4 Tips for Planting Hemp Seeds This Spring These planting tips can help growers give each seed the best chance from the start, laying the foundation for a productive yield. Longer days and warmer temperatures are signs that planting season is around the corner for hemp growers. When it comes to successful seed planting, some factors are out of growers’ hands—like an unexpected rain. But a few planting tips can help growers give each seed the best chance from the start, laying the foundation for a productive yield. 1. Genetics: Get the Right Seed The genetics of a hemp seed determine sex, germination rate, flowering time, THC levels, yield, and hardiness. “Identifying good genetics is always the foundation to growing a good crop,” says Ben Brimlow, lead agronomist for IND Hemp in Fort Ben, Mont. “[This includes] identifying the crop that fits [a grower’s] environment, that fits their end-use, and fits the processor quality requirements.” Choosing the right variety will not only reduce the chance of seed mortality, but also encourage a more productive yield.