the fact is she went after a bunch of accusations defended herself a bunch of accusations that weren't really in play. created some strawmen. ducked the real issues and dissembled. for example she talked about how she had used her own e-mail and that was allowed by the state department. of course that's the case. the state department has no problem with using your private e-mail. the problem is the statute requires and common sense and transparency requires that the e-mails whether it's a government account or personal account, if you're using it for work, it's got to be stored on the government server. by her doing this rogue server in her basement or wherever, it gave her full control over documents that belong, in my opinion to us. so now we have to take her word for it. and we're living in an era where we don't take anybody's word let alone the former secretary of state. >> and you said you don't think she looked any less presidential than yesterday.