people are going to take advantage of the free adoptions. >> and speaking of awfully cute. >> you? if you don't mind. >> nice segueway there if you were struggling for one. >> i was, actually. >> she's making it up. we've got mostly sunny skies to start around the bay area this morning. and temperatures will be topping out near 100 degrees inland. let's set it all out for you first by looking at the current numbers in the bay area. 61 degrees in oakland, 57 in oakland, sorry, 61 at concord, at the airport 54 degrees, santa rosa has 54 and san jose is at 58. nice mild start to the day. that'll change as the day goes on. those numbers will warm about 40 degrees from where they are now and it'll be a beautiful day, beautiful but warm to head out to the contra costa county fair in antioch where we are expecting sunny and hot conditions. but that should be a lot of fun if you're thinking about something to do this weekend. and also the a's are playing the white sox, 1:05 game time and a game time tech of 74 degrees if you are headed to the coliseum. here's how it looks on the way out the door in the bay area. we have mostly sunny skies to start out with and the numbers will be near 60 degrees. and we will warm from there as high pressure is still in command of the eastern pacific. so hot weather this weekend. the numbers are about 20 degrees warmer than they were last weekend at this time, and if you want some relief, wait until monday. we have fog and low clouds coming back in to cool us down. in fact, we'll be a little bit cooler tomorrow. but for today warmest day of the week. not so hot weather coming in next week as a low pressure begins to bring in some low clouds along the shoreline and that will bring us down even tomorrow. so sunny and warm today with highs near 100 inland, fot quite 100, but close to it. and then cooling off beginning tomorrow. here's how it looks on the satellite. you can see that low pressure sweeping in over the queen charlottes, but aside from that we're high and dry on the west coast. forecast highs for the greater northern california area, 103 in fresno it. yikes! not quite that warm here, 95 in livermore, it'll be up to 87 in san rafael, 87 in the city and 87 in mountainview. sunshine the next couple of days and then we'll get the low clouds to cool us down monday, tuesday and wednesday. by the latter half of the week we'll warm it up again. so warm today and tomorrow. a little bit cooler start to the week and next weekend it'll be warm again. there's your weather. as for the news, let's get the latest. here's ann. if you piled on the extra pounds, you maybe could blame your job. that's according to the latest survey from career builder. those who spend rong hours behind a desk or in high stress positions are likely to gain weight. get this, administrative assistants are on the top of the list of jobs most likely to report weight gain. that is followed by engineers, teachers, nurse practitioners and i.t. managers. what does that all mean? for more on body image issues, we turn to jennifer lombardi from summit eating eating disorders. what do you make of that, the list of the top jobs that make you gain weight are from a wide variety of things. >> it is. i think it's a reflection of what we experience in our culture. the common thread is stress and for most people in a stressful position, they tend to look to things to cope. and sometimes for people that means they use food as a mechanism to do that. >> i guess when you're in the office environment -- i know i'm usually not in the office i get to avoid this, but everybody is bringing in cupcakes and cookies and all this team-building stuff that ends up to be a binge in and of itself. in it can be. i think the other piece in this study that's interesting is these are positions where people don't tend to get outdoors very much. they're the type of positions where you are sort of locked into a specific space or a work space, and so there isn't a lot of balance in terms of not just the food piece, but perhaps even getting out and going for a walk during lunch. and sometimes in stressful jobs, we all understand when you get home at night, the last thing you want to do is go for a walk or go to the gym and that starts to create an imbalance in your life as a whole. >> right. i think that feeds on itself too. i find it's one of the best things to reduce stress is to go for a walk or go to the gym. >> absolutely. get outside and take your 15- minute break that you've absolutely earned, but use it as an opportunity to get outside, get moving and not necessarily look just to food as a way to cope. >> so on the other end of the spectrum, there's a new eating disorder out there. tell us about this. it's been in the headlines lately because of new anchor mik brazinski's new book. >> orthoughrexia is not in a moonual used as clinicians to diagnosis that particular illness. it's a catch phrase for people who present with atypical eating disorder behavior. so at first glance it may appear that this person is struggling with anker exia. he or she may have lost a significant amount of weight in a short period of time, they may exercise compulsively and they may have a very, very rigid diet. but the difference is they don't necessarily look at losing weight. these are people who have tried to at least initially take sort of a healthy approach and eat only healthy foods. but what happens over time is they systematic begin to eliminate things their body needs such as fats, gluten, all of these things you need to have in your diet, or most people do, to have a balance. what ultimately happens is they fall backwards into an eating disorder. >> it would probably be a lot more difficult, as you touched upon, for family and friends to identify. >> absolutely because i think there's sort of this purist mentality that you often oftentimes see. again, it starts out with a good intention which is to eat more healthy, to have a more balanced life. but just like anything, when it starts to go to the extreme, and, again, these people are eliminating fat completely from their diet which is an absolute necessity, especially for women and also proteins of any kind. you really start to see that this is more narrow thinking. this is very rigid and not balanced in any way. >> it's all about the balance, all about keeping things on an even keel. yeah, not going one way or the other when it comes to your job or your good intentions. jennifer lombardi with summit eating disorders. thanks for that. we'll be right back. (sir can-a-lot) good day, ma' lady. [muffled] i am sir can-a-lot. i am sir can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! (woman) hmmm... that's actually a good idea. [nervous giggle] (male announcer) break the monotony. for more fun ideas visit we've made major advancements in reducing the incidents of broken bones in seniors. we've received recognition for getting hypertension under control for over 80% of our members. we've made significant advances in asthma, immunization and maternity care. and j.d. power and associates ranked us highest in member satisfaction among health plans in california. we're focusing on the big things so you can enjoy the little things. kaiser permanente. thrive. yeah, kfc! original recipe. original recipe? dad, i think you ate the bones. i did what? you ate the bones! i ate the bones? i ate the bones! i ate the bones! [ male announcer ] kfc original recipe, now available without the bone. freshly prepared white or dark meat chicken, boneless and skinless. get 4 delicious, mouth-watering pieces in your next 10 piece mixed bucket for $14.99. today tastes so good. alcohol could soon have nutritional labels like those on food. the treasury department which regulates alcohol approved the labeling this week. beer, wine and spirits companies can include calories, carbo hydrates and fat per serving information on the bottles but it's not a requirement. alcohol producers can choose if they want to put these labels on or not. this week wine country shows off its best bottles for a good cause. mobile weather kpix5's roberto gonzalez checks out the week in nap dhp a valley. >>reporter: mobile weather traveled north of the golden gate bridge because we are enjoying happy auction week. we are now at st. supreme rutherford and joining us is the ceo, we have emma swain. hi. >> hi, roberta, thanks for joining us for joining us for auction week. >>reporter: you have all kinds of activities going on? >> we have. it's been a fantastic week with dinners, parties and the barrel auction and we culminate it all with an auction at meadowwood. it's going to be a fantastic day. >>reporter: this has been going for 33 years. walk us through what's going on. >> 33 years, $110 million raised with the auction. today we're going to have over 20 chefs serving their best food with beautiful wines, the barrel auction continues today with very small unique 10k slots being auctioned off, 1k per bidder. that's going to happen after the live auction and we have the most lots in napa valley, 47 lots going up live to raise miracles for this county. >>reporter: that's what i find astounding. you said $110 million raised, and it all stays right here locally? >> it all stays right here in the nap dl a valley. every child in napa valley has healthcare. >>reporter: that is truly amazing. i am actually speechless now. what we have to do now is go and enjoy the festivities. if you'd like to have more information for the activities you can par take, happy auction, go to and links. reporting for mobile wh in rutherford, roberta gonzalez for kpix5. this morning's "tony's table," a family recipe that calls for peas and chickpeas and tony's pasta. you're not a big fan of peas, no? >> no, i'm not. this is my recipe, i love peas, but you are a big fan of chickpeas. >> i'm a big fan of chick peas, grape tomatoes and, of course, pasta. >> growing up at your grandmother's house and my house, we always had peas around, it was great. she always put them across the table, but that's okay. so we got -- what do we have gog? >> here we have my beloved peas and some grape tomatoes simmering in with a little bit of olive oil and we've been adding a pinch of water at a time to create a broth. >> and a beautiful broth. and now we're going to put in there some chick peas which what i did was sauti them with salt, pepper and red pepper flakes, gave them a nice flavor, a smoky flavor. and it just tastes better all the way around. could you add a little bit -- >> a little bit of pasta. in i think that's about it. that's good. and a little bit more pasta water i think we should use. >> sure. i'll add a little bit more red pepper in here and some regular pepper. nice. and i'm going to ahead and plate this. and you're going to top it off with some fresh ricota on top. this was your idea. >> this was my idea. this will go great with this. it's a nice summer pasta. beautiful. stephanie, look how nice that is. >> that's great. dism it looks god, it's going to taste even better and a little bit of olive oil on top. >> of course. of course. caio, everybody. the strong waves knock a baby right out of her mother's arms. coming up the stranger who became a hero at the beach. and a figure skating superstar shares the ice with olympic hopefuls from the bay area. johnny is going to join us live in studio coming up. we'll be right back. yq look at them kids. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. midwest. the damage left behind by latest round of storms... and the new for more tornadoes to report in the midwest. the damage left behind by the latest round of storms and the new challenges for people who live there. and at the same time the heat is on in the bay area with numbers beginning to approach 100 degrees by this afternoon, as we look toward diablo. it's going to be a hot one. stay tuned. and in the right time at the right place, a stranger who saved a baby after she tumbled into the rough surf. welcome back. it is just about 7:30, the 1st day of june. thanks for joining us. a series of tornadoes strike in the midwest with deadly results. >> several twisters hit the oklahoma city area, a region still trying to recover from a storm that killed two dozen people last month. this is video captured by storm chasers with cameras in their vehicles. as many as 23 separate tornadoes touched down in the midwest in the oklahoma city area five people died, more than 50 why injured. that storm system dropped heavy rain and hail making it difficult for drivers to see the funnel clouds. flood waters topped four feet early today and are expected to rise. for a closer look at this severe weather, brian, i know you have been watching it very closely. >> yeah. they had as much as 48 inches of rain in oklahoma city as a result the flood waters topping eight feet as ann just mentioned. the latest on this this morning shows that severe system, it's a battle now of the seasons, winter leaves, spring and summer are coming in. it's the clash between that cooler air from the north and that moisture-laden air from the southeast that's resulting in strong thunderstorms even this morning, now moving out of missouri and out of oklahoma into arkansas, mississippi, alabama, georgia, stretching all the way up through indiana and later in the ohio valley. that's what we're watching today. last night they had as many as 19 tornadoes reported throughout the region. more are possible today, and we'll have an update for you in a few minutes. in the meantime the big story back in the bay area is going to be the heat. we'll cover that as well. but, first, let's get some more on what's happening. >> we have more from oklahoma right now because that heavy rain and hail have been making rescue efforts a lot more difficult. cbs reporter susan mcginnis joining us now live from broken arrow, oklahoma. susan, what is the latest this morning from the area? it looks like it's still a little wet there. >>reporter: yeah, it's still pretty bad here. weather wise it's just extremely overcast, it's still raining. the wind is gone so far this morning. but it was a rough night with tornado warnings and watches and people really worrying here in broken arrow. meanwhile central oklahoma really took the brunt of this latest wave of tornadoes. this is an area that has had enough of tornadoes. you know, they don't call this tornado alley for nothing. up to 12 tornadoes, according to the national weather service. some others are estimating as many as 24. it's hard to say how many because the assessment then determines later when they're able to go out and survey all the damage just how many tournds actually touched down. but this latest round did kill five people in central oklahoma before it was finished. 50 people were injured, five of them critically. what is the latest from the city of moore? you mentioned, yeah, they're weary from tornadoes over the past few weeks. may 20th a devastating tornado hit moore. what are you hearing from that today? >>reporter: yeah. it was just less than two weeks ago that those 24 people were killed in that ef-5 tornado. last night moore did get hit again. a tornado did touch down there, but luckily the damage there was very limited. it was only structural, nobody was hurt there, but truery the people of moore, you know, they are very, very weary of these tornadoes. you know, they certainly are thankful this morning that nothing was -- the results were not worse, as bad as they could have been because, you know, that area was predicted, so was this one, and they did escape that. but, you know, this area just struggling to recover from that massive ef-5 two weeks ago. >> oh, yeah. to hear those sirens again must be absolutely terrifying. and flooding concerns as well. >>reporter: yeah. these storms brought down a tremendous amount of water, and so frash flooding is a big -- flash flooding is a big problem. it was last night as well as today. cars were getting stuck and made it a challenge for early responders, for anyone needing to be out in it. and that is one of the biggest problems today is flash flooding, as well as some more tornado possibilities for some other areas as the storm moves on a bit north and east of there, into missouri, illinois and indiana are now still in danger of pretty substantial it risk of tornadoes or severe storms today. >> susan mcginnis live for us in oklahoma. thanks. four firefighters were killed in houston as they searched for people in a burning building. flames were shooting from the roof of a southwest inn yesterday afternoon. the fire chief says crews took a high risk because they thought that people were trapped inside, but everybody has been accounted for. the four deaths the highest ever for the houston fire department. california's already strict gun laws are go to get even stricter. the state senate has approved a plan for people buying amo to pay a $15 fee so the state can do a background check. amo shops would check lists against a state list of qualified buyers. today you can walk out of san quentin prison, you can walk out of chino, l.a. central county jail and ask all the ammunition you like, no questions asked. >> this bill one of seven gun control bills the senate passed and now goes to the assembly. a a surfer is being hailed as a hero after he saved an infant who fell into the ocean in southern california. patrick watson was skim boarding in laguna beach last week. that is when strong waves about five feet high knocked a baby out of her mother's arms and into the water. watson says he saw a flash of something next to him, so he fished around and grabbed what felt like a diaper. he pulled out the baby and handed her to her mother. >> i'll never forget, she was looking at me like just total desperation, just shaking and screaming my baby. she had her baby, she was looking at her fingers and toes and saying thank you. she was trying to say thank you, but she was just so distraught. >> the baby was in the water for only about 20 seconds. she was crying and appeared fine after the ordeal. watch em go. this weekend a live bay area performance by this figure skating champion. johnny we are joins us live in the studio next. it's hard to be the one and only in some places. one woman's difficult experience and what she's doing to inspire young people to achieve everything they can. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, college graduates working in scie logy. kpix 5 hispanics, african- americans and native americans make up less than 10% of college graduates working in science and technology. kpix5's kate kelly with this week's jefferson award winner who is hoping to inspire a new generation. >>reporter: >> who's going to do the baby hunter's lung cancer? >>reporter: if science is about opening the door to the world around us? then bolg professor latessia lagonia wants to crack that door wide open. >> if you want an innovative solution to a scientific problem, you get that innovation from a secure team. >>reporter: the doctor is passionate about increasing the participation of underrepresented groups in science and engineering. beginning in her own classroom at sf state. >> i walk into the classroom, i see myself reflected in the students. >>reporter: she was first in her family to go to college and being the only latina in grad school, pursuing a phd in biochemistry had its challenges. >> i think i was a first-year graduate student. i got into the elevator and the gentleman in the elevator said, oh, are you new to the department. i said, oh, yes i'm new to the dment. he said what lab are you in. he said, oh, i didn't know they hired a new dishwasher. >>reporter: she wants a new experience for her students and being a role model in the classroom is just the start. >> you don't see black women, latina women in the sciences, so it's nice to have someone ahead of me doing that. >>reporter: before becoming a professor here at san francisco state university, latessia completed her underdprawt and graduate steudies at stamford and u.c. berkeley where she said finding mentors she could relate to was difficult. gr it's hard to be the one and only in some places, and, you know, i always knew the social cohesion was important and that was the way i was going to survive. >>reporter: and she did survive, creating minority science support groups at every school she attended. as a professor she's created summer internship opportunities for underrepresented students and is a faculty adviser. and as professor, wife and mother of two takes the job of mentoring seriously. >> she always pushes me, and i really appreciate that. >>reporter: graduate student anhill says dr. magonia opened her lab to him and has mentored him every step of the way. this fall he will pursue a phd at sf in pharmaceutical sciences. >> the goal of medicine is to benefit everyone for the greater good. i want to stick to that and really help people. >>reporter: so for her extraordinary leadership and efforts to change the face of science so that all may benefit, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to latessia laia. kate kelly, kpix5. >> you can nominate your local heros for a jefferson award on, click the logo at the top of the page and then jefferson awards to find the nomination form. it is going to be hot around the bay area today. even a warm beach day. dpl yeah. not bad. the timing is good too. we have warming, a good beach day and cooling next week. we have something for everybody this saturday morning. but mostly sunshine as we've got nothing but clear skies out there and a temperature of 61 degrees at concord, as we look over the bay bridge approach. san francisco has got 54 degrees, san jose at 58 and santa rosa has got 54 degrees today. there's a patch of fog around the monterey bay, but since no one watches us in the monterey bay, i'm not quite sure why i'm mentioning it. we've got a lot happening this week, art and wine festival walnut creek, sunny and hot out in the east bay. it'll be a warm one for the art and wine. and today the oyster and music festival. let's celebrate oysters at golden gate park, 71 degrees the forecast for that. it'll be sunny and mild if you are headed that direction. and if you're just headed out the door this morning, we've got mostly sunny skies and a temperature of about 61 degrees in the next hour. so we're starting off mild, but we'll finish hot for much of the bay area today. as we look toward the bay bridge span, warmest day today. highs will be not quite at but nearing 100 degrees inland. it'll cool off tomorrow by about five to 10 degrees. and then even cooler for monday through wednesday. so cooling ahead, but today it's hot as high pressure is still over the eastern pacific, and that's sending any chance of precipitation up into the pacific northwest and it'll keep us sunny and warm for the next 36 hours. pinpoint forecast if you are headed out of the bay area, 88 degrees at ukia today, 96 for sacramento. up in redding where in the summertime you can watch all of the water they pour on the rice crops just evaporate into the atmosphere, it'll be 98 degrees today. 78 at lake tahoe and 78 at yosemite. back in the bay area today, it's going to be nice, 76 in san francisco, 98 for fairfield and 95 in livermore. up to 89 degrees in san jose. 87 at mountainview. our five-day forecast shows sunshine continues inland. but around the bay the low clouds will return. by monday, tuesday and wednesday that will cool us off, but in the meantime lots of sunshine this weekend and warm temperatures, so enjoy it. it'll be a great go-do-it kind of weekend. and after a cool week ahead, we're just going to go back to seasonal norms. then by next weekend we warm it up again. so a little on again off again. dism very good timing too, as you mentioned. as sometimes happens in live television, things didn't quite go as planned. we were talking about skating, johnny wier was supposed to be here. he had an mental crop up this morning. sorry to -- he had an emergency crop up this morning. sorry to disappoint you. he will be at the oakland ice center, he will be performing. he's a gold medal olympian. go to that if you want to check him out. >> do you want me to do another weathercast? >> no. we want you to figure skate for us. you know those rare instances when you're in the rate place at the right time? one neonatal nurse knows that feeling. check it out, suzanne a falls had just gotten home from work when she saw a woman in help. soon-to-be mom pulled her car over in heavy traffic in san francisco. she realized she wouldn't make it to the hospital. with her scrubs still on, falls rushed into action and delivered that baby right there in the street. >> it pretty much happened pretty quick. so we were in the middle of the street, doors opened, traffic going by and the baby was born. i was just very lucky, you know, that this nicu nurse -- we stopped in front of her doorstep. >> amazing. paramedics soon took the new mom and baby to the hospital. they are both healthy, very cute and doing well. in sports the giants had had had their game in st. louis postponed because of bad weather, and they have a doubleheader today. in the meantime here at home, the a's notched another victory, making it seven of their last eight. here's vern glenn with the highlights. >> good morning, everybody. the giants and the cardinals are scheduled for a doubleheader this morning at 10:00 a.m. because the weather in st. louis just so bad it just washed everything out. on to the oakland a's, mark tolecologne on the mound. how about a complete game shutout, 11th of his career, he struck out three. off the disabled list comes josh reddick, picked up where he left off. here he is swinging away. he brings in john jace, so the a's win it 3-0 over the white sox. they've won 7-8 and the a's faithful love it. usf baseball, eugene regional, ncaa tournament opener. they got on the board first when mitchell rowan doubled in zachary turner in the 2nd. don and the owls would go extras. bottom of the 11th. here's how the don ros it. atkinson lost it in the sun. final 3-2. don't worry, it's double elimination. ryan lahtke under the lights in santa clara, closing out the 100-meter fly 52:29, part of the grand prix swim tour. he was the man. that was last night. that event goes on the rest of today and into tomorrow. it's a warm one out there tomorrow. it's a warm one out there today. stay cool. we are going to be right back. out the dinosaurs -- passed within 3- point-6 million m of earth - yesterday. it's a giant asteroid about the size of the one that wiped out the dinosaurs passed within 3.6 million miles of earth yesterday. it's called asteroid 1998qe2. it's 1.7 miles wide and the closest to earth the asteroid will come for at least the next 200 years. it is one to be very concerned about, if something this size should hit the earth, it would be a global catastrophe. >> in february a meteorite sproaded over central russia, you may remember, injuring more than 1,000 people. experts hope the information they get from 1998qe2 will help them build defense -- future defenses against asteroid strikes. by the way, you can't see it with the naked eye unless you have a very powerful telescope. cruz cranes are becoming san francisco's newest landmarks. the city is in the middle of an apartment building boom. kpix5's mike sugarman shows us how the city's skyline is is about to change. >>reporter: there is a lot of these on the streets of san francisco and where a lot of cruz port-a-potties are, cruz can't be far behind. you ever see anything like this? >> i haven't seen anything like it, no. >>reporter: rob willis has only been building san francisco housing for a generation. [ crane noise ] >>reporter: you have to go to the era of mayor joe ale oto to find anything like that. rental housing is blowing up. gh it's the job creation. we have a lot of companies moving in, you've got twitter two ploks up, the work field, that was just announced. >>reporter: $5 billion rental units. this is a junior one bedroom. >>reporter: trinity has a building that to the untrained eye doesn't seem possibly ready to open in five weeks. the promise of a july 1st move- in, 420 apartments on mission street. this will be close up with these sliding panels. >>reporter: 650 square feet, upwards of $3,000 a month. san francisco law forces such buildings to provide affordable apartments and there are 65 of them, they're 1/3 of the normal rent. 65 places that received 3500 applications. it's hard to tamp down enthusiasm and there seems to be no stop to it right now. we're adding all that housing, but couldn't there be a bubble? after the bubble and the inevitable burst, shouldn't we be worried about that? >> i heard 2 million people want to move here. >>reporter: kevin wallace has owned wallace remodeling for 40 years. >> i think it's about time they build some more units because of supply and demand. >>reporter: as long as the jobs picture is so rosy, he thinks, the housing market will only follow. people make the kind of money san francisco jobs are currently paying. mike sugarman, kpix5. >> and just five years ago, the city experienced its record low for building apartment units. my how things have changed. coming up one more look at the day's top stories. that includes a monster suicide bomb system tearing through the -- a monster storm tearing through the heartland. the challenges this weekend. five people are dead in the oklahoma city area after a series of tornadoes overnig. here's a look at this morning's top story, five people are dead in oklahoma city after a series of tornadoes overnight. this morning emergency crews are surveying the extent of the damage. a powerful rain and hail storm made it difficult for drivers to see the funnel clouds and some cars overturned on interstate 40. tornadoes also struck in the st. louis area, tearing off roofs and ripping away porches. fire crews in the angeles ncial forest continue to battle a stubborn wildfire that broke out on thursday. it is burning in rough terrain about 30 miles north of los angeles. 1,500 acres have been torched so far. the fire is only 15% contained. at least one structure has been destroyed. several power lines are also in the fire's path. the transtube track damage that caused a commute nightmare yesterday is now fully repaired. the problem started when two maintenance vehicles crashed on the oakland side of the tube, damaging the third rail early yesterday morning. trains had to single track under the bay for most of the early morning commute. crews worked overnight to complete those repairs. the trains are now running at full speed on both tracks. well, tomorrow on kpix5 this morning, the president heads back to the bay area next week and silicon valley tech giants making waves in the political circle. the question, are they raising all this money just out of the goodness of their heart? >> i don't want to talk about their expression of love and goodness, but be very clear, you can't be helpful to the politicians unless somehow that translates into some assistance for you in most cases. >> and a spike in violent crime in the south bay, what san jose is doing to protect residents. councilman xavier carpos joins us tomorrow starting at 7:30, right here on kpix5 this morning. in the meantime, kind of a really warm and beautiful day. >> have you heard that? yeah. that's exactly what we're expecting. our temperatures going to be near 100 degrees inland today. not quite touching 100, but mid- 90s will do t. we're starting out with clear skies, and if you want mild readings, you'd head down to the south bay at this hour where we're looking at readings nearing 60 degrees. but even san jose will be near 90. right now concord 61, oakland 57 degrees. livermore is at 58 and in san jose. it's 58 degrees at the bowman. and here's what we expect in the bay area today. santa rosa 89 degrees. it'll be 98 out at travis air force base at fairfield. livermore in the mid-nientds, concord 93. in san francisco 76 and oakland up to 82 degrees. yikes! 89 for san jose. oakland at the coliseum, game time sart in the mid-70s. in the extended forecast, we'll cool it off beginning on monday. but today looks nice and warm. so get out and enjoy it. it looks like a beautiful day for the bay area. >> it is june 1st already, and it's the beginning of wedding season. there's a big one today. one of napster's cofounders is getting hitched in an over-the- top themed wedding. sean parker is is getting married down in big surf. >> the wedding is sponsored by mastercard. >> it is a $10,000 game themed, $10 million for the wedding, a show on hbo. a motel has been turned into a movie set basically. they've got waterfalls and ancient ruins, and the outfits for the guests -- yes, the guests have freshly made outfits, they were made by the costume designer from "the lord of the rings" movies. my grandmother said, brian, if you ever get married, just run off to reno. >> agreed, agreed. let's just adopt a pet instead. this is the weekend to do it because you can do it for absolutely free. more than 200 shelters across the country are participating in maddie's pet adoption day. all dogs, all cats are free at local shelters. all the money is is coming from maddie's fund. you're going to donate money to the shelters for each free pet adopted. so you have a link to maddie's fund. you can find out all the shelters you can adopt from today and tomorrow on our website. kxi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ererererererererer ♪ man: ♪ you and me solve a mystery ♪ with huckle kids: ♪ in busytown! girl: let's get busytown! man: ♪ you and me... kids: ♪ you and me! man: ♪ solve a mystery... kids: ♪ solve a mystery! man: ♪ with huckle

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