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but many, including biden himself saw that law as just a tiny step. and since the beginning of this year, there have been at least 110 mass shootings in the u.s., leaving more than 150 dead. gun violence is now the leading cause of death among children and teens, and getting worse. during a surge of child mortality in america over the last two years, a new study says gun violence is a central factor responsible for nearly half the jump in 2020. >> i think that there is a certain numbness that's developing. we've been dealing with this at least two decades of just mass shootings, public shootings, school shootings. at the same time, 456 million guns have been produced for this market, this domestic market since 1899. >> reporter: while the politics continues to play out over stronger gun measures, some of the nation's top law enforcement figures have been weighing in, pleading with lawmakers to take stronger action on guns. in one senate hearing, recently

Related Keywords

Step , Gun Violence , Law , United States , Shootings , Cause , Children , Many , Death , Biden , Teens , Beginning , 110 , 150 , Study , Numbness , Factor , Surge , Child Mortality , 2020 , Two , Market , Guns , School Shootings , 456 Million , Reporter , Action , Some , Politics , Pleading , Gun Measures , Nation , Lawmakers , Law Enforcement Figures , Hearing , Senate , 1899 , One ,

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