think that governor perry could say running for president is more complicated. >>en year and a half as governor when you get into the big field. much different. something else it reminded me of 2004 and hillary clinton. is this his hillary clinton moment when all of the people pressuring hillary clinton. people aren't excited about john kerry, dick gephardt in the race and all this have money out there, hillary. you should seriously consider it, sits back and waits and i don't know what it will do and waits until 2008 to run. >> and byron york and he brought up scott rasmussen and some the pollsters say the media is talking about nobody is excited about the current g.o.p. crop. and that's not what the voters are saying, going tore romney and perry and cain is third place. and how much money might be out there and whether the big money is going to be given to somebody like christie. there's an iowa businessman, remaining anonymous, but the