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and we have a better future for this party that involves conservativism and not chaos. >> it's embarrassing that the party of donald -- and just heading off a cliff. >> i don't know if it's the party of ronald reagan anymore. this is the party of donald trump right now. it's clear, this is trump's party. he is reshaped the republican party in his own image. the -- >> but they have willingly leapt off, they had the opportunity after january six to disassociate themselves and out of fear and whatever else, they went with him. >> you talk about embarrassment, we'll talk about pride. i am actually proud of jack smith. count number four, count number four, conspiracy against rights. what rights? what rights? the right to vote. the right to vote and have your vote counted in this country. that is what this whole thing is about, and somebody stood up for that. we stand in long lines in my community to vote.

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Donald Trump , Party , Conservativism , Chaos , Cliff , Ronald Reagan , Republican , Opportunity , Whatever , This Is Trump , Else , Image , Fear , Six , Conspiracy , Jack Smith , Rights , Number , Embarrassment , Pride , Four , Country , Thing , Vote , Somebody , Lines , Community ,

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