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Google is going to permanently eliminate so-called third-party cookies starting in September of this year. They have been a ubiquitous tool on the web for decades and are used to track user behaviour across multiple pages, facilitating, for example, the personalisation of advertising. Thus, its progressive disappearance will have repercussions on the ecosystem of SMEs

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California , United States , Spain , Californian , Spanish , Mozilla Firefox , Spanish Data Protection Agency , European Data Protection Council , Microsoft , Google , Federated Learning , Google Chrome , Cookies Law , General Data Protection Regulation , Organic Law , Personal Data , Digital Rights , Data Protection , European Data Protection , Spain Today , Breaking Spanish News , 2024 , Advertising , Breaking , Business , Businesses , Companies , Council , Environment , Euro , European , Fines , History , Hotel , Increase , Information , Internet , Law , Marketing , Mobile , Money , Movement , Must , News , Knot , Offer , Offering , Operation , Party , Personal , Personalised , Policy , Prior , Provide , Purpose , Quality , Quarter , Recently , Regard , Regarding , Rights , Rural , Scheduled , Security , September , Show , Some , Spanish News , Sport , Standards , Starting , Summer , Stake , Technical , Technology , Their , Them , There , These , Today , Tool , Track , Tracking , Two , Use , Used , User , Users , Busing , Web Page , Website , Websites , Will , With , Without , Year , Years , You , Your , Lifestyle ,

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