Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 5am 20161004

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expressway around broad street. traffic can go in and out of the city, eastbound, westbound, you're looking good. also, too, veering off towards the exit for 611. we're doing okay on the vine street expressway. no reported problems. accident lower merion at east lancaster avenue and argyle road. this report came in 20 minutes ago. we're still working through it and no reported problems or delays are existing within this accident. again, it's still early to see any reported delays. west pottsgrove, this just came in at berk street and east howard street. let's take a look at travel times. 422 this morning, usually shorter travel time from route 29 towards the schuylkill. speeds are in the 40s and 50s. again, we're still working with heavy, dense fog in some parts of the area. it will take you eight minutes. travel speeds in the green for most of the majors all throughout the delaware valley. when i come back, we'll take a look at 95 and the schuylkill expressway. vai and tracy, back to you. happening today in decision 2016, hillary clinton is back in our area to hold a conversation with families in delaware county. clinton will be in haverford with her daughter chelsea and actress elizabeth banks. she'll talk about her ideas to support children and families. after that, clinton heads to harrisburg for a voter registration event there. pennsylvania's registration deadline is comingç up next tuesday. meanwhile, tonight, it is the vice presidential candidate's time in the spotlight. >> tim kaine and mike pence will meet in the only scheduled vice presidential debate. matt delucia is live with the details. matt? >> tracy and vai, because it is the only debate, it's the one chance to see both candidates head to head on the issues. no doubt they've drawn less attention on scrutiny than their presidential running mates. a recent poll found more than 40% of americans don't know who the vice presidential candidates are. they can't name them. if you find yourself in that same position, for the democrats, it's virginia senator tim kaine and for the rather thanes, it's mike pence, the governor of indiana. one of the top questions that is probably making the campaigns lose a little sleep is whether the vp candidate can help or hurt their chances in the election next month. we took that question to someone who studies debates, anne pluta at rowan university. >> often times it is more of a harm than a help. sarah palin probably cost john mccain one to two points in the popular vote. would that have made a difference in the election? it's hard to say. >> anne says it will be interesting to watch and see how and if the candidates respond to questions about their running mate, also questions about the economy and security, those issues. the one and only presidential debate happens tonight at longwood university in virginia. >> lauren mayk is in virginia. she'll bring you live in-depth coverage. watch the debate at 9:00 right here on nbc 10. then tune in for nbc 10 news at 11:00 for content and analysis. mike pence appears to praise donald trump for standing strong despite the headlines. >> turn on the televisionç and he's still standing strong and fighting for the american people. it really is fun to watch, i tell you what. >> pence was speaking at a rally in virginia when that happens. new details in the sexual assault case against bill cosby. a judge says he cannot attend a deposition giving by his accuser in a defamation lawsuit. he is being given the opportunity to review the deposition afterward. the 79-year-old comedian is awaiting a trial in june over charges that he drugged and molested constand in 2004. constand is suing bruce castor after he declined to prosecute cosby at the time. she says caster defamed her by saying she changed her story over time. 5:05. pennsylvania state police are expected to be back in the poconos today investigating a cold case involving a missing lehigh valley woman. dozens of officers are looking for clues into the mysterious disappearance of holly grimm nearly three years ago. investigators have spent the last week searching this backyard in monroe county. grimm disappeared from her home in lower macungie township, lehigh county in november of 2013. now the search has led investigators to a house about an hour away in ross township, monroe county. grimm took her son to the bus stop in 2013. she drove home, chatted with a neighbor, never made it to work at allen organs. the home where the search is happening belongs to a former co-worker at the store. police are not saying what led them to the home. grimm's mother still believes her daughter will be found alive. >> if you see anything, really unusual, call. call the police. they'll check it out. it never hurts. you'd be amazed what a little -- what you think is a little thing that can turn out to be very huge. >> the homeowner is one of hundreds of people who has been ááy this morning, we're monitoring the latest conditions from hurricane matthew. the category 4 storm killed at least four people in the caribbean and threatens to do even more damage. here's a look at the storm in jamaica where officials issued a tropical storm warning. and you can see someone rescuing a little boy here that was almost taken out to sea there. there he goes. someone going out there, grabbing him by the arm. the rain forced hundreds to leave their homes and go to shelters, travelers had to make other arrangements after the country's largest airport had to close. neighbors say they know they're still not in the clear. >> still a lot of rain, still a lot of wind. you have to be safe. >> officials warn hurricane matthew can still cause devastating landslides and more flooding. conditions are even more dangerous in haiti. the country still expecting up to 40 inches of rain in some parts. haiti is rebuilding after a deadly earthquake hit the country six years ago. we spoke with neighbors in delaware which has a significant haitian community. they tell us their worried about friends and family back home where a lot of buildings can be vulnerable to a storm this size. >> i know they will be in trouble. >> they're not built, according to code like we have here in the united states. >> other countries like cuba and bahamas are also bracing for the storm. nbc 10 first alert meteorologist krystal klei is tracking new information about hurricane matthew. >> we just got this in. you saw the updated track a few minutes ago. here's another look at that track. it's showing now a more aggressive push to the west, which is not a good sign for the u.s. this is going to be a very dangerous situation moving through the caribbean. you see still a major hurricane through a category 3, even near the coastline of florida here. then you take a look a little closer as it starts to project further along. this is still nearly a week out, which means there is room for this to change. i expect it willç at least som. what you see, it's still a hurricane as it clips past north carolina at 2:00 a.m. on sunday. 100 mile per hour winds possible. the question for us is going to be this cold front. will it push this out enough that we don't see a major effect in our area? that is still up for discussion, something that as the model continues to update, as we continue to track matthew we'll have a better idea. at this point, we are calling at least for a chance of rain, your saturday and your sunday. here's radar and satellite as we sit currently, a much better situation, using just some showers that are starting to move into the more central parts of new jersey and moving to the southwest this morning. spotty showers are possible to kick off your commute. just now starting to see those showers moving through mercer county, nearing trenton and then some of those showers may make their way into parts of the pennsylvania suburbs and philadelphia as well. here's your commute cast. patchy fog this morning in place. the rain may help for some of the fog to really start to develop. it will begin burning off with your morning hours. also partly cloudy conditions for your forecast throughout today. the icons will not change a lot because we won't see a ton of clearing. 59 as you're out the door, upper 50s in new jersey and low 60s along the jersey shore. then as you are heading home from work, school, 68 your trufr in delaware and also the lehigh valley. clearing along the shore, mid-60s and 67 your temperature along the pennsylvania suburbs by the time you're heading home. here's the next five-day forecast for new jersey and philadelphia. you see clouds are consistent over the next few days with gradual warming into the 70s by wednesday and thursday depending on where you're at. there's the forecast for your saturday, certainly going to be something we have a very close eye on depending on what we see. hurricane matthew, especially as it interacts over land the next two days, moving through the warm waters of the caribbean. more on hurricane matthew coming up in just a bit. >> see you then, krystal. 5:10. a goodç portion of my commute work is on route 73 in south jersey. i encountered some patchy fog in some places and it's clear in some places. >> francesca ruscio is watching the roads. >> again, working through areas of patchy fog, we're watching route 70 for your cameras around route 30 over in maple shade. take a look at the headlights. you see the glow. this indicates areas of heavy, dense fog. i would recommend low beams. we're watching an accident in west pottsgrove on berk street and howard street. no reported problems or delays. specifically delays, because it's still rather early to be seeing any kind of backup. lower merion right now, still we're working through this accident at east lancaster avenue and argyle road. again, no reported problems and it's still out and about right now. we're looking at these two accidents and watching the majors. the schuylkill expressway right now hopefully we're doing okay. look at this. traveling from the blue route to the vine, folks we'll be okay. 12 minutes. travel speeds in the green. speeds in the 40s and 50s. we'll have a look at 95 when i come back. 11 minutes past 5:00. we have brand new video showing the moments right after the nj transit train slammed into the station. also, next, hear why it could be days before investigators have a clearer picture of just how fast that train was going. concert canceled. kanye west is in new york with his wife kim kardashian west. we learned late last night he has canceled his show at the wells fargo. next, if you have tickets, hear when you can see him here. i survived breast cancer. if the doctors hadn't caught it early i might not be sitting here. so i'm outraged that pat toomey voted to defund planned parenthood... which thousands of pennsylvania women depend on for cancer screenings. pat toomey was even willing to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. shut down the government over planned parenthood? i think we ought to shut down pat toomey. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. 5:14. rapper kanye west is postponing tonight's concert in philadelphia to december 13th after his wife kim kardashian west was robbed at gun point in paris. paris officials say five armed robbers dressed as police broke into her hotel. two men bound and gagged kardashian, pointed a gun to her head and threw her in the bathroom. the robbers made off with nearly $10 million in jewelry. we caught up with director tyler perry last night in philadelphia. he says this is a concern all celebrities face. >> what a lot of celebrities deal with in this society. it's very scary. i wish them all the best. >> kim was unharmed in the incident. kanye abruptly ended a concert when he got the news. we're following several new developments in the deadly new jersey transit train crash in hobok hoboken, including a first look at evacuation from on board the train. >> folks, we have to clear a path. we have to get people out, please. >> the exclusive cell phone video shot inside one of the first two cars shows the walking wounded staggering off, no pan ek. one passenger says people were shocked. but that the evacuation was orderly. a first group of train crash victims has already come forward to announce plans to sue nj transit. many more are expected to follow. three passengers sent notice to nj transit, a first step in the process of seeking monetary damages. if the claims aren't resolved, the vicks will be permitted to sue. nj transit representatives did not immediately respond to requests for comment. the dataç recorder is in the ca control car that's still bury under a section of the collapsed roof. one official compared the work to a game of pick up sticks. aids separate data recorder was found earlier but it wasn't working at the time of the crash. a passenger told our sister station, wnbc, there were actually two impacts. >> for two, three seconds. everybody was stunned. looking around. nobody realized he hit something. there was a second impact. i felt a tremendous rumble as the train continued on to the platform. >> officials this weekend revealed that the engineer thomas gallagher told them he does not remember the crash. vai? new york city police are looking for a man who may have targeted a woman because she's blind in order to rob her. this is surveillance video of the attack on sunday. police say the suspect followed the victim into her building. you can see the attacker go after the woman, punching her in the head several times. a neighbor heard her screams for help and chased off the attacker. >> it's disgusting. how could you do that? but the fact that she has a disability and you preyed on her. >> the suspect stole two gold chains. the victim is expected to be okay. and an unusual smash and grab in washington state. police say these crooks drove straight into the front of a potshop in spokane and ran into the hole in the wall and stole whatever they could find before driving away. the store manager says this is the sixth time the shop has been broken into since last fall. a new report is offering insight into why pope benedict stepped down when he did and it has to do with the sport of soccer. his personal aide says the pope was playing to stay as pontiff until 2014 but brazil was scheduled to host the world cup that day. doctors toldç benedict to stop taking transatlantic flights an he realized he could not fly to brazil so he stepped aside a year earlier than he had planned to. >> hard to believe it's been over a year since the pope was here. seems like just yesterday. >> we were talking about that. >> pretty amazing. let's get a check of traffic. >> and 95. first alert traffic reporter francesca ruscio has that. >> we're watching 95, traffic on 95, our cameras around girard avenue. southbound traffic we're starting to see more cars on the roadways as we approach the heart of rush hour. doing okay. still working through wet conditions in some cases as well as heavy dense fog, patchy fog. i would recommend low beams if you're out and about traveling this morning. especially over in new jersey. we're still watching this accident in west pottsgrove at berk street and howard street. we're not seeing reported problems or delays from this accident. we're looking at two accidents, lower merion off of east lank avenue and argyle road. this has been in play for the last 30 minutes or so. over in new jersey, cherry hill, route 38. take a look at the streetlights, folks. we're seeing an area of a halo glow. this is going to be indicating patchy fog, low beams, take your time, use caution and we'll be looking at the rest of the majors when i come back. >> now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> we'll start with your neighborhood forecast. temperaturewise we're seeing it's a nice start out there. it's a little cooler than yesterday at this time. 61 in philadelphia, wilmington at 56 and allentown at 51 degrees. these temperatures compared to just 24 hours ago, there's the look. 8 degrees cooler in allentown. 6 degrees cooler in mt. holly. 7 degrees cooler in wilmington and a couple degrees cooler atlantic city. that's in part due to the fact that overnight we did see clearing and we've got clearing clouds in the night time. you can release some of the heat you saw during the day. the temperatures slip a little bit lower. a closer look at delaware coming up in just aç moment. let's talk radar and satellite. we have the showers we're tracking this morning. a closer view. those showers pushing in to mercer county. it's light, spotty rain. maybe you'll want to turn on the windshield wipers. it may not even be heavy enough for that, honestly, because this is spotty. it will scatter as it continues to the southwest. parts of new jersey, philadelphia, the suburb as well may see sprinkles but not much else this morning. there's a look at the temperatures. if we drop into delaware, temperatures at 56 degrees, harmony hills and 58 in wilmington. odessa at 56 and middleton sitting at 57. felton at 60, 55 lincoln. take a look at some of the beach points, mostly mid to upper 60s actually. rehoboth beach impressive at 67 there. some beach points, you may not see much warming through the afternoon. there's the look. 69 your forecast high today in center city. somerton, the suburbs, west chester at 70 and 69 in allentown as we move through the lehigh valley. mostly cloudy to partly cloudy outside through your afternoon, some breaks of sun. 68 atlantic city, trenton the same, 69 the forecast temperature for wilmington. now let's shift gears tracking matthew. this is the latest update from the european model which typically does do a good job of handling the tropical systems. it's not a good update. take a look. it's pulling this right through the caribbean over the bahamas. you see wednesday, thursday to friday now clipping very close to florida. that could be a big problem for florida. but watch this. now pulling over north carolina, continuing with strength and even bringing us some action by sunday into your monday before it starts to move up. that's the big concern. models are now becoming a little more agreement that this is going to be very close to the eastern coast, right up through our area. so still flexible, forecast will continue to update you. we'll talk more about the 10 day on 10 coming up in the next half hour.ç fire. >> a welcome blast from the "uss new jersey" as the navy's newest ship was commissioned yesterday here in philadelphia. the "uss john p. murtha" can carry close to 700 troops and has space for helicopters and ospreys. the ship will call the port of san diego home. a brand new report shows us how much money people are paying to take money out of the atm. arrested at 102 years old. why this unique arrest didn't involve laws being broken. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. the battleship "new jersey" will be the site of a job fair. companies will come together to meet with job seekers from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. registration is open to all active duty, guard reservists, veterans and military spouses. atm fees have reached a new record high. a report released by have revealed atm fees have reached a record high. the average is $4.50. the same study found overdraft fees decreased. theç number of free checking accounts has grown for the first time since 2009. another social network will allow you to express your artistic side by drawing. landon dowdy is here with this morning's cnbc business news. good morning, landon. >> hi there, tracy. good morning. snapchat, the messaging service rolled out a new feature to let users draw on photos and use emojis. whatsapp has over 1 billion monthly users. stocks fell on the first trading day of the fourth quarter on continued concerns off deutsche bank's financial condition and the uk's plan to exit the european union. that will set a better than expected report on u.s. manufacturing. the drou downing 54 to 18,253, the nasdaq down 11. tracy, back over to you. >> landon, thanks. up next on nbc 10 news at 5:00, clown threats busted. hear who police in philadelphia and south jersey say are behind viral online threats against school students. there are traffic jams, aggressive drivers and then there's this. hear from a man who shot video offen some on a big wheel on the roosevelt boulevard extension. planned parenthood. i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. would you put people in jail for performing abortions? at some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. clown threats busted. police say little teens were behind a viral social media prank featuring clowns threatening vial enat school. we want akound countability. >> press conference interrupted. philadelphia police were showing off new environmentally friendly police cars when protesters arrived. getting out the vote. democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton visits pennsylvania today. she wants people across the battleground state to register by next week's deadline. welcome to "nbc 10 news today." i'm tracy davidson. >> i'm vai sihe

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