but then after his situation changed, he wants the benefit of that. >> he asked for a refund after his doctor told him his cancer spread and he couldn't fly. the airline's initial response created an instant backlash. over 40,000 people so far have liked to the boy scott spirit airlines page. the ceo released a statement saying while the airline seeks to balance customer service and demand, sometimes, quote, we make snakes. he goes on to say this: i did not demonstrate the respect or the compassion that i should have given his medical condition and his service to our country. all of us at spirit airlines extend our prayers and best wishes to mr. meeken. the airline will donate $5,000 to meeken's favorite charity, the wound warriors project. meeken's tells fox today while he appreciates the donation, he hopes the airline will review special circumstances like his on a case by case basis instead of applying that blanket no refunds allowed policy.