Transcripts For KUSA 9News At 10pm 20161012

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to determine the best way to dispose of it safely. we'll have the update on 9news and once the all clear is given by investigators. the only televised debate of the senate campaign, the candidates drew sharp contrasts and offered sharp words. michael bennet and darryl glenn tangled tonight on 9news. glenn declined to say if he still supports the party's presidential nominee donald trump. in the last four >> i'm here because of a ve strong woman and what you saw over that period of time was real frustration and hurt because we should never disrespect women. i grew up in a family with domestic violence. so anybody that puts a hand on or talks about women in that way, it's painful, but what you saw on sunday, you saw an individual that actually made an apology. that if somebody makes an apology, my faith teaches me grace, mercy and respect. so i've extended an invitation that's still out there to have a conversation with mr. trump because i want to know what's in his heart because when we're out there campaigning about the issues that he supports, we're asked those questions. >> senator michael bennet was asked why he still has no regrets about supporting the iranian nuclear deal even if he thinks iran will try to cheat i didn't then and i don't now. before the deal iran had enough to make 10 bombs in iran of enriched uranium. they were two to three months of breaking out with a nuclear weapon is what the intelligence agencies have told us. today iran has less than one bomb's worth of uranium. the plant in iraq is filled they have inspectors all over the place, so i don't trust iraq, but with respect to the nuclear threat itself, it was difficult politically, but it was the right vote to do and i'm glad i cast that. >> 9news political reporter brandon rittiman also moderated tonight's debate with kyle and brandon and other colleagues have been fact checking the statements that were made. so you'll start off with coal. >> yeah. we had some talk about al as glenn put it, the war on coal. he blamed the obama administration for killing the coal industry with regulations. >> the epa regulations, the war on coal, is real. we should be standing up for energy independence and allow all form of energy to occur and allow the market to dictate. >> this claim is an incomplete explanation of what's happening with the coal industry. regulations have hurt. they've made things a lot harder for some coal companies, but the other thing that's killing him is exactly what he said he was in favor of right after that, competition from other kinds of energy, most notably cheap and abundant natural gas outcompeting coal and it's been too much for some coal companies to handle. combine that with the regulation and that can be a potent mix of trouble for some coal companies, but the market itself is already throwing a lot of trouble their way. glenn pushed bennet on his support for the iran deal calling the $400 million exchange for u.s. prisoners ransom. here was bennet's response. >> second, there is nothing that i have heard that suggests that this payment that you describe was ransom. >> he hasn't heard republicans, that's for sure. that needs context. ransom implies the money was given only for the releaseof the prisoners. it is true the united states paid iran $400 million on the released. it is poant to remember, though, that the u.s. owed iran $400 million. it was used as leverage in the exchange, however, and that combined with the timing does leave room for politicians to debate this point. if you want more fact checking of tonight's debate, it's on right now. >> that is not a new debate. that's been kicked around for quite some time. >> a lot of national overtones from the presidential race on down. >> thank you. outside the debate history, colorado tonight protesters screamed and slammed against the building's glass windows and doors. a few dozen showed up in support of the green candidate who failed to qualify for the debate not reaching 10% in the polls of manconi has been polling around 2%. we'll look at the ballot questions in november and then on october 20th the 6th congressional district, mike locker room talk has become one of the newest buzz phrases in the presidential race. today broncos quarterback aqib talib was asked what locker room banter is really like. here's what he said. >> there's a lot of locker room comments. we talk about everything in here. trump may fit in in here, who knows? >> talib didn't elaborate. no one followed up on the question. several pro athletes have said that type of talk about women does not happen. er nfl player chad brown's comments on a suspect in a deadly hit and run crash we told you about last night was found naked in a lake in city park. 26-year-old tyler white was arrested late last night. about three hours earlier he was driving on colorado boulevard when he hit a prius killing the driver. two other vehicles were involved in the crash. it's not known how white ended up naked in the lake. police suspect drugs or alcohol. the woman who died in the released. we've seen a little bit of everything this afternoon weatherwise, snow on the mountains, sun on the front range, storms on the plains. at the johnson eisenhower tunnel there are a few flurries to add to what the snow guns are putting on the rocky mountain ski area. not the best day to take pictures at the national treasure, but still beautiful in its own way. in the metro area we're waiting for the cooler weather with the front moving in from the west. it will be noticeably cooler mo change and whether we'll see rain with the temperature drop. the rain would be welcome. it is dry as witnessed by a fire sparked this afternoon by lightning. one of the biggest fires was in elbert county about 100 acres and burned near the elbert/el paso county line. the fires were brought under control and did not damage property. we're hearing from a homeowner who put up a halloween display in fort collins some felt was racist. yesterday. it appears to be a black mannequin hanging from the front of the house. police got a few calls and went to talk to thhomeowner. nothing about it was illegal and the homeowner agreed to take it down and that woman called us this morning with what she said was a misunderstanding. >> there was no intent of making some sort of political display or anything like that. honestly we were making up creations trying to be creative. that was it. >> the woman who lives there asked us not to use her name, seems reasonable. she swears she didn't mean to offend anyone. samsung stopped production of its galaxy note 7 and started damage control. samsung announced today a complete halt to all production of the smart tomorrow because of spontaneous fires in both -- smartphone because of spontaneous fires in both the original and replacement devices. the concern now is long term damage to the entire brand. >> they say you want a samsung? you mean like the one that blows up? so people don't remember the names of devices. said what's causing the fires. it's still looking into the lithium batteries. despite the problems there are those who say they will remain loyal to the brand. if you have the galaxy note 7, you can take it back to a major carrier or best buy and exchange it or if you've paid for it or are on a payment plan, all carriers will refund what you've paid. the no. 1 story on today is about one of our colleagues who set out to be >> it stood for nearly a century. this bridge wasn't about to let some explosives bring it down. >> october is finally going to remember it is fall. kathy has details on how much of a change we'll feel in the temperatures. >> and how gary kubiak could help the broncos win this week the holiest day on the jewish calendar started at sundown. the faithful wish each other a meaningful and easy fast. they will not eat until sundown tomorrow. a personal story from one became one of the most read online. allison silte took a 30 day health challenge and chronicled her experience. beyonce was her inspiration to drink a gallon of water a day for a month. allison said there were benefits, some she did not expect, others less than anticipated. she has posted her story on both and on the ews facebook page. she's happy to answer any other questions about the water challenge in addition to those already there. we here on the local tv news love to show you implosion videos. you know what's even better than that? failed implosion video. take a look. [ explosion ] >> just as good as new! they tried to blow up the broadway bridge in little rock, arkansas, today, but the bridge wouldn't budge. that is american made steel right there. after the failed explosion atth down using boats and cables. a 5th grader in california won a class election with a donald trumplike promise. shane harris told his classmates that he would build a wall dividing the school playground. the 4th and the 5th graders would get one side. the 3rd graders would get the other and, of course, he would make the 3rd graders pay for it. he won the school election, but there's trouble already. the new school treasurer said he won't actually build the wall because his brother is a i'm meteorologist kathy sabine outside in the 9news backyard where the winds are kicking up, the temperature's falling and last hour i was out here with an umbrella. north of us it's snow and cold, these pictures coming out of central montana, 8 to 15 inches of snow, a storm that snarled traffic on many of the main arteries in central montana and that is the storm headed for colorado. no. you won't wake up to roads and silk 53 in denver, 31 in billings, 32 in rapid city and the cold air is moving into northern colorado already. dia reporting rain, 53 degrees, dry here in the backyard outside the studios, our temperature dropping, also. high temperatures today close to 80 again in october, mid-80s in southeastern colorado. the average this time of year mid-60s and we'll be hard pressed to see 60 tomorrow. cloud deck out there offering some light rain showers around lightning and up high a little thunder snow. tomorrow morning you'll wake up to cloud cover, fog, drizzle, 39 to 42 degrees. but it will not last. sun is out by lunchtime, just jacket weather. snow line hugging the front range foothills around winter park and walden seeing some snow accumulate. showers coming off the foothill, not holding together terribly well until you look east of fort collins and north of keenesburg, good rain coming down in weld moisture coming off a very dry september and mid-october. all this moisture is coming ahead of a front that will drop south along the front range. the cold air goes all the way to national texas tomorrow. the bulk of the precipitation and energy will be centered in the midwest tomorrow. we're just on the fringe of the chilly air. while we say good-bye to matthew and they're still cleaning up in the carolinas now nicole is a hurricane, category 1 storm offshore from the carolinas forecast to stay is watching this one very carefully. be mindful of that if your travels take you east of colorado. cold front tracks east quickly tomorrow, the clouds, fog, drizzle early, midday clearing, the cold air into northern texas, 90 in dallas, 58 denver, 50 billings, 46 in bismarck. a one day cool snap. rain and snow over the northern mountains across the front range foothills all rain, southeastern wyoming rain/snow mix. look at that cloud bank filling in. it cloudy, drizzly day will feel like monday morning when you wake up in eastern colorado, but the sun comes out in the afternoon, a chilly fall beautiful day, moisture increasing with the wind shift in the afternoon. right now the rain, snow, granby, estes park, steamboat springs all rain. fort collins, greeley, out to dia and fort morgan, so those traveling i-76 looking at probably the heaviest rain tonight. fog settles in at 7:30 in the lunchtime after a chilly start. 42 in carbondale, 37 the low in greeley, 40 in pueblo, cool out west and along the front range, temperatures below average for about all of eastern colorado tomorrow and downright chilly in blackhawk and a black lake, highs in the mid-50s. reports of light rain around the metro, cloudy, chilly, low 38. tomorrow the cloud, fog and drizzle give way midday clearing, chilly day, temperatures below average by about 10 degrees. tomorrow night lows in the 30s, clear, cool ahead of a nice warming trend, close to 80 friday, saturday, sunday. next front may offer some showers on monday and looking toward the end of next week i'm watching a storm, maybe just maybe we'll see denver's first snow. it's a long shot, but there's a potential. you heard it here first. up in steamboat beautiful fair mare's tail and get ready for the fish farm fish derby october 14th, 15th and 16th, although this is the way i prefer to spend my fall day. on the river is not bad either, but horseback. >> especially a pretty paint. it's beginning to look a lot like halloween. the national retail federation says more than 171 people plan to celebrate october 31st in big and different ways. local farms are adding items to and wreaths, for example. stores have stocked more additi costumes and candy. it's estimated americans will spend around $8.4 billion on halloween which would be a record. comes out to about $83 per person. it's also that time of year when booking holiday travel becomes top of mind. our partners at usa today looked into the best strategies when making those plans and saving some money. for thanksgiving try booking traveling wednesday or sunday. if you have no family obligations, consider a trip to europe. it might be cheaper to fly internationally that week than a domestic trip. consider taking the long way around getting connecting flights, shorter routes often are cheaper than a direct one. i believe this nation should commit itself to achieving a goal before this decade is out of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. kennedy and 55 years later president obama is mirroring kennedy's words to set another goal for space. he wrote an op ed for cnn today talking about america's next chapter, exploring mars. 9news reporter noel brennan talked with lockheed martin this afternoon about the goal of getting people to mars in the next 14 years. >> you can either be an astronaut or you can design and build the things that allow the astronauts to do what they do. choice for rob chambers of lockheed martin. >> it's been developed for the very beginning for carrying humans out past the moon to mars. >> reporter: rob has been working on orion, the vehicle that one day will take astronauts to mars. >> exploring mars and putting boots first on mars is a vision that most of us have kept deep in our hearts since we were born. >> i got to make water and grow food on a planet where nothing grows. >> reporter: for many it's still just a vision, what we see in animations, but today president obama called the vision a goal, send humans to mars by the 2030s and return them safely back to earth. >> it's great to wake up in the morning and the first thing you see is an e-mail from the president of the united states discussing his personal vision and interest in accomplishing the same goals that you spend your day to day life working on. >> reporter: 2030 isn't that far off. could we really see boots on the red planet in 14 years? >> that is very doable. and the contracting community to look at. >> reporter: rob chamber believes we're closer to mars now than we were to go to the moon when jfk talked about it way back in 1961. >> most of this technology has been around. we understand it well and just have to do the engineering to make it reliable and actually be able to execute the mission. >> reporter: another lofty goal and just over a decade to get there. >> in his op ed president obama talks about the next step of working with to develop habitats for astronauts on long missions. lockheed martin is one of the companies already working to build that kind of habitat. they'll be eventually tested in from colorado's sports leader here's drew soicher. motivation by dedication tonight. head coach gary kubiak is unable to join the team resting on doctor's orders. there's some difference of opinion as to how to let coach know the team is ?inking of him. >> i know he'll miss the game and we'll miss him and we'll play for him. i'll tell you that. i'm going to talk to the defense. we're going to dedicate this game to him. >> reporter: is there any win one for e on? >> i mean no and i don't think kub would want it that way. i think, you know, for me personally and knowing about kub i don't think he'd want this to be a big deal, bigger than it really is. >> trevor siemian was limited at practice today due to his left shoulder injury, which isy was so surprised to see what -- which is why i was so surprised pages of his notebook. >> reporter: it appears trevor siemian will be the starting quarterback in san diego. when it was decided saturday siemian wouldn't play against atlanta, coach kubiak told him to start prepping for san diego. here's another sign. >> yeah, i think so. i think i'm expecting to play. >> reporter: ordinarily a player who isn't healthy enough to dress on sunday doesn't start four days later, but the broncos decided last week it would be difficult player siemian, tight end virgil green and right tackle donald stephenson to play two games in five days. given their druthers, the broncos decided their first afc west game against san diego was more important than the nonconference game against atlanta. they all count the same and the broncos tried to win both games, of course, but so far they are 0-1 in their quest. let's see if siemian can help lead joe decamillis with an night. mike klis, 9news. the chicago cubs spit in the face of the billy goat tonight. the story goes back to 1945 tavern owner was told to leave game four of the world series because the odor of his pet goat was bothering other cub fans. ciannes was so outraged he placed a curse on the team. some wore a billy goat mask and it rallied because ag the giants 6-5 and win the division series 3-1. in los angeles the dodgers beat the washington nationals to force a fifth and deciding game. chase utley snapped an 8th inning tie. dodgers win 6-5. still of the night comes from glendale, arizona, where tim tebow went hitless in his arizona fall league debut and ran face first into the outfield fence chasing a fly much more exciting what happened after the game. tebow was surrounded by autograph seekers when one of them fainted, hit the ground, collapsed and tim stood there with the man, put his hand on him and prayed over him until the paramedics came and took him away. so what you'd expect from tim it's here. the much advertised cool front has arrived. back to you, drew. >> can you planning -- imagine if there was a rockies playoff game here? >> it would be great. >> did you say rockies playoff? >> but first i said could you imagine. >> i always kept those playoff hopes alive. a little fog and drizzle overnight and for the morning drive. tomorrow is the coolest day of the week, sun out in the afternoon, mid-70s thursday, saturday. >> kathy wore her purple tonight just in case a playoff game did break out on 20th and blake. >> they just need to bring matt holliday onto the team. >> any minute now.

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Arkansas , United States , Montana , Fort Collins , Colorado , Texas , Iran , Washington , Estes Park , New School , California , San Diego , Denver , Carbondale , Arizona , Fort Morgan , Iraq , Wyoming , Lakeview , Elbert County , Dallas , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , America , Iranian , American , Donald Stephenson , Tim Tebow , Chad Brown , Darryl Glenn , Gary Kubiak , Noel Brennan , Michael Bennet , Los Angeles , Matt Holliday , Elbert El Paso , Shane Harris , Virgil Green , Kathy Sabine ,

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