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inch overnight for some of our northwestern neighborhoods. one thing we do know about this storm is the weekend is going to be trending colder. the real cold air comes in tomorrow evening and it settles in here tomorrow night and the wins will really be kicking up behind -- winds will really be kicking up behind that cold front. that means much, much colder weather. this coastal storm, most of the effects from that stay well to the south and to the east of us and head off to sea. we'll get minimal impact from that coastal storm. a light snow accumulation will take place north and west tonight and then we get a second phase, if you will, of this storm that comes in with the cold air tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening. actually i think the coldest time will be on late tomorrow night into early sunday morning. we're talking about wind chill values easily in the teens and 20s and i suspect we may have a few wind chill values out there that will feel like the single digits early on sunday morning. not only will be it a little white, but it will be a whole lot cold. >> got to find those gloves. continuing to follow a developing story in maryland, a vigil for a murdered teenager interrupted by gunfire. a crowd of more than 100 people scattered, police trying to figure out what happened. roz plater live in new carrollton with an update now. >> reporter: police officers just wrapped up their work at the scene as they're trying to figure out who would open fire at a vigil and why. let's show you pictures from earlier. this is the scene at the aftermath of a vigil gone wrong. just down the street at this shopping center on annapolis road is where police are trying to sort out who was the suspect and who was the witness. this began about 7:30 tonight when a police officer heard gun shots at this vigil and went into the crowd and found a man in the crowd who was shot. he had nonlife threatening injuries. the vigil was being held for chris smith, a 17-year-old gunned down earlier this week near new carrollton metro. tonight police are wondering whether or not the shooting was connected to his murder. >> it was a very large crowd, mixed gender, mixed ages. there were family and friends here for the deceased. i know it was a very emotional vigil. i'm sure that may have played a part, but it's way too early for me to speck late as to what might have caused this. -- speculate as to what might have caused this. >> reporter: all of this caps off a very violent week in prince george's county, three people shot and killed within three days. two of those people were high school students. so far police have not connected the dots in these shootings and so far nobody has been arrested. the news edge in d.c. now, take a tip from the public and police got it. investigators have caught the killer who stabbed the transgender woman in the face. it happened at a bus stop on east capitol street last thursday. fox 5's audrey barnes has that story in the newsroom. >> police chief cathy lanier is crediting two good samaritans for their involvement to help the victim after she was stabbed in the head and she also has high praise for residents who called in the tips that led investigators to 55-year-old gary montgomery. flowers and momentos at the bus stop where 23-year-old japarker jones and there's an arrest. the 55-year-old was taken into custody now facing second degree murder charges. >> we don't know what the relationship was at this time. that's the best i can tell you. >> reporter: lanier says the motive is unclear right now, but than everyone thing she knows for certain, the involvement of people at bus stop when jones was stabbed made a huge difference. >> for us to be able to close this case so quickly, we had what we needed to have. we had people driving down the street that did not drive by a crime in progress. they stopped. they did what they could to help. >> reporter: this man who didn't want us to show his face was there seconds after the stabbing. >> the lady at the bus stop pretty much stayed out here and waited the whole time, made sure that -- she stayed till the ambulance got here. >> reporter: after police released video of a person of interest the phones started ringing in the detectives bureau. within days montgomery was under arrest. st. >> i'm grateful. i feel safe. >> reporter: this woman who lives nearby says her neighbors are much more willing to help, especially if they can do it anonymously if it makes the area safer. >> we're just not going to tolerate that. we're going to tell, of course. we have to. everyone has to temple. >> reporter: lanier hopes the community spirit that led police to a suspect in the jones murder spreads throughout the district. >> this is what our community is supposed to be about. this is how we turn things around in this city and i want to thank all of those who have helped bring this case to closure. >> reporter: chief lanier says investigators are still trying to determine if the jones murder was a hate crime. the case is ongoing. gary montgomery will be in court tomorrow. staying in the district now, mayor vincent gray says the murder rate has dropped, the good news. too many residents and visitors are getting robbed the bad. one of the most common crimes, electronic theft. the mayor is working with the police chief on assistance to deactivate -- on a system to deactivate stolen electronics like ipads and laptops. >> again we want people to feel safe in the district of columbia and as long as we have these kinds of situations, people will continue to feel vulnerable and we don't want that to happen. >> on average more than 12 people are robbed every day in this city according to the latest crime stats. almost half involve a cell phone or tablet computer. the news edge on virginia, state police investigating a deadly shooting in culpeper. the officer fired his gun because he was being dragged by the woman's car. fox 5's john hen large has details. >> reporter: -- john henrehan has details of. >> reporter: epiphany catholic school is located in downtown culpeper. late thursday morning an unfamiliar vehicle driven by a woman appeared in the parking lot of the school building. police were called and a town officer shot to death 54-year- old patricia cook. her jeep wrangler crashed into a utility pole a block away. state misconducting the investigation say the responding town officer -- state misconducting the investigation say the responding town officer was conversing with pat cook and said while attempting to retrieve her communication the woman suddenly closed the driver's side window trapping the officer's arm and started driving away dragging the officer alongside. the officer repeatedly commanded the woman to stop the moving vehicle. she refused and shots were fired. pat cook's husband gary cook is utterly baffled by that explanation. >> there was no power windows. >> reporter: how did the windows work? >> crank, old-fashioned crank. >> reporter: culpeper police have not identified the officer involved in the shooting other than saying he's a five-year veteran of the force. witnesses have told reporters a policeman fired his weapon multiple times. >> why he would shoot a 54-year- old unarmed woman, i don't know. i can see shooting once for wounding, you know, to make her stop, but five or six times. >> reporter: pat cook attended off and on according to the minister the culpeper united methodist church, volunteering as an assistant in the children's religious education classes. >> her interactions with the kids in classes? >> very cordial, loving, caring, engaging, got them involved. kids loved to do crafts, you know. so very hands on. >> reporter: pastor randy orndorff told us he never saw pat cook display a violent temper. her husband told us the same thing. cull pep are town police say the officer -- culpeper town police say the officer involved sustained a minor injury in the incident and is on administrative leave. virginia state police are investigating the incident. john henrehan, fox 5 news. three of the four gop presidential hopefuls are in town today making their case to a key group of voters, cpac. the stakes are highest at the three-day convention as the party remains divided over which to support. >> i did some of the very things conservativism is designed for. i started businesses and turned around broke ones and i'm not ashamed to say that i was successful in doing it. >> it's religion and government control of your lives and it's got to stop. >> this campaign is a trip to their grip on the establishment because we intend to change washington, not accommodate it. >> the straw poll swift key events of the conference. ron paul won it the past two years. he's not scheduled to attend. rick santorum trying to clarify his comments about women in the military. this week he said he's concerned about women serving on the front line. one reason he kreutz is the emotion of men, not women. he said there is potential men will not be focused on their combat mission but on what he calls a national instinct to protect a woman. up next why you may want to log off that dating website and look for love in a bar. plus we'll hear from a driver who saved young kids from this intense school bus fire. check out some of the other stories on our rundown. hang tight. >> this is fox 5 news edge at 11:00. ♪ pierre! your fashion is so "right now," but your banking is so last season! earn more with high yield free checking at capital one bank. instead of some unfashionable rate, your checking could be earning five times the national average. and free atms anywhere. five times the interest? that's hot. oooooo! let's catwalk! you want more interest? open an account at a capital one bank. what's in your wallet? does this make my tuches look big? a north carolina bus driver saved the kids on her bus from this fast moving fire. she stopped the bus when she smelled burning wires wednesday. smoke began pouring from the front. she rushed the six kids to the back of the bus, opened the emergency door and lifted smaller kids to the ground. her bosses call her a hero. she credits her training for knowing what to do. >> on the job training, a lot of safety meetings and basically the kids were good as well because they were calm as well and that kind of already helped with me staying calm because they were calm as well. so they were little heros as well. >> the children on the bus ranged in age from 5 to 10 years old. a fox 5 consumer alert involving one of the top selling car models in the u.s. plus online dating may not be the way to go. shawn yancy has your fox 5 top five. >> up first tonight why looking for love online may not be working. no. 5, you may be better off finding true love in a bar. a recent psychological study found the methods online dating sites use to match you with mr. or ms. right don't really determine if you're compatible. you're better off talking to someone in person over coffee or a beer. no. 4, addicted to your smartphone, tablet or mp3 player? according to nielsen we spend more than 33 hours a week watching tv, surfing the web and watching video on the internet. no. 3, d.c. is changing street signs to meet federal standards. the new signs will have order natural numbers like 6th street instead of -- ordinal numbers like 6th street instead of 6 street and will use mixed streets. no. 2. the government is investigating fires in toyota doors in camrys and rav4s in a passenger side door in the window switch. the issue could lead to a major recall. no. 1, expect delays next week on metro. crews working during off peak hours means single tracking on sections of red, orange, blue and green lines. go to and click on web links for the specific details. that's tonight's fox 5 top five. >> lets get into the nitty- gritty with the snow here. >> just a little bit. a wee bit of snow. i think this weekend will be remembered for the cold air. we haven't had a lot of cold air. this will rival some of the coldest air we've seen this season so far. a lot of wet streets out there mainly in the form of rain. we'll start with radar now. i made it a little more sensitive than what i showed you earlier. this is all real light. we can see a little bit of snow trying to fill in. this is north and northwest and mainly north of 70 there here in the city and especially to the south. it looks like it's going to be mainly rain overnight tonight. there may be a little snow mixing in, but it looks like we'll have to wait till tomorrow to get into the snow. here's the setup. cold air is coming in from the north and west and this will rival the coldest air we've seen so far for the season. good news, it gets out of here by sunday and we warm up again next week. storm center comes out of the southeast, hits the coast and moves out to sea. this won't hug the shore, so we're not talking about a lot of effect at least in the mid- atlantic from this storm. if it curls back up, at least parts of new england may get a pretty good little piece of energy from this with some snow, but tortoise looks like its effects will be minimum -- for us it looks like its effects will be minimal. this snow is from upper level energy and we have the surface energy down to the south. the storms do not come together, so they won't make a monster snowstorm coming up the east coast. we never thought that would happen. a little rain for us, snow and colder air to the north and west. i think tomorrow morning we're right around 37. snow mixing with a little rain, clouds at noon, a little break and here comes the second part of this storm system, the winds picking up. temperatures will start to drop late in the afternoon and we'll have some snow showers moving through and the way it's looking most of the snow will actually come in basically phase two tomorrow afternoon late and into tomorrow evening. this is futurecast at 1 a.m. notice we're right here in the rain, snow back to the north and northwest. a little bit colder tomorrow morning. it will drag the snow line a little farther south and east, may get a little dusting with this here in the city by early, early tomorrow morning, still rain down to the south and out to the east and notice by about 4:00 we'll see a little line, a little snow squall that tries to move through. this will put down some snow, too and into the evening hours tomorrow night snow for just about everybody, maybe even as far south as fredericksburg, southern maryland down to the northern neck there could get some snow and this is probably going to be more of the accumulating snowfall that we have and by sunday it looks like most of it's out of here. this is the model projection we're using and by tomorrow morning this represents about 7 a.m., no real snow here in the district, but you get farther north and west, maybe 1/2-inch for frederick, a little on the ground for gaithersburg and right around dulles for most of loudoun county. as we progress through the day, that second wave comes through. i think we get a little accumulation here and maybe an inch or 2 up towards frederick county and heavier amounts farther north and west. very cold on sunday. 36. it only feels like 20s and next week through valentine's day we'll warm back up and it looks like we'll see some 50s. lindsay is in with sports. >> this is the verizon 4g lte sports desk with lindsay murphy. >> good evening. the wizards' struggles are no secret, five wins in 26 games entering tonight's match-up against the heat and with firepower like lebron james and dwayne wade it wouldn't have been a shock if the heat blew out wizards, but they didn't. the heatwave, they've won 11 of the last 12 meetings and six straight at the verizon center. 2nd quarter wade at the top comes up with a 360 layup on javale mcgee and finishes with 26 points on the night. later in the quarter wizards off the rebound ahead to john wall. he throws up to magee for the alley-oop. had he 24 points, 13 points, but miami led by 10 at the break. 4th quarter former wizard mike miller gets in the action. wizards fall 106-89 but the game a lot closer than the final store. >> we're in this thing. let's -- score. >> we're in this thing. let's stay in it was the conversation all night. so they were engaged. there wasn't any head hanging the whole night even after bad plays. so that's part of the process of gleeing up. college ranks -- growing up. >> reporter: college ranks, point guard teshon howard out. i will be out when the terps face duke tomorrow. they beat maryland earlier this season. second round of the pebble bench pro-am tiger woods took to the course today with his partner tony romo and we'll start on no. 12. tiger with the approach shot here and he will spin it back to within a few feet of the cup. wee birdie his next putt. trying -- he would birdie his next putt. tiger is 6-under for the tournament and six back of the leader. coming up one of the nation's top football recruits from our area has decided where he'll play college next season. find out where after the break. give your loved ones what they really want! this valentine's day, the new color of love is... white! exclusively at verizon, get the white droid razr by motorola! thin. fast. smart. strong. more color. same droid razr. on america's fastest, most reliable 4g network. now that's value anyone can appreciate! get the droid razr by motorola in three new colors for $199.99. only at verizon. white is the color of amor! we're gonna erase breast cancer once and for all. once and for all. walking 60 miles... in three days. join us. join us. (woman) we're united. (woman) a family. (man) a movement. (woman) a coming together of thousands. (woman) thousands... (man) with one goal. join us. we're committed. relentless. (woman) we've refused to surrender. (woman) refuse to give up. (woman) we will never give up. (woman) never. never. never. join us. so that no one's life is cut short. no one has to suffer the agony of a loss. the agony of my loss. no one should have to experience what my family went through... go through what i went through. no one should have to experience that nightmare. no one. no one. we're going to erase breast cancer once and for all. (woman) walking 60 miles. (woman) in three days. join us. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. i underwent championships and bowl games and what else a better place to do it than your city? >> there you have it. stefan biggs made it official tonight. he will play football at maryland next season. he's the nation's sixth ranked recruit and the no. 1 recruit in maryland. he is expected to play wide receiver. it's a good get for the terps and as a good alum, i'm glad to see. it tonight's game of the week featured langley at mclean, langley riding an 11 game winning streak. mclean had won six straight. their last loss was to langley in overtime. this is regular season finale for both teams. before the game a lot of moisture in the gym. the referees had to wipe down the court and ball with a towel, gross. 4th quarter langley down 15 trying to mount the comeback, dixon with the three from the corner. that makes it 43-31. later in the quarter dixon drives and lays it in and finishes with a team high 21. langley is down by seven, but mclean holding onto a four- point lead playing keep-away from langley. lewis daniel gets fouled. the the free throws would seal the deal for mclean 49-44. >> it's been individually and collectively and great watching them develop on the floor and also off the floor seeing how they handle different situations differently today than they did two years ago. gonzaga and dematha renew their rivalry on television tonight. the shot banked in at the buzzer to give dematha a six- point lead at halftime. 2nd half, liles misses the lay- in, anya cleaning up the mess with a reverse dunk, 17 points as dematha routts gonzaga 76- 47. that's a look at sports. the news edge will be right back. i'm in a tricky situation here. i'm bidding on a 1979 dukes of hazzard lunchbox, but my auction ends in 15 seconds ! even worse, my buddy's bidding on the same lunchbox. it's airbrushed ! but i've got verizon 4g lte. it's so fast that i can outbid him at the last second. i got it ! yes, i won ! woo hoo ! it's got a thermos ! rely on verizon 4g lte. because only the fastest survive. taking the edge off with a father's tough love. his 15-year-old daughter posted a rant on facebook complaining about her chores in colorful language. her dad saw it. check out his response that's gone viral. >> that right there is your laptop. you see it's out here on the ground. this right here is my .45. >> he put eight bullets in the laptop, also read his daughter's rant, then posted the video on her facebook page for her friends to see.   have a great weekend. fox 5 news isn't over. go to now for news, weather and entertainment updates. fox 5 news is washington's best news on air and online at brought to you by verizon 4g lte. look! here she comes! ♪ she'll be comin' 'round the mountain when she comes... ♪ ♪hen she comes. ♪ it'll be spinning new chrome wheels when it comes. ♪ ♪ when it comes. ♪ custom spoiler, race grade pistons, ♪ ♪ gt35 turbo charger. ♪ and they'll all know that it's kevin's awesome car. ♪

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Miami , Florida , United States , Culpeper United Methodist Church , Virginia , Prince George County , North Carolina , Fredericksburg , Loudoun County , New Carrollton , Maryland , Gaithersburg , Frederick County , Washington , District Of Columbia , Langley , America , Gary Montgomery , Audrey Barnes , Cathy Lanier , Lindsay Murphy , Gary Mcgrady , Ron Paul , Lebron James , Shawn Yancy , Tony Romo , Chris Smith , Gary Cook , Pat Cook , Carrollton Metro , Rick Santorum , Stefan Biggs , Patricia Cook , Mike Miller ,

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