Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20170427

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news after some scary moments in the sky. 56 people headed to ft. myers, florida are safe and sound. they made their way down the i- 95 corridor when their plane hit a bird. they turned around, it landed safely at dulles. an american tells us all those people will be it in florida tomorrow morning. >> u no to the talk about the metro sick -- and now to the talk about the metro sickout. is it true some metro workers will have to give three days notice if they will be calling in sick. lots of questions tonight. we ask transportation reporter pete to separate fact from fiction. >> a lot of rumor about this standup. a very high number of sick requests for friday. 500 of them. metro has denied them all. workers are protesting the new sick policy the agency has. it is true in some cases workers must call out sick e workers say they are just following that policy. metro spent wednesday night doing everything they can to derail the threat of a sickout. riders like john jan questions how they can keep moving. >> is this real? that will make people mad. >> reporter: the president of metro's largest workers union is angry too. jackie jeter says the new absentee policy is too complex for employees. excused absences like doctors appointments need to be requested three days ahead of time. unexcused absences like when you call out sick the same day are still allowed to a point. >> we're tired of the employees taking it on the chain. >> reporter: metro says they have denied almost 500 sick requests for friday. jeter just responded to metro leaders. in a letter she asked if they will take responsibility keeping sick workers from a doctor's care. the agency insists if this comes to pass, service will not be impacted friday, but riders now feel they're pawns in a battle of wills. >> this is the pr kind of stuff. >> you don't believe them? >> not at all. >> reporter: metro changed the rules, all to save money due to overtime. too many people are calling out sick. from july 2015 to june 2016. employees took a combined 181,000 sick days. if those days are people it would be three times the population of rockville. wusa9. >> and that is a lot of hours. all right right now new information about a disturbing story you saw first right here last night on wusa9. we have learned about that man that 25-year-old dc man charged with trafficking a child for sex. and now it turns out joshua gibbs contact add 13-year-old girl through instagram according to police. r the cops, and they were the ones to show up to meet that suspect, not the teenage girl. well this huge fire that did $40 million in damage to a college park apartment building might have been an accident. john henry is there with new details. >> reporter: a county spokesperson says they are leaning towards this fire being accidental. it is too early to determine the exact cause. that's because they can't get inside the building. there is still some fire and the structure is still unsafe. there is a crew actually keeping an eye on things. you can see a ladder above the apartment complex. there are still a lot of questions swirling around college park following monday's devastating fire at the apartment building. the university of maryland nicklas bentley has one. where will you live? >> i would love to stay in the college park area. >> reporter: he planned to move in this july. but when he learned about the fire on twitter monday he learned that probably wouldn't happen. >> my friend was like nick your apartment is on fire. i'm like i see that. >> reporter: we know th would get his application fee and deposit funds back within the next five business days. they also wrote on facebook they would not meet their goal of opening the center in july. unfortunately for nick some of the other apartment complexes in town he's reached out to have already built up. >> so having to kind of start that whole process again especially like a couple of weeks before finals start is a little bit stressful. >> reporter: either way he's staying optimistic he will find a new place right here in college park. >> i survived college this long. i'll pick myself back up. >> reporter: the university of maryland also told us this week they would work to assist any students whose plans were impacted by the fire. however it remains unclear at this point if any students have reached out to them for help. from college park john henry wusa9. >> we are still working to learn how many other people are in the same boat. we know plans originally call for them to have 275 still offered roughly $120 units for lease on their website. >> there is a story on our wusa9 facebook page that has launched a rather deep conversation online. it is about selfing when they take off their condom during consensual sex without telling their partner and brags about it online. our digital team asked should this be a crime? well jenny wants to know why is this stated as a question? no, it is not consensual at all. they will only have sex if a condom is worn, then purposefully taking it off violates consent. rob is with her. that changes the original agreement of the act without the other person's knowledge. but heather asked how is this any different from a woman lying saying she is on birth control when she's not. and you are also talking about an app out there called face app. it takes your photo and changes it. it lets you age yourself, stuff like that. but it's what happens when you hit the make me hot filter has people fired up. check this out in order to make yourself hotter the app appeared to lighten your skin tone. and now the app's founder renamed the feature and then apologized for it calling it an unfortunate side effect of the software. you want to talk about those stories head over to our wusa9 facebook page. president donald trump's tax returns. are we ever going to see them, do you care? do you think it is important and you should release them? there is a lot of talk today and the treasury secretary steve mnuchin was asked about the president's tax returns. >> the president has no intention, the president has released plenty of information. >> and then there was this. a lot of you were chiming on this story we posted on and on our facebook page. it says new bill would force release of donald trump's taxes. so could it actually happen? that's what we're going to verify. so here is the gist. democratic lawmakers in the state of new york have put forth a bill that woul major elected officials who appear on the ballot in new york, the president, governor, state attorney general, to release five years of their state tax returns. here is what you had to say about it on our facebook page. cindy writes let's not beat this poor dead horse again. enough. let's worry about pressing problems like north korea. and then john wilson says it wouldn't work. you can't make a bill retroactive. did anyone stay awake during civics class? the long and short answer is no, false. it's highly unlikely a bill in the new york legislature would make president trump's tax returns a public record. first the the new york senate is controlled by republicans. they are not going to let this bill on the schedule for a debate or vote. secondly john wilson from facebook is right. a law can't apply to something retroactively. finally this proposed bill only affects state tax returns and would not force the release of federal tax forms. now if you see there on tv or social media feeds and you're wondering if it is true or not. someone might be trying to pull a fast one on you. let us verify it. you can find me on facebook or twitter at adam longo or send me a big juicy e-mail. the threat from north korea, how big and how bad. house lawmakers got a closed door briefing tonight from the defense and state department chiefs. senators got their briefing earlier at the white house and they came away with some grim faces. >> it's just how much thought and planning is going into planning military options if called for. >> reporter: north korea is the most dangerous spot on the planet right now. >> the white house is demanding north korea end its nuclear program and stop testing long- range missiles. kim jong-un has promised more tests and will strike first if provoked. the pentagon is moving a missile defense system into position in south korea and top u.s.s. carl vincent is now within striking range of north korea. you probably read about the tax plan for president trump today. it's a little thin on details. it's only a page long, but that one page has details about what goes away in exchange for those big tax breaks. gone, almost every tax deduction that you would claim including the break you would get for state and local taxes. here is what says so. credits for morgan interest, foaritable giving. r the most part the fellow republicans, they like the plan. and finally some breaking news from a trump administration today after a day on rumors after pulling the u.s. out on the trade agreement known as nasa. the president told canada and mexico's leaders and phone calls tonight he will not be ending america's role in nasa. our producer scott asked topper what tomorrow morning looks like. the answer was magnificent. so tell us more, top. >> yeah, it really is. we have earned actually. this is 6:00 a.m. in the morning. and the the only caveat would be some localized fog. but look at that. 63 to start downtown. 58 in gaithersburg. by 8:00 we're in the 60s in the mid-60s at fredericksburg. we're now in the 70s as far north as frederick and 74 in fredericksburg. we'll get into the lunchtime hour and temperatures are flirting with 80. in fact already 80 in culpeper. we will come back though. we are tracking some showers and thunderstorms. we'll let you know if you'll make it home tomorrow night before they move in and a look ahead to your weekend. still tweaking the forecast for that as well. a > also ahead gotcha. dc woman's surveillance camera answers her questions what happen today my car? >> alive and well. police officers find a woman held captive underneath a shed days after she went missing. >> and just before colbert. why one young man is really right now a look ahead on wake up washington. >> you do not want to miss a thursday show on wake up washington. >> we're gearing up for a big week here. exclusive interview with james hordon, he will talk to me about some projects he's working on. i'll plait tamborine. >> yes, we're going to show you incredibly easy ways to get out of it. the question though will the other person help? >> i don't know. >> all of that coming up tomorrow on great day washington. we'll see you then. your cvs pharmacy may have some explaning to do with the next story. stephanie ramirez is in northeast dc. >> reporter: it's one of those neighborhoods where people work hard and take care of what they own like this '98 chevy. that doesn't mean the owners were any less upset when they found this their tires gashed, the fender mangled. >> it makes me mad because i was doing nothing. now i have to deal with this now. >> reporter: what she find was a note, nothing to let someone know this happened. >> reporter: the difference is this home has a camera. >> reporter: a security camera that caught the unsuspecting suspect an 18 wheeler with the the word cvs pharmacy plastered on the side. it tried to turn onto staple street northeast for about ten minutes just before 2:00 in the morning last saturday. >> it was such a loud bang. we thought it was a gunshot or something. >> reporter: dc police took a report they don't take these lightly. this time around they have the evidence. all thanks to this camera that get this the city paid for. dc launched a reimbursement program last year that will give up to a $500 rebate for a home or business as long as you meet the requirements and there is still a program fund. she is happy the camera caught it all, but bummed about her car. >> basically we are left with either give up the title and get the kelly bluebook value. >> reporter: $165 towards the estimated $1,500 fix. in the northeast stephanie ramirez wusa9. >> not a whole lot of good options there. cvs has not responded to us, but they did contact her. police are also investigating whether that truck was even allowed on the residential street. lesli and i have had the honor of meeting some extraordinary heros in prince george's county this afternoon. they either work for agencies or their fallen loved ones did. today they are honored for the risks they took at the honor valor award. jacai colson and the surviving wife of firefighter medic john ulmschnieder. in all 64 men and women received honor at the ceremony. after more than 20 years of doing this job i'm so amazed by the heroism these men and women do when they go towards the danger and trouble and we recounted a lot of stories today, stories you don't are wired and primed to go after danger and get bad guys no matter the risk themselves. >> a lot of this stuff didn't even take place when they were on the job. many of them happened upon the situations when they were off. and to hear the details of all the things they did, i know i got choked up at several points reading the narratives. it's really amazing. we cannot thank them enough for their service, their valor, and in many cases sadly this year for the sacrifice many of them made. >> and on the same note i talked to the emergency service folks today who were in the tornado, same thing, he was off duty, he was at a barbecue for the sister's house and he got everybody safe and said i'm leaving and his father said where are you going he said i'm going to work. it's not a job, but a lifestyle. >> it is a passion and a love. >> all right, let's talk about the 3-degree guarantee. i'm beating myself up on tomorrow's threere three-degree guarantee. it worked out well. we went 573, it was 72. lower 85 tomorrow and to 84, i know, i know, that's what i do. 84 tomorrow for the high. a live look outside at the michael and son weather cam sitting on 62. dew points right around 60. temps will not fall much at all. tomorrow morning bus stop temps are nice. there could be some morning fog. don't think it will be a widespread problem. warmer on thursday and friday mid-80s. then showers and thunderstorms on thursday night looking more likely. but you'll be home before the showers and storms roll in. in fact it will be nice sleeping weather. so we're not going -- so we're not going to issue the yellow alert right now. primarily an afternoon and evening storm. 85 tomorrow and friday and 89 on saturday. record high of 91. low 80s on sunday and monday and temps will go down just a little bit in part because of a better shower and cold approaching. tomorrow morning 5:30 to 6:00 some fog. 63 downtown. by 9:00 we are 70 in fredericksburg. by lunchtime we're now 80 in cull pupper. 87 downtown, even 74 out in cumberland. look at this 80 in petersburg. it could be really warm. throughout the afternoon now at 6:00 in the evening showers and storms approaching. and everybody is going to be home in the metro area. by this time it is 83 downtown. 84 in fredericksburg. a little touch of june tomorrow really. these storms will hold together and they will weaken a little bit. by about this time tomorrow night we'll see showers towards loudoun county back into culpeper. they will roll through the metro area overnight and then boom by 2:00 most of the showers are gone with a couple of stragglers off to the north and then we're in pretty good shape for friday morning. it will not affect our friday forecast at all. we actually need the rain, it's good timing. 60s to start. 75 by again. a little patchy fog in the beginning. friday is warm, 85. we will talk about an isolated shower here and it there and much better chances on saturday. 89, we'll call it hot. we will monitor that for the yellow weather alert day. >> a better chance for showers on sunday. if you can't make it to the ballpark and a better chance on monday as they will roll through, ushering in fantastic air next tuesday and wednesday. nats still in town. sunshine and mid -- mid-70s. thanks, top. three things have happened when you left work in ohio. police found a woman in a pit inside a shed covered with wood and some other heavy stuff. she had been reported missing days earlier. she was taken to the hospital to get checked out. the shed's owner faces kidnapping charges. firefighters in arizona have a new challenge tonight. this fire in the southern part of the state just doubled in size. investigators believe someone set this fire on purpose. and check it had out. it's wildlife officers in texas someone's back pool. that's outside houston, nobody got hurt. maybe that guy was just trying to cool off a bit. and one young dude is tearing up the streets of little rock after neighbors helped him find his bike. you've got to hear from him in a minute. and as the underarmour slogan goes -- under armour's slogan goes protect this house, highlights on the wizards just one win away from advancing to a conference semi. if itu's usually because you were driving too fast or you didn't look before you turned or you didn't stop for someone in the crosswalk. always be alert. pedestrians don't come with airbags. with tempur-pedic.t our proprietary material automatically adjusts to your weight, shape and temperature. so you sleep deeply, and wake up feeling powerful. find your exclusive retailer at you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. . don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. now wusa9 game on sports with frank hanrahan brought to you by xfinity. >> hardaway the open shot, no good. working out the inside position and this game is over. the wizards have taken a 3-2 lead in the best of seven series. heading back to atlanta for game six. >> the home court has been good to the wizards all season long leaning on the dc faithful tonight in a big way to take care of atlanta and move one win within advancing to the next round of the nba playoffs. here is how it went looking to regain the series 2- 2 going in. bradley beal with the hot hand. finishing under two minutes to play. schroeder, are you kidding me? a big triple? the lead is down 2 for the wiz. here we go a good sweat and they will not get any closer. it is closing time. it means it is john wall time. with that jumper finishing with 20 points, 14 assists. wiz will hang on and they win 103-99 and they can finish off the hawks on friday night. >> we are confident we know what we just gave up when we were down there beating us in both games. but we've got o have the same mentality and focus we -- but we've got to have the mesa mentality and focus. we need to have the same approach coming down in atlanta. >> we know they have an amazing crowd. they will definitely come out and be loud. this is the first time we need a closeout game on the road. >> just love nba from wizards to the caps when they start their second playoff round with the pittsburgh penguins tomorrow night 7:30 downtown. pens of course knocked the caps out of the post season a year ago. that was then, this is now. >> it's what you want as a player to go up against an opponent that beat you out of the playoffs last year. you can't ask for anything else. you want to redeem yourself and you want to go after a team that has got, you know, the better of us last year. >> and how about this resurgence? ryan zimmerman with his 8th homer of this month. the the nationals lead colorado right now 9-2, but he's a great guy. and to see him come back, just awesome stuff. >> yeah. >> that's the video of the pens beating the caps last year. can we purge that out? >> my bad. >> by the way we've got the story of a young man and his wheels up next. the following ad for your viewing convenience. i finally switched to geico. oh yeah? ended up saving a ton of money on car insurance. i hear they have a really great mobile app. the interface is remarkably intuitive. that's so important. ♪ just look at that smile. b.j. loves his bike. cruising with his brothers, racing to the ice cream shop. when a thief stole that bike they took all that away. >> especially tough for a kid dealing with some challenges including down syndrome. mom says that three-wheel bike was the only one he was able to ride, so she put out a call for help on facebook. neighbors responded. within days they found the bike and it was abandoned in a park in a few miles away. >> how happy are you? >> real happy. yes, i am happy! >> nice to see that big smile and that bike right where it belongs. >> why would somebody take the bike? >> that's what i have to say. >> why do you do that? >> i'm not surprised by fooligans. they're out there. >> glad he was reunited with it. >> bing, bing, bing, ready? >> 84 tomorrow, 85 friday. pretty good chance for showers and storms tomorrow night. we won't issue a yellow weather alert, then hot over the weekend. >> did you go to bed early? >> i can't do it. >> okay. >> listen to this. taco bell says customers age 19 and up are going to be able to buy beer starting in june. the flagship store in toronto will likely be the first. >> and now a message from the royal canadian mounted police. >> hey, there. last week i told you about canada legalizing pot. now we'll be serving alcohol atica neighborhood taco bells. be cool. yes, we all know beer goes great with mexican food. now, taco bell has just to start serving mexican food, including all brands of our canadian beer including

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