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thee." 3 3 ".... things have been different... (pause)... sniffle." 3 parents.../ in... queen anne's county.../ want...something done...// ááafteráá a... teenager ... was killed.../ in... a crash.../ on... his way to school school it.../ happened... last week.../ at... highways.../ 301... and 304.../ in centreville. áátwoáá other teens... were hurt.../// áái5áá... -year-old ...connor rice... was killed.../ after ...the car ...he was riding in.../ hit... the guardrail..../// áátheáá state... will install.../ a... "j"... turn...// áábutáá...ááresidentsáá...// want... the state... to build.../ an overpass. 3 < "i get goosebumps going through it... first time i've known a person who's died.> died."> today.../ loved-- ones.../ gathered... for the teen's... funeral. 3 more than 100 people...took to the streets of south baltimore tonight...hoping to make their neighborhood safer... safer... 3 community groups...and neighbors... took part in a police walk... to combat violence.they came together at dusk.... joined by a large compliment of police officers. after a recent spike in crime...residents want to reclaim their streets. 180955 i think our police have it under control, but we need more community involvement that's our intent tonight, to talk to neighbors 13 181003 people from as far away as locust point came out to support the community. if you want to join in the fight against crime. head to fox baltimore dot com and sign up for our spot crime program. we'll keep you informed of anytime a major crime happens in your area. it's spotcrime only from fox45. 3 baltimore county police.../ need your help.../ finding the suspects... / responsible... for two... robbe. robberies. surveillance video.../ shows... two men... / who... police say.../ robbed... a comfort inn.../ on... route-- 40..// in... august....//áátheáá same suspects.../ are... accused of ...trying to rob .../ a... macy's store.../ at... security square mall.../ with information .../ should call police. 3 3 we... now know... the name... of... the toddler... / who died after he apparently... shot h. himself.áápoliceáá... say...// 2... year old.../ davon... prince..../shot... himself... in the... family'... apartment.../ in... p--g... county... / monday ...//áátheáá boy's... mother.../ was... in another room...// at... the time .../// áápoliceáá are working.../ with... the... state's attorney's.../ office...// to... investigate. and.../ a... shooting in north baltimore... / is... now... a homicide.ááitáá happened yesterday.../ around ...4:30.../ on ...34th... and... ellers--lee streets....// ááaáá... 30-year-old man... was... shot in the head.../ just steps from waverly elementary and the ymca playground. áápoliceáá... are... looking for... suspects. military medical teams...are now getting specialized training at shock trauma. the program provides hands on 'critical care ' experience....similar to a war zone. kari miller is one of the instructors. she was a nurse in afghanistan. the anne arundel county mom also has.. 3 children. (major)"when your over there taking care of the soldiers.. you realize your kids are fine..taken care of and safe.,. this is somebody elses child (looks down) that your taking care of.. and if one of my kids goes to the military someday it will be some other nurse taking care of one of my " sons" major kari miller earned a bronze star for her service overseas. 3 bad day.../ for... an... arizona man.../ who... had... his car stolen... / right... in front of police. police. take a look at the surveillance video... ááanáá attendant... is.../ drying.. the car...// ááthenáá... the thief- . .../ opens the door... and.../ gets in.../ and takes off..//áátheáá suspect... had guts...// áástealingáá... the vehicle...// right... in front... of police...// ááwhoáá were... áalsoá having... their.../ cruisers... washed. a... woman.../ was... in trouble in california.../ ááandáá lassie... came to the rescue! áásearcháá teams... found.../ felisa.../ liz--ada... a...few miles... from her home....// ááaáá k-9 team... is credited... wwth her rescue..../// áátheáá volunteers... were led by a dog.../ aptly named ..."lassie."...// áálassieáá found...// liz--ada...// in... dense brush. smee says, "this was kind of the edge of our search areaa"a& but we wanted to check everything out."smee says, "it was difficult getting into the stream and we worked for about a half houra"aa& lassie went around the corner in the creek bed and found our subject down there in the creek bed." bed." police... p say 64--year old liz--ada...// will be...fine...// a... mother manatee ...and her calf.../ are... in... the big blue sea! áábotháá were rescued ... in july ../. ááandáá have been recovering miami... seaquarium..../ áá theyáá were found... hurt --/ ááma-maáá was... unable... to... dive.../ with... a rib... puncturing her lung...//. áábutáá... she's... fine and free... tonite...// áámicrochipsáá... were... placed.../ in... both .../ mom and daughter ./. áátoáá keep... a... close eye.../ on... these amazing creatures...// another overcast day in baltimore...and rain is on the way. chief meteorologist vytas reid has the details with your skywatch forecast. baltimore ranks as one of the smoggiest cities on the east coast. coast.that's according to a new report from "environment maryland."the report says the health of more than 2-million residents is at risk... because smog can lead to asthma attacks and resperatory illnesses. "for the sake of our children we need to make every day a safe day to breathe" breathe" the research ranks cities... nationwide... for the number offdays when the air was unhealthy to breathe. 3 3 " this is a live picture where a georgia man is set to be put to death at any minute. coming up the reason for a last minute appeal to the try to stop the execution. a restaurant boat..breaks free... floating down the river.... what happened next... that led to this amazing rescue. and a six-ton sattelite..plunging toward earth...should you be running for cover?you're chances of getting hit.. by space junk... for cover?you're chances of getting hit.. by space junk... for a great vacation you can't beat mississippi. sure you can, it's called louisiana. hang on, florida's where folk's want to be. that's only until they get a taste of alabama hospitality. we can't agree on which state's best, but we can agree on one thing, wherever you vacation in the gulf, you'll have a great time. great seafood, beautiful beaches and fun for the whole family. we've got intimate bed and breakfast right on the water. cafe's with views of the gulf. go blue water fishing, ride a kayak, or just enjoy the world's best weather and soak up the world's best sun. we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. and we are 100% open for business. you mean 100% open for fun. here in the best part of the gulf. louisiana, florida, alabama, mississippi. this could go on for a while. it... appears .../ developers ...of marylands .../ newest casino.../ are... courting the chinese. chinese. earlier this month, .../ developers.../ pitched... the new casino.../ at... arundel mills mall.../ to... a group ...of... chinese investors.../. ááofferingáá green cards... to investors... and their families.../ in... exchange for.../ investing the casino...///. áástilláá the... offer... raised questions in annapolis. 3 (18:55:58) (omalley) "i don't know if this was an alternative way of financing this which is less expensive for them some of the things they're set up or not..." not..." the... cordish company.../ hopes... to show... other maryland businesses.../ how to build projects... in different ways.' we... asked...// do... you agree... with the law.../ allowing... foreign investors...// to... get... green cards...///. hundreds of you weighed on on this...// ááthere'sáá some very lively debate...// going on...// on our... facebook page tonite...// áácheckáá it out...and join the discussion// when maryland lawmakersconvene a special session nextmonth on congressional redistricting... they may be asked to take on another issue...and it's not a tax hike. governor o'malley says he'sconsidering asking lawmakersto pass a bill to create more jobs.last year...the general assembly passed a bill offering employers a ffve thousand dollartax break for hiring laid off workers.the governor says he's consideringother options for boosting employment. (governor) "certainly the redistricting, the congresisonal redistricting is the first order of businees, but we're still open to other actions on the jobs front." front."legislative leaders say they'rewilling to consider a jobs bill...if it helps put more people back to work. protests.../ from... thousands of people...around the world/ fail to stop an execution in georgia.troy davis.../is set to be put to death any moment now for killing a... savannah ...police officer. officer. this is a live picture from outside the prison where davis will be executed. it.../ was scheduled... to happen.../ 3--hours,... hours ago... in atlanta...///. but was delayed because of a lass minute appeal to the supreme court.../ the high court just denied the appeal.////. ááwhat'sáá... intriguing... about this case...// is...// áá7áá... of... the... 9--witnesses.../ in the case.../ changed their story.../ over ...the years..../// 3 freedom... for two american hikers... who've been jailed in iran..for two years.. years..shane bauer and josh fattal were released today on one million dollars baal.... they were arrested in 2009....along with a third hiker.the trio said they accidentally crossed into iran while hiking in the kurdish region of iraq -- and were not spies.the men will spend the next few days in omani before heading back to the u.s.iran released the third hiker, sarah shourd, a year ago for medical reasons. wear.../ a... hard hat friday.... / ááaáá rogue ...nasa satellite... is expected .../ to... plunge to earth..../ sometime... in the afternoon. afternoon.the.../ six-ton satellite... was launched 19-91.../ ááandáá decommissioned 2005,.../ ááwhenáá it... ran... out of fuel.../ and... its ...batteries died...///. áámoreáá than... two-dozen pieces.../ could survive... re-entry .../ and... hit earth....//// áánasaáá says... the chances... of debris.../ falling... on a person .../ are... one.../ in... 32-hundred....// ááandáá let's... face it...// the debris.../ would... cut thru... your hard-hat...// like... drawn butter.../// where it will land is anyone's guess.. but you can track the satellite online... just go to foxbaltimore dot com slash newslinks. some gray skies today.. and looks like rain will round out the end of summer... summer... let's check in with chief meteorologist vytas reid. 3 thompson says: "they put me in handcuffs and threw me in a cop car." car." a small prank.... causing a big controversy.what this teen did to get arrested at a football game.... and charging use the bathroom...why some schools are making to potty. 00ñ? peta gets into porn.people for the ethical treatment of animals plans to create a pornographic website to promote its animal rightsand vegan will feature graphic videos and pictures.peta says the porn site will allow it to reach a broader audience.common sense says---- it's all about the publicity. a 14-year old virginia boy pulls a prank at a football game... and ends up getting handcuffed and put in a police car! brian thompson wore a banana suit and ran down the sidelines -- during halftime at his high school's football game. thompson says it was a harmless prank.but the school disagreed... he was suspended for ten days for being disruptive. 3 thompson says: "tomorrow i plan on going to the school with a sign that says 'free the banana man' and i'm going to hold another sign that says 'banana man needs his education too.'" too.'" common sense says... a ten day suspension is a little much.... especially considering that brian is autistic. and here's another school decision that makes no common sense.somm elementary school students in texashave to pay to use the potty.the school says it instituted the pay for were abusing restroom privileges. students can use the bathroom up to 7 times a day ... free of charge. after that.... they're charged an "incentive" buck..which they earn during the week and turn in for prizes.the school district says this will teach kids how to save....but parents says it's a decision a child should not have to make. mark thomas: "if a child says i need to go to the restroom and they want to use one of their incentive dollars then they can do that, but we don't ever restrict a child from every going to the restroom" restroom" sharon tosh:"cps would be all over me if i made him pay every time he went to the bathr" bathroom" so what happens if the child has to go to the restroom... and they don't have any bucks? they have to sign an i-o-u... and pay it back, the next time they earn one. 3 3 (nats: "we have an ambulance request on elm grove road at the... school bus driver.") a... wisconsin school bus driver passes out behind the wheel..../// ááhowáá one good samaritan's... quick- thinking saved the day 3 4o xxpx÷÷÷÷icer. officer.duty police killing of an off to death for the davis has been put world inmate troy from around the despite protests tonight.out of georgia breaking news 3 3 3 breaking news out of georgia tonight.despite protests from around the world inmate troy davis has been put to death for the killing of an off duty police officer. officer. davis maintained his innocence right to the end. courts consistently ruled against him, however, and the officer's family says they finally have justice after 22 years. several witnesses changed their stories over the years... but a last minute appeal to the supreme court was rejected. video.../ of... last week's... courthouse rampage .../ in arkansas .../ is.. released. dressed in a trench can see the man work his way through the courthouse. . he enters the judge's office and opens fire. one court worker hides under her desk.. another runs down the hallway. the judge's secretary was shot in the leg. police later shot and killed the gunman outside the courthouse. nats: "we have an ambulance request on elm grove road at the... school bus driver.") driverr")this.../ the scene... last week in wisconsin..../ áádasháá cam video... captures ...a special needs... bus.../ headed... towards a driver.../ in... a busy intersection.../.áátheáá 65-year-old... bus driver... lost consciousness.../ behind... the... wheel.../. ááaáá good samaritan ...then .../ hopped aboard.../ áábringingáá the bus... to a stop.../. áátheá driver...and 2- -students aboard.../ were saved...// 3 "god puts you where you need to be and you just need to listen and take care of business if you get tapped on the shoulder." 3 collins... doesn't consider himself... a hero....// áátheáá bus driver... is....home.../ recovering. and tense moments in southwest china. rescue crews had to rush to the scene when a restaurant boat broke free of its moorings and went down the river. raging currents forced the boat downstream causing it to collide with another bigger restaurant boat. the incident threw all eleven people on board into the water. everyone was rescued. some wet weather on the way... but how long with it stick arou. around. let's check back with chief meteorolgist vytas reid for a look attthe forecast. when... news breaks.. / ááaccessáá the... latest information... right on your... cell phone.../. fox45... mobile news app... for your droid... or i-phone.../. ááitáá has... headlines.. traffic.. and weather conditions.. / ááalláá at... your fingertips.../. ágoáá to... foxbaltimore dot com .../ and... look for... "mobile".../ at... the... right... of the screen. as the ravens injury list gets ever longer, one of the walking wounded was back on the practice field.bruce cunningham has more next in sports unlimited. 3 the late edition, i'm jeff barn. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. gilbert. sports unlimited with bruce cunningham kicks of right now. as the ravens began preparations for what they hope is their big bounceback game this sunday in st louis, they are not exactly going in healthy...ben grubbs,. who missed last week's game missed practice today, as did rookie jimmy smith and veterans matt birk and lee evans...and, defensive linemen terrence cody and cory redding were absent as well wellbut there is some potential good news from the injury front...chris carr was back on the practice field today...he sat out last week in tennessee with a tender hamstring...that, coupled with the injury to smith, left the ravens very thin at corner...carr says if all goes well, he'll be in there sunday against the rams...morgan adsot has more from owings mills.... 3 don't fret, oriole'll all be over week from tonighh, the season comes to an end... the orioles head into their knowing they won't reach 100 losses, so there's a positive...sorta...and they can also play spoiler in the wild card race...tonight's opponent, boston, went in with a 2 game lead over tampa bay in that race... race... the birds jump oout 2nd, mark reynolds jerks this one over the wall in left...his 35th...1-0 orioles......bottom of the 4th, now tied at 1...carl crawford rips this one to left ,att angle can't make the play, and two runs come in to score...3-1 8, now tied at 4, and vladimir guererro shoot this oneeup the middle..jj hardy and nick markakis score and the birds win it 6-4..but tampa bay loses too, and the boston maintains it's two game lead in the wildcard it's now time to announce the candidates in our high school game of the week contest... brought to you by varsity sports network dot can vote for the game you'd like to see highlights of by going to fox-baltimore dot com pnd clicking on high school game of the week... maybe you'll see your school... here's this week's slate of gam. games... .for this friday... september 23...aberdeen visits joppatowne in football... curley travels to calvert hall in boys soccer...franklin and catonsville in football...and glenelg hosts river hill in field hockey...we'll announce the winner on thursday night... that's all for this edition of to tune in to fox45 morning e news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnight. goodnight. 3 3 3

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Arkansas , United States , Louisiana , Alabama , Bowie State University , Maryland , Catonsville , China , California , Woman , Arizona , Baltimore , Anne Arundel County , Miami , Florida , Wisconsin School , Tennessee , Tampa Bay , Iran , Afghanistan , Baltimore County , Atlanta , Georgia , Boston , Massachusetts , Wisconsin , Virginia , Calvert Hall , Mississippi , Arundel , Iraq , River Hill , Centreville , Chinese , Omani , American , Brian Thompson , Carl Crawford , Keith Daniels , Shane Bauer , Kari Miller , Jennifer Gilbert , Cory Redding , Matt Birk , Jimmy Smith , Ben Grubbs , Josh Fattal , Chris Carr , Bruce Cunningham , Terrence Cody , Sarah Shourd , Sharon Tosh , Troy Davis , Lee Evans ,

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