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the netherlands and ireland both suspend use of astra zeneca corona virus vaccine citing fears over blood clots also dozens of antique who demonstrated the killed in may and as the gentle declares martial law in parts of young gone. thousands turn out in london demanding an end to violence against women and the police are under pressure to. thousands of supporters of brazil's president jabal sonora have joined the protests demanding an end to coronavirus restrictions many cities and states have been tightening their lock downs as hospitals are stretched to capacity but the president has repeatedly opposed lock down saying they are necessary and are hurting the economy more than 1100 people don't have died of covert 19 in just the past 24 hours it has become brazil's deadliest week since the beginning of the pandemic. in fact that fast escalating number of deaths is more than anywhere else in the world 12000 in the past week 100000 deaths in brazil's and the beginning of this year alone current surge is being driven by a more infectious variant of the virus that was 1st detected in the amazon region more with daniel on this story hi daniel it is understandable that people are sick of lockdowns and sick of the isolation that they've gone through for a year but those numbers in brazil they kind of tell you all you need to know. more they do don't make a mound you would imagine that the more severe the more drastic those numbers become the more horrendous the images that we're seeing right across brazil as those that variance that p one variant takes hold the more people would comply with the measures designed to try to fight the pandemic but it doesn't seem to be going that way i mean millions of brazilians do but there are also millions of brazilians tens of thousands as we saw earlier on on sunday out on the streets defying those measures saying that they support president jarba also noddle who has always had a very lax a days ago attitude towards the pandemic he had himself but he's always said it's nothing worse than a little flu and i asked brazilians to stop moaning about it so they're out there supporting him waving the brazilian flag waving where in the brazilian national. saying they don't intend to comply with those measures and we have seen in the last day or 2 hundreds of brazilians attending parties one broken up by this low police over 600 people there in a room without windows with the doors closed many of them not wearing masks one of the party goers films coming out of that building after the police the police raid was quoted as saying. we know it's risky we know are infecting our families but we pay our taxes and we have the right to do to do what we want to live our lives how we want so that seems to be the attitude among many and this was one of many parties that were broken up over the weekend one was attended over 200 or so people and a clandestine casino one of them the brazilian national for a lot of also our other brazilian celebrities and then as i said these thousands of people out on the streets in the south paolo around brazil in the capital brasilia supporting the president while the numbers keep going up while we have nurses doctors collapsing literally collapsing through exhaustion. in treating these this wave 'd of coronavirus sufferers with regards to the restrictions. daniel is this similar to what we see in the united states with the regions of the us that states have their own rules and abilities to make their own shutdowns and. the sort of almost doesn't matter what the actual federal presidents. very much so especially in the state of south power which is the most populous state in brazil something like 44000000 inhabitants making it bigger than many countries and also the city of cell power or a very densely populated city but the governor there. has gone out of his way to oppose president job orsen are now being talked about as a political opponent perhaps in future elections and he has tried to impose measures he's the one that's behind this 15 days of tight knot then emergency measures he calls them in the next 15 days in sao paolo and many of those protesters out on the streets projecting their anger many of the banners been opposing him they've been projecting their anger towards the governor. mr doria so that's been the problem it's become a very polarized political fight by the supporting your regional governor or the president of the nation job also not all interesting stuff thank you reporting there. we're looking at protests in jordan as well people define coronavirus restrictions in a show of anger over the deaths of several patients at least 7 people died in the city after the hospital just ran out of oxygen all of those who died had been receiving treatment for coke at 90 the government's promised to investigate several officials at the hospital been detained the health minister stepped aside as well saying he took quote full moral responsibility. now the netherlands and ireland have both suspended use of the astra zeneca coded 19 vaccine because of concerns about blood clotting a region italy is also joined countries such as denmark and norway in halting the rollout of the japs joan hull has more. arlen's decision to call a temporary halt to the use of the oxford astra zeneca vaccine could have far reaching consequences the country's immunization orthe already pointed to a safety alert raised this week by the norwegian medicines agency after 4 health care workers suffered serious blood clotting events within 14 days of receiving the astra zeneca jab denmark and iceland have raised similar concerns with the ripple effect extending to bulger area and as far afield as thailand the irish move was described as precautionary we will continue to monitor the situation and if we can be satisfied that these events are coincidental and not caused by this vaccine we will reassess the situation the u.k. based astra zeneca has defended its vaccine saying that safety data collected with 17000000 doses administered so far shows no evidence of increased risk of palmeri embolisms or thrombosis pending further investigation the european medicines agency says the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks and the world health organization says it's rollout should continue it really doesn't mean that it is potentially unsafe it is been tested widely have been no reported problems beyond what you would normally expect with a vaccine with any you at sea and really the occurrence of these. cox is no greater in the vaccinated population ran it is in the unvaccinated. so why why regulators in these countries are taking no chances and beyond being extremely cautious. is not really clear inevitably now concerns will linger the oxford astra zeneca vaccine has been beset by problems including political disputes and delivery delays now add safety concerns it's important to note that no one is alleging and. conclusive link between the vaccine and these blood clotting events but the longer the doubt is allowed to persist the worse the effect on trust therefore the overall vaccine rolled out al-jazeera. let's look at me and with security forces killed at least 38 protesters on sunday state television says one police officer died as well from injuries sustained in a demonstration but earlier the acting leader of me and the civilian government and urged supporters to stay on the streets and called on ethnic groups to unite against the well from tony chang. defiant protesters again marched through the streets of mandalay on sunday in strong voice and in large numbers they were clearly unbound by the violence of the day before that's when the security services shot dead at least 6 people in a crackdown in myanmar 2nd city and injured many more but with the death toll rising a call for revolution from the former vice president now leading a civilian administration in hiding. this is the darkest moment of the nation and the moment when the dawn is close this is the time for us citizens to test their resistance against the dark moments speaking of a new federal democracy the message was clearly aimed at bringing diverse ethnic groups together to overcome the army and their coup. when forming a resistance unity plays a vital role despite our differences in the past this is the time we must grip our hands together to end the dictatorship for good. these diverse ethnic groups are scattered across myanmar's borderlands divided they don't represent a significant threat to the military who've been fighting them for decades united they could be a considerable obstacle. but there's long been distrust between these groups and the n l d the national league for democracy bringing them together would be no small task. in peaceful defiance protest as break the curfew to honor the dead in candlelit vigil is across the country you never heard them say look at me and we come out on the street to show that the are against military dictatorship by breaking the kofi order imposed by one top review continue fighting that is the military continues with its brutal tactics on the streets calls for a revolution that's not so peaceful may gain increasing support tony ching al-jazeera. in the u.k. thousands of people joined london protest calling for an end to violence against women there is anger at the police handling of saturday's vigil for sarah ever and the 33 year old woman who was killed as she walked home alone earlier this month. anger outside police headquarters in london a day after a vigil ended in seems that shocked many people here in the u.k. demonstrators gathered mixing demands for an end to male violence against women with claims that the police are part of the problem at saturday's vigil the focus was clearly on the we've been victims of male violence here the focus has shifted with denunciations of police brutality hundreds had come to the south london vigil near where sarah ever odd went missing initially police kept their distance but the decision to move in on the crowds and the use of force to arrest women created outrage. i. agree pretty patel asked the metropolitan police force for a full report the department said there were unanswered questions after she met the mic chief chris adik and london's mayor city carm from the opposition labor party says he's unsatisfied with her account insisting the met didn't honor its assurances the vigil would be policed sensitively but despite calls from some for cressida dick to resign she standing firm and strongly defending what happened with her. big crowd that gathered lots of speeches. quite rightly as far as i can see felt this is now an unlawful countering which poses a considerable risk to people's health according to the regulations. really invidious position for most is to find themselves in labor's now set to vote against a new policing bill in the coming days this week in parliament we start policing bell. $300.00 pages $170.00 something almost nothing almost nothing if you can believe it. the gaping hole. on a complete missed opportunity by the government civil rights groups have also criticised the legislation saying it gives police too many powers to ban demonstrations if they'll cause disruption protests are planned parliament's on monday as the pressure on the capitol police and the politicians it. increases. al-jazeera. let's hear now from the. show who is a political and women's rights activists told us the police response to the protests highlights some of the most pressing issues women face every day. i felt outrage what the police did was undoubtedly a violent assault on women's bonobo lety at a time that we collectively gathered to grieve you know women blacks are ever read and many more that we've lost a male balance what i felt yesterday in seeing what the police did was that that action was no doubt and desecration of our right as women to collectively stand is so they doubt we did determination to fight a culture that perpetrates the ability of some men to didn't i women by lightly deny women their life liberty what the police did yesterday with the excessive use of force was to demonstrate the very patriarchal structure that oppress women and bear in mind that what the media attention given to sarah everett it's not the same according to many other women that lost the male violence that we lost the violence in any other home black and ethnic minority women particularly did not get afforded that kind of media scrutiny and that for us also it shows that at the end of the day this inequality in the way women are being treated like an ad. in the news ahead to run files new charges against nelson is a gallery right place and the british government is demanding an immediate release and germany's election year kicks off with record losses from and the michaels party in states elections. it's time for the general. sponsored by qatar airways. the skies are clearing nicely across japan at the moment we've had some very heavy rain here recently and we are looking at surprising weather as you go on through the next couple days as this area of low pressure just pulls out of the way most of the area of high pressure squeezing things for the east with so we'll see more in the way of sunshine and warm sunshine as well tokyo getting up every pleasant 20 celsius there is some right in the forecast the central areas try to seeing some wet weather up towards the korean peninsula $21.00 celsius there in shanghai on monday as the cloud and the rains set saying that makes its way further east was cooler tucks in behind $58.00 degrees than full shanghai at least will be brights $22.00 celsius there for tokyo as the winds continue to just drive in from the south westerly direction and sheltered by the mountains that should be quite pleasant little more pleasant there across the korean peninsula into northern parts of china as we go on through choose day at the present weather well this is a pleasant weather to ensure good parts of china there are some showers longer spells of right to northern parts of the philippines in particular usual scattering of showers across southeast asia malaysia 6 maybe shows heavy showers too into indonesia but not too many showers in the forecast for india over the next couple of days lots of warm sunshine all the way up to the fog will. always. want to see some to alice. now. jennies if we will be teaching this daily struggles with isolation and battles with physical hardship. sacrificing their family lives for the education of the future generations. women in the way. al-jazeera. lou. if you're just joining us welcome these are the top stories on al-jazeera thousands of supporters of brazil's president have joined protests demanding an end to coronavirus restrictions more than 1100 people died from cope with 19 in the past 24 hours it has been brazil's deadliest week since the pandemic began ireland and the netherlands meanwhile have joined a number of countries in holding the use of the astra zeneca vaccine over blood clot concerns the drugs firm says it's reviewed data and says there is no increase risk however. and thousands of people protested in london over violence against women there is anger as well against the police handling all of saturday's vigil for sarah ever of the 33 year old woman abducted and killed early at the spot. us secretary say antony blinken and the defense secretary lloyd alston are making their 1st in person overseas trip to east asia washington's concerns about china are likely to dominate the tour as well as in jordan reports from the u.s. state department here in his 1st congressional testimony since becoming u.s. secretary of state antony blinken made it clear to legislators his upcoming meeting with top chinese officials in alaska won't be a social call we intend to raise and we will raise the host of issues some of which have already been touched on today that concern us we'll also explore whether there are avenues for cooperation and we'll talk about the competition that we have in china with china to make sure that the united states has a level playing field and that our companies and workers benefit from that blinken and white house national security advisor jake sullivan are meeting senior chinese foreign policy officials eulogies shia and one year at a time when the biden administration has declared beijing the u.s. is main global rival state department officials say the problems washington has with beijing are many hong kong shinji on tibet pressure on taiwan broader human rights abuses the south china sea the meat kong. economic pressure arbitrary detentions and the origins of 1000 other issues. the china u.s. ministerial meeting will come at the end of the 1st in person overseas trip for blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin while observing pandemic related protocols austin and lincoln will hold strategic talks with their japanese and south korean counterparts on tuesday and wednesday austin will also travel to new delhi for meetings with indian military leaders. about china's military ambitions including its efforts to control international waterways and to develop nuclear weapons will be discussed the u.s. will also be raising north korea's nuclear program. and the crisis in myanmar former u.s. assistant secretary of state danny russell says in person meetings with washington's allies will repair the damage done during the trumpet ministration but he expects blinken meeting with chinese officials will be the start of a long process of engagement i think that it's clear that joe biden isn't going to russia and china. and he's not going to rush to try to solve every problem as i said understands that he needs to deal with the chinese from a position of great a relative strength if he's going to. be able to. move chinese decision making and policies in directions that they may not necessarily want to go u.s. officials say the meeting and anchorage in alaska is about engaging with the key global challenge or initiatives and strategies can come later that is if the u.s. thinks it can trust the people across the table rosalyn jordan al-jazeera the state department. britain's foreign secretary says it is unacceptable that iran is pursuing a 2nd case against an ins a gallery ratcliffe she is of course the british iranian woman who has been detained in iran since 2016 and has now appeared in court on a new charge one of propaganda against the system as an unfinished her previous 5 year sentence for a separate conviction only last week here is her husband richard ratcliffe who says the treatment against the name is tantamount to torture. this is been a 5 year ordeal where she had one on for charge country and it we never knew one that has carried a huge toll on her we last week submitted to the british government you know how medical pointing out that her treatment is tantamount to torture and yeah i i do worry for her the longer this ordeal continues how long it'll take put the pieces back together so i think that last name is being held over a british. government dispute over money she's a hostage in albany and i would like the government to make it clear that that is unacceptable. they should be getting home but they should also be make it absolutely clear that you cannot shoot an innocent person. is out rutty different things they could do 10 to distant had instances taking. and we'll see which ones the military courts the most recent request we had was for them to tantrum what happened and that they declined to company her and we will see i mean if manage the bunch of you can very strong it is evident in his statements today condemning the court appearance but we'll see what happens in the coming days and i think there's been a reluctance on the part of most western governments to what to call it hostage taking to acknowledge that states can do it in the top states but certainly iran practice it more and more and certainly a reluctance to work to challenge the practice so the british government from students will prefer to talk about consular cases and treat nothing like she's a regular case with british and that's got into trouble overseas and need some help so i think there is an interim estate and there is a need to look at what are the reasons why iran is taking us just in and addressed those and then also look at the distance in devising the practice of the moment it's a reason effective tactic we're in the thirty's and that's what's grown. now the sandy led coalition says it has intercepted and destroyed a drone launched by yemen's hooty s which was headed towards the saudi city of homs and shade it's have been less than 2 weeks after the saudi led coalition said it shot down half a dozen explosive drones fired towards the kingdom just 3 days now before the netherlands goes to the polls and there is tension over the government's tough coronavirus lockdown measures in the hague police used batons and water cannon to disperse hundreds of protesters police accuse the demonstrators of breaking social distancing rules at least 20 people have been detained early voting begins on monday for people in high risk groups. but the german chancellor angela merkel's party the christian democrats have suffered big losses in 2 state elections on sunday exit polls and a partial vote count showed social democrats and the green party as the main winner experts say it is a sign of what's to come in the national elections in just 6 months time dominic cain reports reports from berlin. it's a personal triumph for higher social democrat prime minister of the rhineland class a nucleus lost 8 years after sunday's vote now able to plan another 5 years in government anger yes mark i and i would like to thank all our citizens for this great trust they have placed in us thank you very much to all of you and of course i thank my party because we worked so hard to carry this election victory home triumph also for the greens in the neighboring state of barton vata barrack whose lead candidate here has been prime minister for almost 10 years vin fleet clutch man 2 can now plan the next 5 years in office. after marked you have once again made is the strongest political force i see this as a mandate to continue serving our state as prime minister and i accept this is sign it with great gratitude and humility. little doubt over the night's big losers the christian democrats whose vote share slumped in both states and who are ruing the twin effect of a financial scandal involving several of its federal parliamentarians here in berlin and growing concern across the country of their management of the corona pandemic. we see of course that the population is growing dissatisfied and also lacking understanding among citizens about the corona crisis management peoples and patients is growing which i can understand personally therefore everyone who is now responsible has to critically question themselves again although sunday's election was only in 2 states in the southwest one analyst told me what happened there will resonate national. it is not just about this it is a feeling that powers as you put it into powers of the whole country. that's. give us a good glimpse into. internet the state of affairs of the general electorate it's a glimpse of the christian democrats may not like the look of having shed many votes in sunday's state elections they must find a vote a winner for september's general election with angle americal rule that they have but 2 options the current party leader lash it who divides opinion both inside the party and out or the bavarian prime minister mark is or whose poll ratings are much higher but who represents far fewer conservatives knowing that the wrong choice could cost them dearly in 6 months time dominic cain al-jazeera berlin. and people have voted in the 2nd round of legislative elections in central african republic to place a far cry from december's 1st round which was marred by fighting between the government and rebel groups and support from andrew chappelle. the last time voters lined up to cast their ballots in the central african republic an attempted coup was taking place armed groups were marching on the capitol to try and disrupt the vote a 2nd round of voting happened on sunday under heavy security with a 3rd of seats in the national simply programs. then you know that is when you have to come in large numbers to vote our country has suffered a lot we need people to help us. be. easy to do even though there's insecurity in the country ok i have to vote i must vote and that is essential work for a citizen 2 thirds of registered voters were unable to participate in december's polls due to violence this time many stayed away for another reason voter apathy you know people start models more unfortunately and like on december the 27th there is no real enthusiasm but generally speaking this is what happens when people don't necessarily have an electoral culture when people vote the 1st time they don't see the point of voting a 2nd time. after president faustine are charged $21.00 reelection in december rebel groups put the capital under a blockade and cut off food supplies un peacekeepers russian mercenaries and rwandan troops stepped in to support the government crucial supply lines have been reopened with neighboring cameroon 200000 people were forced from their homes in between the 2 rounds of voting the u.n. says the rebels are backed by former president francois boise claim there were voter irregularities the last time around 20 party is expected to hold on to power in the national assembly despite efforts to disrupt the vote and are schapelle al-jazeera. at half past the hour these are the headlines thousands of supporters of brazil's president john polson r.-o. are protesting against coronavirus restrictions that is despite brazil's deadliest week since the pandemic began more than 1100 people have died of covert 1000 there in just the past 24 hours those numbers though have little effect on both sonars supporters as daniel schorr and the now reports.

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