Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20161103

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police are trying to track down this vicious handle. >> reporter: iii hateful act was discovered today, pushing him him to speak out publicly. police say they have no doubt that this is a race related hate crime. and the cover of darkness, this house filled with love was targeted by hate. >> i don't understand is thinking at all. i didn't know it still existed. >> jackie stimson would seven-year-old son but now she has a much harder conversation. >> at -- i wasn't ready for this. i didn't think we would have to talk about this so soon. >> reporter: someone through fried chicken and watermelon on the family car. a newly installed security camera showed a car driving by. she says it's time that people know what's going on. anymore. i want people to know what's going on. >> reporter: she was letting the police do their job investigating two previous cases of vandalism. they were go home was scrolled -- scrawled on what looks like a wooden barricade. >> i told her, if you need anything i am here. or >> reporter: this neighbor says the community will rally for this family. >> as a community we need to be strong when things are bad. >> i'm not going to feel like a victim. i am not going to feel like i have somebody, or pretend it's not happening. >> reporter: police do not have any suspects but they figure whoever committed the crime talked about it and i hope someone will come forward. reporting live in derry new hampshire, katie brace wbz news. just six days until the election and stacks of voter information cards have been found dumped in the garbage. the man who found them want some answers. lisa moeller -- louise moller joins us live with more. wants something done about this. the postmaster is looking into this. a routine stop at a mailbox a passing glance at the trash bin. >> i picked it up and it said election. it said election commission. >> reporter: that is where joe martin saw these monday, bundles of cards in the crash, it each with voting location and time information. >> i was like, people are getting notified. >> reporter: and video for evidence. then he began to wonder could it be voter suppression at worst , laziness at best? in macon you come across something like this which could be someone taking things into their own hands, this is unsettling. >> reporter: joe was not as concerned about the mail in the trash. he's also concerned about the mail. he got this response from the cambridge election commission. >> people don't actually need that card to vote. >> reporter: in a statement, the commission said the state -- the city is disappointed that the post office failed to deliver on services we purchase. >>people should be diligent and do their job and realize this is a very important election, any election. the >> reporter: martin says he also did not get his early voter information guide. all of those cards he found in the wrong building. new hampshire may only hold 4 electoral votes with their important enough that everyone seems to be headed this way. donald trump will hold rallies in new hampshire on friday and again on monday that president obama will also be in new hampshire on friday campaigning of course for hillary clinton. tonight clinton is out west rallying support in arizona and nevada. she is counting on hispanic voters to help her win. >> [ shouting ] we win on >> donald trump is banking on florida with three stops in a battleground state. he tells a crowd in pensacola, if he's elected he will clean house. >> if we win on november 8, we are going to washington dc and we are going to drain the swamp . >> wbcn cbs news have you covered on election night. scott pelley and the team have will stay on all night with the latest on the lace -- the race for the president. we also hope you will join us on for special election webcasts. springlike weather today and a couple of thunderstorms possible tomorrow, wet weather >> we are seeing this make its way toward cleveland. the world series is still underway. that same batch of rain is going to swing through here tomorrow afternoon. in the meantime a few showers are running into new york state and he will move across northern new england throughout the overnight and into tomorrow morning. temperatures are miles. we do notice some of the cooler air setting up across northern massachusetts and new hampshire. that's going to be tough to root out tomorrow. new hampshire may have a shower as well as northern massachusetts. the main area moving in a german -- moving in after lunchtime may bring a rumble showers. there will be a little bit of rain that will be with us until tomorrow evening. then we will dry out and then comes in the dryer and cooler air. -- drier air. two men just walked out of the minimum-security facility. a man hit a tree with his car before -- and got out just julie has more. >> reporter: lisa, this driver had just seconds to escape and yet somehow he managed to do just that. tonight police are reminding all of us to always drive defensively. >> a car just got into a car accident and it is on fire. >> reporter: hours later it was virtually pile of charge melted metal, it's driver a 38-year-old spencer man who managed to crawl out. >> he indicated a deer had run out in front of him. he swerved to avoid the deer and went off the road and struck a tree. >> reporter: the police will say that the driver was incredibly lucky, have been walking away from this -- having walked away from this with nothing but a broken bone. >> it's lucky that no one was serious injuries. we are a rural community. we have seen moose and dear and black bears -- deer and black bears. >> reporter: he tells people to be present in aware. sometimes he says, that may be that you have to make a tough choice. >> sometimes, you are better off to try and make the animal or if it's a smaller animal the tires because this guy tried to do the right thing and avoid the animal and a could have cost him his life -- it could have cost him his life. >> he was taken to the hospital for treatment and his condition is unknown. where live in leicester, the bbc news. developing right now, deadly ambush, two officers targeted and killed, shopping the windows of their patrol cars in iowa. police say the suspect has a history of harassing police. he was well known to law enforcement. >> reporter: it appears he was. the motive is not well known but the suspect brought a confederate flag to a high school football game a couple weeks ago and argued with police when they asked him to leave. >> this is in aurora, possible officer down. >> reporter: it was just after 1 am when they found rookie officer justin martin shot dead in his patrol car, more than 15 rounds fired. less than 2 miles away, minutes later, and david nuno -- tony biminio wa stop sign. >> the officers had no idea what was about to come. >> 46-year-old scott michael greene was in custody by this morning, taken to the hospital after he said he felt sick. police believe he used a long >> i think he knew exactly what he was doing when he kill those officers. >> this isn't something that seems spur-of-the-moment. >> he has a history of harassment. just hour weeks ago he waved a confederate flag in a high school football game. this video was shot by scott michael greene and it showed police asking him. >> we are asking you to leave at this time. >> we don't think these officers were specifically targeted. >>dustin martin was just 21 years old -- 29 years oh. tony biminio had just been promoted to sergeant. >> i want you to go home and i want my dad to come home and i want my friends to go home. and i'm sorry and i am here for you all. >>as of now there is no indication that either officer at any previous interactions with scott greene. >> all-new tonight, the fbi is offering a $10,000 reward -- find this man that vanished a year ago. he vanished after snorkeling off of grand cayman island. this is an important update . this is good news for an important -- for a family of a hillary terry -- a military man on-duty. was originally said that he didn't die while on active duty but now it looks like they will get some relief. a view from a city bus shows what happened when a driver crashed into a house. some proof that all you need is a little love. the reason this local dog is stealing hearts online. one mild day more and then massachusetts' newspapers rarely agree, but they do on question 2. they agree opponents have run a "campaign of misinformation" to spread "fear through white, affluent neighborhoods." they agree in the suburbs question 2 will have "no impact on their schools and their children." they agree it will provide vital "choices for urban parents" and help reduce "the achievement gap." question 2 is "a kid's civil right." join leading newspapers and governor baker in voting yes on 2. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. this is your last chance to get super fast 100meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. this is your final week to get this great deal. new at 11:00, incredible right into a home. san antonio police say the driver was in an intersection when the driver t-boned of us. fortunately no one was inside of the home of the time. the bus driver suffered minor injuries. shaping the future of online shopping, trying out products before you buy them. >> a major buster retailer is leading the way in virtual shopping. >> mayfair wants to jump off the pages of its catalog and website and right into our homes. here's how they are making virtual reality real. >> it's going to rotate and then take a picture and then rotate again. >> reporter: the retailer is creating a whole new way to browse and buy by turning thousands of household items into 3-d images. >>when you send a lot of money -- spend a lot of money, you want to have confidence that you know what it is. users to drop a virtual product into any room and see if it fits. >> you get a sense of what you are about to buy in the physical space. >> reporter: it uses google's new tangle technology -- tango technology. it doesn't just take a photo but it digitally measures it. >> hopefully we will see it across all devices super >> they are just stopping at one at. if you like what you see as you browse through the catalog. with one click customers can leap into the page, translated into -- transported to >>this is more of a fun experience. >> in the new headset will not just be for gamers, you can move around furniture or have a fire pit delivered by drone. >> in the long term we think that virtual-reality technology is going to allow us to not only be inspired but also creative. >> expect more stores to offer high-tech shopping experiences. ikea also has a virtual-reality design a new kitchen. kate merrill, the bbc news. mayor marty walsh -- wbz news. mayor marty walsh is hoping this is going to encourage food trucks to put out a top-quality product. a local dog is taking the web by storm.'s owner says the -- the owner sa was crying because trick-or- treaters were too afraid to pet him. there were thousands of tweets with people offering to come to massachusetts to give the dog a hug. the devil horns were not helping. >> he's really cute. now he gets loved be on halloween. there's a lot of love today for the forecast. >> today was awesome. does give us another one tomorrow. >> i do accept treats. a beautiful day today, no question, still really mild outside, 55 degrees in the city right now, cool air is starting to slide down in northern new england and is going to entrench itself north of the pike and across new hampshire, vermont and maine tonight. in the meantime we saw a lot of warm air across the country. 70 degrees at 11:00 here in early november. we are also watching clouds and showers moving our way, watching the batch of heavy rain which may be on its way innings. we will see. rain showers across new york state and northern england as well. a light jacket and grab an umbrella tomorrow morning as you go out the door. showers may develop midday. the temperatures will be a split. we will take a look at the coming of. there's a chance of showers across vermont, new hampshire in far northern massachusetts. you are locked into the clouds and cooler temperatures. in the meantime a chance for temperatures south of the pike and getting into southeastern massachusetts. the main area of rain were watching for tomorrow comes in around lunchtime from west to east and travels across the region as we head through the afternoon, early afternoon toward cape cod. it shouldn't be a big soaking rainfall but it is some rainfall which is better than on. take a look at the temperatures. if you look at the north side toward the pike south, well near the 60s and even near 70 degrees. i think that new hampshire, northeastern massachusetts are going to stay in the 40s and 50s for most of the day tomorrow. with a better chance for more significant rain, over a quarter inch in new hampshire norther massachusetts. i think the rain totals will be much lighter and sparse in the southeastern part of the state untoward ohio. you can see the front right here on the north side of the northwesterly winds which will bring a much cooler air mass for friday. 70 tomorrow and only 50 on friday, a 20 degree change. otherwise it's blustery and cool, not a lot going on on the weekend, partly cloudy skies and to -- and cool temperatures on saturday. sunday will have a chance for a flurry or sprinkle. a little bit cooler than average. as we look toward saturday, not much wind and low 50s. the touch cooler on sunday a chance for a sprinkle. we also fall back on sunday which means we will get an extra hour of sleep. it also means that 6:24 is going to be sunrise and 4:31 is going to be sunset. we're getting close to that darker part of the year. we're on the cool side of the ridge here. i wouldn't call it cold however. i don't see any big cold outbreaks over the next 10 day. low 50s, a cool monday but right. election day is going to be 60 and it looks dry right now. no weather issues expected at the polls. 10 days out, we like that forecast. this is a vacation week for the new england patriots. plus we will talk about the there is something going on tonight that is pretty big. >>we tried pretty big -- pretty hard to ignore it. we don't have >> why are we starting with this? >> because it's the biggest thing going on. the hundred and 8 year waits may be coming to an end for the cubs but hold on. game 7, cubs and indians in this game has matched to the hype. the cubs had a 6-3 lead and then the indians made it 6-4 and then a two run home run to they are going crazy in chicago and in cleveland. we will indeed keep you posted. in the meantime the celtics welcome back marcus. let's start with the bad news. kick carter's left foot goes down and he goes down. he eventually gets up on his own. they say he suffered a sprained left ankle and will be out for at least johnson did big-time, all in the third quarter, and now we move to the fourth. minute and a half left to go and somehow he gets this to go making it 100 2-100 celtics, only 30 seconds to go in the celtics are still up three. 5 assists and a single and a block in a minute 107 to 100. patriots are officially on vacation, a mini vacation. it's a bye week and time for a little r&r. the patriots have a week off before they gear up against seattle next week. they got in one last practice today. the jamie collins trade is stunned everyone including tom brady that's -- brady. it shows that no one is untradable. brady admitted it's still a possibility for him. >> absolutely, you can't be around this long and not realize that the world will keep spinning in the sun will come up tomorrow without you. that's just the way it does. >> as for collins, he is selling in with his team at cleveland. he said he was surprised but bill belichick and company. >>like i said, i am not stressing over nobody, no one. not me. >> were you surprised when it happened? >> 10 minutes i was surprised. for 10 minutes, i woke up and i monta cleveland. >> [ laughter ] >> whereon to the bye week, the shorter checkout pot access friday night. we have all 69 of gronkowski's touchdowns. we will have patriots game day 11:30 unscented. that's sports for now. -- on sunday. that's sports for now. it doesn't get any better. >> except if it was on our network. [ laughter ] coming up, where you can buy be noisy. be silent. be near. be far. be joyful. be together. celebrate joy with dunkin's holiday-flavored coffees, fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. this is your last chance to get super fast 100meg internet, tv and phone dunkin's sweet black pepper bacon sandwich is back with twice the crispy, caramelized peppered bacon. experience a breakfast sandwich made for bacon lovers. america runs on dunkin'. beer, sam adams brewery has created a beer called big papi. >> they only made 541 bottles, the number of career home runs for ortiz. all proceeds go to the david ortiz children's fund. [ roars ] [ up tempo music ] dinner! and for the first time ever stream live tv, watch on demand, and download your dvr shows anywhere. kate: my mom and i love shooting hoops. but you know what - she could still learn a few things from me - just like i've learned a lot from her. mom helps with homework... she helped dad start his business... and she even fought to put bad guys in jail. now, mom helps make laws that help people - especially when they need it most. ork - i can do... anything. kelly: i'm kelly ayotte, kate: and i'm kate. kelly & kate: and we approved we are about to see a 20 degree slide in the next 48 hours. >> that's true. it's going to be 40 to 50 degrees by friday. it's a big cool down. we have some showers coming in tomorrow, a couple in the morning but most will be about lunchtime and through dinnertime. i mostly like to make this at dinnertime. it works out perfectly. >> there's a little controversy during the world series [ overlapping speakers ] -- please tell us. [ overlapping speakers ] >> you can change the channel at any time. [ laughter ] >> they had a double play going on and they are discussing whether the runner was out. >> they will be debating this for ever. >> it was raining there. >> you can watch the newscast and follow the game on twitter >> thank you for being with us today. we will see you tomorrow. >> the late show was taped earlier so we don't know who won the world series. for that reason we have two messages. is there congratulations, cleveland. you played great ball. your city should be pro win that makes us briefly forget your mascot. i also want to say congratulations to this goat. as you know in the owner cursed the chicago cubs because they kicked his goat out of gaiment. apparently the curse worked really well. goat, your power is undeniable, and we stand in awe of your black magic. all hail evil goat!

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