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the conflict in that way. >> it's great point. one thing to keep knocking down the missiles and drones attacking you in the red sea. it's another to go after where they may be launched from or fired from in yemen itself. that is what bears watching this morning. natasha bertrand, thank you so much. also this morning, ecuador's president has declared a state of internal armed conflict, is how it's described, after a surge of violence from several criminal gangs. the country has been rocked by violence since monday when a high-profile gang leader escaped from prison and yesterday what happened was just astonishing. more than a dozen armed men stormed a state-owned tv station during a live broadcast. you can see armed even with explosives. the employees were taken hostage while viewers watched it play out on air. police eventually arrested the 13 gunmen involved, safely freed everyone at the station. let's get to patrick oppmann tracking all of this for us. patrick, what is happening there? what does this all come down to?

Related Keywords

Way , Thing , Point , Houthis Inside Yemen , Missiles , Drones , In The Red Sea , Natasha Bertrand , Conflict , One , Country , President , State , Gangs , Violence , Ecuador , Armed Conflict , Prison , Surge , Gang Leader , Broadcast , Tv Station , Employees , Hostage , Men , Explosives , Viewers , Air , U S , Police , Patrick Oppmann , Tracking , Station , Everyone , Gunmen , Patrick , 13 ,

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