public issues to ensure that we do not stifle public debate. unquote. noble in theory. what about the rights plaintiff snyder and his family to bury their son in peace. the lone dissenter was justice samuel alito said quote our profound national commitment to free and open debate is not a license for the vicious verbal assault that occurred in this case. justice samuel alito is correct in this case. the supreme court needs to think about what's really happening in this court. because of the internet anonymous sociopaths can smear and bully anyone they want and the media has picked up on this. we all know people who make millions of dollars simply by defaming innocent people. katie holmes filed a 50-million-dollar lawsuit that told the readers she is drug involved. she may lose the suit it's almost impossible tore famous people. mr. snyder and his family are not famous people. they are every day americans who simply wanted to bury their son