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49 Songs Where Rockers Name-Check Themselves :
49 Songs Where Rockers Name-Check Themselves :
49 Songs Where Rockers Name-Check Themselves
A list of 49 songs in which a band or artist name-check themselves in the lyrics.
Related Keywords
France ,
Hollywood ,
California ,
United States ,
Kid Rock ,
Kill Em ,
Nord Pas De Calais ,
London ,
City Of ,
United Kingdom ,
Chicago ,
Illinois ,
French ,
John Lennon ,
David Gilmour ,
David Bowie ,
Billy Joel ,
Lone Ranger ,
Andy Secher ,
Jeffrey Dahmer ,
Michelle Phillips ,
Jack White ,
Robert Cray ,
James Brown ,
Cindy Wilson ,
Diana Ross ,
Florence Ballard ,
Manfred Mann ,
Jimi Hendrix ,
Kurt Cobain ,
Tipper Gore ,
Paul Jones ,
Marc Bolan ,
Bryan Rolli ,
Bruce Springsteen ,
Alan Cranston ,
Leonard Cohen ,
Ringo Starr ,
Alice Cooper ,
Fred Schneider ,
Steven Tyler ,
Steve Zetro Souza ,
Mary Wilson ,
Robert Zimmerman ,
Chaka Kahn ,
Klaus Meine ,
Joe Perry ,
Charlie Benante ,
Dave Mustaine ,
Mike Mccready ,
Eric Clapton ,
Noel Redding ,
Meg White ,
Harry Chapin ,
Keith Relf ,
Bob Guccione Jr ,
James Hetfield ,
Mick Wall ,
Jim Croce ,
Sammy Hagar ,
Bob Dylan ,
Randy Newman ,
Parisian ,
Party Started Vol ,
Rover ,
Parents Music Resource Center ,
Drop Songs ,
Honorable Mention ,
Mess Around ,
White Album ,
Radio City ,
Piano Man ,
Slow Train Coming ,
C Est Chic ,
Scary Monsters ,
Super Creeps ,
Are We Not ,
Fabulous Disaster ,
Use Your Illusion ,
Gunsn Roses ,
Bob Guccione ,
Dont Mess Around With ,
Dont Mess Around With Jim ,
Jimi Hendrix Experience ,
Are You Experienced ,
New Year ,
Plastic Ono Band ,
Devil Without ,
Crimson King ,
Roll Over ,
Billboard Hot ,
New Skin ,
Gold Ceremony ,
Commander Cohen ,
Field Commander Cohen ,
Theme Song ,
Living Colour ,
Papas Deliver ,
California Senator Alan Cranston ,
World Afire ,
Love Bone ,
Motley Crue ,
Boy Boogie ,
Ouija Board ,
Pearl Jam ,
Wish You Were Here ,
Pink Floyd ,
Love Symbol ,
Sheer Heart Attack ,
Freddie Mercury ,
Hot Space ,
Strong Persuader ,
Party Started ,
Green Eggs ,
Skid Row ,
Gone Wild ,
Park Avenue ,
Steely Dan ,
Stray Cats ,
Farms Again ,
Desolation Boulevard ,
White Stripes ,
True That We Love One ,
White Stripe ,
Titled Rock ,