run. 's he not a politician, he's a leader and gunshots to tell what it is and not what he thinks we want to hear. >> all right. down there in georgia. >> margaret in arizona says i'm waiting for governor christie to get in the race, i have not made my donation, he'll get it once it's announced. go christie. >> margaret makes a good point. not just big money donations, president gets so many because he he gets the small donation. >> governor christie at least eight more years. >> and some of the criticism. >> they need him desperately. >> clayton: they need him, but the question whether or not the experience is there or not. and some republicans have criticized christie, he doesn't have much of a record yet. >> who is in office now, president obama. people said that bill clinton, no, he wasn't going be to be able to be president, he didn't have enough experience. >> the same line used. >> yeah, kind of benefits people sometimes when the other people wants to say it.