and in a sort of loose ethics i think that probably runs amuck in the white house. i think at worst they are doing this because the example comes from the top. look, we see president trump every single weekend go to m mar-a-la mar-a-lago, and bed minister, hold meetings at his hotels and government courses where he's not just doing it at taxpayer expense but profiting from it. i think one that's the example set from the top, no kidding. and no surprise that the millionaires and billionaires he's stacked his cabinet with feel free to emulate that example. >> there's a new poll by cnn that just came out. it shows that 37% of americans approve of trump's handling of the presidency. and 49% believe that pro athletes should stand for the national anthem. christy, does that 49% number on the anthem mean the president is on the right side politically on this issue? >> well, there's a deep, deep