douglas macarthur, george patton spinning in their graves when they see the stupidity of our country. >> trump's remarks didn't sit well with some actual military experts, including retired colonel jeffrey mccausland, former dean of the army war college, told "new york times," "what this shows is trump doesn't know a damn thing about military strategy." the colonel's opinion didn't seem to faze trump, who doubled down when he was asked about it in an abc news interview. >> the resistance is much greater now, because they knew about the attack. why can't they win first and talk later? why do they have to say three months before the attack, we're going in? so you can tell your military expert that i'll sit down and i'll teach him a couple of things. >> well, colonel mccausland joins us tonight. first of all, when you heard donald trump say that he could teach you a couple of things, i mean, after your decades of experience, what did you think? >> well, i thought i'd be delighted to have the opportunity to sit down with donald trump and have him teach me something about military strategy. and i would be happy to compare my experience across 45 years working in national security