Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20160727

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delegations staying at this king of prussia hotel. we spoke to members from each one of those states and they tell us, that although many continue to be supporters of bernie sanders, some of of them say they just can't get behind hillary clinton. >> we're still grieving. >> reporter: north dakota delegate emily kimble said bernie sanders not being the presidential candidate is a loss of a loved one. >> they're not listening to the people on the ground. i know that hillary clinton is a very caring person, and has a lot of amazing work that she has done. >> reporter: she's boarding a bus to head to the center, other delegates are not. >> all they're doing now is infomercials for hillary. >> what's the alternative for you? what do you do now? >> well, we could go see the liberty bell. and then we were talking about going to have some philly cheesesteaks. and probably going down to fdr park for the protests. >> reporter: supporters of bernie said you have to do what he is asking. >> it's ridiculous for anyone to walk out. >> reporter: but that is what some have done. >> there's nothing else we can do, which is why we're not going back. they don't want our votes. they don't care about our votes. so we don't feel there's any reason for us to be there. and we're not, i'm sorry, but we're not going to go and watch the coronation of the queen. >> we're not abandoning him. the party isn't. he's not abandoning the party or the principles either. we can still stand for bernie sanders and everything he stands for, and still support hillary clinton. because that's what we need to do. >> reporter: now, some are skipping the conventional together, others say they will be in protest of the nomination of hillary clinton. you'll see signs like these on the convention floor today. others say they're throwing their vote behind third party candidates. >> third parties, the green party. their candidate jill stein will be in philadelphia tonight. she's part of a panel discussion that begins at 7:00 p.m. at 15th and cherry. stein is running on a platform that includes job creation, investing in public transit and a push for clean, renewable energy. it's going to be a star-studded night as the white house takes over the dnc stage in effect. the primetime speakers include vice president joe biden, president obama, and the party's vp nominee tim kaine. nbc 10's lauren mayk on the floor now. >> reporter: jim, we're over at the virginia delegation right now. they've got a really great spot here, right up close to the stage. now, they know him well. but tonight is kaine's opportunity to introduce himself to everyone else. he was here in the convention hall earlier today. let me show you that video. he was doing a walk-through to look at the stage, take a look at the prompter. really just get an idea of what he's going to be seeing here tonight. now, he has joked that he is boring, but he has already shown that he is willing to take on donald trump. take a listen to what he had to say today at a breakfast with the virginia delegation. >> this is an election that in some ways is less about candidates than about america. looking in the mirror and deciding what it is that we see there. will we go to be a nation after 240 years of religious tolerance, that suddenly is going to treat people differently because of how they worship or choose not to? are we going to bring torture back? >> now, we are going to be watching very carefully when he is placed into nomination here. because the bernie sanders supporters, some of them are not happy with this choice. they really would have liked to have seen a more progressive candidate as hillary clinton's vice president. we're going to be watching to see if they make any disruptions or make their displeasure known, jim. >> yeah, as we saw, some of them walked out last evening. lauren, thanks for being down on the floor as always. we'll check back with you throughout the afternoon and evening. president obama will be right behind us on the stage tonight with a speech on why we as a country are better united than divided. the president sat down for an exclusive interview with nbc's savannah guthrie. he said democrats should be running scared about the challenge they face in donald trump. >> you stay worried until all those votes are cast and counted, because you know, one of the dangers in an election like this is that people don't take the challenge seriously. >> and the president's vice president will also push voters to choose hillary during his primetime speech tonight. nbc 10's tim furlong has more on delaware's famous son and his mission. >> i don't have any personal use for donald trump. >> reporter: vice president joe biden taping a segment for msnbc hours before he takes the podium at the dnc. this morning he met with delaware's delegates. >> he spoke about the importance of education. he spoke about the cancer movement. >> reporter: maria cabrera is a council member and candidate for mayor. she said biden told delegates they need to fight harder for democrats at all levels on this year's ballot. she also said he talked about his own future. >> no matter what, he said i'm going to have a team of people working with me on the issues that are near and dear to his heart. >> there's no such thing as retirement or farewell for joe biden. >> reporter: i caught up with a senator today and he said he will be leading the fight against cancer. cancer took beau biden last year. he said we will probably see more of joe biden around delaware. that doesn't mean he won't still be fighting for all americans. >> you get to know somebody. and you listen to the other team. you listen to the other side. >> reporter: tim furlong, nbc 10 news. >> so we will hear from vice president biden tonight. while the dnc continues to make headlines, it's all happening while the longest heat wave so far this season just broils our region. here's a live look right now down broad street from the kimmel center camera, where it's another 90-degree day out there. let's check in with first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> it just continues. one more day of it before i think we see some changes. it's 92 in philadelphia. 93 in northern delaware. and the humidity is higher in delaware, making it feel even hotter. one place we're seeing relief is at the beaches. you can see we've got a sea breeze. it's only 79 in ocean city right now. 76 in upper township. we do have some showers and thunderstorms in the area, near 90 in mays landing. the temperature trend over the last several days, it's been pretty high. 97 monday. 92 so far today. 94 tomorrow. and then we drop a little bit on friday. here are the showers and storms. you can see they've pretty much moved offshore. at least for now. we're going to have another round starting tomorrow, and that is going to be much more significant than what we're seeing. we have a first alert issued for tomorrow for much of the area. delaware, new jersey, philadelphia, p.a. suburbs. this is for thursday night, into friday night. the combination of strong thunderstorms and the threat of flash flooding. so we're going to get more into that, more on the timing of the storms, the areas likely to be affected the most coming up in just a few minutes, jim. >> glenn, we'll see you soon. four protesters faced a judge today after their arrests outside the wells fargo center yesterday. they were taken into custody by secret service officers, after they climbed this fence here over a police barricade. they've been charged with entering a restricted area. another person who climbed the barrier was cited and released. in all, five violations for disorderly conduct handed out on day two of this convention. now to a group of voters who say they feel dissatisfied, disgusted and disenfranchised. their revelation will continue on a different path, one that will not embrace hillary clinton, they say. nbc 10's cydney long got reaction from the dnc's black caucus. she's joining us now from the pennsylvania convention center with that. cydney? >> reporter: jim, one by one, the black men for bernie movement tells me they will engage, educate and enlist new african-american voters to head to the polls come november. but to vote against the democratic party. >> the message is, we want to dismantle your organization with new blood that really will serve black people, because you failed. >> reporter: with this flier, and thousands of black men for bernie supporters, founder bruce carter said he will canvas barber shops nationwide, his goal, getting 10 million black friends, their grandmothers and friends to go to the polls. >> the congressional black caucus is one of the main problems. our goal is to dismantle it from top to bottom. >> reporter: they're not just disenfranchised by an inscrupulous sabotage of bernie sanders, but overall on crime, poverty and black lives matter issues. he said president obama didn't care enough. >> people do not have food, coming to philadelphia, the deepest poverty city in america. >> i would say it's not about hillary. i'm with her on issues, too. are you down at your state house, your local elections, are you running for office. >> reporter: at today's dnc black caucus -- >> if doctor king had given up because of setbacks along the way, we wouldn't be where we are today. >> reporter: a message from former attorney general eric holder, to not give up. angela said she's not disheartened by the black men for bernie upset. >> when you're talking about issues like police brutality, property taxes, education, those are democratic core values. we're not running outside our party. what they need to do is get involved in our party and be the change here. we need them. >> reporter: and delegate angela angel went on to say the profound message out of the black caucus today is, quote, our voice is our vote. she said, when black voters, especially black men, head to the polls, that's when democrats win. clearly, time will tell. live in center city, i'm cydney long, nbc 10 news. >> hillary clinton's achievement here at the dnc, definitely historic. young girls across our area and across the country celebrating the first woman nominated for president by a major party. these are girls from the left freedom sing choir. they traveled to philly from all 50 states to sing around town during the dnc. 100 girls make up this choir and they tell nbc 10 it's empowering to watch a woman break the glass ceiling and get one step closer to the white house. >> they say that women should just, like, stay at home, be, like, in the kitchen, house mom. but women can really do anything, and hillary just proved that. >> the girls say it's just a lot of fun to be singing music that's literally bringing people together at such a divisive time for our country. a lot of work goes into putting on a convention. hundreds of college students, including 18 from temple university stepped um up to the plate to help out. it's part of an academic seminar. six others did the same thing at the republican convention in cleveland. the students work in a variety of jobs, including checking the credentials of delegates, or working directly with the campaign. >> these people speaking at these events, working here are human beings like myself who at the end of the day just want to make the country as good as it can be. >> it includes about 165 students from all across the country. great experience for them. the action on the stage behind me, the focus of the dnc, all this week. but all the visitors from around the country are still trying to take the time to take in what philadelphia has to offer. randy gyllenhaal hit the streets to see where they're going, what they're doing. >> reporter: away from all the politics and drama, a lot of these delegates are trying to squeeze in just a little bit of vacation into their convention. and for a lot of them, it's their very first time in philadelphia. taking a break from the many meetings and events, dnc delegates escape to independence mall. >> i'm just here having fun. and rooting for hillary. >> reporter: some of them keeping up with the latest news on the msnbc set, others just taking in the sights and the sounds. we caught up with two louisiana delegates, one for hillary, the other for bernie. >> i expect we'll be best friends forever. >> reporter: and despite the drama in their party this week, they're taking a unity tour together around town with the little free time they've got. >> constitution center, then we've got to get back to the buses, the shuttles to the arena. >> reporter: over at the rocky steps, protesters are putting down the picket signs and checking out the tourist traps. >> i did want to get a philly cheesesteak sandwich while i'm here. >> reporter: for most delegates and demonstrators, this week it's all business, making the most of just a few hours of down time each day. >> we went to go see the liberty bell. washington square park. we packed a lot into our schedule. we want to make sure we made the most of our visit during this vibrant time. >> reporter: randy gyllenhaal, nbc 10 news. >> so much to see. our dnc coverage continues at 4:30. we'll hear about the evolution of the democratic party from a delegate who's lived through more than 100 years of american politics. imagine that. join us back here at 7:00 tonight for a one-hour special report. clinton's plan for free tuition for public colleges, our fact checkers are digging to find out. we send it back to the studios to glenn "hurricane" schwartz for the first alert forecast. glenn? >> i'll bet you're glad you're indoors today. we have the heat wave right in the middle of the convention. it's going to continue one more day. 92 in philadelphia. 93 degrees in much of delaware. but of course, cooler at the jersey shore. let's show you some of these hot delaware temperatures. 93 in tallyville and greenville, wilmington 93. harmony hills 95. glasgow 93. odessa, 94. just as we've seen with the jersey shore, we have that sea breeze that comes in, keeping the temperature down. bethany beach 82. 92 in mills boro. now, in philadelphia itself, we've got 92 at the philly airport. but in other parts of the city, it's even hotter. parkside and west mount airy, 95 right now. fox chase, bustleton at 93 degrees. we've got another day of this. and the humidity is going to be higher tomorrow as well. radar satellite not showing much, except for some showers and storms from portions of cape may county, the middle portion of the county. atlantic city didn't get it. cape may didn't get it. that's about it. but the heat wave continues. and it will go one more day. there's not much more doubt about that. this is our third heat wave of the season. the longest one so far. the last couple days of the month will not be quite as hot. and we're going to replace the heat with the thunderstorms. so not so much during the night tonight or tomorrow morning. during the afternoon, you can see it building up with the heat, humidity of the day, and a disturbance moving in from the west. you saw the yellows and reds and some of that is going to be on the heavy side. here's another round coming in thursday night, and into friday morning. look how heavy that is. and that's in the morning. we don't have to wait until friday afternoon to get these storms. and after the storms thursday, and then on friday, we do have the threat of some flooding along with that. so we do have the first alert that goes from late tomorrow, thursday night into friday night, combination of a chance to strong to severe storms on thursday afternoon and night. and then some flash flooding into friday as a result of that. now, what happens tonight, we've got dry conditions, and a very warm night to start off with. it's going to stay fairly humid during the night. then as we go into morning, it's already getting close to 80 degrees in most of the area. by noon, it's close to 90 in parts of the region. but as you can see, down in atlantic city, it is cooler, because we've got the sea breeze coming in again tomorrow. so we have the storms tomorrow, and friday. but look at the temperature go down. saturday we have better chance of sunshine across the area. but the temperature stays in the 80s. look at that. 82 degrees lehigh valley friday. 85 on saturday. but we do expect a good bit of rain. new jersey, jersey shore getting it especially on friday. and then again coming in on sunday. we'll have another report coming in a little bit later where we'll go into the ten-day forecast and see if we're going to see a return of the heat next week. >> all right, glenn. this week's storms led to a tragic death that has a local high school in mourning. what could serve as a lesson of the danger of power lines that you haven't heard before. new details about this montgomery county teacher accused of sexual assaulting students. what we now know about his alleged encounter. and later, a slithering scare. one woman's shocking discovery in her south jersey neighborhood that has police issuing a warning to everyone nearby. a look at the closing bell on wall street. stocks closed mixed today. your business needs a lot of speed. but getting it doesn't have to break the bank. introducing the comcast business summer savings event. now you can get a lot for a little. as little as a cup of coffee and donut a day. fast internet speed to drive performance, plus cutting edge wifi for your employees and customers, and voice mobility so your calls find you wherever you are. get some of our most advanced products at a great price with over $500 in savings. call today and ask how to get these savings plus a $250 prepaid card. comcast business. built for business. day three of the democratic national convention is officially under way in south philadelphia. here's a live look inside the wells fargo center, where today's session was just gaveled in. this afternoon, the party will officially nominate tim kaine for vice president on the democratic ticket. we'll have more live coverage just ahead. but first, to other headlines making news today. no convictions will happen in the death of freddie gray. today prosecutors ended the case by dropping the remaining charges against three police officers. prosecutor marilyn mosby blamed police for a biased investigation. but the head of baltimore's police union said justice was served. gray's neck was broken while in a police van in 2015. a judge already acquitted three of the six officers charged in the case. the man who shot president ronald reagan in 1981 is about to get out of a hospital. john himnckley jr. was found no guilty by reason of insanity. once he gets out, he will live with his mother. new at 4:00, a man will spend two to four decades in prison for killing his girlfriend inside her dorm room at a pennsylvania college. a lancaster county judge handed down the maximum sentence today to 21-year-old gregory for the murder of hall. he was convicted in may of beating hall. he told prosecutors he got into a fight with her over spilled noodles. we have new details now from the montgomery county d.a. about the arrest of jason. we learned the local teacher is accused of sexually assaulting two students. you're looking at a new mugshot just into our newsroom. katuso assaulted the 14 and 15-year-old students while working as a social studies teacher at the middle school. the assaults took place in his car and at the girls' homes. now authorities want to know if there are more victims. a local high schoolteacher killed by downed power lines in lehigh valley didn't even come in contact with those deadly cables. 32-year-old thomas pointon died after the electricity from the highly charged wires passed from the ground into his body. he was also an assistant football coach. grief counselors are at the school today and tomorrow. a shooting in south philadelphia last night could be linked to a separate carjacking that happened hours before. police think one of the three people shot in southwest philly helped car jack a woman early tuesday. the teenager is now in the hospital recovering from surgery. investigators think it's all gang related. the carjacking victim is the daughter of a philadelphia police officer. after threatening her with a gun, the pair told her to run away, then later crashed into several parked cars on springfield avenue. the suspects took off running, leaving two guns behind. our coverage of the dnc in philadelphia continues next. here's another live look from the convention floor of the wells fargo center, where in just a few minutes from now the party will begin the process of nominating tim kaine as their vice presidential candidate. and straight ahead, american politics through a different set of eyes. we'll hear from a woman with more than a century of experience. ♪ trading-in or selling your car, truck 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vice president joe biden will be followed by michael bloomberg who just endorsed hillary clinton last week. and after governor kaine addresses the crowd, it's president barack obama. he will put a bow on night three of the dnc. this week's democratic national convention here has a lot of people talking about the impact of the millennial vote of the election. polls showing both donald trump and hillary clinton have trouble appealing to younger voters. bernie sanders continues to hold the support of mel enymillennia. the co-founder of the millennial action project tells us both candidates have their work cut out for them. >> a majority of them will not to trust government to solve the problems that we face, less than a third of the millennials find public service as an appealing career path. >> they believe millennials change the way business gets done in washington. big impact from young people. we're seeing the rising importance of the millennial voters. female voters as well. hillary clinton's nomination, not the only major stride women are making in politics. nbc 10's aundrea cline-thomas, talking to a woman who has watched the change for 100 years. >> 51 votes for the next president of the united states of america! hillary rodham clinton! >> reporter: geraldine is an honorary delegate from arizona. she's 102 years old. >> i taught school for 45 years. i went through two depressions. and i went through two world wars. >> reporter: she said she always knew she would see the day that a woman would become a nominee of a major political party. >> i saw my mother get to vote for the first time that women could vote. and i knew then that if women could vote, we would soon have a woman as president. >> reporter: the nomination of hillary clinton is not the only major stride made during the democratic convention. women are rising to the helm of leadership positions in the party, especially african-americans. >> i was very, very pleased to be up on the stage with what i believe is a reflection of the strength of our party. >> reporter: from baltimore mayor stephanie rollins to interim chair donna brazille, and marcia fudge, and convention ceo reverend daughtery. >> leah, making history. the second time. the only person in the convention chair twice. >> reporter: this is a much different america than 9 one gerri grew up in. she's a part of history, helping its evolution. what was that like seeing it happen, witnessing it firsthand? >> i cried. >> reporter: gerri tells me if hillary clinton does become president, she already has a dress picked out for the inauguration. outside the convention center, aundrea cline-thomas, nbc 10 news. >> you've counted on nbc 10 for inside access to the rnc. last week, and then the dnc this week. vince is live on facebook all day today, and tonight as well, from the floor, to the broadcast booth, and in between. vince is going to be interviewing delegates and more. so you can follow along live through the nbc 10 facebook page. i'll see you again coming up at 5:00. for now, let's send it back to jacqueline london in the studio. >> there's so much emotion on the floor from bernie sanders, michelle obama, mothers of the movement. it will be so interesting to see what happens tonight when the commander in chief takes the stage. >> that, and also there's going to be quite an emotional song performed by a large group of broughtway stars. they've been rehearsing today. you'll want to hear that as well. >> so much to look forward to. >> yeah. >> tim, we'll see you in a bit. right now we want to take some pictures of flooding in sea aisle. look at the live photos of how high this water is standing, and cars that are stranded. you can see a woman there who is most likely in that vehicle, now left it as it's stranded. we can see just how vast this flooding is. look at the other individuals who are there as well. some people wading, and taking advantage of this moment which is dangerous, and you don't want to do. but just problems there in sea isle as there's all that standing water and flooding. coming up shortly, we'll talk to glenn "hurricane" schwartz and sheena parveen about this. and what has led to it. look at those cars driving through it. you always hear our meteorologist saying not to do that. definitely not to try to drive through the water. you can see just how high it is. coming up high on the door of those vehicles. we'll keep you updated on this situation in sea isle in just a moment. new jersey may start taxing homeowners who rent out their homes through air b & b and other online sites. a bill is being introduced into the state assembly that would charge those homeowners, the same taxes and fees as hotels and motels to try to level the playing field. under current state law there is a 7% sales tax and 5% occupancy fee on hotel room rentals. there's no estate tax on shore term rentals of other types of property such as homes. we'll be right back. whenthe state made aers, commitment to us. i knew that i wasn't going to make a fortune. but i would have a secure pension plan when i retired. each and every one of us made that contribution from every paycheck we ever earned. they've been negligent in their responsibility over the years of not funding this pension the way it should have been funded. they have made a promise, they've made a commitment, and they need to stick to it. bathing suits and bug spray, bound for summer camp this morning. the salvation army sent about 120 local kids to camp le doer in the poconos. the children may not otherwise have had such an opportunity. they will spend a week horseback riding, hiking and boating. they're going to have a great time. tonight at 8:00 right here on nbc 10, see if the eagles' magic man jon dorenbos advances to the semifinals of america's got 258 ent. >> i tell you what, you are the heart of my life! there's your heart. >> a standing "o" for the eagles magician. dorenbos put on a show that had howie man del stunned. even shocked simon cowell. that's exactly what dorenbos did last night. his magic was the talk of eagles training camp today. >> he's unbelievable. what was on last night? "america's got talent," one of our own. tell you what, he, gosh, pulling for him. he represents us, the organization, this city. you know, on that show. like a professional. >> "america's got talent," we need the eagles to showcase some real talent this year, too. when a local couple tried to sell off their tropical time share, they say it was just a lot of trouble. but they knew who to call. harry hairston and "nbc 10 responds." next, how they were able to solve the time share troubles and the change they sparked within the time share company that could help other owners. this slow-moving thunderstorm was enough to cause flooding at sea isle city. imagine what numerous thunderstorms over the next couple of days are going to do. that's next in my first alert forecast. ♪ with this level of intelligence...'s a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be... and more. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. who do you talk to for military advice right now? i'm hillary clinton and i approved this message. well, i watch the shows. i mean i really see a lot of great - you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows... while donald trump watched tv, as secretary of state, hillary clinton negotiated a cease fire in gaza. a reduction in nuclear weapons... took on vladimir putin... and stood up against the trafficking of human beings. a steady leader in an unsteady world. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. and right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. in today's "nbc 10 responds," a couple said they were promised a refund on their time share. after months of e-mails and phone calls they still could not get answers. so they turned to "nbc 10 responds" harry hairston, because they knew they would get answers from you. >> this is the most interesting story. this case is proof it pays to tune in to nbc 10 every day and watch our "nbc 10 responds." peter and donna will never forget their 30th wedding anniversary trip in 2013. >> we went to hawaii. everything was nice. >> reporter: they stayed at a hilton grand vacations property, where the couple bought a time share. last december they decided to sell it back. >> we just found that we no longer would or could use it. >> reporter: hilton grand vacations agreed to refund the couple nearly $2,000. and sent over paperwork. >> we filled it out. we had it noterized. we faxed it back. they sent me an e-mail stating they received it. >> reporter: that was in february. >> i called on the phone. no response. it was like i didn't exist. >> reporter: but they knew where to turn. >> we watched channel 10 news, we're faithful watchers. >> reporter: they're fans of "nbc 10 responds." >> we like to see and hear some of the great responses that other customers get when they turn to your station. >> reporter: peter had a simple request for us. >> i would like to see us receive our check. >> reporter: we spoke with hilton grand vacations club that same day. a representative told us it would overnight a check to the couple. and later that week, he sent us this "nbc 10 responds" cam video with his $1,786 refund check. >> we just want to say thank you so much. you guys are amazing. >> now, hilton grand vacation club tells "nbc 10 responds" the refund process takes multiple steps, and that is reviewing opportunities to improve the process and make it quicker. thanks "nbc 10 responds" for reaching out. with that refund we're now over the $60,000 mark for nbc 10 responds. our recovery counter now stands at $61,554. if you want to get in touch with "nbc 10 responds," head to, or call the number that you see on your screen. now, your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> the great majority of the area is seeing no rain during the day today. but a small portion has seen a lot of it. this was 1:30 this afternoon, northern cape may county. a thunderstorm moving toward the southeast. it wasn't stationary. it didn't redevelop into anything. it's just kind of isolated, as you can see on the estimated rainfall. nothing in cape may. nothing in atlantic city. but right in between here, you can see up towards stratmere, that's where we had 1 to 1.5 inches of rain estimated. in a short amount of time. combined with the high tide, that's what happens at the shore in many conditions. now, you can see there's more activity back to the west. that is going to be moving in over the next couple of days. 92 in philadelphia now. 93 in wilmington. 90 in allentown. and it feels like it is even hotter than that. let's show you what's happening at the shore with that storm. the temperature down to 79 in upper township. 81 in ocean city. woodbine 83 degrees, while it's near 90 at mays landing. the longest heat wave so far this season. we've got one more day of it. we've hit 97 on saturday. 97 on monday. 92 so far today. 94 tomorrow. and that may be about it. because i think we're going to be seeing more showers and storms. that's why we've got a first alert out for late tomorrow, into friday, for the combination of a threat of severe thunderstorms late tomorrow, and tomorrow night into friday, the threat of some more flash flooding. in fact, a flash flood watch for the area. it does not include the lehigh valley. let's show you as we go through the day tomorrow. there's the afternoon. there's some of those thunderstorms coming. there's a lot of moisture in the air, so any of these storms are capable of some real downpours. that's tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night. look what happens later tomorrow night. we have some more heavy storms coming by from harrisburg. this is into friday morning. and that's the kind of activity, again, that can produce some at least localized flooding. and as we go through the day tomorrow, look what happens with the way it's going to feel. 94 at packer park. feeling like 100. lehigh valley, though, looks pretty much rain-free tomorrow, while other areas have a much greater chance of seeing that. and temperatures at the shore not quite into the 90s tomorrow because of the sea breeze. and more thunderstorms coming over the weekend. sheena will have more on that at 5:00. a 12-foot-long escapee has one new jersey town looking over their shoulder. imagine this. showing up in your backyard. no, thank you. next, the search for this giant snake, and the warnings to people who live nearby. longhorn's grilled tastes of summer. our new smoky pepper crusted filet. our new hawaiian salmon. and our famous outlaw ribeye. but hurry, summer doesn't last forever. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. there is quite the unwelcome visitor slithering through a south jersey neighborhood. a woman spotted a 60-pound snake while walking her dog. and it disappeared down a hole before officers could capture it. more on the search under way right now. >> reporter: linda simon took her dog out last night, not knowing someone else's pet was also there. >> i was there with my dog. its head was big, large. >> reporter: the beagle's nose led them right to the boa constrictor lurking underneath the porch steps. >> my heart was just beating. >> reporter: police snapped a photo just before the nonvenomous but still potentially dangerous animal escaped down a hole. neighbors are told to be on the lookout the signs the snake has moved. it's so big it likely would create a trail in plants or grass. >> very worried. i've got a cat, a dog. a bunch of other animals running around here. it could slither into somebody's house. >> reporter: the mayor lives right next door. >> we're doing a community prayer walk tonight to pray against crime. now i'm going to have them pray against snakes now. >> unbelievable. like i said, it's something that you see on tv that, you know, they call animal control and get rescued. it's not something that happens here to me. >> reporter: police found the snake's owner but not the exotic pet. they want people to call 911 instead of trying to capture it on their own. in paulsboro, drew smith, nbc 10 news. >> i would not try to catch it on my own. nbc 10 news at 5:00 is next with rosemary connors. >> jacqueline, another historic night is about to unfold in south philadelphia. once again, jim rosenfield is heading up our coverage at the democratic national convention. jim? >> rosemary, our coverage rolls on tonight at 5:00. the white house arrives here at the wells fargo center. president obama and vice president biden will take the stage to make the case for hillary clinton. we check in with our team of reporters. local students are getting the experience of a lifetime. and proof that this gathering is not just about politics. complete convention coverage, next. and we are still in a heat wave today. but that's going to change as we go into your weekend. i'm tracking showers and storms and a first alert out for tomorrow. i'll explain why, coming up next. and going above and beyond the call of duty. coming up, what we stumbled upon, a pair of officers doing this afternoon. the small gesture that made one little boy's day. that's next on nbc 10 news at 5:00. right now at 5:00, making the case for clinton. president obama takes the stage tonight at the democratic national convention. russia, if you're listening -- >> russian challenge, donald trump urges a foreign power to dig up dirt on his political rival. another day in the 90s. our heat wave rolls on, extending the steamy stretch of weather we've seen so far this summer. dnc day three. >> hillary rodham clinton! >> a trio of political heavyweights prepares to rally the party. >> until those votes are cast, and the american people have their say, we don't know. >> the president takes the spotlight in south philadelphia tonight, hours after hillary clinton stepped forward to succeed him. >> what an incredible honor that you have given me. >> once again, nbc 10 has behind the scenes all access with our team of reporters, as philadelphia gets set for what should be another night to remember. we're coming to you live from south philadelphia. this is a look inside the wells fargo center, where night three of the democratic national convention is under way.

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