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republics or some african country. and he was saying to me, what we have now realized is the place we need to worry about political risk is the united states of america. >> right. >> it's not, you know -- it's not all the third world countries with dictators. >> i think there is no question we would pay the interest on our bills to our lenders. you have to pay your interest on your treasury bonds. but what could happen in the eyes of the world if we're giving ious to seniors or not managing books properly is unknown and scary. yet this week, i'll tell you, in this testimony from secretary lew this week, on the hill talking to the senate banking committee. and i want you to listen to something that -- a republican from -- republican senator from wyoming said to him. mike enzi. >> government keeps growing and growing and growing. and when it grows, that means there are more people in the wagon and less people pulling the wagon. >> less people in the wagon and -- more people in the wagon and less people pulling the wagon. this is the makers and takers

Related Keywords

Question , Us , Place , Country , Risk , Countries , Republics , Third World , Dictators , World , Bills , Interest , Books , Treasury Bonds , Lenders , Seniors , Ious , Eyes , Government , Something , Senator , Republican , Testimony , From , Senate Banking Committee , Secretary Lew , The Hill , Wyoming , Mike Enzi , People , Wagon , Makers , Takers ,

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