honestly, we don't know who to believe. who would imagine a situation, andrea, where people around the world our allies and foes alike don't know whether they can believe the word of the president of the united states. this is what he's brought on himself. >> and senator mccain's tweet about all of in this weekend was that there's nothing america first about taking the word of kgb colonel putin over u.s. intelligence community. there is no principled realism in many cooperating with russia to prop up murderous assad regime. to do so places national security at risk. then you had the president at a news conference in vietnam trying to sort of correct the record saying well, let's take a look at this. >> i'm surprised that there's any conflict on this. what i said there is that i believe he believes that. that's very important for somebody to believe. i believe that he feels that he and russia did not meddle in the election. as to whether i believe it or not, i'm with our agencies