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Bananas, monoculture and biotech solution: No, Michael Polla
Bananas, monoculture and biotech solution: No, Michael Polla
Bananas, monoculture and biotech solution: No, Michael Pollan, GMOs do not limit genetic diversity
The Panama disease ravished Cavendish banana is a cautionary tale of the vulnerabilities of monoculture crops. Can biotechnology play a role in saving threatened conventional monocultural crops?
Related Keywords
India ,
Uganda ,
Japan ,
Florida ,
United States ,
Papua New Guinea ,
Brisbane ,
Queensland ,
Australia ,
Hawaii ,
Panama ,
Thailand ,
Valencia ,
Carabobo ,
Venezuela ,
United Kingdom ,
America ,
Ugandan ,
Englishman ,
American ,
Patricia Muir ,
Dan Koeppel ,
Charles Telfair ,
Big Mike ,
Michael Pollan ,
William Cavendish ,
Gros Michel ,
Robert Borsato ,
Queensland University Of Technology ,
Gates Foundation ,
Chiquita ,
Bioversity International ,
Centre For Tropical Crops ,
Oregon State University ,
Englishman Charles Telfair ,
Papua New ,
Race Four ,
Southeast Asia ,
Central America ,
Fruit That Changed ,
Giant Cavendish Tissue Culture Variant ,
Tropical Crops ,
Queensland University ,
Giant Cavendish ,